
Job Opportunity: Chief Legal Officer

Location: Europe
Reports to: Executive Director
Line Management: Senior Legal Officers – currently five in various locations across Europe
Contract: Full-time, with flexible working available
Salary Package:

  • €57,894 – €60,000 per year, depending on experience
  • €2,000 End of Year Bonus
  • €750 Staff Support Fund and support with home working equipment
    Start Date: 1 April 2025, or as soon as possible

How to Apply:
Please send your CV and cover letter to with the subject line: “Chief Legal Officer.”

Deadline: February 28, 2025

About the European Legal Support Centre

The European Legal Support Centre (ELSC) is an initiative of the Palestinian NGO Network, comprising 200 Palestinian civil society organisations, developed in response to the widespread repression in Europe of advocacy for Palestinian rights. Founded in January 2019, we provide free legal advice and assistance to individuals who face unjust smears, disciplinary investigations, criminal sanctions, and other repressive measures aimed at shrinking the space for Palestinian rights advocacy in mainland Europe and Britain.

We are movement lawyers. In every case we take on, we are accountable not only to the individual client but also to our civil society partners; and we work hand in hand with local stakeholders in the movement, from trade unions to civil liberties groups. We aim to defend and empower the movement to organise for justice without fear of repression.

We welcome and encourage applicants from all backgrounds and do not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, LGBT or relationship status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, or social class. We particularly welcome applications from Palestinians and those who identify as part of the Palestinian diaspora. ELSC recognises that applicants from marginalised communities are less likely to apply for jobs if they do not fulfil every single qualification. We encourage you to consider applying even if you do not meet every attribute listed. Our priority is to find the right candidate for the position.

Main Purpose of the Role

As the Chief Legal Officer, you will coordinate and oversee the legal strategy, caseload, and be the Department Head of the ELSC Legal Department. The role is a senior management level role and will join the Executive Management Committee. You will line-manage the Senior Legal Officers who coordinate the ELSC work teams: Germany, The Netherlands, Britain, Europe, and Crimes and Complicity Work Teams.

You will convene and lead the Senior Legal Committee and Legal Department meetings. The role will supervise and drive the implementation of an ambitious 2025 Sectors of Repression Strategy for each work team. You will maintain legal strategy alignment and connection across work teams by attending work team meetings where necessary, identifying gaps in resources, and connecting legal officers with external partners and legal networks.

Required Experience and Skills

  • Three years executive management and line-management experience of legal staff.
  • Four years experience as a practicing lawyer/solicitor/barrister in a relevant jurisdiction (The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, England and Wales).
  • Law degree (LLB) and/or Master’s (LLM) in a relevant jurisdiction.
  • Experience in a role which requires coordination of multiple projects and/or workstreams concurrently, and the ability to manage relationships with partner organisations, coalitions, and counsel, preferably within a law firm or an NGO specialising in strategic litigation.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English, with the ability to provide clear and concise legal advice on complex issues in a comprehensible and appropriate format.
  • An ability to engage with the law critically and develop strategies that serve broader political objectives.
  • Track record of collaborating well with other lawyers, academics, and civil society organisations.
  • Highly organised with strong attention to detail, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills.

Other Requirements

  • Willingness to travel and work occasional out-of-business hours as needed.
  • Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practices, and equal opportunities.
  • Demonstrable understanding of and commitment to the well-being of the staff.
  • Excellent computer skills, particularly Microsoft packages.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Palestinian solidarity movement and of movement lawyering.

Desirable Experience and Skills

  • Understanding of and experience working with a variety of local, national, and international jurisdictions, including those governed by common law or civil law.
  • Experience working with campaigning and advocacy organisations.

Job Description

  • Oversee and lead the ELSC Legal Department.
  • Line-manage Senior Legal Officers.
  • Member of the Executive Management Committee.
  • Supervise the implementation of the Sectors of Repression Strategy for each work team.
  • Develop and advance new legal strategies for challenging state and non-state repression of advocacy for Palestine in consultation with our legal networks, partners, and experts.
  • Support the development of effective advocacy campaigns to increase the impact of litigation outside the courtroom.
  • Attend online work team meetings where necessary.
  • Maintain legal strategy alignment and connection across work teams by identifying understaffed areas and providing them with the appropriate resources.
  • Where necessary, meet in-person with team members in Amsterdam, London, and Berlin offices.
  • Facilitate a yearly in-person departmental retreat for the ELSC Legal Department.
  • Convene and lead the Senior Legal Committee and Legal Department Meetings.
  • Support Senior Legal Officers to undertake comprehensive risk assessment of campaigns and cases.
  • Maintain a comprehensive overview of the legal work using the ELSC Case Management System (CMS) and prepare reports for the ELSC Board where necessary.
  • Facilitate exchanges between work teams on similar legal matters.
  • Review legal opinions, notes, memos, and summaries in coordination with the Senior Legal Officers.
  • Maintain effective communication with each work team.

Application Process

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to with the subject line: “Chief Legal Officer.”

Deadline: February 28, 2025.

This position presents an opportunity to lead legal strategies at a pivotal time. We look forward to receiving your application.


Call for Applications: Junior Legal Officer for the Netherlands


Job Title
Junior Officer – NL Legal Officer


Reports to
Chief Legal Officer

Line Management


Salary Package

  • 9.3 – 9.5 Junior Officer Roles
  • 30,000 – 34,890 EURO
  • 750 EURO available to support staff well-being
  • Assistance with home office equipment

Start date
1 March 2025

Deadline to apply
Applications are due by 10 February 2025


We are seeking motivated candidates to join our team as Junior Legal Officers for an initial period of one year. This role provides a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and contribute to our legal strategy under the guidance of experienced professionals.

At the conclusion of the first year of employment (March 2026), successful candidates must be available and willing to undertake a legal traineeship with an ELSC partner law firm in the Netherlands. This traineeship is a vital step towards meeting the qualifications required to become a fully licensed lawyer. The traineeship will span two years, culminating in a three-year pathway to full professional qualification.

This structured program is designed to provide candidates with comprehensive exposure to legal practice, equipping them with the skills and experience needed for a successful legal career.

Overall purpose for this role

  • To undertake a wide variety of paralegal tasks.
  • Coordinate incoming cases with the Advocacy and Communications Officer and the Monitoring Officer of the Netherlands work team.

Main duties and responsibilities

Case Management & Legal Research

  • Effectively manage the intake and referral of cases in coordination with the ELSC staff members in The Netherlands work team.
  • Ensure accurate information and instructions are obtained from clients and accurate records are maintained in the ELSC Case Management System.
  • Ensure documents and copies of correspondence are kept up to date and filed.
  • Case intake and closure.
  • Conduct legal research on relevant areas of law such as:
    • Employment law
    • Administrative law
    • Articles 10, 11, and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • Draft legal documents and case summaries.
  • Liaise with Dutch lawyers in our network and coordinate referral of cases.
  • Ensure that urgent matters are escalated and referred to the appropriate person in a timely manner.
  • Communicate with clients/other parties as and when necessary, in a professional, respectful, and efficient manner.


  • Genuine interest in working with European Legal Support Centre and passionate about defending Palestinian solidarity and providing access to justice to all.
  • Good academic background with legal qualifications (recognised degree from a law school at an accredited Dutch University (WO) or an equivalent academic qualification acquired outside the Netherlands that has been recognised by the Dutch Orde van Advocaten); the candidate has the necessary requirements for starting a legal traineeship in a law firm, i.e. including civiele effect). For more information, see more here (in Dutch).
  • Previous experience in a legal firm, chambers and/or legal clinic or law centre.
  • Ability to manage own workload in a busy environment to a consistently high standard and timely manner.
  • Demonstrable understanding of and commitment to client care.
  • Proven ability to communicate accurately, clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing with a wide range of clients and various stakeholders.
  • Experience with dealing with clients sensitively and managing difficult conversations.
  • Proven ability to work and contribute in a team environment.
  • Proficient user of Microsoft Office Teams.
  • Proficiency in English and Dutch with excellent written and spoken communication skills in Dutch. English is the working language of the ELSC and fluency in Dutch is required by the Dutch Bar Association (Orde van Advocaten).


  • Candidates who have completed a thesis on topics related to our work such as freedom of expression and principle of anti-discrimination under national/international law, data protection law, counter-terrorism legislations are encouraged to apply.
  • Previous professional/practical experience in a law firm/moot court experience or legal clinic would represent a strong asset.
  • Experience of being involved with campaigns, in grassroots or non-profit organizations.
  • Familiar with the Palestine solidarity network in the Netherlands.
  • Arabic speaking.
  • Understanding of movement lawyering.

How to Apply

Please send your CV and cover letter (max 2 pages) to with the subject line:
“Junior Legal Officer – NL”

Deadline: 10 February 2025

Vacature: Junior Legal Officer voor Nederland

Junior Officer – NL Legal Officer


Chief Legal Officer



  • 9.3 – 9.5 Junior functies
  • €30,000 – €34,890 jaarlijks
  • €750 extra beschikbaar voor ondersteuning welzijn personeel
  • Assistentie voor benodigdheden om thuis te werken

1 maart 2025

Deadline om te solliciteren
Uiterlijk 10 februari 2025

Belangrijkste doel van de functie

Wij zijn op zoek naar gemotiveerde kandidaten om ons team te versterken als Junior Legal Officer voor eerst een periode van één jaar. Deze functie biedt een unieke kans om praktische ervaring op te doen en bij te dragen aan onze juridische strategie onder begeleiding van ervaren professionals.

Na afloop van het eerste jaar (maart 2026) ben je beschikbaar en bereid om een legal traineeship te doen bij een advocatenkantoor en ELSC-partner in Nederland. Deze stage is een belangrijke stap op weg naar de kwalificaties die nodig zijn om advocaat te worden. De traineeship duurt twee jaar en dus zal je rol als Junior Legal Officer bij het ELSC een driejarig traject naar volledige beroepskwalificatie beslaan.

Dit gestructureerde programma is ontworpen om kandidaten uitgebreid kennis te laten maken met de juridische praktijk en hen uit te rusten met de vaardigheden en ervaring die nodig zijn voor een succesvolle juridische carrière.

Algemeen doel voor deze functie

  • Een grote verscheidenheid aan paralegal taken uitvoeren.
  • Inkomende zaken coördineren met de Advocacy and Communications Officer en de Monitoring Officer van het Nederlandse werkteam.

Belangrijkste taken en verantwoordelijkheden

Case-management & juridisch onderzoek

  • Effectief beheren van de intake en doorverwijzing van zaken in coördinatie met de ELSC-medewerkers van het Nederlandse werkteam.
  • Nauwkeurige informatie en instructies ophalen bij cliënten en het nauwkeurig bijhouden van dossiers in het ELSC Case Management System.
  • Ervoor zorgen dat documenten en kopieën van correspondentie worden bijgehouden en gearchiveerd.
  • Intake en afsluiting van zaken.
  • Juridisch onderzoek doen naar relevante rechtsgebieden zoals:
    • Arbeidsrecht
    • Bestuursrecht
    • Artikelen 10, 11 en 14 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens
  • Juridische documenten en zaaksamenvattingen opstellen.
  • Contact onderhouden met Nederlandse advocaten in ons netwerk en het doorverwijzen van zaken coördineren.
  • Ervoor zorgen dat urgente zaken tijdig worden geëscaleerd en doorverwezen naar de juiste persoon.
  • Communiceren met cliënten/andere partijen waar en wanneer nodig, op een professionele, respectvolle en efficiënte manier.

Vereiste ervaring en vaardigheden

  • Oprechte interesse in het werken met het European Legal Support Centre en een passie voor het verdedigen van solidariteit met Palestina en strijden voor rechtvaardigheid.
  • Goede academische achtergrond met juridische kwalificaties (erkend diploma van een rechtenfaculteit aan een geaccrediteerde Nederlandse universiteit (WO) of een buiten Nederland verworven gelijkwaardige academische kwalificatie die is erkend door de Orde van Advocaten; de kandidaat beschikt over de noodzakelijke vereisten voor het starten van een juridische stage bij een advocatenkantoor, d.w.z. inclusief civiel effect). Zie voor meer informatie hier.
  • Eerdere ervaring in een advocatenkantoor, advocatenkamer en/of juridische kliniek of rechtencentrum.
  • Het vermogen om de eigen werklast in een drukke omgeving te beheren en werk te leveren volgens een consistent hoge, tijdige standaard.
  • Aantoonbaar begrip en betrokkenheid bij de zorg voor cliënten.
  • Bewezen vermogen om nauwkeurig, duidelijk en beknopt te communiceren, zowel mondeling als schriftelijk met een breed scala aan cliënten en diverse belanghebbenden.
  • Ervaring met het omgaan met cliënten op een empathische, integere manier inclusief het voeren van moeilijke gesprekken.
  • Bewezen vermogen om te werken en bij te dragen in een teamomgeving.
  • Bekwame gebruiker van Microsoft Office Teams.
  • Goede beheersing van het Engels en Nederlands met uitstekende schriftelijke en mondelinge communicatievaardigheden in het Nederlands. Engels is de werktaal van het ELSC en beheersing van de Nederlandse taal wordt vereist door de Orde van Advocaten.


  • Kandidaten die een scriptie hebben afgerond over onderwerpen die verband houden met ons werk, zoals de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de beginselen van anti-discriminatie onder nationaal/internationaal recht, gegevensbeschermingswetgeving en antiterrorismewetgeving, worden aangemoedigd te solliciteren.
  • Eerdere professionele/praktische ervaring in een advocatenkantoor/rechtbank of juridische kliniek is een sterke troef.
  • Ervaring met campagnes in grassroots- of non-profitorganisaties.
  • Actief in de solidariteitsbeweging met Palestina in Nederland.
  • Beheersing van het Arabisch.
  • Begrip van movement lawyering.


Stuur je CV en motivatiebrief (max 2 pagina’s) naar met als onderwerpregel: “Junior Legal Officer – NL

Deadline: 10 februari 2025

Call Job

Monitor Officer for Germany

Job Title
Monitor Officer


Reports to
Monitoring Project Manager

Line Management
Junior Monitor Officers

Employment Terms
Full-time, with flexible working, contract offer as consultant

Salary Package

  • €36,000 – €38,000, depending on experience
  • €1,000 End of Year Bonus
  • €750 Staff Support (including assistance with home working equipment)

Start Date
1 March 2025

How to Apply
Applications should be sent to, with the subject line ‘Germany Monitor Officer’.
Applications are due by 5 PM CET, Friday, 31 January 2024.


This role supports the ELSC Monitoring & Research Department by:

  • Conducting mapping, outreach, and networking with relevant movement partners and stakeholders in Germany (NGOs, activists, lawyers, and academics).
  • Collaborating with the Monitoring Project Manager to oversee and coordinate data collection and storage for the Database of Repression.
  • Ensuring high-quality and coherent data collection and research.

The Monitoring and Research department documents and analyzes restrictive measures that create a “shrinking space” for civil society defending Palestinian Rights across Europe.

We are seeking a professional who can:

  • Ensure accuracy and detail in all collected information, reviewing data for errors.
  • Effectively supervise and line-manage volunteers and junior monitoring officers.
  • Assess specific research needs, demonstrate excellent networking skills, and work efficiently within a remote, pan-European team.


  • Proven ability to manage one’s own workload and time.
  • Experience managing collaborative research relationships with partner organizations.
  • Commitment to the Palestinian solidarity movement.
  • Strong administrative skills to manage projects.
  • Project management and leadership skills to oversee junior monitor officers.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including presentation abilities.
  • Language proficiency: Fluent in German, Arabic, and English.


  • Understanding of ELSC’s role and mission.
  • Experience in political campaigns, grassroots initiatives, or non-profit organizations.
  • Legal education background or familiarity with repressive policies.


  • Demonstrated commitment to ELSC’s aims and objectives.
  • Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practices, and equal opportunities.
  • Willingness to travel and occasionally work unsocial hours.
  • Flexibility to adapt within the broad remit of the post.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Monitor Officer, Germany


  • Line-manage Junior Monitor Officers to ensure efficient data collection, storage, and management of the incident reporting process for Germany.
  • Oversee the coordination of volunteers in Germany to conduct fieldwork and monitor social and mass media.


  • Deliver monitoring and research objectives aligned with the broader goals of the ELSC Database Project.
  • Execute projects and research proposals tailored to the needs of the ELSC German Work Team (Legal, Advocacy, and Research).
  • Apply academic knowledge to research and external activities.
  • Write or contribute to research requests and publications, disseminating findings through appropriate media.
  • Assess, interpret, and evaluate research outcomes.
  • Communicate complex ideas to various audiences, from peers to those unfamiliar with the Palestinian solidarity movement.
  • Ensure the delivery of German research goals as agreed with the Monitoring Project Manager.


  • Actively collaborate within and outside the ELSC to deliver monitoring and research projects.
  • Develop connections with partner organizations, trade unions, activist groups, faith-based groups, and research bodies.

d cover letter to with the subject line: “Junior Officer – DE Monitoring Officer.”
Deadline: 24 January 2025


Call for Applications: Legal Researcher – Digital Rights 

Job Title
Legal Researcher – Digital Rights (European Work Team)


Reports to
Senior Legal Officer – European Work Team

Line Management

Fixed-term contract for 6 months, with the possibility of extension for an additional 6 months

€37,000 – €41,000, depending on experience

Start Date
January 2025

How to Apply
Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to with the subject line “Legal Researcher: EU Team.”

Applications are due by 27 Nov 2024.

Main Purpose of the Role

You will be working within the European Work Team, which includes dedicated legal officers, advocacy and communication officers, and data researchers. Our legal efforts are conducted in partnership with lawyers and NGOs across European countries, providing legal advice and support. This role will enhance our capacity to integrate digital rights into our work and may involve litigation based on digital rights violations in Europe.

The role involves conducting research on legal avenues to hold digital platforms and social media companies accountable for discriminatory policies that censor Palestinian voices or advocates for Palestinian rights. The position requires knowledge of the Digital Services Act (DSA) and its application in specific European jurisdictions, and a solid understanding of EU law. We seek a candidate with a Master’s Degree in Law from a European country or in EU Law, who possesses strong teamwork skills, flexibility, and experience in devising legal strategies.

Required Experience and Skills


• Master’s degree in Law from a European country (preferably the Netherlands, Ireland, or Italy) or in EU law.

• Minimum of 2 years of experience in a similar role, preferably within a law firm.

• Background in digital rights and a solid understanding of EU law.

• Proven experience in devising legal strategies and providing legal advice.

• Teamwork experience and ability to work independently to achieve results.

Skills & Abilities

• Strong teamwork skills and flexibility, including time management and prioritization.

• Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite.

• Ability to conduct interviews with affected individuals or groups.

• Excellent research and analytical skills.

• Proficient in developing legal strategies and drafting legal documents.

• Demonstrable initiative and determination.

• Ability to manage a busy workload and prioritize tasks effectively.

• Capacity to engage with partners and coordinate work.

• Knowledge and understanding of the Palestinian solidarity movement.

• Fluency in English with excellent written and spoken communication skills.

Desirable Experience and Skills

• Completion of a thesis on topics relevant to the position, such as digital rights, business and human rights, or European human rights law.

• Experience in areas related to the Digital Services Act (DSA), EU Consumer law, and the Representative Actions Directive.

• Experience working across jurisdictions.

• Thorough understanding of the workings of EU institutions.

• Familiarity with the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.

• Involvement with campaigns, grassroots, or non-profit organizations.

• Knowledge of ELSC’s role and objectives.

• Language skills: working knowledge of French, Spanish, Dutch, or Italian.

Other Requirements

• Commitment to the aims and objectives of ELSC.

• Dedication to anti-racism, anti-discrimination practices, and equal opportunities.

• Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours.

• Flexibility within the scope of the role.

Job Description

• Conduct analysis and research on relevant legislation and jurisprudence under EU law and selected domestic jurisdictions.

• Collect, organize, and analyze patterns and incidents of repression.

• Conduct interviews with affected individuals and subject matter experts.

• Maintain relationships with current partners and expand our network.

• Work with the EU work team to devise legal strategies.

• Support advocacy-related tasks.

• Carry out other duties related to the daily work of the broader ELSC team.

How to Apply
Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to with the subject line “Legal Researcher: EU Team.”

Applications are due by 27 Nov 2024.

Call Job

Chief of Advocacy & Communications – Job Opening

Job Title: Chief of Advocacy & Communications
Department: Lead of the A&C Department
Location: Europe or Britain
Start Date: As soon as possible
Reports to: Executive Management Committee

Line Management
• A&C Officers for Germany, Britain, The Netherlands, Strategic Litigation
• A&C Officer for the EU Team (starting 2025)
• Senior Communication Officer (starting 2025)

Full-time, with flexible working arrangements

How to Apply
Please send your CV and cover letter to, using the subject line ‘Chief of Advocacy & Communications’.

Application Deadline
Applications are due by 09:00 CET on 22 Nov 2024.


Scale: Level 11 – 11.2
Range: €49,000 – €54,000 (dependent on experience)
• Annual progression on the scale after each performance review
• End-of-year bonus
• Generous annual and additional leave policies
• €750 well-being allowance
• Assistance with home office equipment


The Chief of Advocacy and Communications (COA) is the department lead, responsible for implementing the ELSC Advocacy and Communications strategy. This role oversees the development and execution of advocacy and communications strategies across relevant work teams (Germany, Britain, Netherlands, Strategic Litigation, EU). The COA line-manages the A&C officers, provides strategic guidance, and is responsible for approving ELSC advocacy and communication materials. The COA reports to and is part of the Executive Management Committee, which includes each Department Lead (Legal, Operations, Development, Research & Monitor, Advocacy & Communications) and the Executive Director.


• Experience with line management
• Experience in campaigning, working with activist groups, grassroots or non-profit organisations, and Palestine solidarity or anti-colonial and anti-racist groups
• Experience in convening coalitions and networks, building relationships
• Public speaking experience
• Commitment to social justice and human rights, particularly regarding Palestinian rights and related intersectional struggles


• Proven skills in communications and advocacy work management and delivery
• Strong line-management experience with large, remote teams and excellent interpersonal communication
• Executive management experience
• Proficiency in English with excellent written and spoken skills (ELSC’s working language)
• Solid understanding of the political and human rights situation in Palestine
• Strong teamwork skills, flexibility, time management, and ability to handle competing priorities
• Highly organized with strong attention to detail, strategic planning, and problem-solving skills
• Ability to prioritize, delegate, and manage a heavy workload
• Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practices, and equal opportunities
• Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours as needed
• Flexibility within the role’s broad remit


• Graduate in International Relations, Political Science, Communications, Journalism, Law, Sociology, or related fields
• Master’s Degree in a related field
• Basic knowledge of International and European law
• Proficiency in Arabic
• Budget allocation experience
• Skills in web development, graphic design, social media management, or other digital communications


• Line-manage Advocacy & Communications Officers and the Senior Communications Officer
• Schedule 1:1 meetings with A&C Officers, guide task division, and monitor workload
• Lead ELSC’s A&C strategy implementation within work teams
• Review team strategies and publications, providing advice and support
• Ensure ELSC branding and content consistency with the Senior Communications Officer
• Convene weekly A&C team meetings and yearly in-person gatherings
• Attend Executive Management Committee meetings and communicate updates as needed
• Manage A&C budget, liaising with the finance committee for departmental needs
• Oversee A&C activities and publication schedules with the Senior Communications Officer
• Participate in outreach, fundraising, panels, and seminars in coordination with work teams
• Ensure timely handling of media requests
• Coordinate recruitment for A&C staff, in conjunction with the Chief of Operations (COO)
• Update the ELSC A&C Onboarding Guide
• Conduct annual reviews and quarterly check-ins with A&C officers
• Provide pastoral care and monitor the mental health of A&C officers with COO and HR

Apply now
Send your CV and cover letter to, using the subject line ‘Chief of Advocacy & Communications’.

Spread the word!
Know someone who would be the ideal fit? Share this opportunity with them!


Call for Applications: Senior Lawyer for the Netherlands 

Job Title
Senior Lawyer (Senior Legal Officer – NL)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Reports to
Executive Director

Line Management
No direct line management

Dedicated external counsel / vaste externe advocaat

€49,000 – €54,000 (depending on experience)
Predetermined fixed fee

Start Date
Nov 2024, or as soon as possible

How to Apply
Applications should be sent to, including the subject line ‘Senior Legal: NL’
Applications are due by 09:00 CET, 7 Oct 2024

ELSC is an initiative of the Palestinian NGO Network, comprising 200 Palestinian civil society organisations, developed in response to the widespread repression in Europe of advocacy for Palestinian rights and nonviolent campaigns aimed at ending Israel’s occupation. Founded in January 2019, ELSC provides free legal advice and assistance to individuals who face unjust smears, disciplinary investigations, criminal sanctions, and other repressive measures aimed at shrinking the space for Palestinian rights advocacy across Europe. We are “movement lawyers,” accountable to both individual clients and civil society partners in the Netherlands. We work hand in hand with local stakeholders, from trade unions to civil liberties groups, to defend and empower the movement to organise for justice without fear of repression.

ELSC recognises that applicants from marginalised communities are less likely to apply for jobs if they do not fulfil every single qualification. We encourage you to consider applying even if you do not meet every attribute listed. Our priority is to find the right candidate for the position.

As ELSC’s dedicated external counsel in the Netherlands, you will work with the Legal Department to develop and execute legal strategies while providing legal advice to the Dutch Palestine solidarity movement, often in collaboration with PILP Foundation. Many clients are employees, students, or activists facing repression. You will advise them on their rights, actions, and campaigns. ELSC has a network of expert Dutch lawyers with whom you will closely collaborate. We are looking for a qualified lawyer with specialisation in labour or administrative law or a combination of these, ideally with experience in freedom of expression, protest rights, and/or the protection of political expression.


  • Experience
  • L.L.M. in Dutch law or relevant European law specialisation
  • At least 3 years in a similar role, preferably in a law firm
  • Experience and understanding of Dutch and ECHR law, especially in fundamental freedoms and civic space protection
  • Experience in labour and/or administrative law
  • Proven legal strategy development and advice experience
  • Experience working within a team and independently to achieve success
  • Skills & Abilities
  • Excellent teamwork skills with flexibility to manage competing priorities
  • Excellent computer skills, particularly Microsoft packages
  • Ability to conduct interviews with affected persons or groups and to work with activists
  • Excellent research and analytical skills
  • Strong legal strategy development and legal document drafting skills
  • Demonstrable initiative and determination
  • Ability to manage a busy workload and prioritise tasks
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Palestinian solidarity movement
  • Proficiency in Dutch and English, with excellent written and spoken communication skills


  • Experience or specialisation in freedom of expression, protest rights, political expression protection, criminal law, international criminal law, corporate criminal responsibility, or civil tort litigation
  • Experience working with labour unions, Juridisch Loket, or social advocatuur law practices
  • Involvement in grassroots campaigns or non-profit organisations
  • Understanding of the role of ELSC


  • Qualified to practice or able to qualify as a lawyer in the Netherlands (Dutch Bar Association – Orde van Advocaten)
  • Demonstrated commitment to ELSC’s aims and objectives
  • Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practices, and equal opportunities
  • Willingness to travel and work occasionally outside of regular office hours
  • Flexibility within the broad remit of the post

JOB DESCRIPTION: Senior Legal Officer – NL

  • Analyse and research Dutch, ECHR, EU, and public international law concerning:
    (i) Fundamental rights, especially freedom of expression and assembly
    (ii) Political and racial discrimination
    (iii) Protest rights
  • Develop legal strategies, draft legal opinions, notes, memos, and summaries to assist and defend individuals and organisations supporting Palestine
  • Provide legal advice to ELSC clients on Dutch and European law
  • Conduct interviews with affected persons and groups
  • Attend meetings with clients, partners, and lawyers
  • Collaborate with the Advocacy and Communications Officer to develop and execute political and legal strategies
  • Work with the Empower team to build and implement litigation strategies in the Netherlands
  • Support the Development (Fundraising) Team with research and reporting
  • Any other task related to the daily work of the wider ELSC team

Call for Applications: Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust Fellowship – Junior Researcher

Job Title
Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn Trust Fellowship – Junior Researcher

Britain Work Team

Reports to
Monitoring Officer

Line Management

This is a one-year, full-time post paid through a tax-free monthly stipend from the Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust, with an additional salary supplemented by the ELSC. The fellowship post holder will work as part of the ELSC Team.

Fellowship Package

  • 9.1 – 9.2 Junior Officer Scale
  • £26,500 – £28,500 GBP
  • €750 available to support staff well-being
  • Assistance with home office equipment

How to Apply
Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to including the subject line ‘Fellowship Researcher’.
Applications are due by 17:00 BST, 11 Oct 2024.
Interviews are scheduled for 21 / 22 Oct 2024.
Start date: Nov 2024 or as soon as possible.


The main purpose of this role is to support the ELSC British Work Team by conducting data collection, relevant research, and completing case summaries. Case summaries are legal statements of facts and are the central dataset of the Legal Team and the Monitoring Database Project. The Database Project is due to launch in Britain in early 2025 with a qualitative and quantitative dataset.

We are looking for someone who is able to determine the accuracy and detail of all information, review data for errors and consistency, and draft case summaries to a high standard. The post-holder will also need to demonstrate a high level of research skill, be confident in networking, and work well within a remote team across Europe.

ELSC recognises that applicants from marginalized communities are less likely to apply for jobs if they do not fulfill every single qualification. We encourage you to consider applying even if you do not meet every attribute listed. Our priority is to find the right candidate for the position.

PERSON SPECIFICATION: Fellowship Junior Researcher


  • Experience in managing one’s own workload and time
  • Experience in research projects
  • Commitment to the Palestinian solidarity movement
  • Sufficient administrative skills to manage projects
  • Experience with administration processes and data management
  • Excellent communication skills: written and verbal presentation
  • Ability to adapt to different audiences and engage with diverse groups


  • Understanding of the role of ELSC
  • Graduate-level legal education
  • Experience in political campaigns, grassroots, or non-profit organisations
  • Experience in conducting semi-structured interviews
  • Quantitative and qualitative research skills


  • Demonstrated commitment and sensitivity to the ELSC’s aims and objectives
  • Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practices, and equal opportunities
  • Willingness to travel and work occasional out-of-hours as required
  • Flexibility within the broad remit of the post

JOB DESCRIPTION: Fellowship Junior Data Researcher


  • Draft, edit, and finalize case summaries for the Database of Repression Britain launch
  • Manage data storage, research, and data collection for the British Work Team
  • Deliver research objectives in conjunction with the wider goals of the ELSC Database Project
  • Contribute to research goals that meet the needs of the British Work Team (work teams are cross-departmental spaces that include Legal, Advocacy, and Research officers)
  • Contribute to publications or disseminate research findings using other appropriate media
  • Assess, interpret, and evaluate outcomes of research


  • Collaborate actively within and outside the ELSC to complete research projects and advance thinking


Call for Applications: Advocacy Officer – Strategic Litigation 

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Advocacy Officer – Strategic Litigation. 

Title: Advocacy Officer – Strategic litigation
Location: Europe
Reports to: Chief of Advocacy and Communications
Contract Type: Full-time, with flexible working, contract offer to be negotiated 
Deadline to apply: 1 October 2024


As the Advocacy & Communications Officer for our strategic litigation teams – EMPOWER and DEF/DER, you will be part of the Advocacy & Communication Team and develop public outreach on strategic litigation cases pertaining to our de-funding and de-risking work (Palestinian and European organisations or individuals facing the suspension or cutting of funding, and facing bank de-risking, i.e. the restrictions on their bank accounts, transfers etc.), and develop advocacy campaigns for cases aiming to hold private and public actors accountable for their complicity with international law violations in Palestine (for instance our case against You will engage in public outreach; build campaigns to boost specific legal cases; get media coverage to achieve visibility and narrative change; make sure our victories are visible; grow and mobilise our network of supporters; build coalitions and establish relationships with relevant organisations.


  • Experience with campaigning, involvement in activist groups, grassroots or non-profit organisations, in particular with Palestine solidarity groups and / or other anti-colonial and anti-racist groups 
  • Experience in convening and driving coalitions and networks and building relationships. 
  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice and human rights, in particular the rights of the Palestinian people and the intersectional struggles connected to the Palestinian struggle for liberation.


  • Basic knowledge of legal systems 
  • Demonstrated skills in communications and advocacy work. 
  • Proficiency in English with excellent written and spoken communication skills. English is the working language of the ELSC. 
  • Good understanding and knowledge of the political and human rights situation in Palestine.
  • Teamwork skills and flexibility, ability to manage time and competing priorities, according to the current demands of the organisation. 
  • Highly organised, strong attention to detail, driven, can work independently without direction.  
  • Ability to prioritise tasks and manage a busy workload.   
  • Commitment to anti-racism and anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities.   
  • Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours as required.   
  • To be flexible within the broad remit of the post. 


  • Graduate in International Relations, Political Science, Communications, Journalism, Law, Sociology or other relevant fields. 
  • Master’s Degree in a related field. 
  • Proficiency in Arabic. 
  • Experience with web development, graphic design, social media management or other digital communications experience and skills. 

MAIN DUTIES AND TASKS – Advocacy & Communication Officer – Strategic litigation 

  • In coordination with the Advocacy and Communication Team, develop and implement public outreach campaigns strategies, social media and media outreach, building and coordinating partners coalition, coordinating with the legal team etc. 
  • Maintain and expand our network of support around our Strategic Litigation cases through maintaining effective communication with activists and partner organisations.
  • Organise and facilitate in-person events and/or workshops with activists, academics, students and lawyers. 
  • Draft and publish case summaries/updates on the ELSC website, in coordination with the relevant legal officers for De-funding/ De-risking and Empower.
  • Support the Digital Communications Officer to design and monitor relevant social media content: text, visuals and potential videos/reels. 
  • Represent the ELSC in public events and interviews. 
  • Maintain and expand the ELSC network of journalists and media outlets. 
  • Maintain contact lists.
  • Assist with content production for the ELSC monthly Newsletter. 


  • €36,000 – 38,000 with progression up the scale after each annual review 
  • 750 EURO available to support staff well-being 
  • Assistance with home office equipment 

How to Apply:

Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to including the subject line ‘Advocacy Officer Strategic Litigation’. Applications are due by 09:00 CET 1 Oct 2024.


Call Job

Call for Applications: Advocacy and Communication Officer for The Netherlands & Strategic Litigation

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Advocacy and Communication Officer for the Netherlands & Strategic Litigation.

Title: Advocacy and Communication Officer- NL & Strategic litigation
Location: Amsterdam
Reports to: Chief of Advocacy and Communications
Line Management: None  
Contract: Full-time, with flexible working, contract offer as consultant  
Salary: Salary 10-10.1 
€36,000 – 38,000 with progression up the scale after each annual review 
750 EURO available to support staff well-being 
Assistance with home office equipment

Start date: September 2024  

How to apply: Applications should be sent to including the subject line ‘Advocacy Officer – NL & Strategic litigation

Applications are due by 18 July 2024.

We are scheduling interviews as applications come in, don’t miss your chance and apply now!


As the Advocacy Officer for the Netherlands & Strategic litigation, you will be part of the Advocacy & Communication Team and:

  • Half of your time, work with the Senior Legal Officer and Monitor for The Netherlands to engage in public outreach; build campaigns to boost specific legal cases; get media coverage to achieve visibility and narrative change; make sure our victories are visible; grow and mobilise our network of supporters; coalition building and establishing relationships with activists on the ground in the Netherlands;
  • The other half will be dedicated to develop public outreach on strategic litigation cases pertaining to our de-funding and de-risking work (Palestinian and European organisations or individuals facing the suspension or cutting of funding, and facing bank de-risking, i.e. the restrictions on their bank accounts, transfers etc.), or cases aiming to hold private and public actors accountable for their complicity with war crimes in Palestine (for instance our case against


  • Experience with campaigning, involvement in activist groups, grassroots or non-profit organisations, in particular with Palestine solidarity groups and / or other anti-colonial and anti-racist groups in the Netherlands. 
  • Experience in convening and driving coalitions and networks and building relationships. 
  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice and human rights, in particular the rights of the Palestinian people and the intersectional struggles connected to the Palestinian struggle for liberation.


  • Basic knowledge of Dutch and European Union law.
  • Demonstrated skills in communications and advocacy work. 
  • Proficiency in English and Dutch with excellent written and spoken communication skills. English is the working language of the ELSC. 
  • Good understanding and knowledge of the political and human rights situation in Palestine.
  • Teamwork skills and flexibility, ability to manage time and competing priorities, according to the current demands of the organisation. 
  • Highly organised, strong attention to detail, driven, can work independently without direction.  
  • Ability to prioritise tasks and manage a busy workload.   
  • Commitment to anti-racism and anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities.   
  • Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours as required.   
  • To be flexible within the broad remit of the post. 


  • Graduate in International Relations, Political Science, Communications, Journalism, Law, Sociology or other relevant fields. 
  • Master’s Degree in a related field. 
  • Proficiency in Arabic. 
  • Experience with web development, graphic design, social media management or other digital communications experience and skills. 


  • In coordination with the Advocacy and Communication Team, develop and implement public outreach campaigns strategies, social media and media outreach, building and coordinating partners coalition, coordinating with the legal team etc. 
  • Maintain and expand our network of support in the Netherlands through maintaining effective communication with activists and partner organisations.
  • Organise and facilitate in-person community events and/or workshops with activists, academics, students and lawyers. 
  • Draft and publish case summaries/updates on the ELSC website, in coordination with the relevant legal officers for the Netherlands, De-funding-De-risking and strategic litigation.
  • Support the Digital Communications Officer to design and monitor relevant social media content: text, visuals and potential videos/reels. 
  • Organise and promote ELSC public events in the Netherlands.
  • Represent the ELSC in public events and interviews in the Netherlands. 
  • Maintain and expand the ELSC network of journalists and media outlets in the Netherlands. 
  • Maintain Dutch contact lists.
  • Assist with content production for the ELSC monthly Newsletter. 
Call Job

Call for Applications: Associate Solicitor (Senior Legal Officer) for Britain  

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Associate Solicitor (Senior Legal Officer) for Britain.

Title: Associate Solicitor (Senior Legal Officer)  
Location: London with remote working with colleagues across Europe 
Reports to: Executive Director 
Line Management: Legal Officer and Junior Legal Officer  
Contract: One year consultancy contract, full-time with likelihood of extension and migration to permanent employment contract. We offer flexible hours, with a hybrid onsite London office /remote working.
Salary: [Officer 10.6 – 10.7]
£48,000 – £50,500 depending on PQE experience, with progression up the scale after each annual review.
750 EURO available to support staff well-being.
Assistance with home office equipment.

Start date: August 2024 or as soon as possible   

How to apply: Applications should be sent to including the subject line ‘ASSOCIATE SOLICITOR’

Applications are due by 12 July 2024.

We are scheduling interviews as applications come in, don’t miss your chance and apply now!


The Associate Solicitor will lead our legal team in Britain and oversee our cases in England and Wales. 

The role requires a qualified solicitor with experience of running litigious cases. Our main practice areas in Britain are: (i) public law and human rights; (ii) employment and discrimination and (iii) defamation law. The post-holder will have particular expertise in one of these areas. Our cases also involve data rights, freedom of information, criminal law, actions against the police, charity law, education law, international humanitarian law, and immigration issues. 

The post holder will manage a growing team that consists of a Legal Officer and a Junior Legal Officer. In addition, our British work team has an advocacy and communication officer and two researchers who monitor anti-Palestinian racism.

We welcome and encourage applicants from all backgrounds and do not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, LGBT or relationship status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, or social class. We particularly welcome applications from Palestinians and those who identify as part of the Palestinian diaspora. 

ELSC recognises that applicants from marginalised communities are less likely to apply for jobs if they do not fulfil every single qualification. We encourage you to consider applying even if you do not meet every attribute listed. Our priority is to find the right candidate for the position.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Oversee all litigious and advisory casework in Britain alongside our junior legal staff and legal network. Provide expert legal advice and representation, to individual clients and movement partners.
  • Manage our legal officers, providing training and feedback to them as appropriate. Collaborate closely with our legal network of solicitors and counsel with the goal of strengthening the wider movement. 
  • ​​Develop and advance new legal strategies for challenging state and non-state repression of advocacy for Palestine in consultation with our legal network, national partners and experts. 
  • Support the development of effective advocacy campaigns to increase the impact of litigation outside the courtroom.
  • Support ELSC’s outreach and public engagement initiatives.

Required experience, knowledge and skills   

  • 3 years + post-qualified experience (PQE) and admitted to practise as a solicitor in England and Wales.
  • Experience leading on a variety of contentious and non-contentious matters, particularly in public, employment and/or defamation law. 
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, with the ability to provide clear and concise legal advice on complex issues in a comprehensible and appropriate format. 
  • An ability to engage with the law critically and develop strategies that serve broader political objectives. Track record of collaborating well with other lawyers, academics and civil society organisations.
  • Excellent client care skills, particularly in relation to vulnerable or marginalised clients.
  • Experience in a role which requires coordination of multiple projects and/or workstreams concurrently, and the ability to manage relationships with partner organisations, coalitions and counsel.
  • High level of English-language proficiency.
  • Commitment to the Palestinian liberation and solidarity movement.

Desirable experience, skills and knowledge 

  • Dual-qualified in Scotland and/or Northern Ireland.
  • Ideal candidate will already have LAA Supervisor status or meet the requirements to do so
  • Experience working with campaigning and advocacy organisations.
  • Experience with management and organisational development. 
  • Understanding of and experience working with a variety of local, national, and international jurisdictions, including those governed by common law or civil law.

Other Requirements

  • Demonstrate a commitment and sensitivity to the ELSC aims and objectives.
  • Commitment to anti-racism, anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities.   
  • Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours as required.   
  • Abide by all organisational policies, codes of conduct and practices and legal requirements.
  • Treat with confidentiality any personal, private, or sensitive information about individual organisations, clients, donors and supporters, staff, and projects.
Call Job

Call for Applications: Advocacy Officer for Britain

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Advocacy Officer for Britain. 

Title: Advocacy & Communication Officer – Britain 
Full-time, with flexible working, contract offer as consultant

Location: London – with the possibility of remote working in Britain and remote working will colleagues across Europe.

Reports to: Chief of Advocacy and Communications.

Line Management: None

Salary: Salary range is £37,500 – £40,000 depending on experience and with progression up the pay scale after each annual review. 750 EURO available to support staff well-being. Assistance with home office equipment.

Start date: 1 April 2024 or as soon as possible.

How to apply: Please send your CV and cover letter to with the subject line [UK ACO OFFICER]. Applications are due by 23:59 CET Sunday 17 March 2024.


As the Advocacy Officer for Britain, you will be in the Advocacy & Communication Team and work with our Legal Officers in Britain and partners to design and implement public outreach strategies (including engaging with the press and use social media, in particular) to achieve visibility for our legal work and narrative change; crowdfund to cover legal costs; build campaigns, grow and mobilise our network of supporters; and establish relationships with activists on the ground in Britain. 


  • 2-3 years experience working in a similar role (or equivalent) with a good eye for a story and clear instincts about audience, channels, and purpose, and a track record of successfully placing stories in the media, including: pitching stories, writing press releases, and placing op eds.  
  • Demonstrated commitment to anti-racist organising, in particular the rights of the Palestinian people and the intersectional struggles connected to the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
  • Experience (professional or volunteer) with campaigning; involvement in activist groups, grassroots, non-profit or electoral political organisations. 
  • Experience convening coalitions and building relationships. 


  • Basic knowledge of common law/human rights principles, the law of England & Wales, or direct experience with the British legal system.
  • Demonstrated ability to distil complex legal and policy issues into compelling and accurate copy for a range of channels and audiences.
  • Demonstrated skills in communications/ advocacy work. 
  • Proficiency in English with excellent written and spoken communication skills. English is the working language of the ELSC. 
  • Good understanding and knowledge of British politics on the question of Palestine.
  • Teamwork skills and flexibility; ability to manage time and prioritise with a busy workload.
  • Highly organised, strong attention to detail, driven, can work independently without direction.  
  • Commitment to anti-racism and anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities.   
  • Willingness to travel and work occasional unsocial hours as required.   
  • To be flexible within the broad remit of the post. 


  • A Master’s degree in a related field. 
  • Proficiency in Arabic. 
  • Experience with web development, graphic design, social media management or other digital communications experience and skills. 


  • In coordination with the Advocacy and Communication Team, produce and implement public outreach strategies that fit with the legal strategies of the individuals and groups we are supporting; provide them with expert media advice. 
  • Develop, maintain and proactively use contacts with British, international print and broadcast media to identify opportunities for and secure, immediate and long-term media coverage in print and broadcast media.
  • Pitch stories, produce/ review media materials on ELSC’s work, respond to queries from journalists and coordinate and carry out appropriate interviews.
  • Draft and publish case summaries/updates on the ELSC website, in coordination with the relevant legal officers, and assist with the production and distribution of the ELSC monthly Newsletter.
  • Support the Digital Communication Officer to design and monitor relevant social media content: text, visuals and potential videos/reels. 
  • Maintain and expand our network of support in Britain through maintaining effective communication with activists and partner organisations.
  • Represent the ELSC in public events in Britain. 


Call for Applications: Finance Manager and Administration Officer (Development and Operations)  

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Administration Officer (Finance Manager) and an Administration Officer (Development and Operations)  

About the roles: 

Finance Manager: The Finance Manager has overall management responsibility for the finance and accounting functions, budgeting, controlling and managing the organisational financial systems and operating budget. The post holder will be a proactive and highly organised individual who takes initiative and is flexible and creative in planning and problem solving. You will be detail-oriented, with a strong understanding of standard accounting practices and budgeting.   

Find more information about the position and how to apply here.

Administration Officer (Development and Operations): The Administration Officer will support our Development (Fundraising) Team and Operations Team – two teams that keep the ELSC surviving and thriving. The Development team brings in funding from the smallest individual donors, grants, and individual major donors. The Operations team is a recently established team and will be running the recruitment and onboarding for over 20 new ELSC staff in the coming year. The post holder for this role will work across the two teams, providing administrative and operational support, including maintaining the fundraising database.  We’re looking for someone with great people skills, as well as drive, initiative and determination.    

Find more information about the position and how to apply here.

The applications deadline for both positions is 12th February 2024.  

Share on: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn 

Call Job

Call for Application: UK Paralegal

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking a Paralegal for the UK.

Job title: Paralegal 

Department: UK Legal Defence Team  

Office location: Remote working

Reporting to: UK Legal Officer – Team Leader 

Hours: 9:30am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. Some flexibility is required from time to time to meet the professional requirements of the role. 

Contract: Short term contract – ends 31 Dec 2023, start as soon as possible, Full-time – £2000 – £2500 depending on experience  

The Role

Overall purpose for this role 

  • To provide a reliable and efficient support service for UK Legal Officer and assist with general administration of cases of repression; 
  • To undertake a wide variety of paralegal and administrative tasks as set out below.  

Main duties and responsibilities 

Case Management 

  • To effectively manage the intake and referral of cases and ensure that accurate information and instructions are obtained from clients and accurate records are maintained; 
  • Assist with drafting documents, client liaison including interviewing clients and taking instructions, research work and provide general administrative support;  
  • Sort and review records, drafting case summaries, liaise with solicitors, barristers and third parties;  
  • Ensure that urgent matters are escalated and referred to appropriate person in a timely manner.   

Client/ 3rd party management 

  • Communicate with clients/ other parties as and when necessary, in a professional, courteous and efficient manner; 

Document/ Data management 

  • Ensure documents and copies of correspondence are kept up to date and filed; 
  • Ensure accuracy when updating client information on the relevant databases; 
  • Ensure database information is updated and maintained in accordance with instructions and in line with relevant processes; 
  • Open new files and close old files as required. 

Person specification  

  • Genuine interest in working with European Legal Support Centre and passionate about defending Palestinian solidarity and providing access to justice to all;   
  • Good academic background with legal qualifications (Law Degree or GDL required; LPC/SQE or BPTC not required); 
  • Previous experience in a legal firm, chambers and/or legal clinic or law centre 
  • Ability to manage own workload in a busy environment to a consistently high standard and timely manner; 
  • Demonstrable understanding of and commitment to client care; 
  • Proven ability to communicate accurately, clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing with a wide range of clients and various stakeholders; 
  • Experience with dealing with clients sensitively and managing difficult conversations; 
  • Proven ability to work and contribute in a team environment;  
  • Proficient user of Microsoft Office Teams 


  • Experience in interviewing and liaising with clients and taking witness statements

How to apply

All applications must be submitted via this form.

Fill in the form, upload a copy of your CV and complete the assignment.  

Rolling application process – open until filled. 

Call Job

Call for Applications: Advocacy Officer for Germany

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is seeking an Advocacy Officer for Germany. 

The Role

As the Advocacy Officer for Germany, you will work mainly with the Advocacy Officers and the Legal Officer for Germany. Please note that long-term commitment is requested from the applicants since this position is envisaged as such: 

1. A training phase of 6 months based in Amsterdam, with 1 to 3 trips in Berlin – Ideal starting date: November 2023 / Latest starting date: January 2024. 

2. After a period of 5 months, an assessment will be made with your supervisors (Advocacy & Communication Manager, Legal Officer for Germany and the ELSC Director). If the traineeship is successful, a long-term position as the Advocacy Officer for Germany based in Berlin will be offered, entailing more responsibilities. 

Specific tasks, for the training phase, can include support in: 

  • Designing and implementing public outreach campaigns.
  • Drafting and publishing case summaries/updates on the website (in coordination with the legal officers). 
  • Drafting and posting social media content: text, visuals, videos/reels. 
  • Drafting, sending and publishing the monthly Newsletter. 
  • Maintaining and expanding our network of support in Germany.
  • Organising and facilitating in-person community events and/or workshops with activists, academics, students and lawyers. 
  • Drafting content crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Organising and promoting ELSC public events.  

The second phase (long-term position) will include the above tasks that concern Germany, in line with the yearly country strategy developed by the Legal Officer for Germany and the ACO team – more autonomy on these tasks will be expected from you than during the training phase. On the long-term, the following additional tasks will be expected: 

  • Representing the ELSC in public events and interviews. 
  • Maintaining and expanding our network of journalists in Germany. 
To read the full job description and requirements, please click here. 

How to apply 

Please send your CV, a one-page cover letter outlining why you want to work with the ELSC and how you meet our requirements, in English, to including the subject line ‘ELSC Vacancy ACO Germany’. The deadline for applications is 8 October 2023.


Call for Applications: Chief Legal Officer

The ELSC is seeking a Chief Legal Officer based in Amsterdam to oversee the legal team on all cases and projects emanating (mainly) from Germany, The Netherlands and the UK.

The role will cover five main areas of work:

  • managing the legal team consisting of three Legal Officers in their daily activities;
  • supervising the legal team’s casework and research on the repression of Palestinian rights advocates throughout Europe and mainly in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK;
  • providing legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under domestic law and European human rights law;
  • devising and advising on strategies and guides to defend those affected by restrictive policies; and
  • overseeing the legal team’s organisation and participation in workshops and advocacy events.

Location: The position would be based in Amsterdam. Remote-working will be considered.

To read the full job description, please click here.

How to apply

Please send your CV, a one-page cover letter outlining why you want to work for the ELSC and how you meet our requirements, in English, to including the subject line ‘ELSC Chief Legal Officer’.

The deadline for applications is 30 December 2022. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an initial (online) interview during the second week of January. Prior to the interview, candidates will be asked to complete a short assignment.

Start date and training period: The shadow position will commence between 01 February 2023 and 01 March 2023. The successful candidate will be required to undertake 3 or 4 months of training (32 hours per week) before taking over the role of Chief Legal Officer in June 2023 (this position is 36-40 hours per week). Training will involve working alongside the current Chief Legal Officer on the specific tasks outlined above to ensure the candidate has the requisite expertise and knowledge to successfully manage the legal team.


Call for Applications: Human Rights Practitioners Fellowship Programme 2023

We are proud to launch a Fellowship Programme for young Palestinian law graduates in order to encourage the centrality of the Palestinian voice in our collective work for justice. The program will equip fellows with further training on the use of legal mechanisms, advocacy, media and other tools to support grass-roots movements and advance social justice causes.

As an ELSC-Human Rights Practitioner fellow, you will work to develop legal memos, devise strategies, conduct research and assist clients with their rights as well as monitor developments of attacks against advocates for Palestinian rights. The work is conducted in partnership with human rights lawyers and NGOs of different European countries.

As part of our strategy to monitor, defend and empower Palestinian rights advocates, in this role, you will:

a) assist with research to monitor the repression of Palestinian rights advocates;

b) provide legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under European human rights law;

c) develop strategies and guides to defend those affected by restrictive policies

d) analyse relevant legislation and jurisprudence under EU law regarding cases of limits to freedom of expression and human rights advocacy.

To read the full Programme description, requirements and practical matters, please click here.

To apply for this position, send your CV, a one-page cover letter in English outlining why you want to work for the ELSC and how you meet our requirements, to with the subject line “Human Rights Practitioners Fellowship by Tuesday 1st of November 2022.

Call Job

Call for Applications: UK Legal Officer

The ELSC is seeking a Legal Officer based in the UK to carry out ELSC’s activities in the UK and expand its team.

The UK Legal Officer will be responsible for overseeing all cases and projects emanating from the UK. The role will cover five main areas of work:

a) overseeing casework and research on the repression of Palestinian rights advocates in the UK;

b) providing legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under UK domestic law and European human rights law;

c) developing strategies and guides to defend those affected by restrictive policies;

d) analysing relevant legislation and jurisprudence under UK and EU law; and

e) organising and participating in workshops and advocacy events.

To read the full job description, please click here.

To apply for this position, send your CV, a one-page cover letter outlining why you want to work for the ELSC and how you meet our requirements, and a legal writing sample, in English, to with the subject line “ELSC UK Legal Officer Application” by Sunday 17 April.

Picture: Flag – Great Britain (cropped) Cc Vaughan Leiberum


The ELSC launches its Movement Lawyering Traineeship

The ELSC launches its Movement Lawyering Traineeship that aims to educate the next generation of human rights lawyers and advocates by rooting their legal training, experience and practice in the Palestine solidarity movement.

As part of the programme you will learn how to use legal mechanisms, advocacy, media and other tools to support grass-roots movements and advance social justice causes. The programme will allow participants to build foundational knowledge and experience for working as a legal practitioner in the human rights law firms and in NGOs.

You will be an active member of the ELSC team, working alongside programme staff to gain practical legal and advocacy experience to support Palestinian rights activists. ELSC movement lawyering trainees have the choice of joining one of our project teams.

The Movement Lawyering Traineeship accepts application on a rolling basis afor three positions:

Junior Legal Officer: Empower

Junior Legal Officer: Monitor and Defend

Junior Advocacy Officer

We are currently welcoming applications for the positions of:
One Junior Legal Officer: Monitor and Defend starting from 15th of July 2022
– One Junior Advocacy Officer starting from May 2022
– One Junior Advocacy Officer starting from November 2022
– One Junior Legal Officer: Monitor and Defend starting from
January 2023

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an initial interview where they will be requested to complete a short assignment. Trainees under this programme with receive a monthly stipend of €1100 and will be invited join the ELSC team in Amsterdam.

We invite young lawyers and legal activists who want to join our efforts to further progressive human rights work to apply for the programme. Further details on candidate requirements are listed in the individual job descriptions at the link above.

We further welcome applications from students seeking to pursue the programme as part of their studies in accordance with the Erasmus+ and Erasmus Trainee programmes. If you would like more information on how to complete this programme alongside an Erasmus scheme, please contact us at

Do you want to join the movement lawyering traineeship?
Send your CV and cover letter (max 250 words) to In your cover letter, please explain:
1. Why you are interested in a particular position of the programme and the ELSC’s mission
2. Your ideal starting and finishing date.

Minimum duration of the traineeship should be 6 months. We review applications on rolling bases.

Call Job

Call for Applications: Development Officer

We are seeking a Development Officer to lead fundraising and administrative work, including management of human resources and strategic planning.

The Development Officer will have two main roles at the ELSC. On the one hand, s/he leads organizational and program administration, drafting organisational strategy and budget, and ensuring the successful recruitment and management of human resources.  On the other hand, s/he leads and develops fundraising efforts, including maintaining relationships with existing donors, researching and drafting grant proposals whilst continually expanding the ELSC’s network of individual and institutional donors.

To apply for this position, send your CV, a short motivation (max 300 words) detailing why you are interested in this role and the ELSC’s work, and the names and contact of two references, to with the subject line “ELSC Development Officer Application by Sunday 21 November.

To read the full job description, please click here


Call for Applications: Project Officer – Netherlands

We are seeking a part-time Project Officer to lead our work in the Netherlands.

As a Project Officer, you will connect with individuals, groups and organisations affected by repressions and censorship to document incidents and advise them on possible legal support available either within the ELSC or with an external legal partner.

Send your CV and a short motivation (max 250 words) detailing why you are interested in this role and the ELSC’s work to with the subject line “Application: Project Officer Netherlands” by Sunday 29 August.

Click here for the full job description.

Call Job

Call for Applications: Legal Intern – The Netherlands

We are presently seeking a legal intern for our Netherlands project work. The position will be based at the ELSC office in Amsterdam.

As a legal intern, you will work to develop legal memos, strategy, conduct research and assist clients on their rights as well as monitor developments of attacks against advocates for Palestinian rights in The Netherlands. The work is conducted in partnership with human rights lawyers and NGOs of different European countries.

As part of our Netherlands strategy to monitor, defend and empower Palestinian rights advocates, in this role, you will: a) assist the Advocacy and Communication Officer with research to monitor the repression of Palestinian rights advocates in the Netherlands; b) provide legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under national (Dutch) and regional human rights law; c) develop strategies and guides to defend those affected by these restrictive policies d) analyse relevant legislation and jurisprudence under Dutch and EU law regarding cases of limits to freedom of expression and human rights advocacy.

Applications should be sent to by no later than 18:00 CET on 30 June, including a CV, cover letter and short writing sample (max 1000 words) on a topic related to the work of the ELSC.

Read the full vacancy here


Call for Applications: Legal Trainee – UK Project

We are presently seeking a legal trainee for our UK project work. The position will be based at the ELSC office in Amsterdam.

As a legal trainee, you will work to develop legal memos, strategy, conduct research and assist clients on their rights as well as monitor developments of attacks against advocates for Palestinian rights in the UK. The work is conducted in partnership with human rights lawyers and NGOs of different European countries.

As part of our UK strategy to monitor, defend and empower Palestinian rights advocates, in this role, you will: a) assist the UK Country Officer with research to monitor the repression of Palestinian rights advocates in the UK; b) provide legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under national (UK) and regional human rights law; c) develop strategies and guides to defend those affected by restrictive policies d) analyse relevant legislation and jurisprudence under British and EU law regarding cases of limits to freedom of expression and human rights advocacy.

Applications should be sent to by no later than 18:00 CET on 30 June, including a CV, cover letter and short writing sample (max 1000 words) on a topic related to the work of the ELSC.

Read the full requirements and vacancy here.


Join the Campaign “Facebook, we Need to Talk.”

More than 35 organisations and 31,000 signatories are supporting the campaign “Facebook, we need to talk – and you’re not letting us.” calling the main social media platform to not add Zionist to its hate speech policy.

Right now, Facebook is reaching out to stakeholders to ask if critical conversations that use the term “Zionist” fall within the rubric of hate speech as per Facebook’s Community Standards. Basically, Facebook is assessing if “Zionist” is being used as a proxy for “Jewish people or Israelis” in attacks on its platform.

This move is part of a concerning pattern of the Israeli government and its supporters pressuring Facebook and other social media platforms to expand their hate speech policies to include speech critical of Israel and Zionism.

Facebook says it will make a decision as soon as the end of February 2021.

Why is this happening?

The Israeli government and its supporters falsely claim that equating “Zionist” with “Jew” or “Jewish” will help fight antisemitism. In reality, they hope that that by mischaracterizing critical use of the term “Zionists” as anti-Jewish, they can avoid accountability for its policies and actions that violate Palestinian human rights.

Attempts to stifle conversations about Zionist political ideology and Zionist policies carried out by state actors — both of which have real implications for Palestinian and Israeli people, as well as Jewish and Palestinian people around the world — are part of an emerging pattern of political censorship by the Israeli government and some of its supporters.

What would the result be?

If Facebook does move to restrict use of the word Zionist, this would block important conversations on the world’s largest social media platform, harm Facebook users attempting to connect across space and difference, and deprive Palestinians of a critical venue for expressing their political viewpoints to the world.

What should Facebook do?

Facebook should allow us to hold governments accountable — not shield governments from accountability. It should refuse to cooperate with governments and politicians who are hoping to shut down our conversations and build more walls to keep us apart. That means Facebook should make sure we can discuss, debate, and even disagree about political ideologies like Zionism, about government policies and actions and accountability, and about our lives and families — as part of our commitment to safety for Palestinian people and Jewish people wherever they are in the world.

Why should you support?

We need to talk about the best ways to dismantle antisemitism and all the connected machinery of racism, bigotry, and xenophobia.

We need to talk as Palestinians, with our friends and families and with rest of the world, sharing our experiences about daily life under military occupation and the violence of Zionist settlers.

We need to talk as Jews, discussing and debating our many relationships to Zionist political ideology.

We need to talk about holding the Israeli government accountable, like all governments must be held accountable, by bringing to light violations of human rights on the world’s biggest social media platform.

Facebook, we need to talk.

Read more about the campaign and support by signing the petition!

Read the articles on The Verge and on Mondoweiss