Report an incident

To read and fill the form in other languages:

ARABIC – الإبلاغ عن حادثة

GERMAN – Einen Vorfall melden

FRENCH – Signaler un incident

DUTCH – Meld een incident

ITALIAN – Segnala il tuo caso

If you, your group, organisation or otherwise have been intimidated, slandered, repressed, detained, censored or banned from speaking out or participating in Palestine advocacy, or if you have questions about your rights, please complete the form below. 

If an incident falls within our scope of support, one of our legal officers will contact you. Please note that we are currently receiving a very high number of incidents; we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. 

You can read more about our Defensive Working Procedure here

Please describe the incident with dates for when, where and how it happened. Clarify who is responsible (e.g. police, HR, teacher, member of the public, etc.) with names, if possible.

Consult our ‘Know your Rights’ resources here and here.