Press Release

Additional Evidence Filed Against for Profiting from Illegal Settlements 

On 18 December 2024, a consortium of civil society organisations submitted new evidence to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in support of their original criminal complaint against B.V. The complaint, filed on 8 November 2023, accuses the company of laundering profits from activities in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). With no substantive response from the Dutch authorities to date, this filing underscores how has not only continued its operations in these settlements but has significantly expanded them. Evidence collected reveals that the number of listings in illegal settlements has risen sharply since the original complaint, particularly in East Jerusalem, where the number has risen from 13 to 39 within a year, from 9 November 2023 to 9 November 2024. 

In 2024, Israel has declared state ownership of at least 24,248 dunams (5994 acres) of West Bank land, marking the largest annual land seizure by Israel in the OPT ever recorded.1 On 25 June 2024, over 3,000 acres in the Jordan Valley were designated as state land, representing the largest single land grab in three decades.2 Between the filing of the original complaint and before the submission of the additional filing on December 18, 2024, Israeli authorities demolished 2,031 Palestinian-owned structures, including 149 inhabited residential buildings and 103 donor-funded structures, the highest numbers recorded since 2009.3 Plans for the establishment of eight new settlements in East Jerusalem with over 12,000 housing units have been advanced, reflecting an 86% increase in settlement construction approvals.4 These advancements are coupled with a 120% increase in home demolitions, which reports indicate constitute collective punishment against Palestinians.5  

In our complaint, we argue that by promoting and listing properties in illegal settlements, directly supports the normalisation and economic sustainability of these unlawful practices. The company provides financial backing to settlers and their enterprises, furthering the displacement of Palestinians and solidifying settlement expansion. This conduct sustains Israel’s settler-colonial regime and violations of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits population transfer into occupied territories. We have substantiated our claims thoroughly. For instance, the additional evidence builds on the July 2024 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice, which reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlements and underscored the responsibility of states to prevent economic activities that perpetuate them.  

These violations demand urgent action.’s response to our accusations confirms the urgency for intervention. The company has stated its intent to continue operations in the settlements unless explicitly prohibit§ed by domestic laws, asserting: “[…] we will permit listings anywhere in the world unless legally prohibited by the domestic laws […].” Failure to act risks sending a dangerous signal that profiting from and laundering the proceeds of war crimes will be tolerated, undermining international legal standards and justice for affected communities. Decisive action is long overdue. 

[1] Peace Now. Settlements data: Lands. Available at:

[2] CNN (2024). ‘Israel approves largest West Bank land seizure in three decades, rights group says’, 4 July.

[3] United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Breakdown of data on demolition and displacement in the West Bank. Available at:

[4] Ir Amim (2024). East Jerusalem in the Shadow of the War: Acceleration of New Settlements Juxtaposed with a Stark Rise in Home Demolitions, April.

[5] United Nations (2024). Report of the Secretary-General A/79/347: Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the Occupied Syrian Golan.


ELSC Newsletter: July 2024

Dear friend,

In the past month, we’ve fought some crucial battles and secured a number of victories, which we bring to you in this month’s newsletter, along with some useful resources to continue mobilising for Palestine.



The Dutch Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de Mens) ruled that software company Speakap discriminated against N. A., an IT specialist from Gaza, when it fired him for condemning Israel’s crimes on LinkedIn. N. A. reached out to the ELSC, and we connected him with lawyer Şeyma Arikan. The Human Rights Board found that Speakap directly discriminated against N. A. based on political affiliation. This decision is an important step towardsholding companies accountable that silence and deploy punitive measures against employees speaking out for Palestine. 


ELSC proudly supported Dr Kate Sang of Heriot-Watt University, and Kamna Patel of UCL, throughout the UKRI’s shameful suspension and investigation procedure, which was concluded in March 2024.

Last month, in June 2024, Dr Patel resigned as Chair of UKRI’s Expert Advisory Group on equality, diversity and inclusion, taking a firm stance against the UK government’s authoritarian attacks on academic freedom and shameful attempts to silence dissenting voices. She writes:

I’m mindful that in all this what is lost are my original words (misquoted by the Secretary of State), which I said from a deep sense of civic responsibility and rooted in postcolonial scholarship – there is an ongoing genocide and practice of apartheid against Palestinians, a reference to a 76-year project of elimination by the Israeli state, now taking a most deadly turn. Since the Secretary of State’s claim these words constitute “extreme views”, the International Court of Justice concluded genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is a plausible risk, a view supported by renowned scholars of genocide, including Israelis. To this I add, it is emboldened by disgraceful efforts by the UK government to silence all dissent, including those rooted in scholarship and evidence. Over the past few months, we have seen the playbook of lobbing unfounded allegations and stoking an investigation into anybody critical of the Israeli state’s policies as a sufficient action to malign and silence them, irrespective of any evidence underpinning the charge or the outcome of any investigation. It is to this playbook that you have (been) played.

Dr Patel resigned

Together with BRISMES Campaigns and London Region UCU Reps, we put together a toolkit for higher education employees in Britain. If you work at a university in Britain and have questions about your rights, or concerns when advocating for Palestine, this guide will offer some helpful answers!


In February 2024, Amsterdam University College (AUC) imposed sanctions (including suspension and formal warnings) on six students for their involvement in Palestine student protests on campus. The Public Interest Litigation Project (PILP) and ELSC assisted these students with sending objections to the university’s management. AUC has now informed the students that all sanctions have been withdrawn. This is an important move for the broader student movement. Freedom to demonstrate and freedom of expression do not stop at the entrance to the university building!



We are proud to have supported prominent activist Michel Legrand (President of ECCP and treasurer of CPJPO) in his case creating a promising precedent for the freedom of speech of Palestinian rights defenders in Luxembourg.

We are proud to be supporting Afra Sohail and Aunngbeen Khalid, who are now standing their ground at the Employment Tribunal. The hearings will continue until 17 July. Follow us for more updates on the hearings soon


One of our missions at ELSC is to support organisations whose funding is cut or restricted. Together with EuroMed Rights we provide an insight into the European context in a new FAQ published on our website

The defunding of Palestinian organisations is a deliberate tactic to suppress Palestinian voices and shield Israel from accountability for its genocidal onslaught on Gaza and continuous attacks against Palestinian life and land. We at ELSC are committed to monitoring the working of this tactic and supporting defunded Palestinian organisations. If you’ve faced similar issues, contact us


Last month, the COC, the oldest interest group for the LGBTI+ community in the world, has officially terminated its sponsor deal, due to’s continued profiteering from illegal Israeli settlements.

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Your support of our legal action, along with other recent initiatives to raise awareness against’s illegal practices, has had a notable impact, and the pressure on is mounting. Together we can end the corporate impunity and complicity with Israel’s colonial enterprise


The Lawyers Collective (Anwält:innenkollektiv) supported by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Law for Palestine, Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) and  Forensis (Forensic Architecture Berlin) has paved the way for further legal action against Germany’s deliveries of war weapons to Israel. We will now dedicate our resources to prevent Germany from illegally selling weapons to Israel. 

Using legal avenues implies huge financial costs for the solidarity movement. Legal fees are unfortunately infamously sky high; we ask you to please consider putting aside whatever amount you’re able to contribute to the steadfast movement’s efforts to hold Germany accountable. Funds raised will be used to cover court and lawyer fees amongst other administrative costs related to how the case progresses.

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All forms of repression that are reported to us helps us in developing our legal and communication strategies to defend the Palestine solidarity movement. Your story is important, we cannot allow these patterns of repression to be normalised. Let’s expose those responsible for our repression and hold them accountable together!


Setting up a small monthly donation to our legal aid fund can go a long way to ensure ELSC’s stability and security at this critical time where we face an unprecedented all-time-high number of repression cases. We cannot do this alone and we need your help to continue supporting the movement! 

As a member of our community of supporters, you will also get early access to ELSC volunteer opportunities and community events and an opportunity to brainstorm with us in the future about how to scale up the ELSC and better serve the Palestine solidarity movement.Click here to join our community of supporters with a monthly contribution! 



Last month, new localities made steps to comply with their obligations to uphold international law. Following the City Council of Bologna, the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region also voted for the adoption of an ethical procurement policy to exclude contracts with companies involved in violations of human rights and international law. This paves the way to target companies complicit in Israel’s genocidal onslaught on Gaza and its crimes all over Palestine.

The Municipality of Copenhagen cut ties with companies involved in Israeli settlements, including, Expedia Group and Airbnb. Mayor Sophie Haestorp Andersen stated: “As a large investor, we have a responsibility for things like human rights. That’s why I don’t think we should invest in companies that have to do with illegal settlements.” 

Lasty, the Province of Utrecht decided not to award their profitable contracts to Dutch company EBS Public Transportation. ELSC, among others – including BDS activists – had called on the province to cut such ties because of the involvement of its parent Israeli company (Egged) in serious human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


Widespread media coverage on our criminal complaint against continues, with a recent piece published by ABC News Australia where our Senior Legal Officer Daan recalls that colonies established in the West Bank are war crimes and that is profiting from war crimes by listing accommodations in these settlements: “So our argument is that any money derived from those settlements is also indirectly derived from those war crimes”.

Our Monitor Project Officer for Germany Tobias provided research and commentary on the policing of solidarity with Palestine during the Euros 2024.

One of our Germany lawyers and expert on migration law, Alexander Gorski, talks about the most recent developments in Germany’s racist legislation and their implications with regards to surveillance and attacks on freedom of expression. Read more about it in German here, and here.

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In June, we held our first ‘Know You Rights’ session in Italy at the university of Milan. Two lawyers from our legal network provided Palestine solidarity activists with advice on how to protect themselves from increasing repression as they continue to mobilise for divestment and an end to complicity with Israel’s most recent genocidal onslaught on Gaza and the ongoing colonisation of Palestine.  


Together with three lawyers from our Solidarity Lawyers Network in Berlin, we organised a Know Your Rights Session with about 40 students mobilising at universities in Berlin. We provided legal advice and strategies to collectively move against the growing repression of student activism in Germany.  


We held our second Berlin Community Event on Saturday, 22nd June, at Haus der Demokratie, to collectively reflect on the current political context and to think through strategic collaborations and needed priorities for the ELSC to effectively support the Palestine solidarity movement in Germany. The event was attended by over 50 activists including student activists, journalists, and movement lawyers.

At our event this year we also presented our unique, extensive Monitoring Database on anti-Palestinian repression across Europe which is soon to be launched. In the past years, our Monitor Team has collected, documented and exposed forms of repression, policies, legislation and case law related to the criminalisation of the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe. 


Watch our Germany Senior Legal Officer Nadija speak at the United Nations about the intensifying repression against Palestine solidarity in the country and the importance of continued collective mobilisation (12min40):  


Our Senior Legal Officer Kiran and Advocacy & Communications Manager Alice gave a workshop to the “community of practice” of Systemic justice where we presented our work and our vision for Movement lawyering in the context of the Palestinian struggle for liberation



If you are facing fines or trials for speaking out and mobilising for Palestine, here are some organisations that you can reach out to for support! Resources include free legal advice, open consultation hours for people experiencing racial profiling and racist police violence, contacts with lawyers in solidarity, trial support or financial aid. You are not alone in this, and we will not let the state repression get us down.   

For more recourses of support, get in touch with Palestine at the Forefront: Fighting Repression in Germany

BRITAIN: PROTESTING AT UNIVERSITY? Here’s what you need to know



Camera4Palestine, a film industry initiative investigating links between the film industry and the Israeli state, has published a new report, which investigates the international supply routes for Israeli state propaganda. Read More


Would you like to join our team? We are currently seeking an Advocacy & Communications Officer for the Netherlands. The deadline for applications is 18 July 2024. For more details about the position and how to apply, please follow the link below!  

Our comrades at The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) are seeking an Advocacy & Campaigning officer. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Find out more here

We are proud to be in community with you. As you continue to organise and take action, make sure to visit our Know Your Rights resources and continue to report any form of repression

In solidarity,   

Press Release Sued for Laundering Profits from Israeli War Crimes in Palestine

Press release – 23 May 2024, Amsterdam


The European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Al-Haq, SOMO and The Rights Forum have filed a criminal complaint to the Dutch Public Prosecution Service to hold to account for profiting from the commission of war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT).

This case is being brought after years of research into’s activities in illegal Israeli settlements as part of a longer trajectory of actions on businesses profiting from abuse in OPT. By facilitating the rental of vacation homes on land stolen from the indigenous Palestinian population, profits from war crimes.

‘Profits from illegal Israeli settlements flow into the Dutch financial system via listings’

Profiting from war crimes is illegal under Dutch criminal law, specifically article 1 (4) of the Dutch International Crimes Act (Wet Internationale Misdijven). By profiting from serious violations of international humanitarian law, is bringing proceeds of crime into the Dutch financial system – which means that the company is guilty of money laundering, the claimants assert. The Dutch Public Prosecution Service has a duty to safeguard the integrity of the Dutch financial system by prosecuting this conduct. is aware of the legal risks involved in these activities yet opted to continue offering accommodations in illegal settlements. The company for this reason has been blacklisted by the UN Human Rights Council since 2020. Reports by human rights organisations, including  Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have highlighted the complicity of the tourism industry in illegal Israeli settlements.

‘The goal is to end corporate impunity surrounding profiting from illegal Israeli settlements’

With this criminal complaint, our organisations aim to end’s involvement in international crimes on stolen Palestinian land. We also aim to end the climate of corporate impunity surrounding profiting from Israel’s violations of international humanitarian law.

Settlements are illegal under international law, based on systematic human rights violations, and acts amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity and are harmful to any prospect of justice and peace. The International Criminal Court in The Hague is investigating Israeli settlement construction and European governments have clearly warned companies under their jurisdiction about the legal risks stemming from operating in illegal Israeli settlements. The Dutch government claims to discourage companies from doing business in them, and explicitly puts the responsibility to conform to the law on companies themselves.

The world is witnessing a brutal aggression against the Palestinian people. The International Court of Justice has warned of ‘plausible’ genocide being committed against Palestinians in Gaza. At the same time, repression and violence against Palestinians in the West Bank has reached unprecedented levels, with record amounts of land being stolen for the construction and expansion of illegal settlements. Bringing to account individuals and corporations complicit in and profiting from these crimes is today more urgent than ever before.

Early May, SOMO asked for its response to research findings regarding its involvement in Israeli settlements and the legal implications thereof. In its response, states that it “wholeheartedly disagree[s]” with our “allegations of illegal activity.” The company does not engage with the accusation of money laundering and claims that there are no laws prohibiting listings in Israeli settlements. Instead, they claim that U.S. laws would prohibit from divesting from Israeli settlements.

Dr Susan Power from Al-Haq warned that, is exploiting Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people for commercial profit. Palestinians are subjugated, tortured and killed under Israel’s brutal settler colonial apartheid regime. By profiting from the illegal settlement enterprise, benefits from the systematic deprivation of the Palestinian people of their lands and natural resources, entrenches the apartheid regime, and frustrates the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to exercise self-determination. This is the ultimate denial of freedom. We demand that stop violating the law.

The company’s involvement in Israeli violations of international law also contravenes widely recognised business and human rights (BHR) norms, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which the company explicitly claims to respect.

added Lydia de Leeuw from SOMO.

We have been working on this complaint for years, responding to calls of Palestinians who have seen their property being stolen to end up as profitable vacation homes for settlers on Efforts by human rights groups, activists, and even concerned employees within the company, to warn the company about its operations in the OPT have been systematically ignored. These unlawful operations support a system of settler-colonialism and racial domination that amounts to apartheid, but companies profiting from those violations and facilitating them hardly face legal scrutiny. This is unacceptable and must stop.

said Daan de Grefte, Legal Officer at the ELSC.

The Dutch government refuses to take meaningful action against the continued colonization of occupied Palestinian land, or against Dutch companies profiting from these crimes. It’s time to end this impunity and expose the extent of the harm that operations of companies like inflict on the indigenous Palestinian population.

said Edwin van ‘t Pad from The Rights Forum.

West Bank settlements are clearly established by war crimes. Profiting from these illicit economies means profiting from war crimes. Dutch criminal law is very clear: profiting from war crimes is illegal and can be qualified as money laundering. There is no doubt that is aware of the illegality of these settlements. They have been requested by numerous actors, on multiple occasions, to stop their operations on stolen Palestinian land. This criminal complaint is a measure of last resort. We expect this case to serve as an example to other companies profiting from war crimes.

said Willem Jebbink, attorney at Jebbink Soeteman Advocaten.

This case was launched with the support of the PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy). 



Aangifte tegen voor het witwassen van winsten uit Israëlische oorlogsmisdaden in Palestina

Het European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Al-Haq, SOMO en The Rights Forum hebben aangifte gedaan bij het Nederlandse Openbaar Ministerie om ter verantwoording te roepen voor het profiteren van oorlogsmisdrijven in Bezet Palestijns Gebied.

Deze aangifte is de uitkomst van jaren van onderzoek naar de activiteiten van in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen. Door de verhuur van vakantiehuizen mogelijk te maken op grond die gestolen is van de Palestijnse bevolking, profiteert van oorlogsmisdrijven.

‘Winsten uit illegale Israëlische nederzettingen vloeien via het Nederlandse financiële systeem binnen’

Het profiteren van oorlogsmisdrijven is verboden volgens het Nederlandse strafrecht, zoals bevestigd in artikel 1 (4) van de ‘Wet Internationale Misdrijven’. Door te profiteren van ernstige schendingen van het oorlogsrecht, brengt de opbrengsten van misdaden in het Nederlandse financiële systeem – wat betekent dat het bedrijf schuldig is aan witwassen, aldus de organisaties. Het Nederlandse Openbaar Ministerie heeft de taak de integriteit van het Nederlandse financiële systeem te waarborgen door dit gedrag te vervolgen. is zich bewust van de juridische risico’s die aan deze activiteiten verbonden zijn, maar heeft ervoor gekozen om accommodaties in illegale nederzettingen te blijven aanbieden. Het bedrijf staat om deze reden sinds 2020 op de zwarte lijst van de VN Mensenrechtenraad. Rapporten van mensenrechtenorganisaties, waaronder Amnesty International en Human Rights Watch, hebben de medeplichtigheid van de toerisme-industrie aan illegale Israëlische nederzettingen benadrukt.

‘Het doel is om de straffeloosheid van bedrijven rond het profiteren van illegale Israëlische nederzettingen te beëindigen’

Met deze aangifte streven onze organisaties ernaar de betrokkenheid van bij internationale misdaden op gestolen Palestijns land te beëindigen. We streven er ook naar om een einde te maken aan de straffeloosheid van bedrijven rond het profiteren van de schendingen van internationaal recht door Israël.

Nederzettingen zijn illegaal volgens het internationaal recht. Ze zijn tot stand gekomen door systematische mensenrechtenschendingen en daden die neerkomen op oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid. De nederzettingen zijn schadelijk voor elke kans op rechtvaardigheid en vrede. Het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag onderzoekt de bouw van Israëlische nederzettingen en Europese regeringen hebben duidelijk gewaarschuwd voor de juridische risico’s voor bedrijven als ze opereren in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen. De Nederlandse regering beweert bedrijven te ontmoedigen zaken te doen in nederzettingen en legt expliciet de verantwoordelijkheid om zich aan de wet te houden bij bedrijven zelf.

De wereld is getuige van een nietsontziende aanval op Palestijnen. Het Internationaal Gerechtshof acht het “plausibel” dat Israël genocide pleegt op Palestijnen in Gaza. Tegelijkertijd hebben de onderdrukking en het geweld tegen Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever ongekende niveaus bereikt, met een record aan Palestijns land dat wordt gestolen voor de bouw en uitbreiding van illegale nederzettingen. Het ter verantwoording roepen van individuen en bedrijven die medeplichtig zijn aan en profiteren van deze misdaden is urgenter dan ooit tevoren.

Begin mei heeft SOMO om haar reactie gevraagd op onderzoeksresultaten over haar betrokkenheid bij Israëlische nederzettingen en de juridische implicaties daarvan. In haar reactie stelt dat het bedrijf het “volledig oneens” is met onze “beschuldigingen van illegale activiteiten”. Het bedrijf gaat niet in op de beschuldiging van het witwassen van geld en beweert dat er geen wetten zijn die vermeldingen in Israëlische nederzettingen verbieden. In plaats daarvan beweert dat Amerikaanse wetgeving hen zou verbieden te desinvesteren uit Israëlische nederzettingen.

Dr. Susan Power van Al-Haq waarschuwde dat Israëls oorlogsmisdrijven en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid tegen het Palestijnse volk uitbuit voor economisch gewin. Palestijnen worden onderworpen, gemarteld en gedood onder het wrede koloniale apartheidsregime van Israël. Door te profiteren van de illegale nederzettingeneconomie, profiteert van de systematische beroving van het Palestijnse volk van hun land en natuurlijke hulpbronnen, verankert het het apartheidsregime en frustreert het de onvervreemdbare rechten van het Palestijnse volk om zelfbeschikking uit te oefenen. Dit is de ultieme ontkenning van vrijheid. We eisen dat stopt met het overtreden van de wet.

De betrokkenheid van het bedrijf bij Israëls schendingen van het internationaal recht is ook in strijd met algemeen erkende normen aangaande bedrijven en mensenrechten, zoals de VN Principes voor Bedrijven en Mensenrechten en de OECD Richtlijnen voor Multinationale Ondernemingen, waarvan het bedrijf expliciet verklaart ze te respecteren.

voegde Lydia de Leeuw van SOMO toe.

We werken al jaren aan deze aangifte, als reactie op oproepen van Palestijnen die hebben gezien hoe hun eigendommen worden gestolen om als winstgevende vakantiehuizen voor kolonisten op te eindigen. Inspanningen van mensenrechtenorganisaties, activisten en zelfs bezorgde werknemers binnen het bedrijf, om het bedrijf te waarschuwen voor zijn operaties in de nederzettingen, zijn systematisch genegeerd. Deze onwettige operaties ondersteunen een systeem van koloniale overheersing en etnische onderdrukking dat neerkomt op apartheid, maar bedrijven die profiteren van die schendingen en ze faciliteren wordt geen stroobreed in de weg gelegd. Dit is onaanvaardbaar en moet stoppen.

zei Daan de Grefte, juridisch medewerker bij het ELSC.

 De Nederlandse regering weigert om effectieve actie te ondernemen tegen de voortdurende kolonisatie van bezet Palestijns land, of tegen Nederlandse bedrijven die profiteren van deze misdaden. Het is tijd om deze straffeloosheid te beëindigen en de omvang van het leed dat de operaties van bedrijven als toebrengen aan de inheemse Palestijnse bevolking bloot te leggen.

zei Edwin van ‘t Pad van The Rights Forum

De nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever zijn duidelijk tot stand gekomen door oorlogsmisdaden. Profiteren van deze illegale economieën betekent profiteren van oorlogsmisdaden. Het Nederlandse strafrecht is heel duidelijk: profiteren van oorlogsmisdaden is illegaal en kan worden aangemerkt als witwassen. Er bestaat geen twijfel dat op de hoogte is van de onwettigheid van deze nederzettingen. Ze zijn door tal van actoren, op meerdere momenten, verzocht om te stoppen met hun activiteiten op gestolen Palestijns land. Deze aangifte is een laatste redmiddel. We verwachten dat deze zaak als voorbeeld zal dienen voor andere bedrijven die profiteren van oorlogsmisdaden.

aldus Willem Jebbink, advocaat bij Jebbink Soeteman Advocaten.



Q&A – Booking Sued for Laundering Profits from Israeli War Crimes in Palestine


1. What is the criminal complaint about?

The criminal complaint that the ELSC, Al-Haq, SOMO, and The Rights Forum filed is about’s involvement in illegal Israeli settlements located in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). Our research shows that profits from facilitating the rental of vacation homes built on land stolen from the indigenous Palestinian population. As those settlements are created and maintained by the commission of multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity,[1] is in fact profiting from those international crimes. This is illegal according to Dutch criminal law, specifically article 1 (4) of the Dutch International Crimes Act (Wet Internationale Misdrijven). is bringing proceeds of crime into the Dutch financial system – which means that the company is guilty of money laundering, the civil society organisations assert. The Dutch Public Prosecution Service has a duty to safeguard the integrity of the Dutch financial system by prosecuting this conduct. It is clear that was aware of the legal risks involved and opted to continue offering accommodations in illegal settlements.

2. Why is it clear that was aware of the risks of their operations in the OPT?

Many reports by human rights organisations (such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch) have been published on the problematic nature of the tourism industry’s involvement in illegal Israeli settlements. has been explicitly mentioned in multiple of these reports and the organisations have been in direct contact with the company about their concerns. Grassroots campaigns have also been launched against to ‘stop profit from war crimes’.[2]

Furthermore, has been included in the UN database on companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements, which is a list compiled by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights of companies that have direct or indirect links to the settlements. The publication of this database in February 2020 was widely covered by Dutch and international media. The database was updated in June 2023.[3] was included in both publications and was directly approached by the UN prior to its inclusion on the list.

Settlements are illegal under international law, harmful to any prospect of justice and peace, the cause of myriad human rights violations, and their construction constitutes a number of war crimes and crimes against humanity. As such, the Israeli settlement construction is being investigated by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. European governments explicitly warn companies under their jurisdiction about the legal risks stemming from operating in illegal Israeli settlements. The Dutch government ‘discourages’ companies from doing business in them,[4] and explicitly puts the responsibility to conform to the law on companies themselves.

3. What do we want to achieve by filing this criminal complaint?

With this criminal complaint, we aim to end’s involvement in international crimes in the OPT. This involvement is problematic in many ways:

  • First, as highlighted in our complaint, the integrity of the Dutch financial system is compromised as revenue with a criminal origin (proceeds of crime) is transferred into the Netherlands as if it were legitimate earnings. This is exactly what the criminal provision prohibiting money laundering aims to prevent.
  • Besides violating Dutch criminal provisions,’s involvement in Israeli violations of international law also contravenes widely recognised business and human rights (BHR) norms, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which the company explicitly states to respect.
  • More importantly, the company’s operations are extremely harmful to the occupied Palestinian population, which is protected by the provisions of international humanitarian law that the Israeli state violates (violations that profits from). Palestinians are being forcibly displaced to make room for settlements, their natural resources are being stolen and used to supply settlements, they face numerous forms of discrimination to maintain segregation between the settler population and the indigenous Palestinian communities, their right to freedom of movement is greatly restricted, and they face growing violence by settlers living close to Palestinian communities. This regime of racial domination that Palestinians face and to which the settlements are an integral part, is part of Israel’s apartheid regime. 
  • The appropriation of Palestinian territory for settlements, amounts to a de facto annexation of territory, and a denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination.
  • By conducting ‘business as usual’ in illegal Israeli settlements, contributes to normalising the war crimes and crimes against humanity that established them and provides an incentive for the Israeli state to continue committing them.

With this complaint, we also aim to address and end the climate of corporate impunity that surrounds profit from and complicity in Israel’s violations of international humanitarian law. Israeli settlements constitute grave violations of international law, are part of Israel’s settler-colonial policies, form an integral part of a system of racial domination that amounts to apartheid, and have severe consequences for the indigenous Palestinian population. While the International Court of Justice has warned of ‘plausible’ acts of genocide being committed against Palestinians in Gaza, repression and violence against Palestinians in the West Bank has reached unprecedented levels. In April 2024, the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention published an “Active Genocide Alert Condemning Ongoing Violence in the West Bank”, stating that “the Israeli military and far-right settlers have used the cover of war to conduct continuous attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, often leading to death and forced displacement”.[5]

Yet, companies profiting from those violations hardly face legal scrutiny. Companies escaping accountability for involvement in and profiting from international crimes provides an incentive for other states to create economies based on such international crimes in other contexts (e.g. the occupation of the Western Sahara, the occupation of Eastern Ukraine).

It is time to expose and address the extent of the harm that operations of companies like impose on the indigenous Palestinian population.

4. What would constitute a success for the co-filers? If they succeed in holding criminally accountable, what does it mean in practice and what would be the steps to get there?

The main aim is to address the problematic nature of’s involvement in and profiting from the war crimes that established the settlements and the violations of Palestinians’ rights that are caused by the settlement enterprise.

A success will be the realisation of corporate criminal accountability for for this conduct. Such accountability can come in the form of a criminal investigation being initiated, an indictment being issued by the prosecutor, and, ultimately, a conviction by a criminal court. Criminal procedures such as this one can be lengthy and could span multiple years. could be fined, and the individuals who are responsible for this conduct could face personal liability. Any of these measures would provide a strong deterrent to companies operating in, or planning to operate in, illegal Israeli settlements.

A long-term success would be a general acceptance by states and businesses that profiting from illegal Israeli settlements is unlawful and should be actively prosecuted by law enforcement authorities.

5. Did the co-filers speak to about their concerns?

Respected human rights groups – including Al-Haq, UN officials, and activists have been raising this issue with the company since at least 2018.[6] These conversations have yielded no results and delivered absolutely nothing to Palestinians, who are continuously losing more land while makes a profit from their property. seemed to take a step in the right direction in the summer of 2022, when what appeared to be proposals of the company to add a human rights-related warning label to settlement listings were leaked to international media. However, after this was reported and Israel’s Minister of Tourism vowed to put pressure on the company to reverse its decision, a generic warning label was added for all listings in the West Bank – including Palestinian accommodations – saying the area “may be considered conflict-affected” by the customer’s government and the label made no mention of the illegality of settlements or human rights concerns. This could negatively affect tourism to Palestine and again confirmed that will not cease profiting from war crimes without legal intervention.

In early May 2024, SOMO contacted, informing the company about research findings regarding its involvement in Israeli settlements and the legal implications thereof, offering the company a right of reply. In the communication, SOMO asserted that’s profiting from listings in Israeli settlements amounts to money laundering under Dutch law. responded to SOMO stating that it “wholeheartedly disagree[s]” with SOMO’s “allegations of illegal activity”. It also suggested that international law does not apply to corporate actors, and that they are only bound by domestic laws.

In its response, Booking does not engage with the allegations of money laundering. Instead, it claims to be “in full compliance” with Dutch laws, without providing further reasoning. It claims that there are no laws prohibiting listings in Israeli settlements, and rather that U.S. laws would prohibit from divesting from Israeli settlements. The response also makes general references to’s Human Rights Statement and how the company “appropriately balance[s] the various risks and human rights concerns regarding disputed [emphasis added] Israeli settlements in the West Bank”.

6. Why did you target in particular? Are there not many other Online Tourism Agencies (OTAs) that are doing the same? is a large multinational that operates around the world and offers more than 28 million accommodation listings. It is one of the leading companies in its sector. If ends its involvement in illegal Israeli settlements, it could have a large effect on other companies, potentially leading to significant changes in the climate of impunity currently surrounding business in settlements in the OPT.

In its official statements,[7] states that it is committed to protecting local communities in occupied territories and vows to conduct heightened due diligence on listings there. International law and human rights norms are clear: Israeli settlements in the OPT are illegal and it is impossible to operate in them without breaching business and human rights (BHR) standards and international law.

We are engaging in strategic litigation, meaning that with this complaint we aim to provide conditions for social, political, or legal change, based on the needs of those primarily affected by the addressed injustice. To Palestinians, exemplifies corporate profit from violations of their rights, without any accountability. If faces true criminal accountability, then it will not only push them to stop their harmful and illegal policies, but other companies too.

7. If is following the laws in force in Israel, how can they be held liable for violating Dutch criminal law? B.V. is a Dutch company, headquartered in the Netherlands. Its revenue is registered in the Netherlands and the company pays taxes to the Dutch tax authorities. As a Dutch company, it has to abide by Dutch laws and regulations. Dutch criminal law specifies that the acts committed in the OPT by Israel to establish the settlements are international crimes. By knowingly profiting from these crimes, is in violation of Dutch criminal law. It does not matter for this analysis whether or not that conduct is legal according to the state that commits the crimes.

8. itself is not committing any war crimes, it simply facilitates the rental of vacation homes. Why is their conduct in settlements problematic?

The conduct of in the OPT is problematic for three main reasons.

Firstly, their involvement in the illegal Israeli settlement enterprise contributes to making the settlements economically sustainable. As tourism generates income for the settlement industry,’s conduct contributes to the settlement economy and makes it attractive for settlers to colonise more Palestinian land.

Secondly, the company legitimises the settlements – which are widely condemned as flagrant violations of international law, a serious obstacle to justice in Palestine, and a main driver of various violations of Palestinian’s rights – by acting as if it is ‘business as usual’ and by attracting foreign tourists to them. In this way, the war crimes and crimes against humanity these settlements are based on are effectively whitewashed by

Thirdly, not only the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity, but also profiting from them is explicitly illegal under Dutch law. This was done not only to protect the integrity of the Dutch financial system, but also to frustrate the commission of the principal crimes. By profiting from and exacerbating the system of war crimes and crimes against humanity, is facilitating and encouraging their commission.

9. What is the amount of money laundered by

As it is difficult for the co-filing organisations to gain an insight into the finances of, it is not possible to know the exact amount of money that entered the Dutch financial system from illegal Israeli settlements. However, in cooperation with international forensic accountants, we were able to make a conservative estimate of the amount that has allegedly laundered since it started listing stolen real estate in the OPT. This estimate is based on publicly available information and corporate filings, and shows that the laundered revenue likely amounts to at least one million euros. Details regarding the precise amount can easily be obtained from by Dutch law enforcement agencies.

10. Why is this action relevant/ necessary now?

This case is being brought after years of research into’s activities in illegal Israeli settlements. We filed this legal complaint as part of a longer trajectory of actions on businesses profiting from abuse in the OPT; work that started before Oct 7 2023, and which we consider has to be pursued now, alongside all of our other collective efforts. Ethnic cleansing and settler violence in the West Bank are only increasing after 7 October, showing the importance of addressing corporate involvement in the settlement economy.

This case was launched with the support of the PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy). 

[1] These war crimes include, but are not limited to: the unlawful appropriation of property of the adversary, criminalized in arts. 5 (1) (d) and 5 (5) (t) of the Dutch International Crimes Act; the transfer of civilians into occupied territory, criminalized in arts. 5 (2) (d) (i) and 5 (5) (d) of the ICA.

[2] See the BDS NL (DocP) campaign against; Extinction Rebellion Nederland, XR Justice Now! demonstreert bij hoofdkantoor en nodigt medewerkers uit om mee te doen, 13 March 2024, available at: XR Justice Now! demonstreert bij hoofdkantoor en nodigt medewerkers uit om mee te doen · Extinction Rebellion Nederland

[3] See the last updated version of the UN database here:

[4] De situatie in het Midden-Oosten, “Brief van de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken”, Kamerstukken II 2012–2013, 23 432, nr. 348, p. 4, available at:

[5] Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, Israel is Committing Genocide across Palestine:
Active Genocide Alert Condemning Ongoing Violence in the West Bank
, 8 April 2024, available at: Israel is Committing Genocide across Palestine: Active Genocide Alert Condemning Ongoing Violence in the West Bank (

[6] See the letter sent by Al Haq, The Rights Forum and other organisations to in 2018: Press Release: Al-Haq and Others Send Letter to (; See The Rights Forum, toeristische rader in Israëlische oorlogsmisdaad, 30 December 2021, available at: toeristische rader in Israëlische oorlogsmisdaad – The Rights Forum

[7] See 2022 Human Rights Statement, available at:, at p. 6; see AT5, Oproep aan Pride-organisator: heroverweeg samenwerking met hoofdsponsor Booking, 6 March 2024.

Q&A – Aangifte tegen wegens witwassen van winsten uit Israëlische oorlogsmisdaden in Palestina  

1. Waar gaat de aangifte over?

De aangifte die het ELSC, Al-Haq, SOMO en The Rights Forum hebben ingediend, gaat over de betrokkenheid van bij illegale Israëlische nederzettingen in bezet Palestijns gebied. Uit ons onderzoek blijkt dat winst maakt door de verhuur van vakantiehuizen die zijn gebouwd op grond die is gestolen van de inheemse Palestijnse bevolking. Aangezien die nederzettingen worden gecreëerd en onderhouden door het plegen van meerdere oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid[1](1), maakt feitelijk winst uit deze internationale misdrijven. Dit is volgens het Nederlandse strafrecht illegaal, specifiek onder artikel 1 (4) van de Nederlandse Wet internationale misdrijven. brengt de opbrengsten van misdrijven binnen in het Nederlandse financiële systeem – wat betekent dat het bedrijf schuldig is aan witwassen, zo stellen de maatschappelijke organisaties. Het Nederlandse Openbaar Ministerie heeft de plicht de integriteit van het Nederlandse financiële systeem te waarborgen door deze praktijk strafrechtelijk te onderzoeken en te vervolgen. Het is duidelijk dat zich bewust was van de juridische risico’s van dit handelen en ervoor koos om accommodaties aan te blijven bieden in illegale nederzettingen.

2. Waarom is het duidelijk dat op de hoogte was van de risico’s van hun activiteiten in bezet Palestijns gebied?

Er zijn veel rapporten van mensenrechtenorganisaties (zoals Amnesty International en Human Rights Watch) gepubliceerd over de problematische aard van de betrokkenheid van de toerisme-industrie bij illegale Israëlische nederzettingen. is expliciet genoemd in meerdere van deze rapporten en de organisaties hebben rechtstreeks contact gehad met het bedrijf over hun zorgen. Er zijn ook grassroots-campagnes gelanceerd tegen om ‘winst uit oorlogsmisdaden te stoppen’.[2]

Bovendien is opgenomen in de VN-database van bedrijven die actief zijn in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen, een lijst samengesteld door de Hoge Commissaris voor de Mensenrechten van de VN, van bedrijven die directe of indirecte banden hebben met de nederzettingen. De publicatie van deze database in februari 2020 kreeg uitgebreide aandacht van Nederlandse en internationale media. De database werd bijgewerkt in juni 2023[3]. werd in beide publicaties opgenomen en werd rechtstreeks benaderd door de VN voordat het op de lijst werd geplaatst.

Nederzettingen zijn illegaal volgens het internationaal recht, schadelijk voor elk perspectief op rechtvaardigheid en vrede, de oorzaak van talloze schendingen van mensenrechten, en hun aanleg en uitbreiding komt voort uit een aantal oorlogsmisdrijven en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid. Als zodanig wordt de bouw van Israëlische nederzettingen in bezet Palestijns gebied onderzocht door het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag. Europese regeringen waarschuwen bedrijven vallende onder hun jurisdictie expliciet voor de juridische risico’s die voortvloeien uit het opereren in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen. De Nederlandse regering ‘ontmoedigt’ bedrijven om zaken te doen in deze nederzettingen,[4] en legt expliciet de verantwoordelijkheid om zich aan de wet te houden bij de bedrijven zelf.

3. Wat willen we bereiken met het indienen van deze aangifte?

Middels deze aangifte streven we ernaar om de betrokkenheid van bij internationale misdrijven in bezet Palestijns gebied te beëindigen. Deze betrokkenheid is op vele manieren problematisch:

  • Ten eerste, zoals benadrukt in onze aangifte, wordt de integriteit van het Nederlandse financiële systeem aangetast doordat inkomsten met een criminele oorsprong (opbrengsten van misdrijven) naar Nederland worden overgebracht alsof het legitieme verdiensten zijn. Dit is precies wat de strafrechtelijke bepaling ter verbieding van witwassen beoogt te voorkomen.
  • Naast het overtreden van Nederlandse strafrechtelijke bepalingen, druist de betrokkenheid van bij Israëlische schendingen van het internationaal recht ook in tegen algemeen erkende normen op het gebied van bedrijfsleven en mensenrechten (Business and Human Rights, BHR), zoals de UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights en de OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, waarvan het bedrijf expliciet zegt deze te respecteren.
  • Belangrijker nog is dat de activiteiten van het bedrijf bijdragen aan extreem veel leed en onrecht jegens de bezette Palestijnse bevolking, in strijd met bepalingen van het internationaal humanitair recht dat met voeten wordt getreden door  Israël (schendingen waar van profiteert).
  • Palestijnen worden gedwongen te verhuizen om plaats te maken voor nederzettingen, hun natuurlijke grondstoffen worden gestolen en gebruikt om nederzettingen te voorzien, ze worden geconfronteerd met talrijke vormen van discriminatie om segregatie tussen de kolonistenbevolking en de inheemse Palestijnse gemeenschappen te handhaven, hun recht op vrijheid van beweging wordt sterk beperkt, en ze worden geconfronteerd met toenemend geweld door kolonisten, onder bescherming van soldaten, die dicht bij Palestijnse gemeenschappen wonen.
  • Dit regime van raciale overheersing waarmee Palestijnen worden geconfronteerd en waartoe de nederzettingen een integraal onderdeel vormen, maakt deel uit van het apartheidsregime van Israël.
  • De toe-eigening van Palestijns grondgebied voor nederzettingen komt neer op een de facto annexatie van grondgebied en een ontkenning van de onvervreemdbare rechten van het Palestijnse volk op zelfbeschikking.
  • Door ‘business as usual’ te voeren in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen draagt bij aan het normaliseren van de oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid waarmee de nederzettingen tot stand zijn gebrachten biedt het een economische prikkel voor de Israëlische staat om ze voort te zetten.

Met deze aangifte streven we er ook naar om het klimaat van straffeloosheid aan te pakken waarbinnen bedrijven winst kunnen halen uit en medeplichtig kunnen zijn aan de schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht door Israël. Israëlische nederzettingen vormen ernstige schendingen van het internationaal recht, maken deel uit van het koloniale beleid van Israël, vormen een integraal onderdeel van een systeem van raciale overheersing dat neerkomt op apartheid, en hebben ernstige consequenties voor de inheemse Palestijnse bevolking. Terwijl het Internationaal Gerechtshof heeft gewaarschuwd voor een ‘plausibele’ genocide tegen Palestijnen in Gaza, heeft onderdrukking en geweld tegen Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever ongekende niveaus bereikt. In april 2024 publiceerde het Lemkin Instituut voor Genocidepreventie een “Actieve Genocide-Waarschuwing die het Voortdurende Geweld op de Westelijke Jordaanoever Veroordeelt”, waarin staat dat “het Israëlische leger en extreemrechtse kolonisten de dekking van de oorlog hebben gebruikt om voortdurende aanvallen uit te voeren op Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever, vaak resulterend in dood en gedwongen ontheemding”.[5]

Toch worden bedrijven die profiteren van deze schendingen en ze faciliteren nauwelijks juridisch onderzocht. Bedrijven die ontsnappen aan verantwoordelijkheid voor betrokkenheid bij en profiteren van internationale misdrijven biedt andere staten een stimulans om economieën te creëren op basis van dergelijke internationale misdrijven in andere contexten (bijv. de bezetting van de Westelijke Sahara, de bezetting van Oost-Oekraïne).

Het is tijd om de omvang van het schadelijke effect dat de activiteiten van bedrijven zoals hebben op de inheemse Palestijnse bevolking bloot te leggen en aan te pakken.

4. Wat zou succes betekenen voor de mede-indieners? Als het lukt om strafrechtelijk verantwoordelijk te houden, wat betekent dat in de praktijk en wat zijn de stappen om daar te komen?

Het belangrijkste doel is om de problematische aard van de betrokkenheid van bij en het profiteren van de oorlogsmisdrijven onderliggend aan de nederzettingen te adresseren, evenals de schendingen van de rechten van Palestijnen die worden veroorzaakt door de nederzettingen.

Een succes zou inhouden dat strafrechtelijk verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden. Deze verantwoordelijkheid kan zich om te beginnen uiten in de vorm van een strafrechtelijk onderzoek dat wordt gestart, een aanklacht die wordt uitgevaardigd door het OM, en uiteindelijk een veroordeling door een strafrechter. Dergelijke strafprocedures kunnen langdurig zijn en meerdere jaren beslaan. kan beboet worden, en de personen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor dit beleid kunnen hoofdelijk aansprakelijk worden gesteld. Elk van deze procedurele stappen en maatregelen zou een krachtig afschrikmiddel vormen voor bedrijven die actief zijn in, of van plan zijn om actief te worden in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen.

Een langetermijnsucces zou zijn dat staten en bedrijven algemeen erkennen dat het profiteren van illegale Israëlische nederzettingen onwettig is en actief vervolgd moet worden door handhavingsautoriteiten.

5. Hebben de mede-indieners met gesproken over hun zorgen?

Gerespecteerde mensenrechtenorganisaties – waaronder Al-Haq, VN-functionarissen, The Rights Forum en activisten – hebben dit probleem al sinds 2018 bij het bedrijf aangekaart.[6] Deze gesprekken hebben geen resultaat gehad en hebben absoluut niets opgeleverd voor de Palestijnen, die voortdurend meer land verliezen terwijl winst maakt met hun gestolen eigendom. leek een kleine stap in de goede richting te zetten in de zomer van 2022, toen vermeende plannen van het bedrijf om een waarschuwingsetiket met betrekking tot mensenrechten aan het aanbod in nederzettingen toe te voegen, uitlekten naar internationale media. Echter, nadat dit bekend werd en de Israëlische Minister van Toerisme zwoor druk uit te oefenen op het bedrijf om zijn beslissing terug te draaien, werd door een generiek waarschuwingslabel toegevoegd voor alle accommodaties in de nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever – inclusief Palestijnse accommodaties – waarop stond dat het gebied door de regering van de klant als “conflictgebied beschouwd zou kunnen worden”, zonder dat daarbij melding werd gemaakt van de onwettigheid van de nederzettingen of de zorgen over mensenrechten. Dit zou het toerisme naar Palestina negatief kunnen beïnvloeden en bevestigde opnieuw dat niet zal stoppen met het profiteren van oorlogsmisdrijven zonder juridische interventie.

Begin mei 2024 heeft SOMO contact opgenomen met en informeerde het bedrijf over de onderzoeksresultaten met betrekking tot diens betrokkenheid bij Israëlische nederzettingen en de juridische implicaties daarvan, waarbij het bedrijf recht op antwoord kreeg. In dit ‘company review request’ stelde SOMO dat de winsten door op accommodaties in Israëlische nederzettingen volgens de Nederlandse wet neerkomen op het witwassen van geld. reageerde op SOMO en verklaarde dat het “het volledig oneens is” met de “beschuldigingen van illegale activiteiten” van SOMO. Het bedrijf suggereert ook dat het internationaal recht niet van toepassing is op actoren uit het bedrijfsleven, en dat zij alleen gebonden zijn aan binnenlandse wetten.

In haar reactie gaat Booking niet in op de beschuldiging van het witwassen van geld. In plaats daarvan stelt zij “volledig in overeenstemming” te zijn met de Nederlandse wetgeving, zonder verdere motivering. Het beweert dat er geen wetten zijn die vermeldingen in Israëlische nederzettingen verbieden, en dat Amerikaanse wetten zouden verbieden om uit Israëlische nederzettingen te desinvesteren. Het antwoord bevat ook algemene verwijzingen naar de Mensenrechtenverklaring (Human Rights Statement) van en hoe het bedrijf “de verschillende risico’s en mensenrechtenkwesties met betrekking tot betwiste [nadruk toegevoegd] Israëlische nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever op de juiste manier in evenwicht brengt”.

6. Waarom is specifiek gekozen? Zijn er niet veel andere online toerismeplatforms die hetzelfde doen? is een grote multinational die wereldwijd opereert en meer dan 28 miljoen accommodaties aanbiedt. Het is een van de toonaangevende bedrijven in zijn sector. Als zijn betrokkenheid bij illegale Israëlische nederzettingen beëindigt, zou dit een grote invloed kunnen hebben op andere bedrijven in de sector, mogelijk leidend tot aanzienlijke veranderingen in het klimaat van straffeloosheid dat momenteel heerst rond zakendoen in nederzettingen in bezet Palestijns gebied.

In haar officiële verklaringen[7] heeft zich gecommitteerd aan het beschermen van lokale gemeenschappen in bezette gebieden en belooft zij een verhoogde zorgvuldigheid (‘enhanced due diligence’) te hanteren bij vermeldingen daar. Internationaal recht en mensenrechtennormen zijn duidelijk: Israëlische nederzettingen in het bezet Palestijns gebied zijn illegaal en het is onmogelijk om er actief te zijn zonder mensenrechtenverplichtingen voor bedrijven of het internationaal recht te schenden.

We zijn bezig met een strategische procedure, wat betekent dat we met deze aangifte de voorwaarden willen scheppen voor sociale, politieke of juridische verandering, gebaseerd op de behoeften van degenen die primair worden getroffen door het betreffende onrecht. Voor Palestijnen belichaamt winst van bedrijven ten koste van schendingen van hun rechten, zonder daarvoor enige verantwoording af te leggen. Als daadwerkelijk strafrechtelijk verantwoordelijkheid moet afleggen, zal dit niet alleen aanzetten om zijn schadelijke en illegale praktijken te stoppen, maar ook andere bedrijven.

7. Als de geldende wetten in Israël naleeft, hoe kan het bedrijf dan aansprakelijk worden gehouden voor het schenden van het Nederlandse strafrecht? B.V. is een Nederlands bedrijf, gevestigd in Nederland. Haar omzet is geregistreerd in Nederland en het bedrijf betaalt belasting aan de Nederlandse belastingautoriteiten. Als Nederlands bedrijf moet het zich houden aan de Nederlandse wet-en regelgeving. Het Nederlandse strafrecht bepaalt dat de handelingen die door Israël in bezet Palestijns gebied worden gepleegd om de nederzettingen op te richten, internationale misdrijven zijn. Door opzettelijk winst te behalen uit deze misdrijven, overtreedt het Nederlandse strafrecht. Voor deze analyse maakt het niet uit of dat beleid al dan niet wettelijk is volgens de staat die de misdrijven pleegt.

8. zelf pleegt geen oorlogsmisdrijven, het faciliteert simpelweg de verhuur van vakantiehuizen. Waarom is hun beleid in nederzettingen problematisch?

Het beleid van in het bezet Palestijns gebied is om drie hoofdredenen problematisch. Ten eerste draagt hun betrokkenheid bij de illegale Israëlische nederzettingen bij aan het economisch bestendig en aantrekkelijk maken van de nederzettingen. Omdat toerisme inkomen genereert voor de nederzettingen, draagt het beleid van bij aan de nederzettings­economie en dat maakt het aantrekkelijk voor kolonisten om meer Palestijns land te koloniseren.

Ten tweede normaliseert het bedrijf de nederzettingen – die breed veroordeeld worden als flagrante schendingen van het internationaal recht, een ernstig obstakel voor gerechtigheid in Palestina, en een belangrijke drijvende kracht achter diverse schendingen van de rechten van Palestijnen – door te handelen alsof het ‘business as usual’ is en door buitenlandse toeristen aan te trekken.

Ten derde is niet alleen het plegen van oorlogsmisdrijven en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, maar ook het profiteren ervan expliciet illegaal gemaakt door de Nederlandse wetgever. Dit werd niet alleen gedaan om de integriteit van het Nederlandse financiële systeem te beschermen, maar ook om de uitvoering van deze misdrijven te voorkomen. Door ervan te profiteren, en binnen een systeem van oorlogsmisdrijven en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid actief te zijn, faciliteert en moedigt het plegen van deze misdrijven aan.

9. Wat is het bedrag dat door is witgewassen?

Aangezien het voor de organisaties die aangifte doen moeilijk is om inzicht te krijgen in de financiën van, is het niet mogelijk om met zekerheid het exacte bedrag te achterhalen dat vanuit illegale Israëlische nederzettingen in het Nederlandse financiële systeem is terechtgekomen. Echter, in samenwerking met internationale forensische accountants, zijn we erin geslaagd om een conservatieve schatting te maken van het bedrag dat heeft witgewassen sinds het begon met het vermelden van gestolen onroerend goed in het bezet Palestijns gebied. Deze schatting is gebaseerd op publiekelijk beschikbare informatie en bedrijfsdocumenten, en laat zien dat het gewassen bedrag waarschijnlijk minstens één miljoen euro bedraagt. Details over het exacte bedrag kunnen eenvoudig worden verkregen van door de Nederlandse autoriteiten.

10. Waarom is deze actie nu relevant en noodzakelijk?

Deze zaak wordt gestart na jarenlang onderzoek naar de activiteiten van in illegale Israëlische nederzettingen. We hebben deze aangifte ingediend als onderdeel van een langer traject van acties tegen bedrijven die profiteren van schendingen in bezet Palestijns gebied. Een traject dat vóór 7 oktober 2023 begon en waarvan wij vinden dat het moet worden voortgezet, naast al onze andere inspanningen. Etnische zuivering en kolonistengeweld op de Westelijke Jordaanoever nemen na 7 oktober alleen maar toe, wat het belang aantoont van het aanpakken van de betrokkenheid van bedrijven bij de nederzettingeneconomie.

[1] Deze oorlogsmisdaden omvatten, maar zijn niet beperkt tot: de onwettige toe-eigening van eigendom van de tegenpartij, strafbaar gesteld in art. 5 (1) (d) en 5 (5) (t) van de Nederlandse Wet Internationale Misdrijven (Wim); het overbrengen van burgers naar bezet gebied, strafbaar gesteld in art. 5 (2) (d) (i) en 5 (5) (d) van de Wim.

[2] Zie de BDS NL (DocP) campagne tegen; Extinction Rebellion Nederland, XR Justice Now! demonstreert bij hoofdkantoor en nodigt medewerkers uit om mee te doen, 13 maart 2024, beschikbaar op: XR Justice Now! demonstreert bij hoofdkantoor en nodigt medewerkers uit om mee te doen · Extinction Rebellion Nederland. Al in 2019 werd door een consortium gewezen op zijn verplichtingen, zie:

[3] Zie de laatst geüpdatet versie van de VN database:

[4] De situatie in het Midden-Oosten, “Brief van de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken”, Kamerstukken II 2012–2013, 23 432, nr. 348, p. 4, beschikbaar op::

[5] Lemkin Instituut voor Genocidepreventie, Israël pleegt genocide in heel Palestina: Actieve genocide-waarschuwing waarin het voortdurende geweld op de Westelijke Jordaanoever wordt veroordeeld, 8 april 2024, beschikbaar op: Israël pleegt genocide in heel Palestina: Actieve genocide-waarschuwing waarin het voortdurende geweld op de Westelijke Jordaanoever wordt veroordeeld (

[6] Brief die in 2018 is gestuurd door Al Haq, The Rights Forum en andere organisaties naar Press Release: Al-Haq and Others Send Letter to (; Zie The Rights Forum, toeristische rader in Israëlische oorlogsmisdaden, 30 december 2021, beschikbaar via: toeristische rader in Israëlische oorlogsmisdaad – The Rights Forum. Zie ook: The Rights Forum, Waar blijft de reactie van Booking?, 15 februari 2019, beschikbaar via: 

[7] Zie: 2022 Human Rights Statement, beschikbaar op, op p.6; zie AT5, Oproep aan Pride-organisator: heroverweeg samenwerking met hoofdsponsor Booking, 6 March 2024.


Justice for Palestine: we will not be deterred nor silenced 

In light of the heinous actions of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, and the extension of its oppressive structures onto Palestinians and their supporters in Europe, the ELSC expresses its unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation and justice against colonial oppression and apartheid. As a legal organisation supporting the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we stand alongside all those who are carrying the cause, taking a stand and challenging the violent complicity of European states and institutions that enables Israel’s ceaseless colonial violence and its seemingly ever-lasting impunity.  

As we stand witness to the most atrocious crimes against humanity, with our Palestinian partners and independent experts warning of the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people, we are witnessing a serious increase of anti-Palestinian racism in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). 

The large demonstrations taking place in many European cities, despite outrageous attempts to ban and repress solidarity in many places with extreme force, have shown that people are undeterred and refuse to be silenced. Now as ever, we reiterate our support to all advocates for Palestinian rights in the EU and the UK who are facing censorship, smear campaigns, sanctions, racist attacks and despicable police brutality. 

We recall that the right to resist and struggle for freedom from colonialism, apartheid and foreign occupation, and to speak up against decades-long human rights violations, is fundamental and protected by law

At the ELSC, we are currently devoting all our efforts to monitoring all forms of repression against the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, including the UK. We are receiving numerous reports and requests but due to our limited resources (human and financial), we are intervening in support of the most urgent cases and connecting those facing incidents of repression to our network of lawyers. All communication is registered and we are coordinating support.  

At this critical moment, we urge you to: 

  • Report all incidents of repression and request support here:
  • Stay safe by consulting the ‘know your rights’ resources below if you are engaging in protests, direct actions or posting online. Follow along for the ELSC’s ‘know your rights’ resources
  • Send any footage or video showing repression to, including the location and date of the incident
  • Report anti-Palestinian content online to 7amleh here in Arabic and here in English 
  • Donate to Medical Aid for Palestinians, which is responding to the current emergency in Gaza 
  • If you can support our work with a financial contribution, please donate to the ELSC
  • If you would like to volunteer with us, please complete this form
  • For translators and interpreters, please apply here to volunteer




The Netherlands:




If you are threatened or harassed online, check this guide by CrimethInc on Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing and Political Harassment

10 things to remember when reporting on Palestine by PIPD 


Summer Updates & Recent Victories for the Defence of Palestinian Rights Advocacy in Europe

Dear friend,
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people facing mass repression in Jenin and everywhere else in the world. We have been kept very busy these past few months as Europe carried on with its concerted efforts to silence Palestine, and would now like to share with you some updates covering the period from April to July. The movement perseveres, and we have many victories to report!

Don’t forget to sign up to receive our monthly newsletter in your inbox!



In April 2023, Kassel’s Public Prosecutor dropped the charges of antisemitism concerning some artwork presented at the 15th edition of the renowned documenta art festival in Kassel, specifically targeted Palestinian artists and one artwork of an Indonesian artist displaying a pig and an Israeli Mossad agent.  

Documenta fifteen, which was curated by Jakarta-based artists’ collective Ruangrupa and largely featured artists from the Global South, faced months of major smear campaigns for hosting Palestinian collectives and exhibits of Palestine solidarity. 

The Prosecutor balanced the allegations with artistic freedom and context. To read the full declaration of the Prosecutor, contact us.


After asking Palestinian speaker Elias Anastas, a co-founder of the Palestine-based Radio Alhara, to avoid discussing ”free Palestine” at length during a livestreamed talk on the radical possibilities of radio, the Barbican Centre has now apologised for its intervention calling it an “unacceptable and a serious error of judgement”. The ELSC has advised Artists for Palestine UK, a network of pro-Palestinian artists and culture workers, who have successfully defended this crucial case against the silencing of Palestine! 


German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), which fired seven Arab journalists in February 2022 based on allegations of antisemitism, will compensate journalist Farah Maraqa for unlawful dismissal and cover the legal fees, following the Court’s decision on 28 June. More will follow on the DW cases and the legal ramifications of the judgement. Stay tuned! 


BDS Austria is still fighting the Municipality’s unjust Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation (SLAPP) targeting them for posting a picture of the famous “Visit Apartheid” poster stuck on a billboard along with the City’s logo in 2021.  

What happened in court on 14 July? After the Municipality of Vienna sent a scandalous settlement offer to the activist, the activist’s lawyer stated the reasons why they refused this proposal: the Municipality proposed withdrawing its complaint in exchange for payment of € 17,838.81, which is more than the damages requested in the trial. Moreover, the settlement proposal included a gagging clause preventing the BDS Austria activist from claiming that the City of Vienna had filed “SLAPP lawsuits” and/or “abusive lawsuits” against members of BDS! The judgement is expected to be delivered in a couple of months. The activist and their lawyer Elisabetta Folliero are ready to go up to the European Court of Human Rights to protect fundamental rights, and we will be there every step of the way to support them! We will not let this shameful affront to democracy and free speech stand!

📣 Join us in solidarity with BDS Austria – against the silencing of voices for justice; for the right to solidarity and freedom of expression!📣

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Affy and Aliya’s hearings against Lloyds Bank have been postponed to 2024. The two women are fighting Lloyds’ discriminatory treatment after the bank sanctioned them for speaking out in support of Palestinian rights. Although their call for justice has been delayed, we will not let it go unanswered! 

Join us and our dedicated supporters like James and Nicola in reaffirming Affy and Aliya’s unity and hope as they continue to fight the violation of their rights and institutionalised racism!

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️

Consider a monthly donation to the ELSC. Every donation, no matter how small or large, makes a difference.


In June, while the US Administration was releasing its strategy to combat antisemitism and the UN working on its own, we launched our new report exposing the harmful impacts of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism (IHRA WDA) – which conflates antisemitism with criticism of Israel – on the freedoms of expression and assembly in the EU and the UK. The report is the first case-based account of human rights violations resulting from the institutionalisation and application of the controversial IHRA definition by the European Union and the UK.

Our case studies unmask the biased arguments of the European Commission which has ignored and concealed the the repressive realities of the IHRA WDA for years.  

It is time for EU institutions to recognise that the use of the IHRA WDA is infringing fundamental freedoms, causing real harmful effects for individuals and groups exercising their right to free speech in the name of justice! 

📣 SHARE on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook and see more in our toolkit 📣 



The ELSC has joined a coalition of civil society organisation made up of trade unions, charities, NGOs, faith, climate justice, human rights, cultural, campaigning, and solidarity organisations, in opposing the UK government’s proposed law to stop public bodies from advocating for or participating in boycott.  

After a first vote in Parliament, the bill will be debated again in September. What can you do to help protecting our collective rights? 

Do you live in the UK? Write to your MP and ask your Councillors to sign this open letter.

Are you a student in the UK? Check here how the bill would affect your activities and organise to oppose it! 

Check all the materials prepared by the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign here!


In a ground-breaking resolution, the Office of Barcelona’s Ombudsman recommended in December 2022 that the city revokes its Twinning Agreement with Tel Aviv over concerns about human rights violations committed by Israel against Palestinians. He emphasised that maintaining links with Israel constituted complicity in the commission of the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, thus setting an historical precedent among European public institutions in the denunciation of Israel’s crimes.  

Few months later, Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau suspended relations with Israel. 



As part of this year’s SAOT Palestine Solidarity Festival in Berlin, the ELSC organised a panel discussion together with Palestinian activists and journalists, which provided insight into the political context surrounding our struggles and critically assessed the ever-growing anti-Palestinian racism in Germany. 

In line with the festival’s 2023 theme of victory, the discussion opened a conversation on how to successfully push back against these increasing attacks and empower the artist, activist, scholar, journalist, and all those who advocate for freedom and justice.



The ELSC was invited to the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) podcast to talk to Lara Friedman about our new report on the suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy through the IHRA definition of antisemitism. 


Our new report on the IHRA definition was featured in an oped published in Le Soir by our partners from Association belgo-palestinienne (ABP), Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique (UPJB), Een Andere Joodse Stem (EAJS) and Palestina Solidariteit. This comes at a time in which Belgian municipalities face increasing backlash for suspending relations with Israel until it respects international law. 


Read Hebh Jamal’s piece on Mondoweiss referencing our statement against Germany’s criminalisation of Palestinian existence in light of the repeated bans of Nakba commemoration and numerous arrests of anyone and anything visibly Palestinian.  


We spoke with the New Arab on the coalition of more than 70 organisations in the UK who have come together to oppose this bill. Read the article here.  



A new UN report affirms restrictions and harassment of Palestinian civil society through intensified coordination between the Israeli government and pro-Israel groups globally and through the instrumentalisation of the harmful IHRA definition of antisemitism.

📣 SHARE on twitter 📣


Watch this short documentary by The New Arab on how Germany’s history of antisemitism is used to silence pro-Palestine activism. The ELSC has published a related short video, exposing how the Berlin police normalised their racist aggression against Palestinians and their allies in Germany in light of the repeated Nakba bans.  

Thank you for your continued support!

In solidarity, 

The ELSC team

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you would like to put your skills (whether legal, editing, artistic, communications, or any other skills) at the service of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at


Joint Statement: Israeli Apartheid – The Legacy of the Ongoing Nakba at 75

The ELSC signed this joint statement initiated by Al-Haq at the occasion of the commemoration of 75 years after Nakba in Palestine.

Seventy-five years have passed since the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed and forcibly expelled from their homes, lands, and property in their ancestral land during the 1948 Nakba (meaning ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic). Palestinian society was decimated during the Nakba, 531 Palestinian villages were destroyed, and more than 70 massacres were carried out against innocent civilians, killing more than 15 thousand Palestinians between 1947 and 1949. The legacy of the Nakba events is that about two-thirds of the Palestinian people became refugees in and around 1948 and a quarter of those who remained within historic Palestine geography were internally displaced and denied their right to return to their villages, towns, and cities of origin ever since.

Since 1948, Israel established a regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people primarily in the domains of nationality and land. In the immediate aftermath of the Nakba, Israel adopted a series of laws, policies, and practices, which sealed the dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian people, systematically denying the return of Palestinian refugees and other Palestinians who were abroad at the time of the war. At the same time, Israel imposed a system of institutionalized racial discrimination over Palestinians who remained on the land, many of whom had been internally displaced. Such Israeli laws have constituted the legal architecture of the Israeli apartheid that continue to be imposed on the Palestinian people today.

The 1950 so-called ‘Absentee Property’ Law became the main legal instrument of dispossession. Israel used it to confiscate the property of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons, who were deemed ‘absentees’ despite the State denying their return. Seventy-five years later, this ‘Absentee Property’ Law continues to advance Israel’s Judaization of parts of the West Bank including the city of Jerusalem and to alter its Palestinian character, demographic composition and identity.

In turn, the 1950 Law of Return and the 1952 Citizenship Law cemented Israel’s institutionalized racial discrimination in law. Establishing domination, both in law and in practice, Israel granted every Jew the exclusive right to enter the State as an immigrant and to obtain citizenship. At the same time, Palestinian refugees have been categorically denied their right to return, to their homes, lands, and property from which they were illegally dispossessed.

Such Israeli laws compose the legal foundation of Israeli apartheid, perpetuating its systematic racial domination and oppression over all Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line, and refugees and exiles. Seven and a half decades on, Israel has strategically fragmented the Palestinian people into at least four separate geographic, legal, political, and administrative domains as a tool to impose and maintain apartheid. Israel’s strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people ensures that they cannot meet, group, live together, or exercise any collective rights, particularly their right to self-determination and permanent sovereignty over their natural resources. Strategic fragmentation is further entrenched through the illegal closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, the Annexation Wall, and Israel’s permit regime consisting of checkpoints and other physical barriers, severely impacting the freedom of movement of Palestinians.

As we commemorate 75 years since the Nakba, the Israeli government continues its de jure and de facto annexation of the West Bank, which represents the continuation of Israel’s land grab, pillage, and displacement of Palestinians through the maintenance of its apartheid. As reaffirmed by successive United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, Israel’s continued annexation plans are a testament to Israel’s 21st-century apartheid, leaving in its wake the demise of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

The crimes of the Nakba, including the ethnic cleansing and expulsion of Palestinian refugees, extensive destruction of Palestinian property, mass killing, and the prolonged denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return, have never been prosecuted or remedied. Just five years ago, the Israeli occupying forces, implementing its shoot-to-kill policy, mass killed some 60 unarmed Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip on the eve of the 70th Nakba commemoration. The injustices of the Nakba and the ongoing denial of the right of return led to the Great Return March civil demonstrations every Friday in Gaza for two years, which Israel repressed with lethal force, with impunity.

This year, as Palestinians commemorate the 75th Nakba, Israel’s most right-wing and racist government intensifies its oppression of the Palestinian people, including daily raids and extrajudicial killings in the West Bank including East Jerusalem. On 9 May, Israel carried out a 5-day horrific unprovoked military assault on the 16-year besieged Gaza Strip targeting residential buildings resulting in the killing of 33 Palestinian civilians, some of them in their sleep, including six children and four women. In addition, 147 others were wounded, including 48 children and 26 women.

On Nakba Day, we call on States, the UN, international organisations and civil society organisations from around the world to take effective legal and political measures to bring perpetrators of suspected war crimes and crimes against humanity to justice at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Situation in Palestine. The ICC Prosecutor Mr Karim Khan must expedite his investigation and start issuing arrest warrants, and deliver justice to Palestinian victims of mass atrocity crimes.

At this critical juncture in the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, support is also needed for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) until a durable solution to the Palestinian refugee question, based on the full realization of the Palestinian people’s inalienable human rights.

Finally, we call on all stakeholders to recognize and join the human rights movement crystalising consensus that the situation on the ground is that of Apartheid imposed on the Palestinian people. There are many possible paths to a just future, but none should be based on permanent occupation, settler colonialism, and the domination and oppression by one group of people over another. Apartheid has no place in our world and Israel’s apartheid must be dismantled now.


See how the Nakba has transformed Palestine since 1948 with this map by Visualizing Palestine marking the Nakba at 75:

1. Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Mankind (Al-Haq)

2. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer)

3. Al Dameer Association for Human Rights

4. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan)

5. Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)

6. Arab Center for Agricultural Development

7. Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)- France

8. Association of Women Committees for Social Work (AWCSW)

9. Australian Centre for International Justice (ACIJ)

10. Cairo Institute For Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

11. Center for Defense of Liberties and Civil Rights “Hurryyat”

12. Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ)

13. Defender Center for Human Rights (Libya)

14. Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-Palestine)

15. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)

16. Djiboutian League of Human Rights (LDDH)

17. European Legal Support Center (ELSC)

18. European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR)

19. Forum Tunisien pour les droits Économiques et sociaux (FTDES)

20. Groningen for Palestine (GfP)

21. Habitat International Coalition – Housing and Land Rights Network

22. Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS”

23. International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP)

24. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

25. International Institute for Nonviolent Action (NOVACT)

26. Iranian League for the Defence of Human Rights (LDDHI)

27. Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC)

28. La ligue Algérienne pour La Défense des droits de l’homme

29. Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Limeddh- Mexico

30. Mwatana for Human Rights (Yemen)

31. OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr Foundation

32. Palestine Solidarity Campaign –  South Africa (Gauteng)

33. Palestine Solidarity Campaign – South Africa (Cape Town)

34. Palestine Solidarity Campaign – UK

35. Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD)

36. Pan-African Palestine Solidarity Network (PAPSN)

37. Platform of French NGOs for Palestine

38. Riposte Internationale

39. South African BDS Coalition

40. South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP)

41. Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC)

42. The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy – MIFTAH

43.The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)

44. The Rights Forum

45. Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)

Urgent call

Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of  Human Rights Defender Salah Hamouri

Urgent Appeal to Commercial Airlines


Israel has recently announced it will imminently deport Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hamouri, an act that could be a serious violation of international law. We, the undersigned human rights organizations, call on commercial airlines to do everything in their capacity to refuse to assist in what could constitute a war crime by refusing to transport individuals undergoing unlawful forcible deportation and making a public statement to this effect.

The below document provides background to the case of Salah Hamouri, references the relevant legal obligations of commercial airlines, and sets out the practical steps commercial airlines need to take to ensure they are not contributing to serious violations of international law.


On 30 November 2022, the Israeli authorities informed imprisoned Palestinian-French human rights lawyer, Salah Hamouri, 37, that he will be forcibly deported to France from occupied East Jerusalem – his hometown – for “breach of allegiance” to Israel. Hamouri has been held in administrative detention since March 2022 without charge or trial on the basis of ‘secret evidence,’ and the decision to deport him follows Israel’s revocation of Hammouri’s permanent residency status in Jerusalem.1 Hamouri has said that he refuses deportation and will not willingly board a flight.

Hammouri’s deportation, which can take place any time from December 4, 2022, onwards, will be a clear escalation in Israel’s prolonged harassment and targeting of him through arbitrary arrests, travel bans, surveillance, and family separation. 

Unlawful deportations and residency revocations in occupied territory violate numerous provisions of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Hammouri’s deportation out of the occupied territory could constitute a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and potentially a war crime as per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In accordance with the Hague Regulations and the Fourth Geneva Convention, the protected population in an occupied territory, such as is the case in the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, does not have a duty of allegiance to the Occupying Power (Israel), the basis upon which Hamouri is to be deported. 2

According to a UN Experts’ statement on 2 December 2022

“Such unilateral, arbitrary measures taken by Israeli authorities in retaliation against Mr. Hammouri as a human rights defender, violate every principle and the very spirit of international law 


These measures set an extremely dangerous precedent for all Palestinians in Jerusalem. The international community must not remain silent and quietly watch this umpteenth violation”.3 Private commercial actors have a responsibility to respect human rights and international humanitarian law in their own activities. Where they fail to abide by those responsibilities in their activities and relationships, they risk contributing to grave violations and internationally recognized crimes.4UN Experts’ statement

In light of the above, we strongly urge commercial airlines to refuse and refrain from assisting the Israeli authorities in carrying out its inhumane, discriminatory, and likely unlawful forced deportation of Salah Hammouri.5 Moreover, we ask that commercial airlines running direct flights to France make a statement on their website stating their refusal to participate in any unlawful forcible deportations by Israel of the population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

At a time when Hammouri’s family and loved ones, Palestinian and international civil society, the United Nations, and states are calling on Israel to halt his forcible deportation and transfer and for Hammouri to be able to remain in his hometown, commercial airlines should review and act in accordance with the relevant set duties, namely those under international human rights and humanitarian law. 

Organizational signatories

  • Adalah Justice Project
  • Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  • Al-Haq, Law in Service of Man
  • Alice Rothchild, MD
  • Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights
  • Bisan Center for Research and Development
  • Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • Community Action Center, Al-Quds University
  • Democracy for the Arab World (DAWN)
  • Equipo Juridico Pueblos
  • European Legal Support Center (ELSC)
  • Freedom Archives
  • Human Rights Watch
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI)
  • Just Peace Advocates
  • Justice for Palestinians
  • Law for Palestine
  • Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
  • National Lawyers Guild, International Committee
  • National Lawyers Guild, Palestine Committee
  • Oakville Palestinian Rights Association (Canada)
  • Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos
  • Paz con Dignidad 
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • The Canadian BDS Coalition 
  • The Center for Constitutional Rights
  • The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy PIPD
  • The Palestinian Committee in Norway

 1 For more information concerning Hamouri’s case, see: and

2 For more analysis, see 

 3 UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, Israeli deportation order against French-Palestinian activist Salah Hamouri could constitute war crime: UN experts, 2 December 2022, 

4 DCAF, ICRC and the Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights, Fact Sheet: How does armed conflict impact responsible security management?, 

5 Over the years, commercial airlines around the world have been increasingly demonstrating commitment by refusing to accept forced deportations of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. See 

Fundraising Campaign

Help us carry on our fight for justice for Palestinian rights advocates

We have just launched our year-end campaign to gather the funds we need to continue our work in 2023!

We have until the end of this year to raise €20,000 to fund our legal battles for next year! Without the generosity of our supporters, our work in the defence of Palestinian rights advocates is at risk.

Throughout 2022, we have grown our team and now boast 10 professional staff members giving their all into tackling cases of repression, mostly in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, and providing legal support to Palestinian civil society organisations. Owing to donations, we were able to win more cases than any year before: more than 80 individuals and organisations had their fundamental rights upheld after the ELSC intervened.

Throughout 2022, we have helped secure victories in court for our community

With our assistance, Dr Anna-Esther Younes challenged German institutions in court and the two organisations responsible for surveilling, smearing and censoring her were held accountable. Palestinian-Jordanian journalist Farah Maraqa also won her lawsuit against German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, which had dismissed her for alleged antisemitism in an attempt to silence her.

In the UK, our team helped Gazan scholar Shahd Abusalama recover her teaching position after she was suspended by Sheffield Hallam University and brutally smeared in the public sphere.

I am indebted to the ELSC. The support they have provided has really helped me in challenging the mainstream media. They provide a crucial service.

— UK activist supported by the ELSC

Some people do a great job for Palestine and the ELSC are at the top of the list.

— Football Against Apartheid

I would have probably not written about Palestine without your support and the positive outcome.

— British academic supported by the ELSC

In order to tackle the growing climate of repression across Europe with even more might in 2023, we urgently need the resources.

Will you join our movement for justice? Become an ELSC supporter today to ensure that defenders of Palestinian rights keep receiving free legal support by making a monthly donation to the ELSC.

Thank you, from the whole ELSC team, for your deep dedication and solidarity.

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

If you are a legal practitioner or a volunteer who wants to be part of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at


ELSC Newsletter: October 2022

Throughout the past month, we’ve succeeded in empowering and defending freedom of expression and the right to advocate against repression and injustice in Palestine.

Before all else, the ELSC wishes to draw attention to the urgent situation engulfing Palestine in recent weeks. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people facing mass repression. As Europe carries on with its concerted efforts to silence Palestine, the movement perseveres and we nonetheless have victories to report!

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!


UN Special Rapporteur (SR) on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, SR on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, SR on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and SR on the situation of human rights defenders have sent a communication to Austrian authorities. They demand clarification on the City of Vienna’s anti-BDS resolution and the lawsuit filed by the City against a BDS Austria activist.

The SRs expressed “concern that the City of Vienna’s filing of a lawsuit against a member of BDS Austria may hinder the peaceful activities of human rights defenders committed to monitor and denounce human rights violations in occupied Palestine, shrinking the civic space available to them to express legitimate grievances“.

📝 Amplify BDS Austria’s statement 📝

The BDS activist in question has secured a victory on October 22 as the administrative authority at the City of Vienna drops its proceedings! We’re hopeful that this decision pushes the civil court to dismiss the SLAPP still pending against the activist.

Back in April, a judge upheld the SLAPP lodged by the City of Vienna against the activist over the same post. The City’s argument? The sarcastic “Visit apartheid” statement associated with the City’s logo constitutes defamation and BDS “incites to hatred against Israeli people”.

But this latest victory may mark a turning point in the judicial saga. The activist’s lawyer, Elisabetta Folliero, is hopeful that the civil court will now follow suit:

“It is very positive that the administration of the City of Vienna has reaffirmed the importance of the exercise of freedom of opinion. […] We hope that the civil proceedings still pending will also have the same outcome. It is vital to reiterate that freedom of opinion, and freedom of boycott as its component, are essential in order to safeguard democracy.

📣 Share the good news on TwitterInstagram and Facebook 📣


  • Support the activist’s legal battle and donate 
  • Sign the petition to demand the Municipality of Vienna ends its lawfare against legitimate BDS action

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️

Consider a monthly donation to the ELSC. Every donation, no matter how small or large, makes a difference.


We congratulate Aberdeen University’s move to reject the IHRA working definition of antisemitism!

We encourage students to continue to resist the adoption and the use of the flawed IHRA definition at university with this toolkit. Combat racism, hold the Israeli government accountable, and reject the IHRA definition of antisemitism!

We encourage students to continue to resist the adoption and the use of the flawed IHRA definition at university with this toolkit. Combat racism, hold the Israeli government accountable, and reject the IHRA definition of antisemitism!

📣 Amplify our Twitter thread 📣

Meanwhile, a member of UK Lawyers for Israel has provided an “expert witness” testimony in support of a teacher sanctioned for antisemitism. The teacher is a supporter of Israel and began posting antisemitic content on social media under a pseudonym in a futile attempt to “bait” Palestine solidarity organisations into endorsing racism. The UKLFI member testified in support of the teacher in an attempt to defend his actions as a supporter of Israel, stating that “the IHRA definition had never been intended for use as a tool to sanction people nor as a means to take away their livelihood or free speech, or indeed to effect discipline.”

Contrasting with UKLFI’s usual stance that anti-Zionism constitutes antisemitism and its strong campaigning for the implementation of the IHRA definition, this case reveals manipulation and insincerity in how the IHRA definition is used by pro-Israel organisations: it is not a tool to combat antisemitism but, rather, a tool to censor Palestinian rights advocacy.

📣 Share the news on InstagramFacebook and Twitter 📣

Stay updated on our UK cases with our brand-new country-specific website!


The Bundestag 3 for Palestine (BT3P) suing the German federal parliament for the anti-BDS resolution adopted in 2019 mark a new step against resisting the legislation: the next hearing at the Higher Administrative Court Berlin-Brandenbur has been announced for the first half of 2023!

Eight decisions have already affirmed the illegitimacy of anti-BDS law in Germany: the Munich Regional Court, the administrative courts of Lower SaxonyCologneHesseBavaria and, most recently Leipzig, have convicted the cities of Oldenburg, Bonn, Frankfurt and Munich for violating the constitutional rights to equality, freedom of expression and assembly.

✊ Support this crucial legal battle against shrinking civic space in Germany ✊


On 17 October 2022, 65 Palestinian, regional and international organisations sent a joint letter to the new High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Volker Türk, welcoming him in his new position and highlighting some of the recent alarming Israeli policies and practices imposed against Palestinians.


Meta, Let Palestine Speak!

Hold Meta accountable for censoring Palestinian content on social media.


Sign the ECI petition to demand an end to European trade with illegal settlements. Please add your signature and share it with your family and friends!


Take action for Salah Hammouri, the Palestinian-French lawyer imprisoned in administrative detention.


Support the campaign for the release of the young Ahmad Manasra, detained in Israeli jails and suffering from serious consequences to his mental health.


Check out the second panel on “Anti-Zionism as taboo” organised by 
Judeobolschewienerinnen with Palestine Speaks, JID Leipzig, Dr. Sarah El-Bulbeisi and Dr Anna-Esther Younes. This discussion is essential in a context such as the German and Austrian, where censorship is widespread. Freedom of expression and of assembly are continuously at risk. Dr. Anna-Esther Younes’ and Walaa Alqaisiya’s cases are clear examples of this climate.

ELSC was proud to participate in the 2022 edition of the Festival des Libertés in Brussels, attending a panel on the criminalisation of solidarity. Listen to the discussion here (French). 


Take a look at the new publication on the growing Israeli repression of Palestinian civil society and the crime of apartheid by Palestine Studies and Al Haq.

Read Hebh Jamal’s overview of anti-Palestinian racism, including of the use of the IHRA definition to repress artistic and political expression and the role of mainstream media in amplifying the racist vitriol.

You can find resources on challenging the IHRA definition here.

Read the new report by the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance on ecological crisis climate justice and racial justice. Here, the SP analyses how the IHRA definition risks being weaponised to restrict freedom of expression, demonstration and the press.

Thank you for your continued support!

In solidarity, 

The ELSC team

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media @elsclegal and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you are a legal practitioner or a volunteer who wants to be part of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at

Press Release

First step towards justice for Palestinian rights activist in Vienna sued over social media post

European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Amsterdam and Vienna, November 9, 2022

The Viennese administrative authority has discontinued proceedings brought against the BDS Austria activist, including a fine of up to 3.500€, which accused the activist of committing an administrative offence. The activist and their lawyer are hopeful that this verdict will compel the civil court to dismiss the pending SLAPP and lead to a full vindication of the activist’s rights.  

On 20 October 2022, in a positive turn of events, the administrative authority dismissed the proceedings brought against a BDS activist for posting a third-party photo of the famous “Visit apartheid” poster parodically emblazoned with the City of Vienna logo. The charges were initially brought on the grounds of the improper use of the City’s logo, a violation of the Administrative Offences Act which warranted a fine of up to €3.500.

The administrative authority based its sudden halt of the proceedings on section 45(1) of the Administrative Offences Act 1991 (VStG), which allows for a dismissal of proceedings where, among other things: the defendant is innocent, the offence is not reprehensible or the harm raised by the claim is not severe enough to justify the proceedings. Although the administrative authority was unable to specify any one of the reasons listed in section 45(1), the fact that it relied on this provision in the first place clearly shows that it understood the claim to be baseless.

In the meantime, the City of Vienna’s SLAPP against the activist for defamation is still ongoing.

Back in April 2022, a judge contestably upheld the SLAPP lodged by the City against the activist over the same post. In the submission, the City of Vienna complained that the sarcastic “Visit apartheid” statement associated with the City’s logo would amount to defamation and that the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement “incites to hatred against Israeli people”. The activist has appealed this decision.

In a letter sent in May 2022 to the Austrian authorities, four UN Special Rapporteurs had also expressed concerns about the City of Vienna’s anti-BDS resolution and the lawsuit that “may hinder the peaceful activities of human rights defenders committed to monitor and denounce human rights violations in occupied Palestine, shrinking the civic space available to them to express legitimate grievances”.

The latest victory may mark a turning point in this judicial saga. 

The activist’s lawyer, Elisabetta Folliero, welcomes the decision dated 20 October 2022:

It is very positive that the administration of the City of Vienna has reaffirmed the importance of the exercise of freedom of opinion, thus demonstrating that Viennese institutions still have willpower to tackle violations of fundamental human rights. We hope that the civil proceedings still pending will also have the same outcome. It is vital to reiterate that freedom of opinion, and freedom of boycott as its component, are essential in order to safeguard democracy.

The judgment on the appeal against the interim decision has not yet been issued, and a hearing for the civil lawsuit is yet to be set.



65 Organisations Send a Letter to the New High Commissioner for Human Rights, Urging for Concrete Measures to Ensure Justice and Accountability for the Palestinian People

On 17 October 2022, 65 Palestinian, regional and international organisations sent a joint letter to the new High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Volker Türk, welcoming him in his new position and highlighting some of the recent alarming Israeli policies and practices imposed against Palestinians.

Specifically, the letter underscored Israel’s 15-year-old closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip; Israel’s escalation in its invasive military incursions into Palestinian cities in recent months; and its closure as acts of collective punishment of Shu’fat Refugee Camp and ‘Anata; as well as an aggravation in the Israeli Occupying Forces’ (IOF) use of its ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy. Furthermore, the letter underlined the increase of Israel’s campaign of mass arbitrary arrests and detentions, including in its arbitrary, coercive, and punitive administrative detention policy.

Noting how the Palestinian people have been denied their right to self-determination for decades, the joint letter emphasised that the human rights situation in Palestine should be at the top of the High Commissioner’s agenda, including by prioritising the annual updating the UN Database on Settlement Business Activities, as mandated. The letter noted with concern, the repeated and unexplained delays regarding the update of the Database, which are unprecedented in the way the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has handled prior mandates, and are due to reported political pressure and interference exerted on the OHCHR. To this end, the letter highlighted Israel’s systematic efforts in silencing human rights defenders, voicing their opposition to Israel’s unlawful policies and practices and pushing for international justice and accountability, including by arbitrarily outlawing six prominent Palestinian civil society organisations. That being said, the organisations expressed their trust that such pressure will not derail the OHCHR from its commitment to human rights, justice, and accountability, and urged the new High Commissioner and his Office to:

  1. Recognise and acknowledge the root causes of the prolonged denial of Palestinian rights, embedded in Israel’s settler-colonialism and apartheid;
  2. Prioritise the annual updating of the UN Database, as mandated under HRC Resolution 31/36 and ensure that appropriate resources are allocated so as to allow for continued development of the Database;
  3. Continue working with civil society organisations and human rights defenders in full transparency for the completion and continuous updating of the Database;
  4. Address Israel’s institutionalised and systematic targeting of the Palestinian people, including the 15-year-long closure on the Gaza Strip, and Israel’s mass and arbitrary ‘shoot-to-kill’ and administrative detention policies; and
  5. Investigate and report, by means of country visits or otherwise, attacks against human rights defenders working on issues related to Palestine and facing intimidation or arbitrary legislative or administrative restrictions, and ensure their protection.

Read the full letter here.

Picture: CC-by-2.0 Justin McIntosh

Case Update Press Release

Four UN Special Rapporteurs Address Their Concerns to Austrian Authorities About Anti-BDS Resolution and Lawsuit Against Activist 

UN Special Rapporteur (SR) on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, SR on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, SR on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and SR on the situation of human rights defenders sent a communication to Austrian authorities, asking clarification on the City of Vienna’s anti-BDS resolution and the lawsuit the City filed against a BDS activist.  

In the communication sent on 20 May 2022, the SR raised their concerns about the resolution adopted in 2018, “which includes undue restrictions to the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and of association”. They further expressed “concern that the City of Vienna’s filing of a lawsuit against a member of BDS Austria may hinder the peaceful activities of human rights defenders committed to monitor and denounce human rights violations in occupied Palestine, shrinking the civic space available to them to express legitimate grievances”.  

The BDS Austria activist published a social media post showing a picture of the famous poster stating “Visit Apartheid” that was stuck on a billboard along with the official logo of the Municipality of Vienna. The post had the sarcastic caption “We are pleased that the City of Vienna also takes note of apartheid and publicly states it”.  In November 2021, the City of Vienna filed a SLAPP (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) against the activist on the grounds of defamation and unlawful use of the City’s logo. It claimed that the BDS movement “incites to hatred against Israeli people” and therefore being publicly associated with BDS would amount to defamation since “the designation of the situation in Israel/Palestine as an “Apartheid” constitutes damage to our reputation”. In a highly contestable decision delivered on 6 April 2022, the Commercial Court of Vienna endorsed the City’s lawsuit and ruled against the BDS activist. 

The SR are worried that “this judgement in the first instance consolidates the City of Vienna’s motion against the BDS movement”. The resolution, which falsely labels the BDS movement as “antisemitic”, was indeed invoked by the City in the lawsuit. As stated in a legal opinion commissioned by the ELSC and authored by Professors Xavier Dupré De Boulois, Eric David, Richard Falk and John Reynolds, the resolution infringes on the fundamental rights of freedoms of expression, association and assembly of Palestinian rights advocates. 

Moreover, the SR recalled the legality and legitimacy of the BDS movement: “we point out that expressing support for, or opposition to, BDS, is fully guaranteed by the rights to freedom of opinion, expression and association” enshrined in articles 19, 21 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights. They also cited the European Court of Human Rights milestone judgement Baldassi and Others v. France and positive case law confirming the right to BDS in France and Germany. The SR further added that “this is in line with the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA)” which “stipulates that ‘boycott, divestment and sanctions are commonplace, non-violent forms of political protest against states’.” 

On 8 July 2022, the Austrian authorities replied to the communication, failing to respond to most of the requests sent by the Special Rapporteurs. Instead, they reiterated their baseless and unfounded claims targeting BDS Austria: “Their movement’s campaigns are often referred to as antisemitic”. They stood firm in a problematic position that was observed in the context of the lawsuit against BDS Austria and that contradicts the freedom of expression and protection of human rights defenders. 

The reply of the Austrian authorities makes the legal battle of the activist even more necessary in order to challenge the suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy in Austria. The BDS activist appealed the Court decision and is ready, if necessary, to stand before the European Court of Human Rights to assert his fundamental right to freedom of expression, a right enshrined in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. 


  • Donate to help the activist covering the legal fees 
  • Sign the petition co-sponsored by the ECCP to ask the Municipality of Vienna to stop its lawfare against BDS activists 

Read more about the case.


ELSC Newsletter: September 2022

Throughout the past few months, the solidarity movement has won several victories in pushing back against repression. Through legal challenge and public advocacy, it is possible to make our critical voices heard!
We need your continued support to keep up the crucial fight for freedom of expression and Palestinian rights.

And don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!


In July 2022, we witnessed the first victory for a journalist involved in the Deutsche Welle (DW) case that began back in February 2022, when the public broadcaster fired seven Arab journalists based on allegations of antisemitism. The Bonn Labour Court found that the dismissal of Palestinian journalist Maram Salem by the German outlet was unlawful

Then, in September 2022, the Berlin Labour Court ruled in favour of Farah Maraqa, ordering DW to reinstate her and cover the costs of the legal dispute.

The ELSC is proud to have supported Farah Maraqa, who stood firm in her convictions and had the courage to take DW to court.

📣 Share the good news on Twitter and Instagram📣

However, the DW management seems to have institutionalised its prejudiced stance in a new Code of Conduct that mentions Israel twice, including: “Due to Germany’s history, we have a special obligation towards Israel.” It is unclear what obligations this statement is implying for DW employees or subcontractors. This raises important questions related to press independence.

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️


In August 2022, the Dutch Press Council ruled that Dutch daily newspaper Algemeen Dagblad acted carelessly by publishing allegations of antisemitism against The Rights Forum without hearing them.

This is an important achievement considering the Dutch NGO has been facing a harsh smear campaign since the beginning of the year, after it filed a Freedom of Information Request (FOI) seeking to research ties between Dutch universities and pro-Israel advocacy groups as well as Israeli institutions, government agencies and Israeli arms, surveillance and security companies.

The Rights Forum also achieved a significant victory against disinformation. After the organisation alerted Google about a Google ad sponsored by the Israeli government labelling Amnesty International as antisemitic, Google took down the ad within one day.


On 25 September 2022, the world’s largest contemporary art exhibition, documenta fifteen, closed after months of brutal and unfounded allegations against the curators ruangrupa, members of the artistic team and participating artists. Palestinian artists and others who expressed solidarity with them faced smears, insults, assaults, death threats, cyber harassment and vandalism.

In the latest development, a committee appointed to investigate antisemitism into documenta fifteen issued a very controversial preliminary report and a statement accusing the lumbung community (ruangrupa and artists) of Israel-related antisemitism. The community responded with a powerful statement denouncing racism, Eurocentrism and censorship.

📣 Share and express your solidarity on Twitter and Instagram📣


The Austrian institution that censored Palestinian academic Dr. Walaa Alqaisiyia will host a course entitled “Antiantianti – Conflicts about Antiantisemitism and Antiracism in the Politicized Art World” and will be using Walaa’s disinvitation as a case study.

The abstract of the course clearly displays a pro-Israel bias and misrepresents the Palestine solidarity movement. We condemn the holding of a course that is likely to fuel insidious censorship of genuine anti-racist discourse.

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Avaaz just joined the #StopTradeWithSettlements coalition and calls on everyone to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to ban EU trade with illegal settlements!

📣 Share the campaign on TwitterInstagram and Facebook📣

Friends of the Earth Europe also published a compelling and important blog post over the summer. The largest grassroots environmental network in Europe explains the link between food sovereignty in Palestine and Israeli settlements, highlighting the necessity to stop all EU trade with the latter.


On the morning of 18 August 2022, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) raided the offices of seven Palestinian organisations including the six that were designated as “terrorist” by the Israeli government in October 2021. The IOF confiscated documents and equipment, destroyed material, sealed entrance doors and left military orders ordering the closure of the organisations. Over 150 organisations, including the ELSC, demanded the international community take all the necessary action to support and protect Palestinian human rights defenders.

So far, the EU has remained quiescent on the matter, as it has regarding the protection of French-Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hammouri.  For the past two decades, Salah has been subjected to constant harassment and deprivation of his fundamental rights by Israeli authorities. His three-month administrative detention based on “secret evidence” was again renewed at the beginning of September 2022 and he has now been transferred into solitary confinement. Along with other political prisoners, Salah began a hunger strike on 25 September and has since been deprived of salt. Read more in the urgent letter sent to French President Emmanuel Macron by Salah’s lawyers.

📣 Join the #JusticeforSalah campaign and amplify it on Twitter and Instagram  📣

Undeterred by these worrying recent developments which contradict the basic principles of international law, the EU continues to tighten its cooperation with Israel by convening the EU-Israel Association Council after 10 years amid widespread protest from PalestinianEuropean, and international civil society organisations.


#PromisedLand: the Italian centre for investigative journalism Irpi Media launched a series of reports exposing the links between the Israeli government and far-right parties in Europe. The first piece of “Promised Land”, authored by journalists Christian Elia and Lorenzo Bagnoli, shows how the Italian far-right cultivates relationships with antisemitic figures while strongly supporting Israel’s policies, including silencing pro-Palestine voices.

📣 Amplify on Twitter 📣

Our Canadian partners, Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), are launching a pivotal report on the suppression of speech concerning Palestine in Canada. Join the report launch event with a panel of brilliant activists and scholars, including Anna-Esther Younes.

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Dr Anna-Esther Younes has herself been facing ongoing attempts to suppress her voice as a Palestinian decolonial scholar. Read more about her case and how you can help us push back against increasing repression in Europe below:

The ELSC recently joined CASE, the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe! We are happy to join other non-governmental organisations united in recognition of the threat posed to public watchdogs by SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation). SLAPPs are an abuse of the legal system and an attempt to intimidate and silence public watchdogs, including Palestinian rights advocates, through lengthy and expensive litigation that drains a target’s resources and seeks to dissuade critical voices.

With CASE, we will work to expose legal harassment and intimidation, protect the rights of those who speak out and advocate for comprehensive protective measures and reform. As part of this work, the ELSC will join the next European Anti-SLAPP Conference in Strasbourg on 20 October 2022.

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media @elsclegal and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you are a legal practitioner or a volunteer who wants to be part of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at

Photo: CC Jan-Hendrik Pelz12, “An Inner Place” talk at the documenta fifteen exhibition.


Over 150 Organizations Demand International Community Stand Against Raids and Closures of 7 Palestinian Organizations

The ELSC joined over 150 organisations to condemn the raids and closures of 7 prominent Palestinian organisations and urge the international community to take effective measures. Read below the joint statement originally published on the CIHRS website.

Amid Israel’s escalating attacks targeting their work, a group of more than 150 Palestinian, regional, and international organizations express our full solidarity with the designated seven leading Palestinian civil society organizations, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq Law in the Service of Man (Al-Haq), Bisan Center for Research and Development, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Health Work Committees (HWC), the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC).

On the morning of 18 August 2022, the Israeli occupying forces (IOF) raided and sealed the doorways into the offices of the seven Palestinian organizations. The IOF also confiscated documents and equipment and destroyed items in the offices. On the doors of the organizations, military orders were left behind ordering the closure of the offices under Article 319 of the Emergency Regulations of 1945. This development follows the 19 October 2021, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz designation of six leading Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations under Israel’s Anti-Terrorism Law (2016), which was then extended to the West Bank on 3 November 2021 by a military order that outlawed the same organizations.

We urge the international community to unequivocally condemn Israel’s targeting of Palestinian civil society and tactics to further repress of freedom of expression. States must take all necessary action to support and protect Palestinian human rights defenders and ensure the continuation of their invaluable work.

These raids and closures represent the latest escalation in Israel’s widespread campaign aiming to silence and discredit any Palestinian individual or organization that dares to seek accountability for Israel’s grave human rights violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The “persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid” is a method used by Israel, amounting to acts of apartheid prosecutable under the Rome Statute, to maintain its domination and oppression over the Palestinian people.

The organizations remain at an additional risk of closure of bank accounts, travel bans and movement restrictions, and the arrest and detention of staff members for their work. Israel’s attacks against these organizations pose an existential threat to independent Palestinian human rights organizations and civil society who work to monitor and document violations of human rights and provide basic services to the Palestinian people.

We call upon the international community to demand that Israel immediately revoke its designations of Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations as “terrorist organizations,” reverse the military orders designating the organizations and closing their offices and repeal its Anti-Terrorism Law (2016) as it does not meet basic human rights standards.

Moreover, we call on the international community to take effective measures to end all other actions that deny Palestinians their inalienable human rights.

Lastly, we call on the members of the international community to continue their support and increase funding to the organizations and engage with financial institutions to ensure the transfer of funds to the organizations.


  1. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
  2. 11.11.11
  3. Abductees’ Mothers Association
  4. Academic Program for Studies of Arab and Muslim Communities in Diaspora
  5. ACAT-France
  6. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  7. Advokatfirmaet Roli
  8. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
  9. Al-ataa Benevolent Association
  10. Aldameer association for human rights
  11. Al-Haq
  12. Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society
  13. Andalus Institute for Tolerance and anti-Violence Studies
  14. Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)
  15. ARTICLE 19
  16. Artists for Palestine UK
  17. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  18. Asociacion Palestina Biladi
  19. Association Belgo-Palestinienne
  20. Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)
  21. Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression
  22. Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)
  23. Aswat Nissa
  24. Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children’
  25. Australian Centre for International Justice
  26. Basmeh & Zeitooneh for Relief and Development
  27. Baytna
  28. Bds Maroc
  29. BDS Netherlands
  30. BDS Vancouver Coast Salish Territories
  31. Belgian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)
  32. Bytes For All, Pakistan
  33. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  34. Center for Constitutional Rights
  35. Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Children
  36. Centre for Global Education
  37. Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
  38. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  39. CNCD-11.11.11
  40. Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
  41. Comhlamh Justice for Palestine
  42. Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Luxembourg
  43. Committee for Justice
  44. Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ)
  45. Conectas Human Rights
  46. Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  47. DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
  48. Een Andere Joodse Stem / Another Jewish Voice (Belgium)
  49. Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms
  50. Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR)
  51. Egyptian Human Rights Forum
  52. Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  53. El Nadim Center For Management & Rehabilitation of victims of violence
  54. ESCR-Net, International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
  55. EuroMed Rights
  56. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine – ECCP
  57. European Legal Support Center (ELSC)
  58. European Trade Union Network for Justice in Palestine
  59. FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
  60. Financial Justice Ireland
  61. Foundation for Middle East Peace (Washington, DC)
  62. Front Line Defenders
  63. Fundación Mundubat
  64. Gaza Action Ireland
  65. Global NPO Coalition on FATF
  66. Herbst Law PLLC
  67. Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS”
  68. Human Rights for All (HR4A) Saskatchewan
  69. Human Rights in China
  70. Human Rights Watch
  71. Human Security Collective
  73. International Accountability Project
  74. International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
  75. International Commission to support Palestinian People’s Rights
  76. International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  77. International Service for Human Rights
  78. International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
  79. Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  80. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK
  81. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  82. Just Words Limited
  83. Justice for Palestinians Calgary
  84. Justitia Center for legal protection of human rights in Algeria
  85. Kairos Ireland
  86. Kenya Human Rights Commission
  87. League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI)
  88. Local Development and Small Projects Support (LDSPS)
  89. Makan
  90. MakeShiftPublishing
  91. MENA Rights Group
  92. Muslim Peace Fellowship
  93. Mwatana for human rights
  94. Nederlands Palestina Komitee
  95. New Weapons Research Groups
  96. Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine Israel
  97. North Bronx Racial Justice
  98. Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway)
  99. Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
  100. NOVACT Institute for Nonviolent Action
  101. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  102. Palestina Solidariteit vzw Belgium
  103. Palestine Solidarity Alliance
  104. Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
  105. Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton
  106. Palestine Solidarity, St. John’s, NL
  107. Palestine Solidary Organisation at Nelson Mandela University
  108. Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  109. Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall)
  110. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
  111. Pan African Palestine Solidarity Network
  112. Paz con Dignidad
  113. Peace and Building Foundation
  114. Physicians for Human Rights Israel
  115. Platform of French NGOs for Palestine
  116. Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED)
  117. Project South
  118. Riposte Internationale
  119. Sadaka-the Ireland Palestine Alliance
  120. Sadaqa
  121. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  122. Scottish Friends of Palestine
  123. Sexual Rights Initiative
  124. SOLIDAR
  125. Solsoc
  126. South African BDS Coalition
  127. South African Jews For a Free Palestine
  128. STEILAS
  129. Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
  130. Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights
  131. Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
  132. The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies
  133. The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)
  134. The Association of Norwegian NGOs for Palestine
  135. The Canadian BDS Coalition
  136. The civic coalition for Palestinian rights in jerusalem
  137. The Danish House in Palestine
  138. The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  139. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church USA
  140. The Norwegian Initiative DEFEND INTERNATIONAL LAW
  141. The Palestine Committee of Norway
  142. The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy
  143. The Palestinian Human Rights Organization “PHRO”
  144. The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy – MIFTAH
  145. The Rights Forum
  146. The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)
  147. Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA (Australia)
  148. United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel (UNJPPI)
  149. University Network for Human Rights
  150. University of KwaZulu-Natal Decoloniality Action Group
  151. US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
  152. Visualizing Palestine
  153. Viva Salud
  154. Vrede vzw
  155. West African Human Rights Defenders Network
  156. Women in Black Vienna
  157. Women Now for Development
  158. Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
  159. World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
  160. Yemen Future Foundation for Culture & Media Development

ELSC Newsletter: June 2022

This month, at least three cases confirmed, again, that public pressure and collective support, sometimes coupled with litigation, constitute a great tool to achieve our rights as advocates for Palestinian rights!


The Berlin Data Protection Authority (DPA) held German organisations RIAS Berlin and MBR accountable for violating the rights of German Palestinian scholar Dr. Anna-Esther Younes. The two organisations had previously circulated a secret dossier which led to her disinvitation from a public event.

Two years after Dr. Anna Younes filed a complaint to the DPA with our support, the DPA finally found that RIAS/MBR violated European data protection law (GDPR) in refusing to give Dr. Younes access to the data they hold on her. The DPA recognised Dr. Younes’ basic data rights as a European citizen, which comes after another previous success where the civil court affirmed the right of Dr.Younes to have access to her data.


Share this new victory on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn

But this is not over yet! RIAS/MBR previously acknowledged that the purpose of the dossier was to identify Dr. Younes’ positions on Israel and BDS. They secretly sent this dossier to a third party to get her disinvited. However, the DPA considered that this was lawful and that RIAS/MBR pursued a legitimate purpose in collecting and transmitting information about Dr. Younes.

We will appeal this decision. Do you want to help us?


Read more in the last media articles published about the case:
– See an update by Dania Akkad in Middle East Eye
this piece by Hebh Jamal in +972 Magazine
a piece in German by Nidal Thawri in Marx21
– an oped by Abir Kopty in Middle East Eye


After Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq started legal proceedings against the European Commission for suspending its funding in May 2021 based on an Israeli disinformation campaign, the EU recognised there were no grounds to do so and resumed its funding to Al Haq on 28 June 2022.

Read Al-Haq’s statement and share the good news on Twitter.

The EU also resumed unconditionally and with immediate effect its funding to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), which had faced the same suspension as Al-Haq.



The prominent Palestinian activist and poet Mohammed El Kurd faced an attempt of censorship at a conference organised by the Goethe Institute in Hamburg about right-wing extremism and authoritarian regimes’ tactics, where he was invited to speak. Few days before the start of the conference, the institution revoked the invitation, raising social media posts criticizing Israel that they “did not find acceptable”. In solidarity with El Kurd, the curators of the conference Moshtari Hilal and Sinthujan Varatharajah withdrew their participation and denounced the climate of anti-Palestinian racism in German institutions. Thanks to this push back, many other participants of the event withdrew, which led to the entire program being scaled down.




We also celebrate a victory in Stuttgart this month, as the City of Stuttgart decided it will not appeal the decision issued by the Stuttgart Administrative Court on 21 April 2022 in favour of the Stuttgart Palestine Committee. The Court had upheld the Committee’s complaint against the City’s decision to remove their access and details from the Municipality’s website.
This incident had happened following a smear campaign launched by the Jerusalem Post against the Committee because of its support to the Palestinian-led BDS movement. The City of Stuttgart had justified its decision citing the Bundestag’s anti-BDS resolution, while the Court had recalled that the BDS movement is protected by freedom of expression and that the Bundestag’s resolution is not binding.


But this time, the City acknowledged the illegality of their decision. One of their spokespersons said:

for purely legal reasons, we have decided not to appeal against it. Based on the current jurisprudence, as it has been elsewhere, we estimate the chances of being successful with an appeal to be very low. That is why we have put the address of the Palestine Committee back on the municipal homepage.

Share this victory on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Palestinian-Jordanian journalist Farah Maraqa, who has been unfairly dismissed by German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) along with five other Arab journalists in February 2022, published an update about her court case against DW.




Dr. Walaa Alqaisiya, Research Fellow at Columbia University, the LSE Middle East Centre and Università Ca’ Foscari, also faced anti-Palestinian racism and censorship from Austrian public institutions when she was disinvited by the Mumok Museum and the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna from their Spring Curatorial Program at the end of May 2022. The cancellation of her lecture followed a smear campaign on social media and a complaint from pro-Israel advocacy groups. Art media Art Forum and Hyperallergic wrote about the episode.

Hundreds of artists, writers and academics, including Judith Butler, Roger Waters, Angela Davis and Dirk Moses, have voiced their outrage in the wake of the last-minute cancellation, which pushed one of the co-curators to remove the remainder of the program from the premises of the cancelling institutions. Nevertheless, the Fine Arts Academy and the MUMOK still have not stepped back on their statement, nor recognised the damage done to Dr. Alqaisiya’s reputation. She is still waiting for a public apology from the Rector of the Fine Arts Academy and further explanation on the decision making process.


Join the European Citizens Initiative #StopSettlements to ban EU trade with illegal settlements!
With one million EU citizens signing the Initiative, the EU will have to reassess its complicity with illegal settlements. It would be an historical step in realigning the EU with its own rules when it comes to trade and in making Israel accountable for its illegal settlement policy.


Send the petition to your friends, family members. Share on your chat groups and social media: Twitter, InstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn.


Peter Bolton is a journalist with The Canary, where he writes about Israel-Palestine among other topics. One year ago, Peter Bolton published a piece denouncing the continuous smear campaigns and unfounded allegations of antisemitism made against the Left in the UK.

Following that, Peter Bolton became himself the target of similar unfounded allegations on Twitter. A fake Twitter account started to spread smears against the journalist, which were amplified by other accounts and retweeted many times. Peter Bolton decided to take legal action against the troll to make it accountable and deter others who would spread defaming allegations online against anyone standing for justice with Palestinians and Palestinian rights advocates.



Last month, the ELSC joined the in-person panel organised in Amsterdam by the Leonhard-Woltjer Foundation (LWS) and Een Ander Joods Geluid (A Different Jewish Voice) on “How Israel lobbies make it harder to speak up against Israel’s policies”.

Our Advocacy and Communication Officer Alice Garcia joined Dina Zbeidy (anthropologist at Leiden University and LWS board member), Peter Beinart (professor of journalism and Editor-at-large of Jewish Currents), as well as Layla Kattermann and Itaï van de Wal (student activists in Leiden and Utrecht universities) in the panel to give an overview of the situation in The Netherlands (see from 45min).

Read our report on the attempt to suppress Palestinian rights advocacy in the Netherlands.


In a milestone decision for accountability and Palestinian rights, Catalonia Parliament became the first Parliament in Europe to recognise that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, after the approval of a resolution.



ELSC Newsletter: April

Dear friend,

This month, we have a few exciting victories for Palestinian rights advocacy. We recall an important success in The Netherlands, share with you a new report by Human Rights Watch detailing the crime of apartheid being committed by Israel against Palestinians, and report on the University of Toronto being censored for cancelling the employment of ELSC Advisory Board member Dr. Valentina Azarova for her human rights work.


Earlier this month we shared details of a major win for activists in the Netherlands after the Israeli Product Centre (IPC) was fined €2100 for mislabelling products originating from Israeli settlements in Palestine.

DocP (BDS Netherlands), who led this campaign, had previously been threatened with a defamation lawsuit by the IPC because of their advocacy efforts which highlighted that incorrect labelling could result in a possible evasion of import duties. The ELSC assisted docP in their response to the IPC’s threat by clarifying the legal basis for the accusation of mislabelling and that the evasion of import duties was a suspicion.

In the EU, products originating from illegal Israeli settlements must be clearly labelled that their provenance is from “occupied territory” and an “Israeli settlement”. In accordance with the 2019 Psagot judgement, these labelling requirements apply in all 27 EU member states.

We congratulate docP for this important win and for continuing their activism in the face of repression. The ELSC continues to support activists in the Netherlands and throughout Europe who seek to end the import and trade of products from illegal Israeli settlements.

Read more about the case here

The ELSC relies on generous donations in order to defend Palestinian rights advocacy all across Europe. As the first and only organization protecting the solidarity movement in Europe, we push back against acts of repression and need your support to do so.

Please consider supporting us by giving a monthly tax-exempt donation or a one-time donation to help us realize our 2021 goals. Read more about our 2021 work so far here. For further info on how to make your contribution tax-free please contact


On April 27, Human Rights Watch released a report detailing the crimes of apartheid and persecution being committed by the Israeli government against Palestinians. The report is based on findings of Israeli legislation and government policy that maintains the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians, while systematically committing grave human rights abuses against Palestinians living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, i.e., the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.

The report reflects years of advocacy by Palestinian civil society who have long claimed Israeli policy and actions over Palestinians constitute the crime of apartheid. As stated by Human Rights Watch Executive Director, Kenneth Roth, “Prominent voices have warned for years that apartheid lurks just around the corner if the trajectory of Israel’s rule over Palestinians does not change, this detailed study shows that Israeli authorities have already turned that corner and today are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

Human Rights Watch is the first major international NGO to address the crime of apartheid in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. We hope this report will be a turning point for individuals and the international community alike in investigating, condemning and taking action to end the lived reality of apartheid and persecution for millions of Palestinians.

Read the report “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution” here


This month, delegates to the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) council voted to impose a rare censure on the University of Toronto for cancelling the hiring of ELSC Advisory Board member, Dr. Valentina Azarova.

Dr. Azarova, a distinguished legal Scholar and practitioner, research fellow at Manchester International Law Centre (MILC) and legal advisor to the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), was abruptly removed from the hiring process at the University of Toronto following ‘concerns’ on her academic work on human rights in Israel and Palestine.

The council of the CAUT found that cancelling the hiring of Dr Azarova constituted a grave breach of widely recognized principles of academic freedom and took the decision to censure Toronto University for their action. This measure, last imposed by the CAUT in 2008, asks academic staff across Canada to not accept appointments or speaking engagements at the institution until satisfactory changes are made.

“The decision to censure was not taken lightly. It is a measure of last resort used only when we are faced with serious violations of academic freedom and other principles that are fundamental to higher education,” explained CAUT Executive Director David Robinson.

The CAUT vote sends an important message to universities everywhere that discrimination against Palestinian human rights advocates is unacceptable. The ELSC welcomes this decision and we hope the University of Toronto will issue a full apology and hire Dr. Azarova, ensuring such actions do not occur again.”

ELSC Director, Giovanni Fassina

Read the CAUT press release here


Read here a new report published by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (an FIDH-OMCT partnership) on the Israeli government’s campaign to silence and discredit Israeli, Palestinian and Syrian Golan Heights-based human rights NGOs.

The report highlights the strategy put in place by the Israeli government, in particular, the Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy (MSA), which aims to delegitimise critical civil society voices through “naming and shaming” and associating them with terrorism or antisemitism; putting pressure on anyone that provides a platform for their discourse; and lobbying to cut off their sources of funding.

Read the report here

The UK-based organization, Free Speech on Israel, this month released a new report on how the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism is being misrepresented. The report, written by University of Oxford academic Jamie Stern-Weiner details how the IHRA definition was manipulated to protect the State of Israel from legitimate criticism by equating such criticism with antisemtism.

Read the report here