Press Release

Dutch Court Fails to Enforce State’s Obligations to Prevent Genocide and Address Ties to Illegal Occupation

Joint press release – Amsterdam, 13 December 2024

Today, the District Court of The Hague delivered its ruling in the lawsuit filed by a coalition of Palestinian and Dutch civil society organisations against the Dutch State. The case called for the enforcement of measures to align Dutch policies with international law, particularly regarding arms exports and trade relations tied to Israel’s illegal occupation and systemic violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). While the ruling was anticipated, our organisations see it as a setback for international accountability and justice.

Although the court acknowledged the Dutch State’s legal obligations under international law, including the duty to prevent genocide and protect human rights, it ultimately ruled in favour of the State. The court rejected the coalition’s request for a blanket ban on military and dual-use goods exports but emphasized the Dutch State’s continuing responsibility to assess each export license individually. This case-by-case approach underscores the State’s obligation to ensure its exports do not contribute to violations of international humanitarian law (IHL). However, the risk remains—even for defensive military equipment. Israel’s military power to carry out its actions in Gaza depends not only on offensive weapons but also on defensive systems that enable further genocidal actions as well as maintaining and entrenching its illegal occupation and apartheid regime.

Furthermore, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Israeli perpetrators suspected of carrying out international crimes in Gaza, namely Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and the former Minister of Defence Gallant. The Geneva Conventions and Genocide Convention, which should inform the Dutch state’s duty of care, and responsibility to prevent, were barely mentioned in the court’s ruling. The coalition finds this lack of attention to the core arguments on the legal provisions that bind the State in this case astounding. 

The court also accepted the Dutch State’s ‘discouragement policy’ in relation to the illegal Israeli settlements as adequate, without evaluating its effectiveness. Israeli settlements have been established and maintained in violation of international law, as confirmed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ has made it clear in its July 2024 advisory opinion that states, including the Netherlands, are obligated “to take steps to prevent trade or investment relations that assist in the maintenance of the illegal situation created by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” –– obligations which go beyond mere “discouragement”. However, the judge did not assess whether the discouragement policy meets the Dutch State’s obligations under international law, nor did the court consider its effectiveness in halting violations.  

International experts have made it clear that international crimes of forced displacement are ongoing, making urgent action necessary. In the first half of 2024, under the leadership of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, Israel has designated more Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank as “state land” than in the previous 25 years combined. While the Dutch government frames its policy as long-term, the urgent question remains: Is it effective in addressing violations happening now? Palestinians continue to suffer from an ongoing, deepening Nakba, with genocide occurring in Gaza and settler colonisation intensifying in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, it is clear that the current policy needs to be reassessed.

Lastly, the Dutch state claims it is unlikely to grant arms licenses for weapons that can contribute to Israeli military or settler activities in Gaza or the West Bank, including Jerusalem, due to the clear risk that weapons, in the current context, contribute to grave violations under international humanitarian law. The state’s position contradicts itself. If there is any risk, even indirect, that such exports will be used in the perpetration of international crimes, such as genocide, such exports – including indirect exports – should not be allowed. While the Dutch state says to agree with us on the risk associated with these exports, its policies do not reflect this understanding. The Dutch government acknowledges that the occupation is illegal, yet continues military cooperation and allows trade with settlements, reinforcing the inconsistency between its legal stance and its actions. 

Shawan Jabarin, General Director of Al-Haq stated “Today, the Palestinian people have been met by abominable injustice. The Netherlands allows indirect sales of F-35 components to Israel, used in the industrial extermination of our children. The Netherlands has abandoned the most basic rules of international law, to prevent colonisation, annexation, apartheid and genocide –– an abandonment that creates a chasm of suffering, not just for Palestinians, but for all of mankind”.

“Today, a Dutch court in The Hague has chosen to ignore the findings of two international tribunals located in the same city, thereby failing to uphold the Netherlands’ obligations under international law. Concurrently, Israel persists in its systematic killing of Palestinians daily, actions further emboldened by rulings of this nature. We reiterate our urgent demand: cease all arms transfers to Israel, or face legal accountability at both the state and individual levels for complicity in the commission of international crimes,” said Issam Younis, Al Mezan’s Director. 

Raji Sourani, PCHR’s Director, added “This decision is a real shame as it emboldens Israel’s settler-colonial regime to continue its crimes against the Palestinian people, including the ongoing genocide in Gaza which has been live streamed for 14 months. Instead of blocking these arms exports, which is the minimum that the Dutch government should be doing to address the current situation, the Dutch Court is giving legal protection for a state whose sitting Prime Minister has arrest warrants issued to him by the International Criminal Court.”

The coalition will thoroughly review the court’s ruling and is seriously considering appealing the decision. The systemic violence and dehumanisation faced by Palestinians demand immediate and concrete action, not complacency or complicity.


The coalition consists of Al-Haq, Al Mezan, Een Ander Joods Geluid (EAJG), the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Groningen Jabalya, SOMO, Stichting Kifaia, Nederlands Palestina Komitee, Stichting Palestina. The case is supported by Erev Rav and Plant een Olijfboom.

Press Release

BREAKING – Dutch and Palestinian NGOs sue Dutch state for failing to prevent genocide in Gaza and to ensure Israel respects international law

A coalition of Palestinian and Dutch civil society organisations are suing the Dutch state for failing to prevent genocide in Gaza and other Israeli violations of international law. The coalition’s main requests to the Dutch civil court include a ban on the export and transit of weapons, weapon parts, and dual-use items to Israel as well as a ban on all Dutch trade and investment relations that help maintain Israel’s unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory. The coalition, consisting of Al-Haq, Al Mezan, Een Ander Joods Geluid (EAJG), the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Groningen Jabalya, SOMO, Stichting Kifaia, Nederlands Palestina Komitee, and Stichting Palestina is represented by lawyers from Global Justice Association in their proceeding before the court. The case is supported by Erev Rav and Plant een Olijfboom.

The Genocide Convention, to which the Netherlands is a party, obliges signatories to prevent the crime of genocide from taking place. However, the Netherlands, consistently positioning itself as a political ally of Israel, has failed to act to prevent genocide in Gaza, even after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found, in January 2024, that Israel is plausibly committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. In addition to the Genocide Convention, the Geneva Conventions bind states to ensure respect for international humanitarian law.

In February 2024, the Dutch Court of Appeal ruled that there is a clear risk of serious violations of international humanitarian law being committed by Israeli forces in Gaza. In the same month, UN experts warned that any transfer of weapons to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and should cease. Despite this, the Netherlands continues to be involved in the supply of weapon parts and dual-use items to Israel. In addition, even though the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) requested the issuance of arrest warrants against Israel’s Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, the Netherlands has sent top-level military delegations to meet with the Israeli army and invited Israel’s president to the Netherlands while many of his inciting statements were used in South Africa’s application to the ICJ. The filing argues that the Netherlands must ban all export and transfer of arms (parts) and dual-use goods to Israel – and push other states to do the same.

The confirmed death toll in Gaza since October 2023 is nearly 42,000 while over 200,000 people are estimated to have died as a result of injuries, preventable or treatable diseases and a lack of food, water, and medical treatment.

Structural violations of international law

The case filed today is not limited to the Dutch state’s inaction in light of Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. The legal filing also challenges the woefully inadequate policy of the Netherlands when it comes to Israel’s structural violations of international law – since long before October 2023 – in both Gaza and the West Bank, including Jerusalem. Israel’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, through its military occupation and settlements, is unlawful and must end according to the ICJ. 

In July 2024, the ICJ determined that all States have the obligation to prevent and abstain from economic dealings that assist Israel’s unlawful policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The court case filed today seeks to bring an end to Dutch trade and investment relations that help maintain the illegal occupation, racial segregation, and colonisation through settlements. The Netherlands must take effective measures to that effect and push other states to do the same. 

No indication of taking measures

There is no indication that the Dutch state plans to take measures aimed at preventing genocide in Gaza or addressing Dutch economic ties to Israel’s unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The new Dutch government has positioned itself even closer to Israel, as the latter continues to bombard, starve, and forcibly displace Palestinians with no end in sight. 

This is why the coalition of civil society organisations has decided to take the Dutch state to court. It is incumbent upon the Dutch judicial system to enforce legal obligations to which the state is committed.

Issam Younis from Al Mezan said,

The Palestinian people have been suffering from Israel’s violations of international law since long before 7 October 2023. However, our oppression has reached unprecedented levels in the past year.  People in Gaza have been the victim of a genocidal assault that does not appear to end anytime soon while, in the rest of Palestine, Israel is doubling down on its policies of colonisation, apartheid, and subjugation. The Netherlands is aware of this, but it continues to support Israel politically, economically, and militarily, at the cost of the rights of Palestinians.

Daan de Grefte from the ELSC added,

The ICJ has confirmed that Israel’s assault on Gaza since 7 October could amount to genocide, triggering the legal obligation of all states to do whatever is in their power to prevent it. The ICJ has also held that states should take steps to prevent trade or investment where it could support the unlawful occupation of Palestine. It is now up to domestic courts to give practical meaning to these determinations and to ensure that international law is applied equally to all states.

Lydia de Leeuw from SOMO said,

There can be no business as usual with Israel. Dutch investors, supermarkets, suppliers of military products, and other actors have been enabling the occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians for decades. The Netherlands, host of the ICC and ICJ, must adhere to its own obligations under international law and take measures for accountability. Now.

Wout Albers, attorney of the coalition, concluded,

The common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions is clear that states should stop breaches of international humanitarian law. The very minimum is not to deal with the oppressing regime. The rulings in the Genocide case and the Advisory Opinion have only emphasised what we already knew: genocidal acts are being committed and the occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal. All states, including the Netherlands, have the obligation to not cooperate and be complicit in violations, but also should do everything to stop future grave breaches and prevent further genocidal acts from happening.



BREAKING – Nederlandse en Palestijnse organisaties klagen Nederlandse staat aan vanwege diens falen in voorkomen van genocide in Gaza

Een coalitie van Palestijnse en Nederlandse maatschappelijke organisaties klaagt de Nederlandse staat aan voor het niet voorkomen van genocide in Gaza en van andere Israëlische schendingen van het internationaal recht. De belangrijkste eisen van de coalitie aan de Nederlandse civiele rechter zijn een verbod op de export en doorvoer van wapens, wapenonderdelen en dual-use artikelen naar Israël en een verbod op alle Nederlandse handels- en investeringsrelaties die Israëls illegale bezetting van en nederzettingen in Palestijns gebied in stand helpen houden. De coalitie, bestaande uit Al-Haq, Al Mezan, Een Ander Joods Geluid (EAJG), het European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Groningen Jabalya, SOMO, Stichting Kifaia, Nederlands Palestina Komitee en Stichting Palestina, wordt in hun procedure voor de rechtbank vertegenwoordigd door advocaten van Global Justice Association. De zaak wordt ondersteund door Erev Rav en Plant een Olijfboom.

Het Genocideverdrag, dat door Nederland ondertekend is, verplicht ondertekenaars te voorkomen dat genocide plaatsvindt. Desondanks heeft Nederland, dat zich consequent opstelt als politieke bondgenoot van Israël, nagelaten actie te ondernemen om genocide in Gaza te voorkomen, zelfs nadat het Internationaal Gerechtshof (ICJ) in januari 2024 oordeelde dat het aannemelijk is dat Israël genocide pleegt tegen Palestijnen in Gaza. Behalve het Genocideverdrag verplichten ook de Geneefse Conventies staten om het internationaal humanitair recht te respecteren en te doen respecteren.

In februari 2024 oordeelde het Gerechtshof in Den Haag dat er een duidelijk risico bestaat op ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht door Israëlische troepen in Gaza. In dezelfde maand waarschuwden VN-deskundigen dat elke levering van wapens aan Israël die in Gaza zouden kunnen worden gebruikt, waarschijnlijk in strijd is met het internationaal humanitair recht en moet worden stopgezet. Desondanks blijft Nederland betrokken bij de levering van wapenonderdelen en dual use goederen aan Israël. En bovendien heeft Nederland, ondanks het feit dat de aanklager van het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) heeft verzocht om arrestatiebevelen uit te vaardigen tegen de premier en minister van Defensie van Israël, een militaire delegatie op topniveau gestuurd om het Israëlische leger te ontmoeten en de president van Israël uitgenodigd naar Nederland te komen. Veel van zijn ophitsende uitspraken stonden toen al in de aanklacht van Zuid-Afrika bij het ICJ. Eén van de eisen van de coalitie is dat Nederland alle export en doorvoer van wapenonderdelen en dual use goederen naar Israël moet verbieden – en andere landen moet aansporen hetzelfde te doen.
Het bevestigde dodental in Gaza sinds oktober 2023 is bijna 42.000, terwijl naar schatting meer dan 200.000 mensen zijn gestorven als gevolg van verwondingen, te voorkomen of behandelbare ziekten en een gebrek aan voedsel, water en medische behandeling.

Structurele schendingen van het internationaal recht
De zaak die vandaag is ingediend beperkt zich niet tot de passiviteit van de Nederlandse staat in het licht van de brute aanval van Israël op Gaza. De aanklacht gaat ook in tegen het tekortschietende beleid van Nederland als het gaat om Israëls structurele schendingen van het internationaal recht – sinds lang voor oktober 2023 – in zowel Gaza als de Westelijke Jordaanoever, inclusief Jeruzalem. Israëls aanwezigheid in de bezette Palestijnse gebieden, inclusief de militaire bezetting en nederzettingen, is onrechtmatig en moet volgens het ICJ eindigen.

In juli 2024 bepaalde het ICJ dat alle staten verplicht zijn om economische transacties die het illegale beleid en de illegale praktijken van Israël in de bezette Palestijnse gebieden ondersteunen, te voorkomen en zich hiervan te onthouden. De rechtszaak die vandaag is aangespannen wil een einde maken aan Nederlandse handels- en investeringsrelaties die de illegale bezetting, segregatie en kolonisatie door middel van nederzettingen in stand helpen houden. Nederland moet hiertoe effectieve maatregelen nemen en andere staten aansporen hetzelfde te doen.

Geen aanwijzingen voor het nemen van maatregelen
Er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat de Nederlandse staat van plan is maatregelen te nemen om de genocide in Gaza te voorkomen of de Nederlandse economische banden met Israëls illegale aanwezigheid in de bezette Palestijnse gebieden aan te pakken. De nieuwe Nederlandse regering heeft zich nog dichter naast Israël gepositioneerd, terwijl dat land doorgaat met het bombarderen, uithongeren en het gedwongen verplaatsen van Palestijnen zonder dat het einde daarvan in zicht is.

Daarom heeft de coalitie besloten de Nederlandse staat voor de rechter te dagen. Het is aan de Nederlandse rechter om de wettelijke verplichtingen waaraan de staat zich heeft gecommitteerd af te dwingen.

Issam Younis (Al Mezan) zegt:

Het Palestijnse volk heeft al veel langer dan oktober 2023 te lijden onder Israëls schendingen van het internationaal recht. Het afgelopen jaar heeft onze onderdrukking echter een ongekend niveau bereikt. Mensen in Gaza zijn het slachtoffer geworden van een genocidale aanval die niet lijkt te stoppen, terwijl Israël in de rest van Palestina diens beleid van kolonisatie, apartheid en onderwerping versterkt. Nederland is zich hiervan bewust, maar blijft Israël politiek, economisch en militair steunen, ten koste van de rechten van Palestijnen.

Lydia de Leeuw (SOMO) zegt:

Er kan geen sprake zijn van ‘business as usual’ met Israël. Nederlandse investeerders, supermarkten, leveranciers van militaire producten en andere spelers maken de bezetting en etnische zuivering van de Palestijnen al tientallen jaren mogelijk. Nederland, gastheer van het ICC en het ICJ, moet zich houden aan diens eigen verplichtingen onder internationaal recht en maatregelen nemen om de misdrijven te stoppen. Nu.

Wout Albers, advocaat van de coalitie, besluit:

Artikel 1 van de Geneefse Conventies stelt duidelijk dat staten een einde moeten maken aan schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht. Geen zaken meer doen met het onderdrukkende regime is dan het minimale. De uitspraken in de Genocidezaak en de Advisory Opinion van het ICJ hebben alleen maar benadrukt wat we al wisten: er worden genocidale daden gepleegd en de bezetting van Palestijns gebied is illegaal. Alle staten, ook Nederland, hebben de plicht om niet mee te werken en medeplichtig te zijn aan schendingen en moeten ook alles doen om toekomstige ernstige schendingen en verdere genocidale daden te voorkomen.


عاجل: ترفعُ المنظّمات غير الحكوميّة الهولنديّة والفلسطينيّة دعوى قضائيّة ضدّ الدّولة الهولنديّة بتهمة فشلها في التّصدّي للإبادة الجماعيّة في غزّة وضمان احترام إسرائيل للقانون الدّوليّ

بتَّ اِئتلافُ متكوّنٌ من منظّمات المجتمع المدنيّ الفلسطينيّة والهولنديّة في شنّ دعوى قضائيّة ضدّ الدّولة الهولنديّة لفشلها في التّصدّي للإبادة الجماعيّة في غزّة وبسبب مختلف انتهاكات إسرائيل للقانون الدّوليّ كذلك. تتضمّنُ طلبات الائتلاف الرّئيسيّة المطروحة على المحكمة المدنيّة الهولنديّة حظر تصدير ومرور الأسلحة، وأجزاء ومكوّنات الأسلحة، والمواد ذات الاستخدام المزدوج إلى إسرائيل، إضافةً إلى حظر كلّ العلاقات التّجاريّة والاستثماريّة الهولنديّة التّي تمكّنُ من استمرار احتلال إسرائيل غير الشّرعيّ للأراضي الفلسطينيّة. يتكوّنُ الائتلافُ من مؤسّسة الحقّ، مركز الميزان لحقوق الإنسان، منظّمة diuleG sdooJ rednA neE (بالهولنديّة “صوت يهوديّ مختلف”)، المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (CSLE)، منظّمة negninorG aylabaJ (جرونينجن جباليا)، مركز OMOS(مركز أبحاث الشّركات المتعدّدة الجنسيّات)، حركة كفاية (ayafiK)، اللّجنة الهولنديّة الفلسطينيّة (sdnalredeN anitselaP eetimmoK)، حركة anitsalaP. ويمثّل محامون من جمعيّة العدالة العالميّة (noitaicossA ecitsuJ labolG) ائتلاف الجمعيّات السّالف ذكرها أمام القضاء وتدعمُ كلٌّ من مجموعة “إيريف راف” ( vaR verE) اليهوديّة المناهضة للصّهيونيّة ومؤسّسة moobfjilO nee tnalP (ازرعْ شجرة زيتون) الدّعوى القضائيّة المرفوعة.

تُلزمُ اتّفاقيّة منع جريمة الإبادة الجماعيّة والمعاقبة عليها، وهي اتّفاقيّة وقّعت عليها هولندا، الدّولَ الأطراف على منع حدوث جريمة الإبادة الجماعيّة. بيد أنّ الدّولة الهولنديّة التّي ما فتئت تلعبُ دور الحليف السياسيّ لإسرائيل فشلت فشلاً ذريعًا لتحول دون حصول إبادة جماعيّة في غزّة، حتّى بعد أن بيّنت محكمة العدل الدّوليّة، في جانفي/يناير 2024، أنّ إسرائيل ترتكب إبادةً جماعيّةً واضحةً ضدّ الفلسطينيّين والفلسطينيّات. علاوةً على ما تنصّ عليه اتّفاقيّة منع جريمة الإبادة الجماعيّة والمعاقبة عليها، تُلزمُ اتّفاقيّة جنيف الدّول بضمان احترام القانون الإنسانيّ الدّوليّ.

في فبراير/شبّاط 2024، قضتْ محكمة الاستئناف الهولنديّة بوجود خطر جليٍّ يتعلّق بانتهاكات جسيمة للقانون الإنسانيّ الدّوليّ ارتكبتها القوّات الإسرائيليّة في غزّة. في نفس الشّهر، أطلق خبراء الأمم المتّحدّة تحذيرًا ينصُّ على أنّ أيّ نقلٍ للأسلحة إلى إسرائيل لاستخدامها في غزّة قد يُشكّلُ انتهاكًا للقانون الإنسانيّ الدّوليّ، لذا فهو أمرٌ يجب إيقافه. ولكنْ، وعلى الرّغم من كلّ ما سلف ذكره، تواصل الدّولة الهولنديّة انخراطها في عمليّة تزويد إسرائيل بأجزاء ومكوّنات الأسلحة والمواد ذات الاستخدام المزدوج.

إضافةً إلى ذلك، رغم طلبات المدّعي العامّ للمحكمة الجنائيّة الدّوليّة بإصدار مذكّرة اعتقال بحقّ كلٍّ من رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيليّ ووزير الدّفاع، أرسلت الحكومة الهولنديّة ثلّةً مختارةً من الوفود العسكريّة السّامية للقاء الجيش الإسرائيليّ وأرسلت دعوةً للرّئيس الإسرائيليّ للقدوم إلى هولندا وهو للتّذكير نفس الرّئيس الذّي استخدمت جنوب أفريقيا تصريحاته التّحريضيّة لتقديم طلبها الرّسميّ إلى محكمة العدل الدّوليّة. ينصّ فحوى الطّلب على أنّه يجب على هولندا منع تصدير ومرور الأسلحة، وأجزاء ومكوّنات الأسلحة، والمواد ذات الاستخدام المزدوج إلى إسرائيل، كما يجب عليها أن تسعى جاهدةً إلى تشجيع دول أخرى للقيام بنفس الشيء.

حسب الأرقام الرّسميّة، يرتفع عدد القتلى في غزّة منذ شهر أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل ليصل إلى حواليْ 42 ألف قتيل وتشيرُ التّقديرات إلى أنّ أكثر من 200 ألف شخص لقوا حتفهم بشكل غير مباشر، أيْ نتيجةً للإصابات، لأمراض كان من الممكن الوقاية منها أو علاجها، ولنقص الغذاء والماء والعلاج الطّبيّ.[1]

انتهاكات بنيويّة للقانون الدّوليّ

لا تقتصرُ الدّعوى القضائيّة المرفوعة اليوم على تقاعس الدّولة الهولنديّة فيما يتعلّق بعدوان إسرائيل الوحشيّ على غزّة فقط، بل هي تتحدّى أيضًا سياسة هولندا غير الملائمة بشكل مؤسف في إطار انتهاكات إسرائيل البنيويّة للقانون الدّوليّ وهو ليس بالأمر الجديد، فهي انتهاكات ترجعُ إلى زمن بعيد يتعدّى شهر أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل من سنة 2023، وذلك في كلّ من غزّة والضّفّة الغربيّة والقدس أيضًا. يُعتبرُ وجود الكيان الإسرائيليّ في الأراضي الفلسطينيّة المحتلّة بفضل آليّة الاحتلال العسكريّ والاستيطان وجودًا غير قانونيّ ويجب أن يتوقّف بموجب ما نصّت عليه محكمة العدل الدّوليّة.

في شهر جويلية/يوليو 2024، نصّت محكمة العدل الدّوليّة على أنّ جميع الدّول ملزمة بالامتناع وحظر المعاملات الاقتصاديّة التّي تدعم سياسات إسرائيل وممارساتها غير القانونيّة في الأراضي الفلسطينيّة المحتلّة. تسعى الدّعوى القضائيّة المرفوعة اليوم إلى إنهاء العلاقات التّجاريّة والاستثماريّة التّي تساهم في ترسيخ وجود الاحتلال غير القانونيّ والتّمييز العنصريّ والاستعمار من خلال المستوطنات. يجب على هولندا اتّخاذ تدابير لتحقيق هذا الغرض ولتكون مثالاً تقتدي به الدّول الأخرى.

غياب أيّ إشارات تنوّه باتّخاذ أيّ تدبير كان

لا توجد أيّ إشارة واضحة أو دليل ما ينوّه بأنّ الحكومة الهولنديّة ستتخّذ إجراءات تهدف إلى منع الإبادة الجماعيّة في غزّة أو تحليل نوعيّة روابطها الاقتصاديّة مع الكيان الإسرائيليّ غير القانونيّ في الأراضي الفلسطينيّة المحتلّة. إنّ الحكومة الهولنديّة الجديدة ذات صلة وطيدة أكثر بإسرائيل التّي تواصل قصف وتجويع وتهجير الفلسطينيّين والفلسطينيّات القسريّ في دوّامة من العنف تنعدمُ فيها رؤية أيّ مخرج كان.

هذا هو السّياق الذّي جعل ائتلاف منظّمات المجتمع المدنيّ يتّخذ قرار رفع دعوى قضائيّة ضدّ الحكومة الهولنديّة لأنّه تقع على عاتق القضاء الهولنديّ مسؤوليّة إنفاذ الالتزامات القانونيّة التّي التزمت بها الدّولة مسبقًا.

يقول عصام يونس من مركز الميزان لحقوق الإنسان:

“إنّ معاناة الشّعب الفلسطينيّ من انتهاكات إسرائيل للقانون الدّوليّ لم تبدأ في 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل 2023، بل قبل هذا التّاريخ بكثير. لكنّنا أصبحنا ضحايا قمع لا سابق له منذ العام الماضي. سكّان غزّة ضحايا هجومات تكتسي بكلّ وضوح حلّة إبادةٍ جماعيّةٍ لا يبدو أنّها ستنتهي في أيّ وقت قريب من الآن. وفي أراضي فلسطين الأخرى، تواصل إسرائيل مضاعفة سياساتها الاستعماريّة وسياسة الفصل العنصريّ والقهر. هولندا واعية كلّ الوعي بكلّ هذا، ولكنّها تواصل دعم إسرائيل سياسيًّا، اقتصاديًّا، وعسكريًّا على حساب حقوق الفلسطينيّين والفلسطينيّات.”

يُضيف دان دو جريفت من المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (CSLE):

أكّدت محكمة العدل الدّوليّة أنّ الهجمات التّي ما فتئت تشنّها إسرائيل على غزّة منذ 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل يمكن أن تصل إلى مستوى تصنيف الإبادة الجماعيّة، وهو أمر يؤدّي إلى إلزام جميع الدّول قانونًا بالقيام بكلّ ما في وسعها لمنع ذلك. كما رأت المحكمة أنّه يتوجّب على الدّول اتّخاذ خطوات لمنع التّجارة أو الاستثمار كلّما كان الأمر داعمًا للاحتلال غير القانونيّ لفلسطين. في الوقت الرّاهن، يُعتبرُ الأمر متروكًا للمحاكم المحليّة حتّى تتجسّد وتتبلور هذه الالتزامات ولضمان تطبيق القانون الدّولي على قدم مساواة لكلّ الدّول.”

حسب أقوال ليديا دي لايو من مركز OMOS (مركز أبحاث الشّركات المتعدّدة الجنسيّات):

“لا يمكن مواصلة التّجارة مع إسرائيل مثل السّابق. لقد مكّن المستثمرون الهولنديّون والمتاجر الكبرى ومورّدو المنتجات العسكريّة وجهات فاعلة أخرى في هولندا من جعل الاحتلال الإسرائيليّ ممكنًا ومن ترسيخ التّطهير العرقيّ لفلسطين منذ عقود من الزّمن. يجب على هولندا التّي تحتضنُ في كيانها المحكمة الجنائيّة الدّوليّة ومحكمة العدل الدّوليّة أنْ تحترم التزاماتها بموجب القانون الدّوليّ وأن تتّخذ التّدابير اللاّزمة المتعلّقة بمحاسبة ومساءلة نفسها. الآن.”

يختمُ وُوت ألبارس، محامي الائتلاف، قائلاً:

“بموجب المادّة الأولى المشتركة لاتّفاقيّة جنيف، من الواضح أنّه يجب على الدّول أن تتوقّف عن انتهاك القانون الإنسانيّ الدّوليّ. والحدّ الأدنى هو عدم التّعامل مع نظام حكومة قمعيّ. لم تؤّكدْ كلٌّ من الأحكام الصّادرة في قضيّة الإبادة الجماعيّة والرّأي القانونيّ إلاّ على أمورٍ كنّا نعرفها سابقًا: تمّ ارتكاب إبادة جماعيّة واحتلال الأراضي الفلسطينيّة أمر غير قانونيّ. يجب على كلّ الدّول، بما في ذلك هولندا، الالتزام بعدم التّعاون وعدم التّواطؤ في مثل هذه الانتهاكات ويجب عليها أيضًا بذل قصار جهدها لوضع حدٍّ في المستقبل لمثل هذه الانتهاكات الوخيمة ولمنع حدوث أيّ عمل تنجم عنه إبادة جماعيّة لاحقًا.”

[1] “إحصاء القتلى في غزّة: صعبٌ لكنّه ضروريٌّ” في مجلّة لانسيت

Press Release

New Website With Overview of Ties Between Dutch Universities and Israel 


Joint Press Release by European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Stop Arms Trade, Solid Sustainability Research, The Rights Forum – Amsterdam, 7 June 2024

Relations with Israel’s military-industrial complex and Israeli human rights violations underline demands from actions at universities

Today, civil society organisations Stop Arms Trade, European Legal Support Center (ELSC) and Solid Sustainability Research published the new website, which provides an overview of all current institutional ties with Israeli entities for all Dutch research universities. With this website, the initiators aim to provide students and staff members taking action at universities in the light of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and calling to end complicit ties, as well as all other interested parties, with a reliable and comprehensive source of information. It reveals over 200 relationships with Israeli companies, universities and government agencies, among others, a significant number of which work with or for the Israeli military.  

The database, compiled in collaboration with students from various Dutch? universities, relies on publicly available information including collaborations in EU-funded research projects, exchange programs and other joint initiatives. 

Israeli partners’ involvement in violence and repression against Palestinians varies.

Most worrying are the collaborations with Israeli military companies, such as Israel Aerospace Industries, which is a major arms supplier to the Israeli armed forces,

says Mark Akkerman (researcher at Stop Arms Trade)

but also with large international arms companies such as Lockheed Martin, Thales and Airbus, which not only supply weapons, but also frequently collaborate with the Israeli arms industry. This arms industry, closely linked to the military, is highly regarded on the international market, where it advertises weapons as ‘combat proven’, or, in other words, ‘tested on Palestinians’.

 Itaï van de Wal, from ELSC, adds: 

Israeli universities are also deeply embedded in apartheid, occupation and Israel’s military-industrial complex. They produce the knowledge and skills to keep these systems of oppression against Palestinians running, in concert with the military, the state and industry. A number of universities train officers and campuses also lend themselves to military purposes.

Michiel Bot, from Dutch Scholars for Palestine, says:

The complicity of Israeli universities in the occupation, apartheid, and now genocide is not limited to the development of military technology. For example, law faculties are developing doctrines to justify flagrant violations of international law; international relations institutes develop strategic doctrines that legitimize the periodic bombing of Gaza (“Mowing the Grass in Gaza”); archeology departments erase traces of non-Jewish culture in Palestine; students engage in state propaganda on social media.

Access the website here:   

Nieuwe website met overzicht banden tussen Nederlandse universiteiten en Israël

7 juni 2024 – Vanaf vandaag is de nieuwe website online, die per Nederlandse universiteit een overzicht geeft van alle actuele institutionele banden met aan genocide en andere misdaden medeplichtige Israëlische instellingen en bedrijven. Met deze website willen de initiatiefnemers – Stop Wapenhandel, European Legal Support Centre (ELSC) en Solid Sustainability Research – studenten en stafleden die op de universiteiten in actie komen voor het beëindigen van deze banden en alle andere geïnteresseerden van een betrouwbare en zo compleet mogelijke informatiebron voorzien. Het gaat in totaal om ruim 200 relaties met onder meer Israëlische bedrijven, universiteiten en overheidsinstellingen, waarvan een aanzienlijk deel werkt met of voor de Israëlische krijgsmacht. 

Itaï van de Wal van het ELSC: “Studenten en medewerkers zetten zich al jarenlang in voor de openbaarheid en beschikbaarheid van de banden met medeplichtige partners die ze aan de kaak stellen. Met deze website zetten we een grote stap naar het voor iedereen vindbaar en overzichtelijk maken deze informatie. Mensen kunnen op de omvang van het probleem inzien en informatie vinden over waarom partners medeplichtig worden geacht.”

De database, die is samengesteld in samenwerking met studenten en staf van diverse Nederlandse universiteiten, baseert zich op openbaar beschikbare informatie over onder andere samenwerkingen in door de EU gefinancierde onderzoeksprojecten, uitwisselingsprogramma’s en andere gezamenlijke initiatieven.

De betrokkenheid van de Israëlische partners bij geweld en onderdrukking tegen Palestijnen variëert. “Meest zorgelijk zijn de samenwerkingen met Israëlische militaire bedrijven, zoals Israel Aerospace Industries, een belangrijke wapenleverancier voor de Israëlische krijgsmacht,”, aldus Mark Akkerman (onderzoeker bij Stop Wapenhandel), “maar eveneens die met grote internationale wapenbedrijven als Lockheed Martin, Thales en Airbus, die niet alleen wapens leveren maar ook frequent samenwerken met de Israëlische wapenindustrie”. Deze nauw met de krijgsmacht verbonden wapenindustrie staat hoog aangeschreven op de internationale markt, waar het wapens aanprijst als ‘combat proven’, oftewel: ‘getest op Palestijnen’. 

Michiel Bot van Dutch Scholars for Palestine vult aan: “De medeplichtigheid van Israëlische universiteiten aan de bezetting, de apartheid, en nu aan de genocide beperkt zich niet tot het ontwikkelen van militaire technologie. Zo ontwikkelen rechtenfaculteiten doctrines om flagrante schendingen van het internationale recht goed te praten; ontwikkelen instituten voor internationale betrekkingen strategische doctrines die de periodieke bombardementen op Gaza legitimeren (“Mowing the Grass in Gaza”); wissen archeologie afdelingen sporen van niet-joodse cultuur in Palestina uit; schrijven geschiedenisafdelingen Palestijnen uit de geschiedenis; en laten universiteiten studenten staatspropaganda bedrijven op social media.”

Press Release

Legal Action to Stop Arms Exports from Germany to Israel


Press release – ELSC (European Legal Support Center), PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy), Law for Palestine under the Justice and Accountability for Palestine Initiative, and Forensis.

Berlin – 5 April 2024

On April 5, 2024, Berlin lawyers are filing an urgent application against the German government to stop the approval of war weapons exports to Israel. The urgent appeal is being filed by Palestinians in Gaza who are demanding an immediate halt to the supply of weapons to Israel. As there is reason to believe that these weapons are being used to commit grave violations of international law, such as the crime of genocide and war crimes, the applicants are hereby demanding that the German government protect their right to life.

In 2023, the German government issued arms exports licenses to Israel worth 326.5 million Euro, the majority of which were approved after October 7, 2023, a tenfold increase compared to 2022. The German government is currently supporting the Israeli army by approving the supply of 3,000 portable anti-tank weapons, 500,000 rounds of ammunition for machine guns, submachine guns or other fully or semi-automatic firearms, as well as other military equipment, while in early 2024 Germany was preparing the authorisation of 10,000 rounds of 120mm tank ammunition. In addition, Germany authorised Israel to use two of the five TP-Heron combat drones that they had previously leased. A comprehensive report recently published by Forensis, Forensic Architecture’s Berlin-based affiliate, that brings together governmental records with data from monitoring groups and other initiatives, provides significant additional insights on past, current, and potential future arms exports from Germany to Israel.

As early as February 23, 2024, Palestinians filed criminal charges against members of the German government for aiding genocide in Gaza. The urgent application is therefore only logical: the arms deliveries and support provided by the Federal Government to Israel violate the Federal Republic’s obligations under the War Weapons Control Act. The criteria for the approval of arms exports include, among other things, that the weapons are not used against Germany’s obligations of the international law, in this case that Israel does not violate human rights and international humanitarian law. Since the ICJ in its decision of January 26, 2024 already sees evidence of genocide in Gaza, the Lawyers’ Collective believes that the delivery of weapons is contrary to these obligations. A Dutch court of appeal also ruled on February 26, 2024 that the delivery of F-35 spare parts to Israel must be stopped. The aim of the urgent motion is therefore to immediately stop future approvals of weapons of war deliveries to Israel and to revoke approvals that have already been granted.


Eilantrag gegen Waffenexporte von Deutschland nach Israel

Pressemitteilung von ELSC (European Legal Support Center), PIPD (Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy), Law for Palestine, Justice and Accountability for Palestine Initiative und Forensis.

Berlin – 5.4.2024

Am 5. April 2024 reichen Berliner Anwält:innen einen Eilantrag beim Verwaltungsgericht in Berlin gegen die Bundesregierung ein, um die Genehmigung von Kriegswaffenexporten nach Israel zu stoppen. Der Eilantrag wird von Palästinenser:innen in Gaza gestellt, die eine sofortige Einstellung der Waffenlieferungen an Israel fordern. Da Grund zu der Annahme besteht, dass die Waffen für Völkerrechtsverletzungen wie Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen eingesetzt werden, verfolgen die Antragsteller:innen ihren Rechtsanspruch, dass die Bundesregierung ihr Recht auf Leben schützen muss.

Im Jahr 2023 genehmigte die Bundesregierung Rüstungsexporte nach Israel im Wert von 326,5 Millionen Euro, die meisten davon nach dem 7. Oktober 2023. Im Vergleich zu 2022 verzehnfachten sich damit die Rüstungsexporte. Aktuell unterstützt die Bundesregierung die israelische Armee, indem sie die Lieferung von 3.000 tragbaren Panzerabwehrwaffen, 500.000 Schuss Munition für Maschinengewehre, Maschinenpistolen oder andere voll- oder halbautomatische Schusswaffen sowie weiteren Rüstungsgütern genehmigt. Anfang 2024 hat die Bundesregierung die Exportbewilligung von 10.000 Schuss Panzermunition geprüft. Außerdem genehmigte Deutschland Israel die Nutzung von zuvor geleasten TP-Heron-Kampfdrohnen. Darüber hinaus liefert ein umfassender Bericht, der kürzlich von Forensis – die in Berlin ansässige Schwesteragentur von Forensic Architecture – veröffentlicht wurde und Informationen aus Regierungsdokumenten mit Daten unabhängiger Monitoring-Gruppen zusammenführt, entscheidende Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich vergangener, gegenwärtiger und möglicherweise zukünftiger Rüstungs- und Waffenexporte von Deutschland nach Israel.

Bereits am 23. Februar 2024 stellten Palästinenser:innen Strafanzeige gegen Mitglieder der Bundesregierung wegen Beihilfe zum Völkermord in Gaza. Der Eilantrag ist daher nur folgerichtig: Die Waffenlieferungen und Unterstützungsleistungen der Bundesregierung an Israel verstoßen gegen die Verpflichtungen der Bundesrepublik aus dem Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz.  Zu den Kriterien für die Genehmigung von Waffenexporten gehört unter anderem, dass die Waffen nicht gegen die Verpflichtungen des Bundes aus dem Völkerrecht eingesetzt werden, in diesem Fall, dass Israel nicht gegen die Menschenrechte und das humanitäre Völkerrecht verstößt. Da der IGH in seiner Entscheidung vom 26. Januar 2024 bereits Anhaltspunkte für einen Völkermord in Gaza sieht, steht hier nach Ansicht des Anwält:innenkollektivs zu befürchten, dass die Waffenlieferung diesen Verpflichtungen entgegen stehen. Auch ein niederländisches Berufungsgericht hat bereits am 26. Februar 2024 entschieden, dass die Lieferung von F-35-Ersatzteilen an Israel gestoppt werden müssen. Ziel des Eilantrags ist es daher, künftige Genehmigungen für Kriegswaffenlieferungen an Israel sofort zu stoppen und bereits erteilte Genehmigungen zu widerrufen.

Press Release

Press Release: a Palestinian-led initiative warns public officials in Europe of intention to prosecute over complicity in Israel’s crimes in Gaza.

Amsterdam, January 22, 2024

The Justice and Accountability for Palestine Initiative has issued a stark warning to European public officials of the Austrian, French, German and Dutch governments that they could be individually liable for their role in aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of Genocide through their involvement in providing military, economic, and political support to Israel. 

This comes after 108 days of Israel’s relentless war against Gaza and the Palestinian people, resulting in a devastating toll, as of 19 January: 

24,977 Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

66,082 Palestinians injured in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

1,930,000 Palestinians internally displaced in the Gaza Strip.

10,300 Palestinian children killed in the Gaza Strip.

7,100 Palestinian women killed in the Gaza Strip.

117 Palestinian journalists killed by  Israel.

By ordering 1.2 million people in besieged Gaza to immediately leave their homes in northern Gaza and flee south, Israel has enforced mass displacement which constitutes both a war crime and a crime against humanity. Its ongoing complete siege of the Gaza Strip, restricting electricity, food, water, and other basic necessities, further amounts to collective punishment — a war crime under the Geneva Convention. Already back in November, more than 36 UN experts sounded the alarm about the risk of genocide in Gaza, “disturbed by the failure of governments and international systems to heed [the] call and achieve an immediate ceasefire”… “and profoundly concerned about the support of certain governments for Israel’s strategy of warfare against the besieged population of Gaza, and the failure of the international system to mobilise to prevent genocide”. The Government of South Africa made history, applying to the ICJ under the Genocide Convention accusing Israel of perpetrating genocide against the 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip and requested provisional measures that include a ceasefire and lifting of the blockade. The World Court is expected to decide on the requested measures within days, while deliberations on the merit of the genocide charges against Israel will likely take many months. South Africa’s submission described Israeli actions in Gaza as “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnic group”.

The German government, for instance, has increased military aid and  promised unwavering economic and political support to Israel as it continues its relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip. Even when the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza had exceeded 10,000 five weeks into the start of Israel’s brutal onslaught, Chancellor Scholz continued to oppose a ceasefire: “ I do not think the calls for an immediate ceasefire or long pause – which would amount to the same thing – are right.” Meanwhile, the Dutch government greenlighted export of military equipment to Israel during the genocide, while the Austrian and French public officials, through declarations and visits have shown unconditional support to Israel’s bombing campaign and can be legally liable for “aiding and abetting” war crimes. 

‘Despite horrific crimes committed against our people in Gaza, from indiscriminate bombings, mass killings, destruction of civilian infrastructure, starvation and forced displacement of the vast majority of the Palestinians in Gaza, European public officials have continuously and shamelessly supported such crimes publicly, and therefore must be held accountable …’ said Rula Jamal, Co-Director of the Palestine institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD), one of the co-leads of the initiative.

‘At a time of unprecedented atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza, it is not only a moral obligation of European states to uphold the international rule of law and prevent the crime of genocide. It is also a legal obligation: failure to do so might result in individual criminal liability for those who continue to recklessly support Israel’s relentless assault on Palestinians in Gaza’, according to Daan de Grefte, Legal Officer at the European Legal Support Center.

“As legal advocates deeply committed to justice, the unprecedented atrocities against the Palestinian people profoundly stir our consciences, compelling us to unite in fulfilling our duty. Those public officials implicated in supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza must face accountability. We urge decision-makers at all levels to reconsider their endorsement of international crimes, put an end to the hypocrisy, bring an immediate halt to the ongoing devastation in Gaza, and champion international law as the universal standard for protecting every individual”, emphasized Ihsan Adel, Chairperson of the Law for Palestine.

‘The continuation of unconditional support and armament of the Dutch state of Israel, even after seemingly genocidal statements by Israeli senior officials, is unacceptable. In combination with the horrific facts on the ground in Gaza, specifically the enormous death toll – including almost half of them children, this means that the Dutch government cannot keep supporting Israel’s actions without consequences. The Dutch state and its officials have the duty to prevent genocide and all other violations of humanitarian law’, states attorney Wout Albers of Global Justice Association.

Sustaining such assistance implicates European public officials in the perpetration of war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as failure to prevent the crime of genocide. This may render officials criminally liable for violating international law by ‘aiding and abetting’  Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

The full letters to the government officials can be found here.

About The Justice and Accountability for Palestine initiative

The Justice and Accountability for Palestine initiative is a decentralized worldwide network of legal organizations, lawyers and human rights defenders; dedicated to investigating and pursuing legal actions against individuals and entities involved in crimes in Palestine. The initiative is coordinated by Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD), the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) and Law for Palestine (Law4Palestine).

Contact for media enquiries and interviews

  • General inquiries: 
  • (Arabic,English) Rula Jamal,
  • (Dutch) Daan de Grefte, 
  • (French) Inès AbdelRazek,