Press Release

Joint Public Statement in Response to Independent Inquiry into Antisemitism at Goldsmiths 

Joint Statement withdrawing engagement with the Independent Inquiry into Antisemitism at Goldsmiths 

We, the undersigned organisations and individuals, withdraw our engagement with the independent inquiry into antisemitism at Goldsmiths following our loss of confidence in the Inquiry. We refuse to engage with an Inquiry that marginalises Palestinians and adopts an approach which discriminates against them, and appears to target those who criticise Israeli policies and Zionism. 

This decision follows: 

  • The refusal of both the Inquiry Chair and the College to ensure that the Inquiry’s scope includes the impact of the College’s approach to inquiring into antisemitism on Palestinian students and staff and those standing in solidarity with them.  
  • More than a year from its institution, the Inquiry’s refusal to confirm even what definition of antisemitism it is applying to inform its work, and in particular, whether it will adopt the widely discredited IHRA definition of antisemitism and its examples. This is a crucial question because criticism of Israeli government policies and actions, and anti-Zionism are frequently weaponised and misrepresented as antisemitism.   
  • Incoherent and contradictory statements from the College and the Chair of the Inquiry, with the College assuring a member that the Inquiry is not investigating individuals, while the Chair’s position is that it is.  
  • A lack of transparency as to who and what is being investigated by the Inquiry and a failure by the Inquiry to inform those it invites to interview what, if any, allegations have been made against them, or what general complaints or allegations there are.  
  • A lack of engagement with the Student Union as an institution.  
  • The Inquiry’s failure to indicate whether it intends to consider specific allegations against two individuals which have already been investigated and dismissed. Those allegations related to speech critical of Israeli government policies and Zionism. 

We initially engaged with this Inquiry in good faith, despite our misgivings about the circumstances in which it was instituted, which involved unfair and unfounded attacks on a woman of colour. Our attempts to engage with the Inquiry have been met with responses which are both incoherent and apathetic to the international climate of rampant anti-Palestinian repression. Other groups such as the Institute of Race Relations who had initially engaged in good faith, have also since disengaged due to a loss of confidence in the Inquiry. It is a matter for the Inquiry whether it takes account of our initial written submissions. If it does so objectively, those submissions will weigh heavily on the conclusions and recommendations.  

Both the College and the Chair of the Inquiry have refused to ensure that the Inquiry’s scope will include consideration of the impact of the College’s approach to investigating antisemitism on students and staff who (a) are Palestinian, Arab or Muslim (b) are from other minoritised groups (c) who hold anti-Zionist views and (d) who hold views which are critical of Israel and/or support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. 

This Inquiry takes place within a social and political context where unfounded accusations of antisemitism are used to silence Palestinian voices and those who stand with them. In addition to Palestinians, those most often targeted for standing up for Palestinian rights come from other marginalised groups. In ignoring this reality, the Inquiry’s approach perpetuates discrimination and represents a threat to freedom of expression and academic freedom.   

We have highlighted the discriminatory impact of the Inquiry’s approach in correspondence. In response, the College has refused to amend the Terms of Reference. The Chair of the Inquiry has similarly refused to include the effect of the process on these groups within the scope, offering a non-committal and general assurance that consideration of the impact on Palestinians and others “may inform” his outcome and recommendations. This is insufficient and unacceptable.  

Antisemitism is a scourge on our society, as are all forms of racism. Antisemitism is part of a larger context of this racism, and we should not fight one form of this oppression whilst also failing to see and understand another. The vital task of combating antisemitism in our community deserves a better custodian than this Inquiry.    


Vienna Administrative Court Declares Police Raid of Palestine Solidarity Encampment Vienna Unconstitutional  

In November 2024, the Vienna Administrative Court ruled on a complaint against the Vienna Police concerning the dissolution of the Palestine Solidarity Encampment Vienna at the University of Vienna on 8 May 2024, and declared the measures taken by the police to be unlawful and unconstitutional.  

The Palestine Solidarity Encampment had been set up on the University of Vienna Campus for only three days when the Vienna Police special unit Wiener Einsatzgruppe Alarmabteilung (WEGA) stormed it in the middle of the night, ​​​​attacking students present at the camp. Around 200 armed police officers violently evicted students and activists using drones, surveillance vans, police dogs, lorries, and a crane.   

At the time of the raid, the police gave no​ clear​ indication or ​consistent ​legal basis as to why the camp was being demolished. The Vienna Police Department later declared that after “a final assessment by the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence Service (DSN) […] the purpose of this gathering was no longer compatible with the Austrian legal situation after extensive consideration.” According to the police department of Vienna “the prosecuting authority had to conclude that the true aim or purpose of the gathering […]​ ​was to show solidarity with the aims of HAMAS and to create a mental breeding ground for the approval of terrorist offences within the meaning of Section 282a (2) of the Criminal Code ​(​StGB​)​ [approval of terrorist offences].”   

​​​​​​​The police substantiated these claims, citing that assembly participants had chanted the slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” and that the word “Intifada’’ was displayed on banners.  

No factual grounds 

The court dismissed these claims, reaffirming that freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are protected even when opinions expressed are considered shocking or offensive, as per settled case law of the European Court of Human Rights. Moreover, the court highlighted that expressing sympathy for a designated terrorist organisation, as has been claimed by the Vienna Police Department, would only constitute a crime under Section 282a StGB “Approval of terrorist offences” where it is likely to induce the commission of actual terrorist offences. The court further acknowledged that the use of the expressions “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Intifada” does not constitute an incitement to commit a terrorist offence or an identification with Hamas specifically, unless further expressions suggest the opposite. Accordingly, it cannot be concluded a priori that these slogans would create a “mental breeding ground for the approval of terrorist crimes”. Ultimately, there are no factual grounds that could explain the dissolution of the assembly.  

The unlawful attack on the camp  

During the raid, four students refused to leave after the police stormed the camp to prevent eviction and protect it. Three were then physically removed from the camp, isolated, and detained. Another student resisted removal and potential arrest by climbing a nearby tree, remaining there for approximately eight hours. The students were denied legal assistance for hours, and only ​two individuals were​ allowed to enter the premises ​for merely a few minutes ​after protesters loudly advocated for the students’ legal rights.   

Meanwhile, hundreds of supporters spontaneously gathered outside the campus in solidarity, blocking trams and traffic at the intersection of Alser​ Straße​​ ​and Spitalgasse​ in the 9th district of Vienna​. Police reportedly made racist remarks against the protestors, telling one demonstrator that they should “go back to where they came from” after they requested an English translation of the police’s instructions.   

​​Students ​and supporters ​o​utside the​​ ​campus continued to protest until the morning hours of May 9th, occupying the tram lines and disrupting business as usual. Early in the morning, they continued their protests all the way to the police detention centre (PAZ) at Roßauer Lände, where they demanded the release of the arrested activists and ​chanted ​against the destruction of the camp, with a line of police vans tailing them. Once they arrived at the PAZ, they faced a line of seven police vans. Within minutes of their arrival, around 30 people were aggressively surrounded by the police and were not allowed to leave. Police officers physically assaulted protesters and threatened to arrest them in a form of intimidation. Eventually, all protesters were forced to show identification, some were also forced to have their faces photographed. They were later notified by the police that criminal charges were being investigated. ​​​ 

​​​Some of the students saw it as a necessity not to let this happen without taking a stand and took this case to court to draw attention to the repression of the Palestine Solidarity Movemen​​t in Austria. ​​ 

​​​ELSC lawyer Kiran Chaudhuri said: “We welcome the ruling obtained by our partner lawyers in Austria as a legal victory against the increasingly authoritarian anti-Palestinian repression committed by European police authorities. The court made it abundantly clear that freedom of expression and assembly are constitutional rights which are not to be granted by the police but, rather, must be protected by the authorities. This ruling can serve as a legal precedent for similar unlawful police actions against the growing Palestine solidarity movement in Europe.” ​​ 


Verwaltungsgericht Wien erklärt Räumung des Solidaritätscamps für Palästina Wien für verfassungswidrig  

Im November 2024 entschied das Verwaltungsgericht Wien über eine Beschwerde gegen die Wiener Polizei bezüglich der Räumung des Solidaritätscamps für Palästina in Wien am 8. Mai 2024 und erklärte die von der Polizei ergriffenen Maßnahmen für rechtswidrig, sowie verfassungswidrig.  

Das Solidaritätscamp für Palästina war erst drei Tage zuvor auf dem Campus der Universität Wien errichtet worden, als die Wiener Einsatzgruppe Alarmabteilung (WEGA) der Wiener Polizei es mitten in der Nacht stürmte und die anwesenden Studierenden angriff. Rund 200 bewaffnete Polizeibeamte vertrieben die Studierenden und Aktivist:innen gewaltsam mit Drohnen, Observationsfahrzeugen, Polizeihunden, Lastwägen und einem Kran.   

Zum Zeitpunkt der Razzia gab die Polizei keine klare Angabe oder einheitliche Rechtsgrundlage dafür, warum das Camp geräumt wurde. Die Wiener Polizeidirektion erklärte später, dass nach „einer abschließenden Bewertung durch die Direktion für Staatssicherheit und Nachrichtendienst (DSN) […] der Zweck dieser Versammlung nach eingehender Prüfung nicht mehr mit der österreichischen Rechtslage vereinbar war”. Laut der Polizeidirektion Wien „musste die Staatsanwaltschaft zu dem Schluss kommen, dass das wahre Ziel oder der wahre Zweck der Versammlung […] darin bestand, Solidarität mit den Zielen von HAMAS zu zeigen und einen geistigen Nährboden für die Billigung terroristischer Straftaten im Sinne von § 282a Abs. 2 StGB (Billigung terroristischer Straftaten) zu schaffen.”  

Die Polizei begründete diese Behauptungen damit, dass Versammlungsteilnehmer:innen den Slogan „From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free“ gerufen hätten und dass das Wort „Intifada“ auf Bannern zu sehen gewesen sei.  

Keinerlei sachliche  Begründung 

Das Gericht wies diese Behauptungen mit der Begründung zurück, dass die Versammlungs- und Meinungsfreiheit auch dann geschützt sind, wenn die geäußerten Meinungen schockierend oder beleidigend sind. Dies ist in der ständigen Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte festgelegt. Darüber hinaus würde das Bekunden von Sympathie für eine designierte terroristische Vereinigung, wie von der Wiener Polizei behauptet, nur dann eine Straftat nach § 282a StGB „Billigung terroristischer Straftaten“ darstellen, wenn dadurch die Begehung tatsächlicher terroristischer Straftaten verursacht werden könnte. Darüber hinaus erkannte das Gericht an, dass die bloße Verwendung der Ausdrücke „From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free“ und „Intifada“ keine Anstiftung zur Begehung einer terroristischen Straftat darstellt und nicht a priori eine eindeutige Identifikation mit der Hamas bedeutet, es sei denn, weitere Ausdrücke deuten auf das Gegenteil hin. Daher kann nicht von vornherein geschlussfolgert werden, dass diese Slogans einen „geistigen Nährboden für die Billigung terroristischer Verbrechen“ schaffen würden. Somit besteht keinerlei Sachlage, die die Auflösung der Versammlung rechtfertigen würde.  

Der rechtswidrige Überfall auf das Camp  

Während der Räumung weigerten sich vier Studierende das Camp zu verlassen, nachdem die Polizei es gestürmt hatte. So wollten sie die Räumung verhindern und das Camp schützen. Drei der Studierenden wurden daraufhin gewaltsam aus dem Camp geschafft, isoliert und in Gewahrsam genommen. Eine weitere studierende Person widersetzte sich der Räumung und einer möglichen Verhaftung, indem sie auf einen nahen gelegenen Baum kletterte und dort etwa acht Stunden lang ausharrte. Stundenlang wurde ihnen Rechtsbeistand verweigert, und nur zwei Personen durften das Areal für lediglich ein paar Minuten betreten, nachdem Demonstrant:innen lautstark für die Rechte der Studierenden eingetreten waren.  

Währenddessen versammelten sich spontan hunderteUnterstützer:innen vor dem Campus, um ihre Solidarität zu bekunden, und blockierten Straßenbahnen und den Verkehr an der Kreuzung Alser Straße und Spitalgasse im 9. Wiener Bezirk. Es wurde berichtet, dass die Polizei rassistische Bemerkungen gegenüber den Protestierenden machte und einer Person sagte, sie solle „dorthin zurückgehen, wo sie hergekommen ist”, nachdem eine englische Übersetzung der Anweisungen der Polizei erbeten wurde.  

Die Studierenden und Unterstützer:innen vor dem Campus protestierten bis in die Morgenstunden des 9. Mai, besetzten die Straßenbahnlinien und verhinderten damit business as usual. Am frühen Morgen setzten sie ihren Protest bis zum Polizeianhaltezentrum (PAZ) in der Roßauer Lände fort, wo sie die Freilassung der verhafteten Aktivist:innen forderten und gegen die Zerstörung des Camps protestierten. Sie wurden dabei von einer Kolonne von Polizeifahrzeugen begleitet. Als sie im PAZ ankamen, wurden sie von einer Reihe von sieben Polizeifahrzeugen empfangen. Innerhalb weniger Minuten nach ihrer Ankunft wurden etwa 30 Personen von der Polizei aggressiv umzingelt und durften das Gelände nicht verlassen. Polizeibeamte griffen Demonstrierende körperlich an und drohten zur Einschüchterung mit Verhaftungen. Die Polizei zwang schließlich alle Demonstrierenden, sich auszuweisen. Mehrere Demonstrierende wurden gezwungen, sich fotografieren zu lassen. Diese erhielten später von der Polizei die Auskunft, dass strafrechtliche Ermittlungen gegen sie eingeleitet werden.  

Einige der Studierenden sahen es als unumgänglich an, dem nicht tatenlos zuzusehen. Sie brachten diesen Fall vor Gericht, um auf die Repression gegen die Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung in Österreich aufmerksam zu machen.  

Kiran Chaudhuri, Senior Legal Officer des ELSC, erklärte: „Wir begrüßen dieses Urteil, das von unseren Partneranwält:innen in Österreich erstritten wurde, als einen juristischen Erfolg gegen die zunehmend autoritäre anti-palästinensische Repression durch europäische Polizeibehörden. Das Gericht hat unmissverständlich klargestellt, dass die Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit verfassungsmäßige Rechte sind, die nicht von der Polizei gewährt werden, sondern vielmehr von den Behörden geschützt werden müssen. Das Urteil kann als Präzedenzfall für ähnliche rechtswidrige Polizeieinsätze gegen die wachsende palästinensische Solidaritätsbewegung in Europa dienen.“  

تُعلنُ محكمة فيينا الإداريّة أنّ مداهمة الشّرطة للمخيّم الاحتجاجيّ “تضامنًا مع فلسطين” مداهمةٌ غير قانونيّة ومخالفة للدّستور 

في شهر نوفمبر/تشرين الثّاني 2024، أصدرت المحكمة الإداريّة في فيينا حكمها المتعلّق بشكوى ضدّ شرطة فيينا بسبب إزالتها وتدميرها لمخيّم التّضامن مع فلسطين، الذّي أقامه نشطاء بتاريخ 8 ماي/مايو 2024 في حرم الجامعة، وأعلنت المحكمة أنّ التّدابير والإجراءات التّي اتّخذتها الشّرطة تُعتبرُ غير قانونيّة ومخالفة لما ينصّ عليه الدّستور. 

للتّذكير، نصب النّشطاء خيامًا لتنظيم مخيّم في حرم جامعة فيينا تعبيرًا عن تضامنهم مع القضيّة الفلسطينيّة. بعد ثلاثة أيام، تدخّلت الوحدة الخاصّة لشرطة فيينا (Wiener Einsatzgruppe Alarmabteilung) واقتحمت المكان في ساعات متأخّرة من اللّيل مهاجمةً الطّلاب المتواجدين هناك. قام حوالي 200 شرطيّ مسلّح بإخلاء المكان من الطّلاب والنّاشطين بطريقة عنيفة مستخدمين الدّرونز (طائرات التّجسّس دون طيّار)، عربات المراقبة، الكلاب البوليسيّة، الشّاحنات، وآلة رافعة. 

أثناء المداهمة، لم تقدّم الشّرطة دواعي واضحة أو أسس قانونيّة بنّاءة لتبرير إزالة المخيّم وهدمه. لاحقًا، أعلنت إدارة شرطة فيينا أنّه إثر “تقييم نهائيّ قامت به كلّ من مديريّة أمن الدّولة وجهاز الاستخبارات (DSN) […] وبعد تدقيق النّظر بشكل واسع النّطاق، أُعتبرَ هدف هذا التّجمع غير مناسبٍ للوضع القانونيّ النّمساويّ.” 

حسب إدارة شرطة فيينا، “كان على النّيابة العامّة أن تستنتج أنّ الهدف الحقيقيّ أو الغرض من التّجمّع هو التّعبير عن التّضامن مع أهداف حركة حماس وخلق بيئة خصبة نفسيًّا متسامحةٍ مع ارتكاب الجرائم الإرهابية بموجب المادّة 282 أ (2) من القانون الجنائيّ (StGB) [الموافقة على الجرائم الإرهابيّة].” 

برّرت الشّرطة هذه المزاعم لأنّ المشاركين والمشاركات في التّجمّع ردّدوا شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر” ولأنّ لافتات المتظاهرين احتوت على كلمة “انتفاضة”. 

غياب أسس بنّاءة لتبرير تفريق التّجمّع 

رفضت المحكمة هذه الادّعاءات مشيرة إلى ضرورة حماية حريّة التّجمّع وحريّة التّعبير حتّى ولو كانت الآراء المُعبّرُ عنها في مثل هذه التّجمّعات صادمةً أو ذات صبغة عدوانيّة، وذلك فقًا لقانون السّوابق والأحكام القضائيّة للمحكمة الأوروبيّة لحقوق الإنسان. ووضّحت المحكمة أنّ التّعبير عن التّعاطف مع منظمّة مصنّفة على أنها إرهابيّة، كما إدّعى قسم الشرطة في فيينا، يُشكّل جريمةً يعاقب عليها القانون بموجب المادّة 282 أ من القانون الجنائيّ “الموافقة على الجرائم الإرهابية”، فقط في حالة ما إذا كان من المرجح أن يؤدّي التّعبير عنها إلى ارتكاب جرائم إرهابيّة فعلية نتيجة لذلك. 

وأقرّت المحكمة أيضًا بأنّ مجرّد استخدام شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر” وكلمة “انتفاضة” لا يُشكّلُ تحريضًا على ارتكاب جريمة إرهابيّة ولا يشكّل مبدئيًّا تقمّصًا لمبادئ حركة حماس بشكل خاص، إلاّ في حالة ما إذا أشارت تعابير أخرى إلى خلاف ذلك. بناءً عليه، لا يمكن أن نستنتج دون إثبات وبشكل نظريّ أنّ مثل هذه الشّعارات من شأنها أن تخلق “تربة خصبةً نفسيًّا تشجّع على الموافقة على ارتكاب الجرائم الإرهابيّة”. وختامًا، لا توجد أيّ أسس بنّاءة لتبرير تفريق التّجمّع المتضامن مع فلسطين. 

هجمة غير قانونيّة على المخيّم 

خلال المداهمة، رفض أربعة طلّاب مغادرة المكان بعد اقتحام الشّرطة للمخيّم. وقد قاموا بذلك لمنع الإخلاء وحماية المخيّم. ثمّ قامت الشّرطة بإخراج ثلاثة من الطّلاب من المخيّم وعزلهم واحتجازهم. في نفس الآونة، قاوم طالب آخر محاولة إخراجه من المخيّم واعتقاله المحتمل، فتسلّق شجرة قريبة وظلّ هناك لمدة ثماني ساعات تقريبًا. إثر ذلك، حُرمَ الطّلاب من التّمتّع بحقّهم في الحصول على المساعدة القانونيّة لساعات ولم يُسمح إلاّ لشخصين فقط بدخول المبنى لبضع دقائق فقط بعد أن دافع المتظاهرون بصوت عالٍ عن حقوق الطّلاب بموجب القانون. 

وفي نفس الوقت، تجمّع المئات من المؤيّدين عفويًّا خارج حرم الجامعة تضامنًا مع الطّلاب، فقاموا بتعطيل حركة مرور عربات التّرام وحركة المرور عمومًا عند تقاطع شارعيْ Alser Straße و Spitalgasse في الدّائرة التّاسعة لمدينة فيينا. حسب التّقارير، وجّهت الشّرطة تعاليق عنصريّة للمتظاهرين وقالت لأحدهم أنّه عليهم “العودة من حيث أتوا”، بعد أن طلب من الشرطة ترجمة تعليماتها إلى اللّغة الانجليزيّة. 

واصل الطّلاب ومؤيّدوهم الاحتجاجَ خارج حرم الجامعة إلى صباح يوم 9 ماي/مايو على خطوط عربات التّرام وعطّلوا مجرى الأمور كالمعتاد. وفي وقت مبكّر من صباح ذلك اليوم، واصل المتظاهرون مسيرتهم الاحتجاجيّة إلى أن وصلوا إلى مركز الاحتجاز الأمنيّ (PAZ) في روساوير لاند، حيث طالبوا بالإفراج عن النّاشطين المعتقلين وهتفوا مندّدين بإجراء إزالة المخيّم وتدميره وقد لاحقتهم عربات الشّرطة خلال مسيرتهم. 

وفي غضون دقائق قليلة من وصولهم، حاصرت الشّرطة حوالي 30 شخصًا بشكل عدوانيّ ولم تسمح لهم بالمغادرة. بعد ذلك، اعتدى أعوان الشّرطة جسديًّا عليهم وهدّدوا باعتقالهم، ممّا يعتبر شكلاً من أشكال التّرهيب. في نهاية المطاف، أجبرت الشّرطة جميع المتظاهرين على إظهار هويّاتهم وأجبرت أيضًا العديد من المتظاهرين على أخذ صور لوجوههم. لاحقًا، أعلمت الشّرطة المتظاهرون بأنّهم محلّ التّحقيق في تهم جنائيّة. 

نتيجة لهذه الأحداث، اعتبر بعض الطّلاب أنّه من الضّروريّ عدم السّماح بحدوث مثل هذا الأمر وأنّه يجب اتّخاذ موقف، فقاموا بالتّالي برفع قضيّة في المحكمة لتسليط الضّوء على القمع الذّي تشهد حركة التّضامن في فلسطين في النّمسا. 

 حسب أقوال كيران شودوري، محامي في المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC): “نحن نرحّب كلّ التّرحيب بالحكم الذّي تحصّل عليه شكاؤنا المحامون في النّمسا، فهو يعتبرُ انتصارًا قانونيًّا ضدّ القمع الاستبداديّ ضدّ فلسطين الذّي ما فتئ يتغلغلُ في مختلف أركان أقسام الشّرطة في أوروبا. لقد بيّنت المحكمة بكلّ وضوح أنّ حريّة التّعبير والتّجمّع حقوق دستوريّة لا يجب أنّ تمسّها الشّرطة: على العكس، يجب على السّلطات حماية هذه الحقوق. يُمكن اعتبار هذا الحكم سابقةً قانونيّةً تستهدفُ إجراءات غير قانونيّة مماثلة اتّخذتها الشّرطة ضدّ حركة التّضامن مع فلسطين التّي تنتشرُ أكثر فأكثر في أوروبا.”  

Case Update Press Release

Attempted criminalisation of the slogan ‘Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’. Hearing at the Tiergarten District Court suspiciously postponed  

On Monday, 27 January 2025, another case in the attempted criminalisation of the slogan ‘Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’ should have been heard at the Tiergarten District Court. The Berlin public prosecutor had opened an investigation against filmmaker Dror Dayan for theuse of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organisations(§ 86a StGB), pressing charges. The case concerns a Twitter comment from November 2023, in which Dror Dayan denounced the criminalisation of the slogan in Germany.  

However, the judge postponed the ruling on spurious grounds, citing that an expert witness could not attend the trial for health reasons. The witness in question is a police officer in the Berlin State Criminal Police who had previously written and submitted an extensive report to clarify whether the slogan “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” constitutes a symbol of Hamas.  

Importantly, the expert noted that the attempt to establish the use of the slogan as Hamas praxis would be reductive, highlighting that is had been used by a large political spectrum for many decades.  Moreover, after reviewing a sizeable number of Hamas publications, including those dating back to 1988, the year of the group’s founding, the expert did not find a single publication which featured the slogan and thus concluded that there was no compelling evidence to claim that the slogan constituted a Hamas symbol.  

Nadija Samour, Senior Legal Officer at the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) representing the defendant comments: “This is highly suspicious. The expert had already delivered their report to the judge in a written form. The judge could have ruled that day. We suspect that the judge artificially prolonged the trial for political reasons, probably fearing repercussions. A ruling in our favour would constitute a legal precedent for other ongoing trials regarding the attempted criminalisation of the slogan ‘Palestine will be free from the river to the sea’. The judges seem avoidant to take a clear stance even though the police itself came to a clear conclusion.’’ 

Earlier, German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann had declared that expressing the slogan constituted a crime. This came right after the administrative court Bremen had ruled it was lawful. This must be considered an interference of the government in the judiciary. The tweet was widely understood as a warning and criticism of the court’s judgment. 

Not isolated cases: Germany’s systematic repression of Palestine solidarity 

There are currently dozens of ongoing cases concerning the slogan “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea’’, many of which have been artificially prolonged in similar ways. Furthermore, expressions of the slogan, are currently variously charged as three separate criminal offences, including as ‘incitement to hatred’ (§ 130 StGB), ‘displaying symbols of unconstitutional organisations’ (§ 86a StGB) or ‘endorsement of criminal acts’ (§ 140 StGB). This indicates that German authorities are politically motivated to criminalise the expression of the slogan, even if it does not clearly and conclusively meet any criminal offence defined in the German criminal code.   

These are not isolated cases. German authorities have only been expanding their alarmingly violent measures to suppress the Palestine solidarity movement. The German Federal Minister of Interior Nancy Faeser, for instance, declared the slogan illegal. 

In May 2024, the German Federal Ministry of Justice reiterated Nancy Faeser’s decree and declared the slogan to be a “Hamas slogan’’ and therefore punishable. Merely days after this declaration, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia banned the Palestine Solidarity Duisburg group over alleged support for Hamas for the group’s use of the slogan. This resulted in several raids targeting the homes of the activists in May 2024.  

While much of the repression against the Palestine solidarity movement is issued at the German Federal level, the ruling Government of Germany’s capital, Berlin, has been particularly eager to press for even more authoritarian measures.  For instance, the push to remove students from universities in Berlin, specifically in relation to Palestine solidarity on campus, should be of utmost concern as it effectively denies the right to education based on political beliefs.  

Nevertheless, attempts to criminalise the slogan have been successfully pushed back against in German courts. In June 2024, a court in Munich reaffirmed the right to express the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’ at demonstrations. 

The association Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V. had called for a rally in front of the courthouse to protest the trial and oppose German complicity in Israel’s genocidal campaign in Palestine.  


Versuchte Kriminalisierung des Slogans ‘Palästina wird frei sein, vom Fluss bis zum Meer’ Anhörung vor dem Amtsgericht Tiergarten verdächtig verschoben  

Am Montag, den 27. Januar 2025, sollte vor dem Amtsgericht Tiergarten ein weiterer Fall der versuchten Kriminalisierung des Slogans „Palästina wird frei sein, vom Fluss bis zum Meer“ verhandelt werden. Die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft hatte ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den Filmemacher Dror Dayan wegen Verwendung von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen (§ 86a StGB) eingeleitet und Anklage erhoben. Der Prozess dreht sich um einen Twitter-Kommentar vom November 2023, in dem Dror Dayan die Kriminalisierung des Slogans in Deutschland anprangerte. Die Richterin vertagte die Entscheidung jedoch mit fadenscheinigen Begründungen, da angeblich eine Sachverständige aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht an der Verhandlung teilnehmen könne. 

Bei der besagten Zeugin handelt es sich um eine Polizeibeamtin des Landeskriminalamts Berlin, die zuvor einen ausführlichen Bericht verfasst und vorgelegt hatte. Dieser sollte klären, ob der Slogan „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“ ein Symbol der Hamas darstellt.  

Insbesondere merkte die Gutachterin an, es sei eine unzulässige Verkürzung, den Slogan als Hamas-Symbol zu werten, da er seit vielen Jahrzehnten von einem breiten politischen Spektrum verwendet werde. Nach Durchsicht einer beträchtlichen Anzahl von Hamas-Publikationen, die bis ins Gründungsjahr 1988 zurückreichen, fand die Gutachterin zudem keine einzige Veröffentlichung, in der der Slogan vorkam. Sie kam daher zu dem Schluss, dass es keine überzeugenden Belege dafür gibt, den Slogan als Hamas-Symbol einzuordnen.  

Nadija Samour, Senior Legal Officer beim European Legal Support Center (ELSC), die den Angeklagten vertritt, kommentiert: „Das Ganze ist höchst suspekt. Die Sachverständige hatte dem Gericht ihren Bericht bereits in schriftlicher Form vorgelegt. Die Richterin hätte an diesem Tag urteilen können. Wir vermuten, dass die Richterin das Verfahren aus politischen Gründen künstlich in die Länge zieht, wahrscheinlich aus Angst vor Konsequenzen. Ein Urteil zu unseren Gunsten würde einen Präzedenzfall für andere laufende Verfahren zur versuchten Kriminalisierung des Slogans „Palestine will be free from the river to the sea“ schaffen. Die Gerichte scheinen eine Entscheidung zu vermeiden, obwohl sogar die Polizei selbst zu einem eindeutigen Schluss gekommen ist.“  

Zuvor hatte der deutsche Justizminister Marco Buschmann erklärt, dass die Äußerung des Slogans eine Straftat darstelle. Dies geschah unmittelbar nachdem das Verwaltungsgericht Bremen entschieden hatte, dass die Verwendung des Slogans rechtmäßig sei. Dies muss als Eingriff der Regierung in die Justiz angesehen werden. Der Tweet wurde weithin als Warnung und Kritik am Urteil des Gerichts verstanden.  

Keine Einzelfälle: Deutschlands systematische Unterdrückung der Palästina-Solidarität  

Derzeit gibt es Dutzende von laufenden Verfahren wegen dem Slogan „Palestine will be free from the river to the sea“, von denen viele auf ähnliche Weise unnötig in die Länge gezogen werden. Darüber hinaus werden Äußerungen des Slogans derzeit auf dreierlei Weise als Straftatbestände verfolgt, darunter als Volksverhetzung (Paragraf 130 StGB), als Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen (Paragraf 86a StGB) oder als Billigung von Straftaten (Paragraf 140 StGB). Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die deutschen Behörden politisch motiviert sind, die Äußerung des Slogans zu kriminalisieren, auch wenn er eindeutig und abschließend keiner im deutschen Strafgesetzbuch definierten Straftat entspricht.  

Dies sind keine Einzelfälle. Die deutschen Behörden haben ihre alarmierend gewalttätigen Maßnahmen zur Unterdrückung der Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung nur ausgeweitet. So erklärte die deutsche Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser den Slogan für illegal. 

Im Mai 2024 bekräftigte das Bundesjustizministerium Nancy Faesers Erlass und erklärte den Slogan zu einem „Hamas-Slogan“ und damit für strafbar. Nur wenige Tage nach dieser Erklärung verbot das Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen die Gruppe „Palästina Solidarität Duisburg“ wegen angeblicher Hamas-Unterstützung, weil die Gruppe den Slogan verwendet hatte. Dies führte im Mai 2024 zu mehreren Razzien in den Wohnungen der Aktivist*innen.  

Während ein Großteil der repressiven Maßnahmen gegen die Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung auf Bundesebene erlassen wird, ist die Regierung der Hauptstadt Berlin besonders darauf erpicht, auf noch autoritärere Maßnahmen zu drängen. So sollte beispielsweise das Bestreben, Studierende von Berliner Universitäte im Zusammenhang mit Palästina-Solidarität auf dem Campus zu exmatrikulieren, Anlass zu größter Sorge geben. Denn damit würde das Recht auf Bildung aufgrund politischer Überzeugungen verwehrt. 

Dennoch wurden Bestrebungen, den Slogan zu kriminalisieren, erfolgreich vor deutschen Gerichten abgewehrt. Im Juni 2024 bestätigte ein Gericht in München erneut das Recht, den Slogan „from the river to the sea“ bei Demonstrationen zu verwenden.  

Der Verein Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V. hatte zu einer Kundgebung vor dem Gerichtsgebäude aufgerufen, um gegen den Prozess und die deutsche Mitschuld an Israels Völkermordkampagne in Palästina zu protestieren. 

محاولة تجريم شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر”: تأجيل محكمة منطقة تيرغارتن الألمانيّة لجلسة الاستماع للقضيّة في ظروف مريبة ومثيرة للشكّ. 

بتاريخ 27 جانفي/يناير، كان من المتوقّع أن تبتّ محكمة منطقة تيرغارتن الألمانيّة في جلسة قضيّة أخرى متعلّقة بمحاولة تجريم شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرة من النهر إلى البحر”. للتّذكير، فتحت النّيابة العامّة في برلين تحقيقًا ضدّ المخرج السّينمائيّ درور ديان ووجّهت له اتّهامات على خلفيّة استخدامه لرموز منظّماتٍ تُعتبرُ إرهابيّة ومخالفة للدّستور (المادّة 86 أ من القانون الجنائيّ الألمانيّ). تتعلّق القضيّة بتغريدةٍ نشرها درور ديان على تويتر في شهر نوفمبر/تشرين الثّاني 2023 للتّنديد بالتّجريم الذّي يستهدفُ هذا الشّعار في ألمانيا. بيْدَ أنّ القاضي أجّلَ النّظر في القضيّة متعلّلاً بأسباب غير شرعيّة، ألا وهي عدم قدرة شاهدٍ خبيرٍ على حضور جلسة المحاكمة لأسباب صحيّة. في هذه القضيّة، الشّاهد الخبير هو ضابط شرطة ينتمي إلى فرقة شرطة ولاية برلين، وهو نفس الشّخص الذّي حرّر وقدّم تقريرًا مفصّلاً للعدالة للتّقصّي فيما إذا كان شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر” يمثّلُ رمزًا من رموز حركة حماس. 

من المهمّ التّذكير بأنّ الشّرطيّ الخبير قد أشار إلى أنّه لا يجدر بنا قوقعة هذا الشّعار في شكل رمز من رموز حماس واعتباره مجرّد شعار لهذه الحركة، فقد شدّد هذا الأخير على أنّ مختلف الحركات السّياسيّة استخدمت هذا الشّعار خلال عقودٍ من الزّمن. علاوةً على ذلك، بعد الاطّلاع على العديد من منشورات حماس، بما في ذلك تلك التّي نُشرت في عام 1988، أيْ السّنة التّي رأت فيها الحركة النّور، لم يجدْ الخبير أيّ منشور كان يتضمّنُ أو يشيرُ إلى الشّعار المعنيّ. بالتّالي، يُبيّنُ استنتاج الخبير غيابَ أيّ دليل مقنعٍ وقاطعٍ لتحجّج بأنّ الشّعار يمثّلُ رمزًا من رموز حماس. 

نادية سمور، مسؤولة عن الاستشارة القانونيّة في المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC)، وممثّلة المدّعي عليه: “هذا الأمر مريبٌ للغاية. فقد سبقَ أن سلّم الخبير نسخة تقريره المكتوبة إلى القاضي الذّي كان بإمكانه إصدار حكم في ذلك اليوم. لذا، فنحن نشكّكُ في مصداقيّة سبب التّأجيل ونعتقد أنّ القاضي قام بتأجيل المحاكمة بشكل متصنّع لأسباب سياسيّة، ربّما خوفًا من العواقب. بعبارة أخرى، قد يمثّلُ الحكم لصالحنا سابقةً من نوعها في السّاحة القانونيّة، فيؤثّرُ بذلك على مجرى قضايا حاليّة أخرى تتعلّق بمحاولة تجريم شعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر”. يبدو أنّ القضاة يتجنّبون اتّخاذ مواقف واضحة وقرارات صارمة على الرّغم من أنّ الشّرطة بحدّ ذاتها قد توصّلت إلى استنتاج واضح.” 

في وقت سابق، أعلن وزير العدل الألمانيّ، ماركو بوشمان، أنّ استخدام هذا الشّعار للتّعبير عن التّضامن مع فلسطين يعتبرُ جريمة. جاء هذا الإعلان مباشرةً بعد أن أصدرت المحكمة الإداريّة في بريمن حكمًا ينصّ على أنّ هذا الأمر قانونيّ. بالتّالي، يُعتبرُ هذا الأمر تدخّلاً مباشرا في نطاق صلاحيّات السّلطة القضائيّة. 

هذه القضايا ليست مجرّد قضايا معزولة: القمع المنهجيّ الذّي تمارسه ألمانيا ضدّ أيّ شكل من أشكال التّضامن مع فلسطين 

في الوقت الرّاهن، هناك عشرات من القضايا الجارية المتعلّقة بشعار “فلسطين ستكون حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر” التّي تمّ تأجيلها لتمديد تاريخ الحكم بشكل مفتعل من خلال تطبيق طرق واستراتيجيّات مماثلة. علاوةً على ذلك، يتمُّ تجريم استخدام هذا الشّعار اعتمادًا على اتّهامات تُصنّفُ وفق ثلاثة أنواع من الجرائم الجنائيّة التّي لا تتعلّق ببعضها البعض، بعبارة أخرى “التّحريض على الكراهيّة” (المادّة 130 من القانون الجنائيّ الألمانيّ)، “عرض رموز منظّمات غير دستوريّة” (المادّة 86 أ من القانون الجنائيّ الألمانيّ)، أو “تأييد أعمال إجراميّة” (المادّة 140 من القانون الجنائيّ الألمانيّ)، ممّا يعكسُ توجّه السّلطات الألمانيّة، أيْ دوافعها السّياسيّة الهادفة إلى تجريم استخدام الشّعار والتّعبير عن مضمونه الذّي لا يُمثّلُ بأيّ طريقة كانت وبشكل واضح وقطعيّ جريمةً جنائيّة بموجب القانون الجنائيّ الألمانيّ. في الواقع، لا تُعتبرُ هذه القضايا مجرّد حالات معزولة، فهي مرآة تعكسُ مدى انتشار الإجراءات العنيفة والقهريّة والمثيرة للقلق التّي تلجأ لها السّلطات الألمانيّة لقمع حركة التّضامن مع فلسطين. في هذا السّياق مثلاً، أعلنت وزيرة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة، نانسي فايسر، أنّ هذا الشّعار غير قانونيّ. 

في شهر ماي/مايو 2024، تبنّت وزارة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة مرسومَ نانسي فايسر وأعلنت أنّ الشّعار يُعتبرُ من “شعارات حركة حماس” وبالتّالي يُعاقبُ عليه بموجب القانون. بعد أيّام قليلة من هذا الإعلان، قامت ولاية شمال الرّاين وستفاليا بحظر كيان مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ وأنشطتها بسبب دعمها المزعوم لحماس على خلفيّة استخدام هذه المجموعة المعنيّة للشّعار، ممّا أدّى إلى العديد من المداهمات التّي استهدفت منازل النّشطاء والنّاشطات في ماي/مايو 2024. 

حتّى وإن كانت معظم الإجراءات القمعيّة المستهدفة لحركة التّضامن مع فلسطين إجراءات تتّخذها الحكومة الألمانيّة، أي على المستوى الوطنيّ، من الجدير بالذّكر أنّ مكتب الحكومة في العاصمة برلين كان حريصًا كلّ الحرص على تعزيز الضّغط من خلال اللّجوء إلى تدابير وإجراءات كانت ذات صبغة أكثر استبداديّة. على سبيل المثال، يُعتبرُ السّعي إلى إبعاد الطّلاب من الجامعات في برلين، على وجه الخصوص في إطار التّعبير عن التّضامن مع فلسطين في حرم الجامعات، أمرًا مثيرًا للقلق بشكل هامّ، فهو إجراء يغتصبُ الحقّ في التّعليم على أساس المعتقدات السّياسيّة الفرديّة. 

غير أنّ محاولات تجريم الشّعار فشلت فشلاً ذريعًا في المحاكم الألمانيّة. في شهر جوان/يونيو 2024، أكّدت محكمة في مونيخ مجدّدًا على شرعيّة الحقّ في التّعبير عن التّضامن مع فلسطين في المظاهرات عبر شعار “من النّهر إلى البحر”. 

دعت جمعيّة Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost e.V.  إلى تنظيم مظاهرة أمام المحكمة احتجاجًا على المحاكمة وللتّعبير عن معارضتها لتواطؤ ألمانيا المساندة لحملة الإبادة الجماعيّة التّي تشنّها إسرائيل على فلسطين

Press Release

Dutch Labour Court confirms: Firing of Palestinian employee by Dutch company over solidarity with Palestinian resistance was discriminatory, large compensation is due 

This press release is available in English, Dutch, and Arabic. Scroll down for different language versions.

AMSTERDAM, 12 FEBRUARY 2025 – Palestinian employee Nouraldin Alsweirki has won a landmark legal victory over his former employer, Dutch software company Speakap B.V., which fired him in October 2023 over LinkedIn posts in which he supported the right of the Palestinian people to resist the Israeli occupation. This dismissal had significant consequences not only for Nouraldin but also for his family in Gaza. The Court of Amsterdam affirmed on 1 November 2024 that Speakap had discriminated against Nouraldin based on his political beliefs and ordered the company to pay a significant amount of compensation to him. Now, three months later, Speakap has officially let the deadline to appeal the Court’s decision expire, making the judgement final. 

On 30 August 2023, Nouraldin, who is from Gaza and lived as a refugee in Turkey at the time, signed an employment contract with Speakap accepting the role of Frontend Engineer. In the days following 7 October 2023, he wrote many LinkedIn posts expressing his support for the right of the Palestinian people to resist the Israeli occupation. At that time, several of his relatives and friends were killed in Gaza by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). On 17 October 2023, Speakap informed Nouraldin that he had been dismissed on the ground that some colleagues would experience discomfort at his “strong personal opinions”. Earlier, the company had asked Nouraldin whether he would be willing to remove his LinkedIn contributions whenever requested, which he agreed to comply with. 

Significant consequences 

The decision meant that Nouraldin’s visa and residence permit were no longer valid to travel to the Netherlands. Having already given up his place and belongings in Turkey, Nouraldin was forced to apply for asylum in the Netherlands. As a result, with its decision Speakap had ensured that the evacuation of Nouraldin’s wife and family from the Israeli genocidal onslaught on Gaza was made impossible since a person who has applied for asylum cannot apply for family reunification until they have their residency permit in the Netherlands. 

No impunity for employers like Speakap 

Nouraldin decided to fight back. He contacted the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), and through the lawyer Seyma Arikan from Spuistraat 10 Advocaten he filed a claim for unlawful dismissal. Following the decision issued by the Dutch Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de Mens) in June 2024, the Court of Amsterdam in November 2024 ruled that Speakap had discriminated against Nouraldin on the basis of his political beliefs. This is unlawful under Article 7:681 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) and under the Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling). The Court ordered Speakap to pay Nouraldin a significant compensation not only for unlawful dismissal but also for emotional harm inflicted. 

A landmark legal victory 

The Court’s judgement demonstrates that expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people and criticism of Israel, including speaking out for the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation also through armed struggle, are protected political beliefs on the basis of which you cannot be discriminated against according to Dutch anti-discrimination law. Resisting the Israeli colonial occupation that has been committing crimes against humanity since at least 1948, the right of the Palestinian people to armed struggle is enshrined in international law in Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and reinforced in UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolutions such as 37/43 from 1982

This legal victory arrives at a critical moment in the Dutch context, amidst growing anti-Palestinian repression and a racist Dutch government increasingly attacking fundamental rights. The ELSC has observed a rise in workplace censorship, including in the Netherlands, where employees expressing solidarity with Palestine face intensified silencing. Although generally lacking any legal grounds, (the mere threat of) disciplinary investigation, dismissal, online surveillance, and harassment can create a chilling effect deterring workers from expressing solidarity with Palestine and standing up against the grave human rights violations in which employers may even be complicit. Often these cases go unrecorded as workers are worried about their employment. This legal victory, however, demonstrates that there can no longer be impunity for employers that repress anti-genocide, anti-apartheid, and anti-colonial voices – and the ELSC encourages employees to speak out, to keep records of the repression by an employer wherever it occurs, and to reach out to the ELSC for legal support or advice. 

Nouraldin Alsweirki commented: “Genocide is highly radioactive; no distance keeps you safe from it. People should never feel safe to commit or enable crimes as that creates a very dark and despicable world for all of us, a world where your same justifications to shed blood will be reused to shed yours and other innocent’s. Everybody has a duty to oppose genocide.” 

Juul Seesing, from the ELSC, said: “Speakap is an employer like so many in the Netherlands; their business-as-usual will not be inconvenienced by people speaking out against a genocidal occupation. According to companies like Speakap, Palestinians are supposed to do their jobs silently amidst an ongoing genocide against their people because it might make a privileged person or two ‘uncomfortable’. Let this case be a message to all employers complicit in repressing dissent and discriminating against people experiencing and opposing genocide, apartheid, and settler colonialism; your time of impunity is over.” 

Lawyer Seyma Arikan, from Spuistraat 10 Advocaten, concluded: “First the verdict of the Human Rights Board and now the ruling of the Court emphasise that dismissal on the basis of one’s political views is unlawful, obviously also when those views oppose the Israeli apartheid regime. These rulings respect the constitutional right to equal treatment and underscore the prohibition of discrimination based on political beliefs.” 


Rechter bevestigt: Ontslag Palestijnse werknemer door Nederlands bedrijf wegens solidariteit met Palestijns verzet was discriminatie, hoge vergoeding verschuldigd 

AMSTERDAM, 12 FEBRUARI 2025 – De Palestijnse werknemer Nouraldin Alsweirki heeft een historische juridische overwinning behaald op zijn voormalige werkgever, het Nederlandse softwarebedrijf Speakap B.V., dat hem in oktober 2023 ontsloeg vanwege LinkedIn-posts waarin hij zijn solidariteit toonde met het recht van het Palestijnse volk op verzet tegen de Israëlische bezetting. Dit ontslag had niet alleen grote gevolgen voor Nouraldin, maar ook voor zijn familie in Gaza. De rechtbank van Amsterdam oordeelde op 1 november 2024 dat Speakap Nouraldin gediscrimineerd had op basis van zijn politieke overtuiging en veroordeelde het bedrijf tot het betalen van een aanzienlijke vergoeding aan hem. Nu, drie maanden later, heeft Speakap de termijn om in beroep te gaan tegen de uitspraak officieel laten verstrijken, waardoor de uitspraak definitief is. 

Op 30 augustus 2023 tekent Nouraldin, afkomstig uit Gaza en op dat moment als vluchteling woonachtig in Turkije, een contract bij Speakap voor de functie van Frontend Engineer. In de dagen na 7 oktober 2023 schrijft hij verschillende LinkedIn-posts waarin hij zijn steun uitspreekt voor het recht van het Palestijnse volk om zich te verzetten tegen de Israëlische bezetting. In deze periode vermoordt het Israëlische bezettingsleger verschillende familieleden en vrienden van hem in Gaza. Op 17 oktober 2023 deelt Speakap Nouraldin mee dat hij is ontslagen omdat sommige collega’s zich ongemakkelijk zouden voelen bij zijn “sterke persoonlijke meningen”. Eerder had het bedrijf Nouraldin gevraagd of hij bereid zou zijn om zijn LinkedIn-posts te verwijderen wanneer dit verzocht zou worden, waar hij mee instemde. 

Ingrijpende gevolgen 

De beslissing van Speakap betekent dat Nouraldins visum en verblijfsvergunning niet langer geldig zijn om naar Nederland te reizen. Nouraldin, die zijn woonplek en bezittingen in Turkije al heeft opgegeven, is genoodzaakt om asiel aan te vragen in Nederland. Hiermee is de evacuatie van Nouraldins vrouw en familie uit de Israëlische genocidale aanval op Gaza onmogelijk gemaakt aangezien een persoon die asiel heeft aangevraagd in Nederland geen gezinshereniging kan aanvragen totdat die diens verblijfsvergunning heeft. 

Geen straffeloosheid voor werkgevers zoals Speakap 

Nouraldin besluit terug te vechten. Hij neemt contact op met het European Legal Support Center (ELSC) en via advocaat Seyma Arikan van Spuistraat 10 Advocaten spant hij een zaak aan wegens onrechtmatig ontslag. In navolging van de uitspraak van het College voor de Rechten van de Mens in juni 2024 oordeelt ook de rechtbank van Amsterdam in november 2024 dat Speakap Nouraldin gediscrimineerd heeft op grond van zijn politieke overtuiging. Dit is onrechtmatig op grond van Artikel 7:681 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek en op grond van de Algemene wet gelijke behandeling. Speakap is gedwongen om Nouraldin een aanzienlijke schadevergoeding te betalen voor naast onrechtmatig ontslag ook voor geleden emotionele schade. 

Een historische juridische overwinning 

De uitspraak van de rechter toont aan dat het uiten van solidariteit met het Palestijnse volk en kritiek op Israël, inclusief het uitspreken voor het recht van het Palestijnse volk op verzet tegen de Israëlische bezetting ook door middel van gewapend verzet, beschermde politieke overtuigingen zijn op basis waarvan je niet gediscrimineerd mag worden onder de Nederlandse wet. Bovendien is het recht van het Palestijnse volk op gewapend  

verzet tegen de Israëlische koloniale bezetting die misdaden tegen de mensheid pleegt sinds ten minste 1948 vastgelegd in het internationaal recht in Aanvullend Protocol I bij de Verdragen van Genève van 1949, verder gespecificeerd in resoluties van de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties zoals 37/43 uit 1982

Deze juridische overwinning komt op een kritiek moment in de Nederlandse context, te midden van toenemende anti-Palestijnse repressie en een racistische Nederlandse regering die in toenemende mate fundamentele rechten aanvalt. Het ELSC signaleert een toename van censuur op de werkplek, ook in Nederland, waar werknemers die hun solidariteit met Palestina betuigen steeds meer het zwijgen worden opgelegd. Hoewel er over het algemeen geen wettelijke gronden voor zijn, kan (de dreiging van) disciplinair onderzoek, ontslag, online surveillance en intimidatie een effect hebben dat werknemers ervan weerhoudt hun solidariteit met Palestina te betuigen en op te staan tegen de ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen waaraan werkgevers in sommige gevallen zelfs medeplichtig zijn. Vaak worden deze zaken niet geregistreerd omdat werknemers zich zorgen maken over hun baan(kansen). Deze juridische overwinning laat echter zien dat werkgevers die anti-genocide, anti-apartheid en anti-koloniale stemmen onderdrukken niet langer ongestraft kunnen blijven – en het ELSC moedigt werknemers aan om zich uit te spreken, administratie bij te houden van repressie van een werkgever mocht dit gebeuren en contact op te nemen met het ELSC voor juridische ondersteuning of advies. 

Nouraldin Alsweirki: “Genocide is zeer radioactief waar geen enkele afstand je veilig van houdt. Mensen moeten zich nooit veilig voelen om misdaden te plegen of mogelijk te maken, want dat creëert een zeer donkere en verachtelijke wereld voor ons allemaal, een wereld waarin dezelfde rechtvaardigingen om bloed te vergieten opnieuw zullen worden gebruikt om bloed van jou en andere onschuldigen te vergieten. Iedereen heeft de plicht om zich te verzetten tegen genocide.” 

Juul Seesing van het ELSC zegt: “Speakap is een werkgever zoals zovelen in Nederland; hun business-as-usual moet en zal geen hinder ondervinden van mensen die zich uitspreken tegen een genocidale bezetting. Bedrijven zoals Speakap vinden dat Palestijnen hun werk in stilte moeten doen te midden van een voortdurende genocide op hun volk omdat anders een geprivilegieerd persoon of twee zich ‘ongemakkelijk’ kan voelen. Laat deze overwinning een boodschap zijn aan alle werkgevers die besluiten werknemers die zich verzetten tegen genocide, apartheid en kolonialisme te onderdrukken en/of te discrimineren: jullie tijd van straffeloosheid is voorbij.” 

Advocaat Seyma Arikan van Spuistraat 10 Advocaten concludeert: “Eerst het oordeel van het College en nu de uitspraak van de Rechtbank benadrukken dat ontslag op basis van iemands politieke opvattingen onrechtmatig is, natuurlijk óók wanneer die opvattingen zich verzetten tegen het Israëlische apartheidsregime. Met deze uitspraken wordt het grondwettelijke recht op gelijke behandeling gerespecteerd en wordt het verbod op onderscheid op grond van politieke gezindheid onderstreept.” 


قرار محكمة العمل الهولنديّة: 

 يُعتبرُ طرد موظّف فلسطينيّ من قبل شركة هولنديّة على خلفيّة تضامنه مع المقاومة الفلسطينية ممارسة ذات صبغة تمييزيّة وسيحظى هذا الأخير بتعويضٍ ماليّ هامّ لجبر الضّرر 

مؤرّخ في 12 فبراير/شبّاط 2025، مدينة أمستردام  

في سابقة من نوعها، ربحَ نور الدّين السويركي قضيّةً عدليّةً تمثّلُ نقطة تحوّل وعلامة مرجعيّة في السّاحة القضائيّة، وهي دعوى رفعها نور الدّين ضدّ مُشغّله السّابق، شركة البرمجيات الهولنديّة Speakap B.V، التّي طردتهُ من عمله، في شهر أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل 2023، على خلفيّة منشورات شاركها على منصّة لينكدن يُعبّرُ من خلالها على مناصرته لحقّ الشّعب الفلسطينيّ، أيْ شعبه، في مقاومة الاحتلال الاستيطانيّ الصّهيونيّ. كان لهذا الطّرد نتائج وخيمة على نور الدّين وعلى عائلته في غزّة. ولكن في غرّة نوفمبر/تشرين الثّاني، أكّدت محكمة أمستردام ما يلي: نور الدّين كان ضحيّة للتّمييز الذّي مارسته شركة Speakap ضدّهُ بناءً على معتقداته السّياسيّة وأمرت المحكمة بدفع مبلغ ماليّ كتعويض للضّرر. الآن، وبعد مرور ثلاثة أشهر من الحكم، بلغت شركة Speakap تاريخ انتهاء المهلة المحدّدة للطّعن في قرار المحكمة، ممّا يجعلُ الحكم نهائيًّا بشكل رسميّ. 

في 30 أغسطس/أوت 2023، وقّع نور الدّين، أصيل قطاع غزّة والذّي كان يعيش في تركيا في ذلك الوقت، عقْدَ عملٍ مع شركة Speakap ليشغل منصب مهندس الواجهة الأماميّة لتطوير الويب. خلال الفترة التّي تلت تاريخ 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأوّل 2023، دوّنَ نور الدّين عددًا من المنشورات على منصّة لينكدن يُعبّرُ فيها عن مناصرته لحقّ الشّعب الفلسطينيّ في مقاومة الاحتلال الاستيطانيّ الصّهيونيّ. وكان ذلك في ذات الفترة التي استشهد فيها الكثير من أقاربه وأصدقائه في غزّة على يد قوّات الاحتلال الإسرائيليّة. في يوم 17 من نفس الشّهر، أعلمتهُ شركة Speakap بقرار طردها له على خلفيّة احتمال شعور البعض من زملائه وزميلاته بعدم الارتياح والانزعاج بسبب “آرائه الشّخصيّة المتطرّفة” على حدّ وصفهم. من الجدير بالذّكر أنّ الشّركة طلبت من نور الدّين في وقت سابق ما إذا كان على استعداد لإزالة منشوراته على لينكدن عندما يُطلبُ منه ذلك، وقد وافق على الامتثال لذلك. 

نتائج وخيمة 

قرار الطّرد هذا يعني أنّ تأشيرة سفر نور الدّين وتصريح إقامته لم تعُدْ صالحةً للسّفر إلى هولندا والبقاء فيها. نظرًا لترك نور الدّين مكان إقامته وممتلكاته في تركيا، أٌجبرَ هذا الأخير على تقديم طلب لجوءٍ في هولندا. كنتيجة لذلك، وبسبب قرار شركة Speakap، أصبح من المستحيل إجلاء زوجته وعائلته من مخالب هجوم الإبادة الإسرائيليّ التّي كانت غزّة ضحيّته: ففي هذه الحالة، الشّخص المتقدّمُ بطلب لجوء لا يمكنه قانونيًّا تقديم طلب لِلمِّ شمل العائلة إلى أنّ يتحصّل على تصريح إقامة يسمح له بالعيش في هولندا. 

من الآن فصاعدًا لن يُفلت المُشغلّون والشّركات مثل Speakap من العقاب 

قرّر نور الدّين تحدّي قرار طرده، فتواصل معنا في المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC) وقام برفع دعوى قضائية على خلفيّة طردٍ غير قانونيّ بمساعدة المحامية سيماء أريكان من Spuistraat 10 Advocaten . إثر القرار الصّادر عن المجلس الهولنديّ لحقوق الإنسان في شهر جوان/يونيو 2024، أصدرت محكمة أمستردام حكمًا في شهر نوفمبر/تشرين الثّاني 2024 ينصّ على كون نور الدّين ضحيّة للتّمييز الذّي مارسته شركة Speakap ضدّه بناءً على معتقداته السّياسيّة. تُعتبرُ مثل هذه الممارسات ممارسات غير قانونيّة بموجب المادّة 7:681 من القانون المدنيّ الهولنديّ (Burgerlijk Wetboek) وبموجب قانون المساواة في المعاملة (Algemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling). كما أمرت المحكمة شركة Speakap بدفع تعويض ماليّ هامّ لجبْرِ كلٍّ من الطّرد غير القانونيّ من العمل والضّرر العاطفيّ الذّي لحقَ به كذلك.  

انتصار قانونيّ تاريخيّ في سابقة هي الأولى من نوعها 

حكمُ المحكمة دليلٌ على أنّ التّعبير عن التّضامن مع الشّعب الفلسطينيّ وانتقاد إسرائيل، بما في ذلك التّحدّث علنًا عن حقّ الشّعب الفلسطينيّ في مقاومة الاحتلال من خلال النّضال المسلّح، هي معتقدات سياسيّة محميّة لا يُمكنُ لأيّ كان استغلالها لاضطهادك بموجب قانون مناهضة التّمييز الهولنديّ. بعبارة أخرى، يُعتبرُ حقّ الشّعب الفلسطينيّ في النّضال المسلّح وفي مقاومة الاحتلال الاستيطانيّ الإسرائيليّ، الذّي ما فتئ يرتكب جرائمًا ضدّ الإنسانيّة منذ عام 1948 على الأقّل، حقًّا مقدّسًا ينصّ عليه القانون الدّوليّ في البروتوكول الإضافيّ الأوّل لاتّفاقيّة جنيف لعام 1949، وهو حقّ تمّ ترسيخه في القرارات الصّادرة عن الجمعيّة العامّة للأمم المتّحدّة (UNGA)، نذكرُ على سبيل المثال القرار رقم 37/43 لعام 1982. 

يتصادفُ هذا الانتصار القانونيّ مع وقت حرج تعيشهُ هولندا، أي القمع المتزايد ضدّ الفلسطينيّين والفلسطينيّات وممارسات الحكومة الهولنديّة العنصريّة التّي ما انفكّت تصعّدُ هجماتها التّي تستهدفُ حقوق الإنسان الأساسيّة. لقد لاحظ المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC) ارتفاع نسبة الرّقابة في أماكن العمل، بما في ذلك في هولندا، حيث يواجه الموظّفون والموظّفات الذّي يعبّرون عن تضامنهم مع فلسطين إخمادًا وإسكاتًا حادًّا لأصواتهم. عمومًا، رغم أنّ هذه الحالات تفتقرُ لأيّ أساس قانونيّ بنّاءٍ، فإنّ (مجرّد التّهديد بـ) إجراءات التّحقيق التّأديبيّ، الطّرد من العمل، المراقبة على الإنترنت، والمضايقة يمكنُ أن تخلق بيئة مرهبةً تردعُ العمّال عن التّعبير عن تضامنهم مع فلسطين والصّمود أمام أيّ شكل من أشكال الانتهاكات الجسيمة لحقوق الإنسان التّي قد يكون أرباب العمل متواطئين فيها. في غالب الأحيان، تمرّ هذه الحالات مرور الكرام بسبب خوف العمّال من فقدان عملهم. بَيْدَ أنّ هذا الانتصار القانونيّ يُبيّنُ بكلّ وضوح أنّهُ، من الآن فصاعدًا، لن يستطيع المُشغّلون الإفلات من العقاب في حالة قمعهم للأصوات التّي تعلُو لمناهضة الإبادة الجماعيّة ومناهضة الفصل العنصريّ ومناهضة الاستعمار كذلك. وبناءً عليه، يُشجّعُ المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC) كلّ التّشجيع الموظّفين والموظّفات لإعلاء أصواتهم، تسجيل وتوثيق الممارسات القمعيّة التّي يرتكبها المُشغّلون أينما حدثت، والاتّصال بالمركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (ELSC) للحصول على الدّعم القانونيّ أو المشورة القانونيّة. 

يُعلّقُ نور الدّين السويركي قائلاً: “الإبادة الجماعيّة ذات مفعول شبيهٍ بالإشعاع الذريّ، فلا توجد مسافة أمانٍ تحميك منها. يجب علينا نفعل كلّ ما بوسعنا كي لا يشعر النّاس بحصانة تحميهم عند ارتكابهم للجرائم أو تمكينهم من ارتكابها، فهذا بحدّ ذاته يخلقُ عالمًا ظالمًا لنا جميعًا، عالم سيُلجأ فيه إلى استخدام نفس مبرّراتك لسفك دم الشّعب الفلسطينيّ لتبرير سفك دمكَ أنتَ ودماء أبرياء آخرين لاحقًا. واجب معارضة الإبادة الجماعيّة فرضٌ على كلّ فرد منّا.” 

يضيفُ جُول سيسنغ (Juul Seesing) من المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانون (ELSC): ” Speakapشركة كالعديد من الشّركات الأخرى في هولندا لن تتضرّر أعمالها التّجاريّة بسبب تحدّث النّاس عن معارضتهم للإبادة التّي تشنّها قوّات الاحتلال. تعتقدُ شركات مثل Speakap أنّهُ يجب على الفلسطينيّين والفلسطينيّات القيام بعملهم بكلّ صمت دون إحداث ضجّة بينما يعيشُ شعبهم تحت وطأة الإبادة الجماعيّة المستمرّة، لأنّ التّنديد بذلك قد “يخدشُ راحة” شخص أو شخصين من أصحاب الامتيازات، فيشعرُون “بالانزعاج”. بالتّالي، فلتكُنْ هذه القضيّة درسًا ورسالةً إلى جميع أرباب الأعمال المتواطئين العاملين على قمع المعارضة، والمرتكبين للتّمييز ضدّ الأشخاص المضطهدين والذّين يستهدفون المعارضين للإبادة الجماعيّة والفصل العنصريّ والاستعمار الاستيطانيّ: لقد دقّتْ السّاعة معلنةً عن نهاية إفلاتكم من العقاب.” 

تقول المحامية سيماء أريكان من مكتب Spuistraat 10 Advocaten خاتمةً:” يُسلّطُ كلّ من قرار مجلس حقوق الإنسان والحكم الصّادر عن المحكمة الضّوء على أنّ الطّرد على أساس الآراء السّياسيّة أمر غير قانونيّ، ومن البديهيّ أنّ هذا الأمر ينطبقُ كذلك على الآراء التّي تعارضُ نظام الفصل العنصريّ الذّي تمارسه إسرائيل. تحترمُ هذه الأحكام الحقّ في المعاملة المتساوية بموجب الدّستور وتؤكّدُ على حظر التّمييز على خلفيّة المعتقدات السّياسيّة”.  


Solidarity with Amsterdammers Standing Up Against Genocide and State Repression


We at the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) stand in solidarity with the people in Amsterdam standing up against the genocide perpetrators, supporters, and vicious police force unleashed on our streets over the past weeks.  

While Israel, with full impunity and full support from the Dutch government, is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, the racist Dutch government and the Amsterdam municipality collude with the Israeli government against their own population. Mainstream media outlets engaged in a disinformation campaign and Dutch authorities pre-emptively banned demonstrations to suppress those who speak out against the glorification and justification of genocide. The demonstration ban issued on 8 November led to massive police deployment and extreme violence against protesters, as well as arbitrary arrests and forcible removal outside of Amsterdam where police were shown to assault demonstrators in the night. This is a worrying precedent under an alarming pattern of restrictions. 

These acts constitute an outrageous attack against the fundamental right to assembly and association and are in direct breach of Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights. In a joint statement published in February 2024, nine UN Special Rapporteurs stressed that “protests and rights movements should be facilitated rather than restricted or criminalised” and that “enabling and protecting human rights defenders and fundamental freedoms is also vital to give effect to the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice.” Instead, the Dutch government is emboldening Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians by cracking down on protest rights and jeopardising freedom of expression and assembly. This is happening in a context already marked by anti-Palestinian repression. Individuals in the Netherlands have been fired from their jobs for voicing opinions on social media or have reported facing hate speech, censorship and self-censoring fearing reprisals, including discrimination and criminalisation, for voicing their opinions online and offline. 

While the Netherlands further descends into fascism, we keep each other safe. 

As ELSC, our team in the Netherlands is devoting all their capacities to monitoring all forms  of repression against protesters and activists and connecting those in need of legal support to our network of lawyers. If you have faced police violence or any other form of repression for protesting or advocating for Palestinian rights, we strongly encourage you to fill out the ELSC report form. Sending your report is crucial as it helps us gather evidence and create a database to expose and challenge the systematic forms of anti-Palestinian repression. 

In summary, allow us to remind you to: 

  • Report all incidents of repression and request support by filling out this form, available in Dutch, Arabic, English, and several other languages.  
  • Consult our Know Your Rights Toolkit for Protesters in the Netherlands. It provides an overview of protest law in the Netherlands and pays attention to specific questions and themes that affect our movement. It is available in Dutch, Arabic, and English. 

In solidarity with our movement.

Solidariteit met de Amsterdammers die opstaan tegen genocide en staatrepressie

Wij van het European Legal Support Center (ELSC) zijn solidair met de mensen in Amsterdam die opstaan tegen genocideplegers, hun aanhangers en de wrede politiemacht die de afgelopen weken op onze straten zijn losgelaten.

Terwijl Israël – met volledige straffeloosheid en met volledige steun van de Nederlandse regering – genocide pleegt op Palestijnen in Gaza, spannen de racistische Nederlandse regering en de gemeente Amsterdam samen met de Israëlische regering tegen hun eigen bevolking. De mainstream media ondersteunden hen met een desinformatiecampagne, en de Nederlandse autoriteiten verboden preventief demonstraties om mensen die opstaan tegen genocide te criminaliseren. Het demonstratieverbod dat op 8 november werd uitgevaardigd leidde tot massale politie-inzet, willekeurige arrestaties, en extreem geweld tegen demonstranten. Demonstranten werden bijvoorbeeld buiten Amsterdam gereden, waar politie hen in het holst van de nacht aanviel. Dit is een zorgwekkend precedent.

Deze daden vormen een schandelijke aanval op het fundamentele recht op vergadering en vereniging en zijn een directe schending van Artikel 11 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens. In een gezamenlijke verklaring uit februari 2024 benadrukten negen Speciale VN-Rapporteurs dat “protesten en bewegingen voor rechten moeten worden gefaciliteerd in plaats van beperkt of gecriminaliseerd” en dat “het faciliteren en beschermen van mensenrechtenverdedigers en fundamentele vrijheden ook van vitaal belang is om uitvoering te geven aan de recente uitspraak van het Internationaal Gerechtshof.”

In plaats van te handelen volgens het internationaal recht moedigt de Nederlandse regering Israëls aanvallen op Palestijnen aan door het protestrecht met harde hand aan te pakken en de vrijheid van meningsuiting en vergadering in gevaar te brengen. Dit gebeurt in een context die al wordt gekenmerkt door anti-Palestijnse repressie. Individuen in Nederland zijn ontslagen omdat ze hun mening gaven op sociale media of hebben te maken met haatzaaierij, censuur of zelfcensuur uit angst voor represailles, waaronder discriminatie en criminalisering, voor het geven van hun mening online en offline.

Terwijl Nederland verder afglijdt in het facisme, houden wij elkaar veilig.

Ons team in Nederland zet al diens capaciteiten in om alle vormen van repressie tegen demonstranten en activisten te monitoren en om degenen die juridische ondersteuning nodig hebben in contact te brengen met ons netwerk van advocaten. Als je te maken hebt gehad met politiegeweld en/of enige andere vorm van onderdrukking omdat je protesteerde of opkwam voor Palestijnse rechten, dan raden we je sterk aan om dit bij ons te melden via dit formulier. Dit is cruciaal omdat het ons helpt bewijs te verzamelen en een database aan te leggen om de systematische vormen van anti-Palestijnse onderdrukking aan de kaak te stellen en aan te vechten.

Ter afsluiting willen we je eraan herinneren om:

  • Alle incidenten van repressie en vragen voor ondersteuning aan ons te laten weten door dit formulier in te vullen, beschikbaar in het Nederlands, Arabisch, Engels, en verschillende andere talen.
  • Onze Know Your Rights-toolkit voor demonstranten in Nederland te raadplegen. Deze geeft een overzicht van de wetgeving met betrekking tot protesteren in Nederland en besteedt aandacht aan specifieke vragen en thema’s die van invloed zijn op onze beweging. De toolkit is beschikbaar in het Nederlands, Arabisch en Engels.
  • Deze tips te lezen over wat te doen voor, tijdens, en na huiszoekingen.
  • Naar deze pagina te gaan mocht steun en herstel nodig zijn na het meemaken van of getuige zijn van politiegeweld.
  • Deze gids te raadplegen over het voorkomen van en de nazorg van doxing.

In solidariteit met onze beweging.

تضامناً مع سكان أمستردام في مواجهة الإبادة الجماعية والقمع الحكومي.

نحنُ، المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (CSLE)، نعبّر عن تضامننا الكامل مع سكّان مدينة أمستردام، الذين يقاومون مرتكبي الإبادة الجماعية وداعميهم والقوة البوليسية الشرسة التي اجتاحت شوارعنا خلال الأسابيع الماضية.

في الوقت الذي ترتكب فيه إسرائيل الإبادة الجماعية ضد الفلسطينيين في غزة بدعم كامل ومن دون محاسبة من الحكومة الهولندية، تتواطأ الحكومة الهولندية العنصرية وبلدية أمستردام مع الحكومة الإسرائيلية ضد سكانها.

لقد شاركت وسائل الإعلام الرّئيسيّة في حملات إعلاميّة تضليليّة واسعة النّطاق وقامت السّلطات الهولنديّة بحظر المظاهرات بشكل استباقيّ الغية قمع الأصوات التّي تعلُو مُندّدةً بتمجيد وتبرير الإبادة الجماعيّة. أدّى حظر المظاهرات بتاريخ 8 نوفمبر إلى انتشار مُكثّفٍ لقوّات الشّرطة ولجوءٍ إلى عنف شديدٍ ضدّ المتظاهرين والمتظاهرات. كما نتجَتْ عن هذا الحظر مجموعةٌ من الاعتقالات ذات الصّبغة التّعسفيّة وطردٌ قسريّ خارج نطاق أمستردام حيثُ تَبيّنَ للعِيان اعتداءُ الشّرطة على المتظاهرين ليلاً. يشكل هذا سابقة خطيرة في نمط مقلق  من القيود المفروضة .

تشكل مِثْلُ هذه الإجراءات اعتداءً صارخاً على الحق الأساسي  التّجمّع وتكوين الجمعيّات، ممّا يُشكّلُ انتهاكًا مباشرًا للمادّة 11 من الاتّفاقيّة الأوروبيّة لحقوق الإنسان. في بيان مشترك نُشرَ في شهر فبراير 4202، أكدت تسعة من المقرّرين الخاصّين الأمم المتّحدة على أنّ “يجب تسهيل الاحتجاجات والحركات الحقوقية بدلاً من تقييدها أو تجريمها”، كما أن “تمكين المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان وحماية الحريات الأساسية أمران حيويان لتنفيذ حكم محكمة العدل الدولية الأخير.” 

لكنْ بدلاً من ذلك، تعمل الحكومة الهولنديّة على تشجيع الهجمات العشوائيّة التّي تشنّها إسرائيل على الشّعب الفلسطينيّ من خلال قمع حقّ الاحتجاج والتّظاهر وتعريض حريّة التّعبير والتّجمّع للخطر، وهذا ليس بالأمر الجديد، فكلّها أمور تحدثُ في سياق يتّسمُ، مُنذ فترة من الزّمن، بقمع يستهدفُ الفلسطينيّين: ففي هولندا، فُصلَ أشخاص من وظائفهم بسبب تعبيرهم عن آرائهم على وسائل التّواصل الاجتماعيّ وأفاد آخرون كونهم كانوا ضحايا لخطاب الكراهيّة، وللرّقابة، والرّقابة الذّاتيّة كذلك خوفًا من أيّ شكل من أشكال الانتقام، بعبارة أخرى تعرّضهم للتّمييز والتّجريم مثلاً بسبب التّعبير عن آرائهم عبر شبكة الإنترنت وخارج نطاقها.

في الوقت الذي تنحدر فيه هولندا أكثر نحو الفاشية، نبقى معاً لنحمي بعضنا البعض.

يُكرّسُ فريقنا في المركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ (CSLE) في هولندا كلّ جهوده لرصدِ جميع أشكال القمع ضدّ المتظاهرين والنّاشطين ولنكونَ همزة وصل تربطُ بين الأشخاص المحتاجين إلى الدّعم القانونيّ والمحامين في شبكتنا. إذا كنت ضحيّة من ضحايا عنف قوّات الشّرطة أو أيّ شكل آخر من أشكال القمع في إطار احتجاج، أو مظاهرة ما، أو مناصرة لحقوق الفلسطينيّين، نُشجّعُكَ كلّ التّشجيع على تعمير نموذج استمارة الإبلاغ الخاصّة بالمركز الأوروبيّ للدّعم القانونيّ. إنّ إرسال بلاغك أمرٌ في غاية الأهميّة، فهو يساعدُنا على جمع الأدلّة وإنشاء قاعدة بيانات لتسليط الضّوء على مختلف الأشكال المنهجيّة لقمع الفلسطينيّين والعمل معًا على مواجهتها.

:باختصار: تذكير بما يمكنكم فعله

يرجى الإبلاغ عن أيّ حادثةٍ ذات صبغة قمعيّة وطلب المساعدة والدّعم من خلال ملء هذه الاستمارة المتوفّرة باللّغة الهولنديّة، والعربيّة، والانجليزيّة، وغيرها من اللّغات.

الاطّلاع على الدّليل تحت عنوان “تعرّف/ي على حقوقك: مجموعة أدوات للمتظاهرين/ات في هولندا“. يوفّرُ هذا الدّليل نبذةً عامّةً عن قانون الاحتجاج والتّظاهر في هولندا ويسلّط الضّوء على أسئلة ومواضيع معيّنة تُأثّر على حركتنا. الوثيقة متوفّرة باللّغة الهولنديّة، والعربيّة، والانجليزيّة.

يرجى قراءة هذه النّصائح حول ما يجب فعله قبل، وأثناء، وبَعْدَ عمليّات تفتيش المنازل.

يرجى الأخذ بعين الاعتبار محتوى هذا الدّليل المتعلّق بتفادي عمليّة استقاء المعلومات الشّخصيّة وطريقة التّداول معها إثر حدوثها.

معاًَ في تضامن مع حركاتنا.

Press Release

ELSC Warns Aachen University in Germany About Direct Involvement in Crimes Against Humanity in Palestine 

On 30th September, the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) has warned the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) in an open letter to comply with its obligations to prohibit genocide and apartheid and cut its cooperation agreements with the Israeli Technion University, which is directly involved in crimes against humanity in Palestine. 

Technion is known for its historically close ties with the Israeli military industries. It conducts research and development in fields such as robotics, drones, and cybersecurity, which are then deployed by the Israeli military. Moreover, many of the technological innovations emerging from Technion are “dual-use,” meaning they have both civilian and military applications, and they are also integrated into military strategies and equipment of the army. 

The RWTH Aachen University and the Technion are connected on multiple levels. They have a partnership agreement that provides an exchange platform for study and research visits for Bachelor, Master as well as Doctoral students in many areas that can be defined as “dual-use”, such as:  Energy Materials and Energy Conversion, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Image Processing as well as Biological- and Chemical Engineering. 

At no time did the RWTH Aachen University take a position on the genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza. Instead, it publicly expressed its solidarity with Israel after the 7th October, despite Israel’s clear violations of international law. This stands in clear contrast to the university’s handling of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In 2022, the University suspended all academic and scientific cooperation with the Russian Federation.  

In the face of such blatant complicity, students at the university, organised as Students for Palestine Aachen, set up a protest camp against genocide on campus in May 2024, demanding an end to the cooperation with the Israeli Technion University. Since then, they have organised numerous well-attended events such as lectures, workshops and demonstrations. Dozens of activists stay at the camp every night. 

Their demonstrations have been subjected to repeated physical attacks and vandalism by Zionists, as well as authoritarian repression by the university and the German police. In May 2024, two masked assailants attacked the camp, pouring white and blue paint right next to the tents of the sleeping students. In another incident, the University took thermal images of the students’ tents during their sleep to monitor the students’ activities, violating direct instructions by the Police not to do so. These thermal images were published during a court proceeding, in which the RWTH had unsuccessfully attempted to close the camp and deny the students of their constitutional right to assemble freely. 

Recently, police authorities have threatened to clear the camp after the university had repeatedly threatened to revoke the students’ right to hold a protest camp. The case is now pending and awaits judgement from the Higher Administrative Court in Münster. 

You can support the students by signing and amplifying their petition. Please consider donating to their fundraiser.  


ELSC warnt die RWTH Aachen wegen direkter Beteiligung an Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Palästina  

Am 30. September forderte das European Legal Support Center (ELSC) die Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) in einem offenen Brief auf, ihren Verpflichtungen zum Unterbinden von Völkermord und Apartheid nachzukommen und ihre Kooperationsvereinbarungen mit der israelischen Technion-Universität aufzuheben, da diese direkt an Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in Palästina beteiligt ist.  

Seit jeher ist die Technion für ihre engen Verbindungen zur israelischen Militärindustrie bekannt. Sie betreibt Forschung und Entwicklung in Bereichen wie Robotik, Drohnen und Cybersicherheit, welche wiederum vom israelischen Militär eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus sind viele der technologischen Innovationen, die aus der Technion hervorgehen, „dual-use“, d. h., sie können sowohl zivil als auch militärisch eingesetzt werden und sind auch in militärische Strategien und Ausrüstung der Armee integriert.  

Die RWTH Aachen und die Technion sind auf vielfältige Weise miteinander verbunden. Sie haben ein Partnerschaftsabkommen, das eine Austauschplattform für Studien- und Forschungsaufenthalte für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende sowie für Doktorand:innen in vielen Bereichen bietet, die einen potenziellen ”dual-use” haben. So etwa: Energiematerialien und Energieumwandlung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Analytics, Bildverarbeitung sowie Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen.  

Die RWTH Aachen hat sich zu keinem Zeitpunkt zum Völkermord Israels in Gaza positioniert. Stattdessen hat sie sich nach dem 7. Oktober lediglich mit Israel solidarisiert, obwohl Israel eindeutig gegen das Völkerrecht verstößt. Im Umgang mit Russlands Einmarsch in die Ukraine hat sich die RWTH Aachen deutlich kritischer positioniert. Im Jahr 2022 setzte die Universität jegliche akademische und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit der Russischen Föderation aus.  

Angesichts der mittäterschaftlichen Beihilfe organisierten sich Studierende der Universität als „Students for Palestine Aachen“. Seit Mai 2024 haben sie auf dem Campus ein Protestcamp gegen Völkermord errichtet, um ein Ende der Zusammenarbeit mit der Technion zu fordern. Inzwischen haben sie zahlreiche gut besuchte Veranstaltungen wie Vorträge, Workshops und Demonstrationen organisiert. Dutzende Aktivist*Innen übernachten jede Nacht im Camp.  

Ihre Demonstrationen waren Grund genug für wiederholte Angriffe durch zionistisch-motovierten Vandalismus sowie für autoritäre Repression durch die Universität und die Polizei. Im Mai 2024 griffen zwei maskierte Angreifer das Camp an und gossen weiße und blaue Farbe direkt neben den Zelten der schlafenden Studierenden. In einem anderen Fall nahm die Universitätsleitung Wärmebildaufnahmen der Zelte der Studierenden während ihres Schlafs auf, um ihre Aktivitäten zu überwachen; trotz direkter Anweisung der Polizei dies zu unterlassen. Diese Aufnahmen wurden während eines Gerichtsverfahrens veröffentlicht, in dem die RWTH vergeblich versuchte das Camp zu schließen und den Studierenden ihr Grundrecht auf Versammlungsfreiheit zu verwehren. 

Vor kurzem drohte die Polizei damit, das Camp zu räumen, nachdem die Universität wiederholt drohte, den Studierenden das Recht auf ein Protestcamp zu entziehen. Der Fall ist nun anhängig und wartet auf das Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Münster.  

Sie können die Studierenden unterstützen, indem Sie ihre Petition unterschreiben und verbreiten, aber auch durch Spenden finanziell unterstützen.   


وجّه المركز الأوروبي للدعم القانوني تحذيرًا إلى جامعة آخن في ألمانيا بسبب تورّطها المباشر في انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في فلسطين. 

في 03 سبتمبر الماضي، وجّه المركز الأوروبي للدعم القانوني تحذيرًا لجامعة آخن التقنية في ولاية شمال الراين-فيستفاليا (HTWR) عبر رسالة مفتوحة، داعيًا الجامعة إلى الالتزام بواجباتها في منع الفصل العنصري والإبادة الجماعية، وإلغاء اتفاقيات التعاون مع التخنيون (معهد إسرائيل للتكنولوجيا) بسبب تورطه في انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان في فلسطين. 

يُعرف التخنيون تاريخيًا بعلاقاته الوثيقة مع الصناعات العسكرية الإسرائيلية، حيث يقوم بإجراء أبحاث علمية وتطوير تقنيات في مجالات الروبوتات، والطائرات المسيّرة، والأمن الرقمي، وهي تقنيات يستخدمها الجيش الإسرائيلي. إضافة إلى ذلك، فإن العديد من الابتكارات الصادرة عن التخنيون تُعتبر ذات استخدام مزدوج، إذ لها تطبيقات مدنية وعسكرية. كما يشارك التخنيون في تطوير استراتيجيات عسكرية ومعدات حربية. 

ترتبط جامعة(nehcaA HTWR) ومعهد التخنيون بعدة مستويات. لديهما اتفاقية شراكة توفر منصة للتبادل للزيارات الدراسية والبحثية لطلاب البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه في العديد من المجالات التي يمكن تصنيفها كمجالات “ذات استخدام مزدوج”، مثل: مواد الطاقة وتحويل الطاقة، الذكاء الإصطناعي، تحليل البيانات، معالجة الصور، بالإضافة إلى الهندسة البيولوجية والكيميائية. 

لم تتخذ كلية آخن التقنية أي موقف تجاه الإبادة الجماعية التي تنفذها إسرائيل في غزة؛ بل أبدت دعمها لإسرائيل بعد 7 أكتوبر، رغم انتهاكاتها الواضحة للقانون الدولي. ويمكن ملاحظة التناقض في سلوك الجامعة عند مقارنة موقفها من الصراع الأوكراني-الروسي؛ حيث علّقت الجامعة كل العلاقات الأكاديمية والتعاون العلمي مع روسيا الاتحادية في عام 2202. 

في مواجهة هذا التواطؤ، أسس طلاب من الجامعة حركة طلاب لأجل فلسطين – آخن وأنشأوا مخيمًا داخل الحرم الجامعي للاعتصام ضد الإبادة الجماعية. منذ أبريل 4202، يطالب المشاركون بإنهاء التعاون مع التخنيون، وينظمون فعاليات شعبية متنوعة من محاضرات وورش عمل ومظاهرات. يبيت عشرات الناشطين في المخيم كل ليلة. 

كانت مظاهراتهم السلمية ذريعة كافية لقيام مخربين صهاينة بالاعتداء على المخيم، إضافة إلى القمع السلطوي من الجامعة والشرطة الألمانية. ففي إحدى ليالي أبريل 4202، هاجم شخصان مقنعان المخيم وسكبا طلاءً أبيض وأزرق أمام خيم الطلبة النائمين. وفي حادثة أخرى، التقطت إدارة الجامعة صورًا حرارية لخيم الطلاب أثناء نومهم بغرض مراقبة أنشطتهم، منتهكة بذلك توجيهات الشرطة بعدم القيام بذلك. وقد عرضت هذه الصور أثناء إجراءات المحكمة، حيث حاولت الجامعة دون جدوى إغلاق المخيم وحرمان الطلاب من حقهم الدستوري في حرية التجمع. 

مؤخرًا، هددت الشرطة بإخلاء المخيم بعد تكرار مطالبة الجامعة بسحب حق الطلاب في إقامة مخيم للاعتصام. ما زالت القضية قيد النظر، وننتظر الحكم من المحكمة الإدارية العليا في مونستر 

يمكنكم دعم الطلبة من خلال توقيع العريضة والمساهمة في نشرها، كما ندعوكم للتبرع لحملتهم

Press Release

Shocking levels of state violence and repression in Germany: Palästina Solidarität Duisburg and Samidoun


In the early morning hours of the 16th of May 2024, over 50 police officers raided the homes and workplaces of alleged members of the Palestine solidarity group Palästina Solidarität Duisburg (PSDU).  

The Ministry of Interior of the German state North Rhine-Westphalia had outlawed the group just shortly before the raids.  Minister Herbert Reul declared: “In many cases, solidarity with Palestine hides nothing other than hatred of Jews – as is the case with the organization that is now banned. We use all legal means at our disposal to dry up anti-Semitism and ideological support for terror.” 

Among its baseless accusations, the ministry declared the group’s call for a ‘‘Free Palestine from the river to the sea’’ would “de facto’’ be a call for the ‘‘annihilation’’ of the State of Israel. 

The shallow reasoning resulted in the confiscation of the association’s assets, the ban of all their internet presence and the criminalisation of the public display of symbols related to the association (§ 11 Absatz 3 des Strafgesetzbuches). While this is an outrageously shocking display of German state repression and authoritarianism, it is not an isolated case. The ministry of Interior of the German state North Rhine-Westphalia explicitly mentioned the German chapter of the Palestine Prisoner solidarity network Samidoun, which was criminalised in Germany in November 2023 by decree by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. 

Members of the groups have been subjected to shocking levels of authoritarian state violence and repression. As such, they have repeatedly been threatened with financial penalties to prevent them from attending demonstrations “related to Palestine” following the raids during which members of PSDU and their families have been denied rights guaranteed under the German Penal Procedure code. They have been subjected to threatening intimidation, including threats to residency and citizenship status, lies and gross mockery by the police officers violating their intimate spheres.  

The police confiscated: flyers, stickers, buttons, pins, several flags and flagpoles, books and brochures, self-painted signs and posters, kuffiyehs, a loudspeaker system and a microphone, a megaphone, a pavilion, laptops and computers, cell phones, USB sticks and MP3 players as well as a few thousand euros in cash – including a large portion of private assets. 

Ahmad from PSDU states: “The police raids were accompanied by the Axel Springer press. Press teams were on site at the same time as the officials. In my opinion, this was a big show by the authorities to serve certain political interests. At a time when it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify German involvement in the genocide and support for the IOF’s terrorist actions, politicians need scapegoats to justify the repression and oppression of the Palestinian movement in Germany in order to continue trying to silence the Palestinian movement and voices against genocide and the barbaric violence of the Zionist occupation.” 

Germany’s descent into blatant authoritarianism 

The ban of the groups and the related raids are part of a larger ruthless state campaign to repress dissent and criminalise mobilisation against Israel’s ongoing genocidal onslaught on Gaza and Germany’s complicity. There are legal cases pending admission by the court against the ban itself, and against all raids as well.  

We are observing a worrying trend in Germany. Authorities are taking extra-legal, in many cases clearly illegal, measures to further repression against the Palestine solidarity movement and attempts to increase the criminalisation, fragmentation, and isolation of activists and activist groups.  

This seems to happen in collusion with German media. Right wing tabloids are now routinely publishing target lists and smear articles with names and employers of Palestine solidarity activists in Germany. These activists are then exposed to surveillance, raids, extreme police brutality and legal persecution. 

Politicians from Germany’s ruling coalition representing the social democrats (SPD), The Greens and the Liberal party (FDP) are constantly overbidding themselves in shockingly authoritarian and racist statements and moves competing with the largest opposition parties, the Christian democrats (CDU&CSU) and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). 

Attempts to criminalise the slogan “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea”, with several instances dating back to as early as 2022, are ever-growing. At the time, the conference of interior ministers had declared that it would test and use all legal measures that allow a criminalisation of the use of the slogan to express Palestine solidarity.   

This political climate leads to almost completely unchecked escalation of state repression by the German authorities. While in many cases, the authoritarian instructions informing the executive are successfully challenged in court, the damage is usually already done. German politicians and German authorities and law enforcement units have not been held accountable for their unconstitutional decisions which continue and increase the violations of fundamental civic and human rights, often times with corporate complicity. There are next to no consequences. The German ministry of Interior is now pushing to allow the German Federal Police to raid homes in secret. 

Leon from PSDU commented: “An important aim of the repression is of course to intimidate us. And all I can say is they didn’t succeed! We both took legal action against the ban, and we use every opportunity and travel all over Germany to talk about the repression, about Palestine, about the genocide in Gaza and about the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people. And we are pleased that other former PSDU comrades continue to be active and that other groups in Germany are not intimidated, continue and invite us to join them. 

The repression is also clearly calculated: it seeks to bleed us dry financially. The confiscations caused €25,000 in damages to a comrade and me alone, and we are required to pay around €8,000 in advance for the first instances. But this strategy isn’t working either: we are prepared to give our last penny for this fight. And we are experiencing great solidarity, and I am optimistic that we will be able to cover the costs and fight this battle.” 

We call for solidarity with PSDU and Samidoun, and urge to support the ‘’Komitee Gegen das Verbot von Palästina Solidarität D uisburg’’ which fights the ban of the group through legal and political means and collects donations to cover the legal costs. 
Sign this statement in support of Samidoun and the International Campaign Against Anti-Palestinian Repression in Germany here. For details on how to support Samidoun, see here.  

Schockierendes Ausmaß an staatlicher Gewalt und Repression in Deutschland: Palästina Solidarität Duisburg und Samidoun  

In den frühen Morgenstunden des 16. Mai 2024 durchsuchten über 50 Polizeibeamte die Wohnungen und Arbeitsplätze von mutmaßlichen Mitgliedern der Gruppe Palästina-Solidarität Duisburg (PSDU).  

Das nordrhein-westfälische Innenministerium hatte die Gruppe erst kurz vor den Razzien verboten. Minister Herbert Reul erklärte dazu: „Hinter der Solidarität mit Palästina verbirgt sich in vielen Fällen nichts anderes als Judenhass – so auch bei der jetzt verbotenen Organisation. Wir setzen alle rechtlichen Mittel ein, um Antisemitismus und ideologische Unterstützung des Terrors auszutrocknen’’.  

Eine haltlose Anschuldigung des Ministeriums: die Forderung der Gruppe nach einem „freien Palästina vom Fluss bis zum Meer’’ sei „de facto’’ ein Aufruf zur „Vernichtung’’ des Staates Israel.  

Diese schwache Argumentation führte zur Beschlagnahmung des Vermögens der Gruppe, zum Verbot ihrer gesamten Internetpräsenz und zur Kriminalisierung der öffentlichen Zurschaustellung von Symbolen der Vereinigung (§ 11 Absatz 3 des Strafgesetzbuches). Dies ist zwar ein schockierendes Beispiel für die Repression und den Autoritarismus des deutschen Staates, stellt aber in keinster Weise  einen Einzelfall dar. Das nordrhein-westfälische Innenministerium erwähnte ausdrücklich die deutsche Sektion des Solidaritätsnetzwerks für palästinensische Gefangene Samidoun, welche in Deutschland im November 2023 per Dekret von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser kriminalisiert wurde.  

Die Mitglieder der Gruppen sind in erschreckendem Maße autoritärer staatlicher Gewalt und Repression ausgesetzt. So wurden ihnen wiederholt Geldstrafen angedroht, um sie daran zu hindern, an Demonstrationen „mit Bezug zu Palästina“ teilzunehmen. Bei den Razzien wurden Mitgliedern von PSDU und ihren Familien die in der deutschen Strafprozessordnung garantierten Rechte verweigert. Sie waren Einschüchterungen, einschließlich der Bedrohung des Aufenthaltsstatus und der Staatsbürgerschaft, Lügen und groben Verhöhnungen durch die Polizeibeamten ausgesetzt, die in ihre tiefste Intimsphäre eindrangen.  

Die Polizei beschlagnahmte: Flugblätter, Aufkleber, Buttons und Anstecker, mehrere Fahnen und Fahnenmasten, Bücher und Broschüren, selbstgemalte Schilder und Plakate, Kuffiyehs, eine Lautsprecheranlage und ein Mikrofon, ein Megaphon, einen Pavillon, Laptops und Computer, Handys, USB-Sticks und MP3-Player sowie einige tausend Euro Bargeld – darunter ein großer Teil Privatvermögen.  

Ahmad von PSDU erklärt: „Die Polizeirazzien wurden von der Axel Springer Presse begleitet. Presseteams waren zur gleichen Zeit vor Ort wie die Beamten. Meiner Meinung nach war dies eine große Show der Behörden, um bestimmte politische Interessen zu bedienen. In einer Zeit, in der es immer schwieriger wird, die deutsche Beteiligung am Völkermord und die Unterstützung der terroristischen Aktionen der IOF zu rechtfertigen, brauchen Politiker Sündenböcke, um die Repression und Unterdrückung der palästinensischen Bewegung in Deutschland zu rechtfertigen und um weiterhin zu versuchen, die palästinensische Bewegung und die Stimmen gegen den Völkermord und die barbarische Gewalt der zionistischen Besatzung zum Schweigen zu bringen.” 

Deutschlands Abgleiten in eklatanten Autoritarismus  

Das Verbot der Gruppen und die damit verbundenen Razzien sind Teil einer größeren, schonungslosen staatlichen Kampagne zur Unterdrückung abweichender Meinungen und zur Kriminalisierung der Mobilisierung gegen Israel’s anhaltenden völkermörderischen Angriff auf Gaza und die deutsche Mitschuld daran. Gegen das Verbot selbst, aber auch gegen alle Razzien sind Klagen anhängig, die auf Zulassung von den Gerichten warten.  

Wir beobachten in Deutschland einen besorgniserregenden Trend. Behörden ergreifen extralegale, in vielen Fällen eindeutig illegale Maßnahmen zur weiteren Repression gegen die Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung und versuchen, die Kriminalisierung, Zersplitterung und Isolierung von Aktivist:innen und Aktivist:innengruppen zu verschärfen.  

Dies scheint in Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Medien zu geschehen. Rechtsgerichtete Boulevardzeitungen veröffentlichen nun routinemäßig Ziellisten und Hetzartikel mit Namen und Arbeitgeber:innen von Palästina-Solidaritätsaktivist:innen in Deutschland. Diese Aktivist:innen sind dann Überwachung, Razzien, extremer Polizeibrutalität und rechtlicher Verfolgung ausgesetzt.  

Politiker der deutschen Regierungskoalition aus Sozialdemokraten (SPD), Grünen und den Liberalen (FDP) überbieten sich ständig mit schockierend autoritären Äußerungen und Maßnahmen im Wettbewerb mit den größten Oppositionsparteien, den Christdemokraten (CDU&CSU) und der rechtsextremen Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).  

Gleichzeitig nehmen die Versuche zu, die Parole „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” zu kriminalisieren, wobei mehrere Fälle bereits in das Jahr 2022 zurückreichen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte die Innenministerkonferenz erklärt, sie werde alle rechtlichen Maßnahmen prüfen und anwenden, die eine Kriminalisierung der Verwendung der Parole als Ausdruck der Palästina-Solidarität ermöglichen.   

Dieses politische Klima führt zu einer fast völlig unkontrollierten Eskalation der staatlichen Repression durch die deutschen Behörden. Zwar werden die autoritären Weisungen der Exekutive in vielen Fällen erfolgreich vor Gericht angefochten, doch der Schaden ist in der Regel bereits angerichtet. Deutsche Politiker:innen und deutsche (Strafverfolgungs-)behörden werden nicht für ihre verfassungswidrigen Entscheidungen zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Die Verletzung grundlegender Bürger- und Menschenrechte wird fortgesetzt und verstärkt, oft mit der Komplizenschaft deutscher Unternehmen. Es gibt so gut wie keine Konsequenzen. Das deutsche Innenministerium drängt nun darauf, der deutschen Bundespolizei heimliche Hausdurchsuchungen zu erlauben.  

Leon von PSDU kommentiert: „Ein wichtiges Ziel der Repression ist es natürlich, uns einzuschüchtern. Und ich kann nur sagen: Das ist ihnen nicht gelungen! Wir haben beide rechtliche Schritte gegen das Verbot eingeleitet und wir nutzen jede Gelegenheit und reisen durch ganz Deutschland, um über die Repression, über Palästina, über den Völkermord in Gaza und über den Widerstand des palästinensischen Volkes zu sprechen. Und wir freuen uns, dass andere ehemalige PSDU-Genoss:innen weiterhin aktiv sind und dass andere Gruppen in Deutschland sich nicht einschüchtern lassen, weitermachen und uns einladen, sich ihnen anzuschließen.  

Die Repression ist auch klar kalkuliert: Sie zielt darauf ab, uns finanziell auszubluten. Die Beschlagnahmungen haben allein bei einem Genossen und mir einen Schaden von 25.000 Euro verursacht, und für die ersten Instanzen müssen wir rund 8.000 Euro vorstrecken. Aber auch diese Strategie geht nicht auf: Wir sind bereit, unseren letzten Pfennig für diesen Kampf zu geben. Wir erleben eine große Solidarität. Ich bin optimistisch, dass wir die Kosten decken und diesen Kampf ausfechten können.” 

Wir rufen zur Solidarität mit PSDU und Samidoun auf und bitten um Unterstützung des „Komitee Gegen das Verbot von Palästina Solidarität Duisburg“, das mit juristischen und politischen Mitteln gegen das Verbot der Gruppe kämpft und Spenden zur Deckung der Prozesskosten sammelt.  

Unterzeichnet außerdem diese Erklärung zur Unterstützung von Samidoun und der Internationalen Kampagne gegen antipalästinensische Unterdrückung in Deutschland. Details zur finanziellen Unterstützung des Falls findet ihr hier.  

حملات عنف وقمع مروّعة ومفزعة من قبل الحكومة الألمانيّة: مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ وشبكة صامدون

في السّاعات الأولى من صباح يوم 61 مايو 4202، قام أكثر من 05 شرطيّ بمداهمة منازل وأماكن عمل أعضاء مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP) على خلفيّة اشتباه الدّولة الألمانيّة فيهم.

قبل شنِّ هذه المداهمات بوقت قصير، قامت وزارة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة في ولاية شمال الراين – وستفاليا بحظر كينونة وأنشطة المجموعة المذكورة، وقد أعلنَ الوزير هربرت رويل ما يلي: “في العديد من الحالات، لا يخفي التّضامنُ مع فلسطين في طيّاته إلاّ كراهيّةً تستهدفُ اليهود، كما هو حال المنظّمة التّي حُظرتْ أنشطتها في الوقت الحاليّ. نحن نلجأ إلى كلّ الوسائل القانونيّة المتاحة لنا للقضاء على أيّ شكل من أشكال دعم المعاداة الساميّة وإيديولوجيا الإرهاب”.

تستندُ الوزارة على اتّهامات بلا أساس وغير مبرّرة، من بينها إعلان أنّ دعوة مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ التّي تنصّ على “تحرير فلسطين من النّهر إلى البحر” ليست في الواقع العمليّ إلاّ دعوة إلى “إبادة” دولة إسرائيل.

بسبب هذا المنطق العدميّ والتّحليل السّطحيّ، تمّت مصادرة أصول الجمعيّة وحظر وجودها حظرًا تامًّا على شبكة الإنترنت، إضافةً إلى تجريم عرض رموزها في المساحات العامّة واعتبار أيّ مخالفة لذلك جرمًا (المادّة 11 من القانون الجنائيّ). رغم أنّ هذه الأمثلة تعتبرُ مرآةً تعكسُ بوضوح قمعَ واستبداد الحكومة الألمانيّة الشّنيع والمفزع، فهي ليست في حقيقة الأمر مجرّد حالة معزولة. لقد أشارت وزارة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة في ولاية شمال الراين – وستفاليا بكلّ وضوح إلى الفرع الألمانيّ التّابع لشبكة التّضامن مع الأسرى الفلسطينيّين صامدون الذّي أصبح كيانًا غير قانونيّ في ألمانيا منذ شهر نوفمبر 3202 بموجب مرسوم صادرٍ عن وزيرة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة، نانسي فيزر.

لقد كان أعضاء المجموعة عرضةً لمختلف أشكال العنف والقمع ذي الصّبغة الاستبداديّة المُروّعة التّي مارستها الحكومة الألمانيّة. على سبيل المثال، تعرّض هؤلاء مرارًا وتكرارً لتهديدات تنصّ على عقوبات ماليّة لمنعهم من حضور المظاهرات “المتعلّقة بفلسطين” وذلك في أعقاب المداهمات التّي حُرمَ خلالها أعضاء مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP) وأفراد عائلاتهم من حقوقهم، رغم أنّها حقوق يضمنها قانون الإجراءات الجنائيّة الألمانيّ. علاوةً على ذلك، كانوا ضحيّة التّهديداتِ والتّرهيبِ، كالتّهديدات المتعلّقة بحقّ الإقامة والتّمتّع بالجنسيّة، كما استهدفتهم الأكاذيب والسّخريّة الفظّة من قبل أعوان الشّرطة الذّين انتهكوا خصوصيّتهم.

في هذا السّياق، قامت الشّرطة بمصادرة ما يلي: منشورات، ملصقات، أزرار، دبابيس، العديد من الأعلام وساريات الأعلام، كتب وكتيّبات، لافتات وملصقات مُخصّصة، كوفيّات، نظام تكبير الصّوت وميكروفون، مكبّر صوت، خيمة، حواسيب محمولة وأجهزة كمبيوتر، هواتف محمولة، وحدات ذاكرة (BSU)، مشغّلات 3PM، إضافةً إلى بضعة آلاف من اليورو نقدًا، وهي تتضمّن جُزْءًا كبيرًا من الأصول الخاصّة للمجموعة.

حسب أقوال أحمد من مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP): رافق صحافيّو جريدة أكسل سبرينغر فرقة الشّرطة التّي شنّت المداهمات. لقد كانت فريق الصّحفيّين موجودًا على عين المكان في نفس وقت تواجد المسؤولين. في اعتقادي، يمثّل هذا السّيناريو استعراضًا واسع النّطاق من قبل السّلطات بغية خدمة مصالح سياسيّة معيّنة. خلال هذه الفترة الزّمنيّة التّي أصبح فيها من الصّعب أكثر فأكثر تبرير تورّط ألمانيا في الإبادة الجماعيّة ودعم الأعمال الإرهابيّة التّي ترتكبها قوّات الاحتلال الإسرائيليّ، يحتاج رجال السّياسة إلى كبش فداءٍ لتبرير التّضييق والقمع الذّي يستهدف الحركة الفلسطينيّة في ألمانيا لتمكينهم من مواصلة كتم صوت الحركة الفلسطينيّة والأصوات المناهضة للإبادة الجماعيّة وعنف الاحتلال الصّهيونيّ الهمجيّ”.

سقوط ألمانيا الذّاتيّ في الاستبداد الفاحش والمتمادي

إنّ حظر المجموعات والمداهمات المنظّمة في نفس السّياق هي جزْء لا يتجزّأ من حملة حكوميّة شرسةٍ ذات نطاق أوسع تسعى إلى قمع الرّأي المعارض وتجريم أنشطة التّعبئة التّي تندّدُ بالإبادة الجماعيّة المتواصلة على يد إسرائيل وبتواطؤ ألمانيا كذلك. وُجّهت دعاوى قانونيّة تنظر فتح تحقيقٍ من قبل الادّعاء العامّ الألمانيّ وهي شكاوى ضدّ الحظر و المداهمات المنظّمة أيضًا.

من الواضح أنّ ألمانيا تسلكُ اتّجاهًا مقلقًا ومحيّرًا، فالسّلطات تتّخذُ إجراءات وتدابير تتجاوز نطاق القانون. وفي الكثير من الحالات، تُعتبرُ هذه الإجراءات غير القانونيّة بتاتًا وسيلةً لتشديد القمع ضدّ حركة التّضامن مع فلسطين وزيادة محاولات تجريم وتفتيت شمل النّشطاء والنّاشطات والمجموعات النّاشطة وعزلهم.

يبدو أنّ كلّ هذه الأمور تحدثُ بتواطؤ من وسائل الإعلام الألمانيّة، فالصّحف الشّعبيّة ذات التّوجّه السّياسيّ اليمينيّ تنشرُ يوميًّا قوائمًا ذات أهداف معيّنة ومقالات تشهيريّة تتضمّن أسماء المسؤولين في حركة التّضامن مع فلسطين في ألمانيا والنّاشطين والنّاشطات فيها، ممّا يجعل هؤلاء عرضة لمراقبة الشّرطة، للمداهمات شديدة الوحشيّة، وللاضطهاد القانونيّ.

ما فتئ السّياسيّون من الائتلاف الحاكم في ألمانيا، أيْ الحزب الدّيمقراطيّ الاجتماعيّ (DPS) وحزب الخضر والحزب اللّيبيراليّ (PDF)، يبالغون بشكل مستمرّ في تصريحاتهم وتحرّكاتهم الاستبداديّة والعنصريّة مبالغةً صادمةً ويتنافسون مع أهمّ أحزاب المعارضة، أيْ حزب الدّيمقراطيّين المسيحيّين (USC&UDC)  وحزب البديل اليمينيّ المتطرّف لألمانيا (DfA). 

تشهدُ محاولات تجريم شعار “فلسطين حرّة من النّهر إلى البحر” المتعدّدة تفاقمًا واضحًا منذ بداية عام 2202، حيث أعلن مؤتمر وزراء الدّاخليّة حينها أنّه سيختبرُ ويلجأ إلى جميع التّدابير القانونيّة التّي تسمحُ بتجريم استخدام هذا الشّعار في أيّ سياق يسعى إلى التّعبير عن التّضامن مع فلسطين.

يؤدّي هذا المناخ السّياسيّ إلى تصعيد القمع الحكوميّ الذّي تمارسه السّلطات الألمانيّة وهو قمعٌ لا رقابة عليه إطلاقًا. في كثير من الحالات، يتكلّلُ الطّعن في الأوامر الاستبداديّة من قبل السّلطة التّنفيذيّة في جلسات المحاكم بالنّجاح، ولكنّه يأتي متأخّرًا، فهو في أغلب الأحيان نجاح لا ينفي حصول ضرر فعليّ مسبقًا. تظلّ القرارات غير الدّستوريّة لرجال السّياسة الألمان والسّلطات الألمانيّة ووحدات تنفيذ القانون دون محاسبةٍ ومتواصلةً، ممّا يزيد من انتهاكات الحقوق المدنيّة والإنسانيّة الأساسيّة. غالبًا ما تكون هذه الانتهاكات، التّي تكاد تكون دون عواقب، ممكنة بفضل تورّط وتواطؤ الشّركات والمؤسّسات. في الوقت الرّاهن، وزارة الدّاخليّة الألمانيّة تسعى جاهدةً إلى السّماح للشّرطة الفيدراليّة الألمانيّة بمداهمة المنازل سرًّا.

حسب شهادة ليون من مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP): ” بطبيعة الحال، يُعتبرُ جوهر القمع وهدفه الرّئيسيّ ترهيبنا. كلّ ما أستطيع قوله هو أنّهم لم ينجحوا! لقد اتّخذ كلّ منّا إجراءات قانونيّة ضدّ الحظر، كمّا أنّنا نستغلّ كلّ فرصة ونتنقّل في جميع أنحاء ألمانيا للتّنديد بالقمع وللتّحدّث عن فلسطين وعن الإبادة الجماعيّة في غزّة وكذلك عن شرعيّة مقاومة الشّعب الفلسطينيّ. يُسعدنا أنّ رفاقًا سابقين من مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP) يواصلون أنشطتهم كناشطين وناشطات وأنّ مجموعات أخرى في ألمانيا لا تستسلم للتّرهيب وتستمرّ في نشاطها وتدعونا إلى الانضمام إليها.

من البديهيّ أنّ اللّجوء إلى القمع استراتيجيّةٌ مدروسةٌ بشكل محنّك، بعبارة أخرى: استنزافنا ماليًّا. فقد تسبّبت عمليّات مصادرة ممتلكاتي وممتلكات رفيقي فقط في أضرار ماليّة تبلغ 52 ألف يورو. كما أنّنا مطالبون بدفع حوالي 8 آلاف يورو مسبقًا قبل حضور جلسات المحكمة الابتدائيّة. بيد أنّ هذه الاستراتيجيّة لم تنجح كذلك: إنّنا مستعدّون للتّضحية بآخر فلس في حوزتنا للكفاح. نحن نتمتّع بتضامن عظيم، لذا فأنا متفائل بأنّنا سنكون قادرين على تدبّر أمر التّكاليف وعلى خوض هذه المعركة”.

أمّا بعد، نحن ندعو إلى التّضامن مع مجموعة التّضامن مع فلسطين في دويسبورغ (UDSP) وشبكة صامدون ونحثّ على دعم لجنة مناهضة حظر مجموعة التضامن مع فلسطين – ديوسبورغ التّي تعمل على مكافحة حظر المجموعة من خلال وسائل وآليّات قانونيّة وسياسيّة وتجمعُ التّبرّعات لتغطية التّكاليف القضائيّة.

يرجى التّوقيع هنا على هذا البيان الدّاعم لشبكة صامدون و الحملة الدّوليّة المناهضة للقمع ضدّ الفلسطينيّين في ألمانيا. لمزيد من التّفاصيل حول كيفيّة مساندة صامدون، اطّلع على هذا الرّابط.

Press Release

Next trial in the attempted criminalisation of the slogan “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” in Germany 

The case of Daria

On 22nd August 2024, activist Daria will face her first hearing at the Berlin court Amtsgericht Tiergarten. She is accused of  ‘circulation of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organisations’ (§ 86 StGB) for chanting the slogan “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” at a demonstration on the 9th of March 2024. 

Her case does not stand in isolation. Rather, it is one of many that are challenging the attempted criminalisation of the slogan ‘’Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’’ by German authorities. This attempt clearly constitutes a political move to control and repress the Palestine solidarity movement in Germany as a whole. 

ELSC Lawyer Nadija Samour is representing Daria at the trial. Nadija Samour comments:  

‘’This is an attack on the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and stands on a shaky legal basis. However, this is a highly political case, the court might seek to forward the case to a higher court by imposing a financial penalty on Daria in this first instance. We will then definitely appeal and expect to win at a higher tribunal.” 

A similar trial had recently raised international attention. Here, a Berlin court sentenced an activist to a fine for chanting ‘Palestine will be free from the river to the sea’ at a demonstration against racism in German schools. The court argued that because the demonstration happened on October 11th, using this slogan would constitute a criminal offence, referring to the ‘endorsement of criminal acts’.  

‘’Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea’’ is a call for Palestinian liberation and an end to genocidal settler-colonialism, apartheid, land grabbing and other forms of systematic oppression of the Palestinian people since at least 1948. Israeli officials regularly reiterate the colonial logic to annihilate Palestinian existence on the land between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea, the historic Palestine.  

In the past, German authorities have protected far right Israeli activists using the slogan “From the river to the sea” as a call for Israeli supremacy and the annihilation of Palestine on multiple occasions.  

At the same time, attempts to criminalise the slogan “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea”, with several instances dating back to as early as 2022, are ever-growing. At the time, the conference of interior ministers had declared that it would test and use all legal measures that allow a criminalisation of the use of the slogan to express Palestine solidarity.  

This led to shocking levels of authoritarian state repression, as Daria explains: 

 ”The risk of a penalty fine is obviously not the most relevant consequence here. Police are using the quite severe offence charges to justify brutal violence against protestors. In the past few months, dozens of people have been beaten to a state of unconsciousness during police crackdowns and had to be hospitalized with severe injuries; some have had their homes raided just for saying “From the river to the sea”.  

The criminalisation of the slogan is clearly an attempt to generate consent for the persecution of the Palestine solidarity movement and ultimately for the genocide in Palestine. More broadly, it is used to cement racist stereotypes and white supremacist mentality in the German societal consciousness. This is meant to pave the way for more fascistic politics, like the practical annulment of human rights for refugees, the police occupation of non-white neighbourhoods and 

 the overall militarisation of police at the cost of defunding education and social services, just to name a few examples.  

The persecution of the Palestine solidarity movement is not an isolated phenomenon but is part of a large-scale fascisation of this country and Europe as a whole, which will be affecting everybody soon enough. Very telling that the German public, of all countries, doesn’t care to recognise where this leads to.” 

German authorities have only been expanding their alarmingly violent measures to suppress the Palestine solidarity movement. German Federal Minister of Interior Nancy Faeser, for instance, has declared the slogan illegal and punishable as a crime with a prison sentence of up to three years by decree in November 2023, but it is usually punished with a fine upon conviction.  

In May 2024, the German Federal Ministry of Justice reiterated Nancy Faeser’s decree and declared the slogan to be a ‘’Hamas slogan’’ and therefore punishable. Merely days after this declaration, the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia banned the group Palestine Solidarity Duisburg over alleged support for Hamas for the group’s use of the slogan. This resulted in several raids of the homes of activists in May 2024.  

The German ministry of Interior is further preparing a draconian migration law, which would effectively end free speech for nationals in Germany who do not carry the citizenship and pave the way for extensive online surveillance of migrants.  

The German parliament seems unwilling to prevent these developments and is preparing a declaration which calls for extensive state repression of anyone vaguely expressing Palestine solidarity through criminalisation, but also through cutting cultural funding and interfering in academic research. 

While much of the repression against the Palestine solidarity movement is issued on a German Federal level, the ruling Government of Germany’s capital Berlin has been particularly eager to press for even more authoritarian measures. The absurd and ineffectual ban of red triangles has raised eyebrows recently. Of outmost concern should be the push to remove students from universities in Berlin, effectively denying the right to education based on political grounds, specifically with relation to Palestine solidarity. 

Nevertheless, attempts to criminalise the slogan have been pushed back against successfully at German courts before. In June 2024, a court in Munich granted a demonstration the right to express the slogan. 

Activists will now accompany Daria’s trial with a rally in front of the courthouse on Thursday August 22 starting at 9:00 am. At a previous hearing in a different case on August 6, a huge group had gathered in support When the defendant left the court, dozens shouted in solidarity: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. 

For press inquieries, please contact Karim Bohnhoff

Der Fall von Daria:

Nächster Prozess zur versuchten Kriminalisierung der Parole „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“ in Deutschland  

Am 22. August 2024 findet die erste Verhandlung gegen die Aktivistin Daria vor dem Berliner Amtsgericht Tiergarten statt. Ihr wird die „Verbreitung von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen“ (§ 86 StGB) vorgeworfen, weil sie bei einer Demonstration am 9. März 2024 die Parole „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“ skandiert hat.  

Das ist kein Einzelfall. Vielmehr steht der Fall in einer Reihe ähnlicher Versuche deutscher Behörden zur Kriminalisierung der Parole „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“. Diese Versuche sind ein eindeutig politisch-motiviertes Manöver zur Kontrolle und Unterdrückung der Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung in Deutschland.  

Die ELSC-Anwältin Nadija Samour vertritt Daria in dem Prozess. Nadija Samour kommentiert:  

“Dies ist ein Angriff auf die Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit und steht auf einer wankenden Rechtsgrundlage. Da es sich jedoch um einen hochpolitischen Fall handelt, könnte das Gericht versuchen, den Fall an ein höheres Gericht weiterzuleiten, indem es Daria in erster Instanz eine Geldstrafe auferlegt. Wir werden dann auf jeden Fall in Berufung gehen und erwarten, dass wir vor einem höheren Gericht gewinnen werden. ” 

Ein ähnlicher Prozess hat vor kurzem internationales Aufsehen erregt. Ein Berliner Gericht verurteilte hierbei einen Aktivisten zu einer Geldstrafe, weil er bei einer Demonstration gegen Rassismus an deutschen Schulen „ Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“ skandierte. Das Gericht argumentierte, dass die Verwendung dieses Slogans eine Straftat darstelle. Da die Demonstration am 11. Oktober stattfand, kurz auf den 7. Oktober, wä­re die Verwendung des Slogans als „Befürwortung von Straftaten“ zu verstehen.  

Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” ist ein Aufruf zur Befreiung Palästinas und zur Beendigung des völkermörderischen Siedlerkolonialismus, der Apartheid, des Landraubs und anderer Formen der systematischen Unterdrückung des palästinensischen Volkes seit mindestens 1948. Israelische Beamte bekräftigen regelmäßig die koloniale Absicht, die palästinensische Existenz im gesamten Land zwischen Jordan und Mittelmeer, dem historischen Palästina, zu vernichten.  

In der Vergangenheit haben deutsche Behörden mehrfach rechtsextreme israelische Aktivist:innen geschützt, die den Slogan „Vom Fluss zum Meer“ als Aufruf zur israelischen Vorherrschaft und zur Vernichtung Palästinas verwendeten.  

Gleichzeitig nehmen die Versuche zu, die Parole „Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea“ zu kriminalisieren, wobei mehrere Fälle bereits in das Jahr 2022 zurückreichen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt hatte die Innenministerkonferenz erklärt, sie werde alle rechtlichen Maßnahmen prüfen und anwenden, die eine Kriminalisierung der Verwendung der Parole als Ausdruck der Palästina-Solidarität ermöglichen.  

Dies führte zu einem schockierenden Ausmaß an autoritärer staatlicher Repression, wie Daria erklärt:  

”Das Risiko eines Bußgeldes ist hier offensichtlich nicht die härteste Konsequenz. Die Polizei rechtfertigt mit den Strafanzeigen brutale Gewalt gegen Demonstrant:innen. In den letzten Monaten wurden Dutzende bei Polizeirazzien bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit geprügelt und mussten mit schweren Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden. Bei einigen wurden Hausdurchsuchungen durchgeführt, nur weil sie „Vom Fluss zum Meer“ gesagt hatten.  

Die Kriminalisierung des Slogans ist eindeutig ein Versuch, Zustimmung zur Verfolgung der Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung und letztlich zum Völkermord in Palästina zu mobilisieren. Im weiteren Sinne dient sie dazu, rassistische Stereotypen und White Supremacy-Denkweisen im deutschen gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein zu zementieren. Damit soll der Weg für weitere faschistische Politik geebnet werden, wie die praktische Aufhebung der Menschenrechte für Geflüchtete, die polizeiliche Belagerung nicht-weißer Stadtviertel und die allgemeine Militarisierung der Polizei auf Kosten von Bildungs- und Sozialleistungen zeigen, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen.  

Die Verfolgung der Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung ist kein Einzelphänomen, sondern Teil einer großflächigen Faschisierung dieses Landes und Europas insgesamt, die schon bald alle betreffen wird. Es ist sehr bezeichnend, dass ausgerechnet die deutsche Öffentlichkeit nicht erkennen will, wohin das führt.“  

Die deutschen Behörden haben ihre erschreckend gewalttätigen Maßnahmen zur Unterdrückung der Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung nur noch ausgeweitet. So hat Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser die Parole im November 2023 per Erlass für illegal erklärt, die als Straftat mit einer Freiheitsstrafe von bis zu drei Jahren geahndet werden soll, wobei es bei einer Verurteilung jedoch in der Regel zu einer Geldstrafe kommt. 

Im Mai 2024 bekräftigte das deutsche Bundesjustizministerium den Erlass von Nancy Faeser und erklärte die Parole zu einer „Hamas-Parole“ und damit zu einer strafbaren Handlung. Nur wenige Tage nach dieser Erklärung verkündete das Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen das Verbot der Gruppe Palästina-Solidarität Duisburg wegen angeblicher Unterstützung der Hamas vor dem Hintergrund ihrer Verwendung der Parole. Dies führte im Mai 2024 zu mehreren Hausdurchsuchungen bei den Aktivist:innen

Zudem bereitet das deutsche Innenministerium ein drakonisches Migrationsgesetz vor, welches die freie Meinungsäußerung für nicht-deutsche Staatsangehörige in Deutschland effektiv beendet und den Weg für eine umfassende Online-Überwachung von Migrant*innen ebnet. 

Das deutsche Parlament scheint nicht gewillt zu sein, diese Entwicklungen zu verhindern. Stattdessen bereitet es eine Erklärung vor, in der umfassende staatliche Repressionen gegen jede Person gefordert werden, die auch nur vage  Palästina-Solidarität zum Ausdruck bringt. Diese beinhaltet Kriminalisierung, sowie auch die Streichung von Kulturförderung und Einschnitte in akademische Freiheiten.  

Während ein Großteil der Repressionen gegen die Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung auf bundesdeutscher Ebene erfolgt, hat die Berliner Landesregierung Berlin besonders eifrig auf noch autoritärere Maßnahmen gedrängt. Das absurde und nicht umsetzbare Verbot der roten Dreiecke hat etwa in letzter Zeit für Stirnrunzeln gesorgt. Besonders besorgniserregend ist das Gesetz, welches es erlaubt Student:innen von Berliner Universitäten zu exmatrikulieren und ihnen das Recht auf Bildung aus politischen Gründen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Palästina-Solidarität, zu verweigern.  

Einige Versuche die Parole zu kriminalisieren, wurden jedoch in der Vergangenheit vor deutschen Gerichten erfolgreich abgewehrt. Im Juni 2024 sprach ein Gericht in München einer Demonstration das Recht zu, die Parole zu rufen.  

Aktivist:innen werden Darias Prozess mit einer Kundgebung vor dem Gerichtsgebäude am Donnerstag, den 22. August ab 9:00 Uhr begleiten. Bei der Anhörung in einem anderen Fall am 6. August hatte sich eine große Gruppe zur Unterstützung versammelt. Als die Angeklagte den Gerichtssaal verließ, wurde sie von Dutzenden solidarisch begrüßt, und es erklang der laute Sprechchor: Palestine will be free from, the river to the sea.


ELSC Newsletter: July 2024

Dear friend,

In the past month, we’ve fought some crucial battles and secured a number of victories, which we bring to you in this month’s newsletter, along with some useful resources to continue mobilising for Palestine.



The Dutch Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de Mens) ruled that software company Speakap discriminated against N. A., an IT specialist from Gaza, when it fired him for condemning Israel’s crimes on LinkedIn. N. A. reached out to the ELSC, and we connected him with lawyer Şeyma Arikan. The Human Rights Board found that Speakap directly discriminated against N. A. based on political affiliation. This decision is an important step towardsholding companies accountable that silence and deploy punitive measures against employees speaking out for Palestine. 


ELSC proudly supported Dr Kate Sang of Heriot-Watt University, and Kamna Patel of UCL, throughout the UKRI’s shameful suspension and investigation procedure, which was concluded in March 2024.

Last month, in June 2024, Dr Patel resigned as Chair of UKRI’s Expert Advisory Group on equality, diversity and inclusion, taking a firm stance against the UK government’s authoritarian attacks on academic freedom and shameful attempts to silence dissenting voices. She writes:

I’m mindful that in all this what is lost are my original words (misquoted by the Secretary of State), which I said from a deep sense of civic responsibility and rooted in postcolonial scholarship – there is an ongoing genocide and practice of apartheid against Palestinians, a reference to a 76-year project of elimination by the Israeli state, now taking a most deadly turn. Since the Secretary of State’s claim these words constitute “extreme views”, the International Court of Justice concluded genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is a plausible risk, a view supported by renowned scholars of genocide, including Israelis. To this I add, it is emboldened by disgraceful efforts by the UK government to silence all dissent, including those rooted in scholarship and evidence. Over the past few months, we have seen the playbook of lobbing unfounded allegations and stoking an investigation into anybody critical of the Israeli state’s policies as a sufficient action to malign and silence them, irrespective of any evidence underpinning the charge or the outcome of any investigation. It is to this playbook that you have (been) played.

Dr Patel resigned

Together with BRISMES Campaigns and London Region UCU Reps, we put together a toolkit for higher education employees in Britain. If you work at a university in Britain and have questions about your rights, or concerns when advocating for Palestine, this guide will offer some helpful answers!


In February 2024, Amsterdam University College (AUC) imposed sanctions (including suspension and formal warnings) on six students for their involvement in Palestine student protests on campus. The Public Interest Litigation Project (PILP) and ELSC assisted these students with sending objections to the university’s management. AUC has now informed the students that all sanctions have been withdrawn. This is an important move for the broader student movement. Freedom to demonstrate and freedom of expression do not stop at the entrance to the university building!



We are proud to have supported prominent activist Michel Legrand (President of ECCP and treasurer of CPJPO) in his case creating a promising precedent for the freedom of speech of Palestinian rights defenders in Luxembourg.

We are proud to be supporting Afra Sohail and Aunngbeen Khalid, who are now standing their ground at the Employment Tribunal. The hearings will continue until 17 July. Follow us for more updates on the hearings soon


One of our missions at ELSC is to support organisations whose funding is cut or restricted. Together with EuroMed Rights we provide an insight into the European context in a new FAQ published on our website

The defunding of Palestinian organisations is a deliberate tactic to suppress Palestinian voices and shield Israel from accountability for its genocidal onslaught on Gaza and continuous attacks against Palestinian life and land. We at ELSC are committed to monitoring the working of this tactic and supporting defunded Palestinian organisations. If you’ve faced similar issues, contact us


Last month, the COC, the oldest interest group for the LGBTI+ community in the world, has officially terminated its sponsor deal, due to’s continued profiteering from illegal Israeli settlements.

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Your support of our legal action, along with other recent initiatives to raise awareness against’s illegal practices, has had a notable impact, and the pressure on is mounting. Together we can end the corporate impunity and complicity with Israel’s colonial enterprise


The Lawyers Collective (Anwält:innenkollektiv) supported by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Law for Palestine, Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) and  Forensis (Forensic Architecture Berlin) has paved the way for further legal action against Germany’s deliveries of war weapons to Israel. We will now dedicate our resources to prevent Germany from illegally selling weapons to Israel. 

Using legal avenues implies huge financial costs for the solidarity movement. Legal fees are unfortunately infamously sky high; we ask you to please consider putting aside whatever amount you’re able to contribute to the steadfast movement’s efforts to hold Germany accountable. Funds raised will be used to cover court and lawyer fees amongst other administrative costs related to how the case progresses.

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All forms of repression that are reported to us helps us in developing our legal and communication strategies to defend the Palestine solidarity movement. Your story is important, we cannot allow these patterns of repression to be normalised. Let’s expose those responsible for our repression and hold them accountable together!


Setting up a small monthly donation to our legal aid fund can go a long way to ensure ELSC’s stability and security at this critical time where we face an unprecedented all-time-high number of repression cases. We cannot do this alone and we need your help to continue supporting the movement! 

As a member of our community of supporters, you will also get early access to ELSC volunteer opportunities and community events and an opportunity to brainstorm with us in the future about how to scale up the ELSC and better serve the Palestine solidarity movement.Click here to join our community of supporters with a monthly contribution! 



Last month, new localities made steps to comply with their obligations to uphold international law. Following the City Council of Bologna, the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region also voted for the adoption of an ethical procurement policy to exclude contracts with companies involved in violations of human rights and international law. This paves the way to target companies complicit in Israel’s genocidal onslaught on Gaza and its crimes all over Palestine.

The Municipality of Copenhagen cut ties with companies involved in Israeli settlements, including, Expedia Group and Airbnb. Mayor Sophie Haestorp Andersen stated: “As a large investor, we have a responsibility for things like human rights. That’s why I don’t think we should invest in companies that have to do with illegal settlements.” 

Lasty, the Province of Utrecht decided not to award their profitable contracts to Dutch company EBS Public Transportation. ELSC, among others – including BDS activists – had called on the province to cut such ties because of the involvement of its parent Israeli company (Egged) in serious human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


Widespread media coverage on our criminal complaint against continues, with a recent piece published by ABC News Australia where our Senior Legal Officer Daan recalls that colonies established in the West Bank are war crimes and that is profiting from war crimes by listing accommodations in these settlements: “So our argument is that any money derived from those settlements is also indirectly derived from those war crimes”.

Our Monitor Project Officer for Germany Tobias provided research and commentary on the policing of solidarity with Palestine during the Euros 2024.

One of our Germany lawyers and expert on migration law, Alexander Gorski, talks about the most recent developments in Germany’s racist legislation and their implications with regards to surveillance and attacks on freedom of expression. Read more about it in German here, and here.

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In June, we held our first ‘Know You Rights’ session in Italy at the university of Milan. Two lawyers from our legal network provided Palestine solidarity activists with advice on how to protect themselves from increasing repression as they continue to mobilise for divestment and an end to complicity with Israel’s most recent genocidal onslaught on Gaza and the ongoing colonisation of Palestine.  


Together with three lawyers from our Solidarity Lawyers Network in Berlin, we organised a Know Your Rights Session with about 40 students mobilising at universities in Berlin. We provided legal advice and strategies to collectively move against the growing repression of student activism in Germany.  


We held our second Berlin Community Event on Saturday, 22nd June, at Haus der Demokratie, to collectively reflect on the current political context and to think through strategic collaborations and needed priorities for the ELSC to effectively support the Palestine solidarity movement in Germany. The event was attended by over 50 activists including student activists, journalists, and movement lawyers.

At our event this year we also presented our unique, extensive Monitoring Database on anti-Palestinian repression across Europe which is soon to be launched. In the past years, our Monitor Team has collected, documented and exposed forms of repression, policies, legislation and case law related to the criminalisation of the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe. 


Watch our Germany Senior Legal Officer Nadija speak at the United Nations about the intensifying repression against Palestine solidarity in the country and the importance of continued collective mobilisation (12min40):  


Our Senior Legal Officer Kiran and Advocacy & Communications Manager Alice gave a workshop to the “community of practice” of Systemic justice where we presented our work and our vision for Movement lawyering in the context of the Palestinian struggle for liberation



If you are facing fines or trials for speaking out and mobilising for Palestine, here are some organisations that you can reach out to for support! Resources include free legal advice, open consultation hours for people experiencing racial profiling and racist police violence, contacts with lawyers in solidarity, trial support or financial aid. You are not alone in this, and we will not let the state repression get us down.   

For more recourses of support, get in touch with Palestine at the Forefront: Fighting Repression in Germany

BRITAIN: PROTESTING AT UNIVERSITY? Here’s what you need to know



Camera4Palestine, a film industry initiative investigating links between the film industry and the Israeli state, has published a new report, which investigates the international supply routes for Israeli state propaganda. Read More


Would you like to join our team? We are currently seeking an Advocacy & Communications Officer for the Netherlands. The deadline for applications is 18 July 2024. For more details about the position and how to apply, please follow the link below!  

Our comrades at The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) are seeking an Advocacy & Campaigning officer. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Find out more here

We are proud to be in community with you. As you continue to organise and take action, make sure to visit our Know Your Rights resources and continue to report any form of repression

In solidarity,   

Media Coverage

Dozens of cases dropped in Germany: Failed attempts at intimidation   

Deutsche Übersetzung unten / النسخة العربية أدناه

Since October of last year, in a wave of escalating state repression, countless criminal charges and misdemeanours have been brought against the Palestine solidarity movement. But as we expected, dozens of cases have since been dropped.  

This should not surprise us, as most of the slogans and expressions that are criminalised, are fully covered by freedom of expression. Nevertheless, statements such as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free‘’, ‘’Stop the Genocide‘’, ‘’Germany (or Baerbock, Scholz etc.) is complicit in Genocide‘’, or similar statements were reported as incitement [§130 StGB], rewarding and approving of criminal acts [§140 StGB] or symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organisations [§86a StGB]. This repeatedly led to unlawful arrests and in some cases to (racist) police violence.

The outcome of the legal proceedings shows that the repression serves primarily to intimidate the Palestinian movement. This intimidation particularly affects people financially and/or legally at risk in residency status. This is a form of structural racist violence.  

Nevertheless, the Palestine solidarity movement has not allowed itself to be intimidated and continues to grow. The movement will not abandon individuals and will constantly expand solidarity. We are on the right side of history and will continue to fight for justice, freedom and return!  

If you have also been affected by these attempts at intimidation and repression, please report the incident to us at:  

What to do in case of a criminal complaint?   

Were you at a demonstration or were you reported or even arrested by the police somewhere else? Have you received criminal charges from other parties in connection with activism for Palestine? Was your home searched by the police or was a demonstration banner confiscated? Or have you had any other contact with the police and have questions about this?  

If you live in Berlin, there are the following advice centers that we would like to recommend to you as ELSC. We work closely with them and have found them to be trustworthy.  

1. legal advice in the red Lilly, Emser Straße 114 in Berlin-Neukölln. Legal advice is available here every second Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. with a focus on criminal law,   

2. counseling of the Rote Hilfe, with counseling services at four different locations and different times, which you can look up here: Rote Hilfe is a traditional left-wing association (of which you can and should of course become a member) that has been supporting political activists and workers in their struggles for many decades.  

3. advice from KOP – campaign for victims of police violence. Here you can get advice, especially if you have witnessed or been a victim of police violence and would like specific advice on this topic. The special thing about KOP is that you can get psycho-social counseling here, as police violence can be very bad! You can also find answers to questions relating to criminal law here:   

Dutzende Verfahrenseinstellungen: Gescheiterte Einschüchterungsversuche  

In einer Welle der Repression wurden seit Ende letzten Jahres unzählige Strafanzeigen und Ordnungswidrigkeiten gegen die Palästina Solidaritätsbewegung verhängt. Wie zu erwarten, wurden schon dutzende Verfahren inzwischen eingestellt.   

Das ist wenig überraschend, da die meisten angezeigten Slogans und Aussagen vollständig von der Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt sind. Dennoch wurden Aussagen wie “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free”, ”Stop the Genocide”, ”Germany is complicit in Genocide”, oder vergleichbare Aussagen als Volksverhetzung [§130 StGB], Belohnung und Billigung von Straftaten [§140 StGB] oder Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen [§86a StGB] angezeigt. Es kam dabei immer wieder zu rechtswidrigen Verhaftungen, und auch zu (rassistischer) Polizeigewalt.

Die Einstellungen der Verfahren zeigen: die Repression dient vorrangig zur Einschüchterung der Palästinabewegung. Diese Einschüchterung trifft insbesondere Menschen, die finanziell und/oder aufenthaltsrechtlich gefährdet sind. Dies ist eine Form struktureller rassistischer Gewalt.  

Gleichwohl hat sich die Palästina Solidaritätsbewegung nicht einschüchtern lassen und wächst stetig weiter. Die Bewegung wird Einzelne nicht im Stich lassen und konstant Solidarität aufbauen. Wir stehen auf der richtigen Seite der Geschichte und werden weiterhin für Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit und Rückkehr kämpfen! 

Solltest auch du von diesen Einschüchterungsversuchen betroffen sein, melde den Vorfall bitte an uns, unter: 

Was tun bei einer Strafanzeige?  

Warst du bei einer Demonstration oder wurdest woanders von der Polizei angezeigt oder sogar festgenommen? Hast du im Zusammenhang mit Aktivismus für Palästina Strafanzeigen von anderer Seite erhalten? Wurde deine Wohnung von der Polizei durchsucht, oder wurde ein Demo-Transparent beschlagnahmt? Oder hast du irgendwie anders Kontakt mit der Polizei gehabt und hast hierzu fragen? 

Wenn du in Berlin lebst, dann gibt es folgende Beratungsstellen, die wir dir als ELSC gerne ans Herz legen wollen. Wir arbeiten eng mit ihnen zusammen, und haben sie als vertrauenswürdig kennen gelernt. 

1. Rechtsberatung in der Roten Lilly, Emser Straße 114 in Berlin-Neukölln. Hier gibt es jeden zweiten Freitag von 17 bis 19:00 Uhr eine Rechtsberatung mit Fokus auf Strafrecht,  

2. Beratung der Roten Hilfe, mit Beratungsangeboten an vier verschiedenen Standorten und verschiedenen Zeiten, die du hier nachgucken kannst: Die Rote Hilfe ist ein traditionsreiche linker Verein (bei dem man natürlich auch Mitglied werden kann und soll), der seit vielen Jahrzehnten politische Aktivist*innen und Arbeiter*innen in ihren Kämpfen unterstützt. 

3. Beratung von KOP- Kampagne für Opfer von Polizeigewalt. Hier kannst du vor allem Beratung bekommen, wenn du Zeug*in oder Opfer von Polizeigewalt geworden bist, und dich speziell zu diesem Thema beraten lassen möchtest. Das besondere an KOP ist auch, dass du hier eine psycho-soziale Beratung bekommen kannst, da Polizeigewalt ja sehr schlimm sein kann! Auch zu Fragen, die das Strafrecht betreffen, findest du hier antworten:  

إسقاط العشرات من الدعاوى في ألمانيا: محاولات ترهيب فاشلة

منذ أكتوبر  العام الماضي، في موجة من القمع  المتصاعد الذي تمارسه الدولة، تم توجيه العديد من التهم الجنائية والجنح ضد أفراد حركة التضامن مع فلسطين. لكن كما توقعنا، تم إسقاط العشرات من هذه القضايا منذ ذلك الحين

هذه النتيجة لا تفاجئنا ابدا، فمعظم الشعارات والتعابير التي تم محاولة تجريمها، تحميها تمامًا حرية التعبير. ومع ذلك، عبارات مثل “من النهر إلى البحر، فلسطين سوف تتحرر”، “أوقفوا الإبادة الجماعية”، “ألمانيا (أو بيربوك، شولتس، إلخ) متواطئة في الإبادة الجماعية”، أو عبارات مشابهة تم الإبلاغ عنها على أنها تحريض (المادة ١٣٠ من القانون الجنائي الألماني StGb), مكافأة و موافقة على أعمال إجرامية (المادة١٤٠ من القانون الجنائي الألماني ) أو على أنها رموز لمنظمات غير دستورية  وإرهابية (المادة ٨٦ من القانون الجنائي الألماني). هذا الأمر أدى مرارًا وتكرارًا إلى اعتقالات غير قانونية وفي بعض الحالات إلى عنف (عنصري) من قبل قوات الشرطة

 تُظهر نتيجة هذه الإجراءات القانونية أن القمع الذي تمارسه الدولة يهدف في المقام الأول الى ترهيب الحركة الفلسطينية. يؤثر هذا الترهيب بشكل خاص على الأشخاص المعرضين للمخاطر المالية و/أو القانونية المتعلقة بوضع الإقامة. ما يشير الى أننا نواجه نوع من العنف العُنصري البنيوي

ومع ذلك، لم تسمح حركة التضامن مع فلسطين لهذه المحاولات بترهيبها بل على العكس انها ما زالت تستمر في التوسع والنمو. لن تتخلى الحركة عن الأفراد وستواصل توسيع نطاق التضامن. نحن نقف على الجانب الصحيح من التاريخ وسنواصل الكفاح من أجل العدالة والحرية و الحق في العودة

إذا كنت قد تأثرت أيضًا بهذه المحاولات من الترهيب والقمع، يرجى ابلاغنا عن الحادثة على

ماذا تفعل في حال تلقيت شكوى جنائية ؟

هل كنت في مظاهرة أو تم الابلاغ عنك أو تم اعتقالك من قبل الشرطة؟ هل تلقيت تهمًا جنائية من أطراف أخرى فيما يتعلق بنشاطك الداعم لفلسطين؟ هل تم تفتيش منزلك من قبل الشرطة أو تم مصادرة لافتة كنت تحملها في مظاهرة؟ أو هل كنت على أي اتصال آخر مع الشرطة ولديك أسئلة حول هذا الموضوع؟

إذا كنت تعيش في برلين، المراكز الاستشارية التالية هي بعض المراكز التي نعمل معها عن كثب ونوصي بها كمراكز موثوقة

الاستشارة القانونية في “ليلي الحمراء”، تتوفر الاستشارات القانونية هنا كل ثاني نهار جمعة من الساعة 5 إلى 7 مساءً مع التركيز على القانون الجنائي

Rote Lilly, Emser Straße 114 in Berlin-Neukölln

“Rote Hilfe” استشارات

مع خدمات استشارية في أربعة مواقع مختلفة وأوقات مختلفة، يمكنك العثور عليها هنا

هي جمعية يسارية تقليدية (يمكن ويجب عليك بالطبع أن تصبح عضوًا فيها) التي تدعم النشطاء السياسيين والعمال في نضالاتهم منذ عقود عدة

KOP استشارات

 حملة لضحايا عنف الشرطة. هنا يمكنك الحصول على استشارة، خاصة إذا كنت قد شاهدت أو كنت ضحية عنف الشرطة وترغب في الحصول على استشارة محددة حول هذا الموضوع. ما يميز هو أنك تستطيع الحصول ايضا على استشارات نفسية اجتماعية، لأن عنف الشرطة يمكن أن يكون له تأثيرات سلبية جدًا! يمكنك أيضًا العثور على إجابات على أسئلة متعلقة بالقانون الجنائي الألماني على هذا الرابط



Solidarity With Students & Allies Protesting For Palestinian Rights 

The ELSC stands in solidarity with, and endorses the principled demands of, student protestors in Europe to disclose, divest and cut all ties with Israeli universities, corporations and all those complicit in the state of Israel’s crimes of genocide, colonisation, occupation and apartheid against Palestinians. 

We have seen among the most extreme police violence against students and university staff, as well as the supporting local community. Often with the implicit support of university executives and in cooperation with the police and city mayors. In the Netherlands, for instance, an army of riot police, attack dogs, bulldozers, pepper spray and batons have been used against protestors, and we also documented police violence in France, Germany and Austria. The ELSC firmly believes that protestors have a right to defend themselves from police violence. 

The political establishment, from elected politicians to the unaccountable police force, are giving rise to an increasingly hostile environment that allows for repression not just from the state but the far-right who are emboldened and given free rein to attack Palestine protesters. 

University administrations, who instead of showing a duty of care to their students, are acting as enforcers of repression. In doing so they are showing a complete disregard for the health, rights and just demands of their students and staff. Their complicity in the wholly disproportionate punishment of students is matched with their complicity in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. It also fully exposes such bodies, not as institutions of free thought and public learning, but as protectors of the state.  

More than 35.000 Palestinians have been confirmed killed by Israel – but the healthcare infrastructure to record the death toll has collapsed, meaning the real death toll is likely far higher. Rafah has been invaded, displacing at least 450.000. The border crossing to Egypt is closed, preventing evacuations and the entry of humanitarian aid. Forced hunger leading to famine is rising and Gaza has become completely unlivable. A large number of European universities insist on maintaining ties with research institutions and companies who are deeply embedded and complicit in the Israeli state and industrial complex that drive genocide. 

We call on everyone to support Palestinians and their allies as they continue to fight for justice, despite all odds to see liberation in our lifetime. 

Please make sure to: 

  • Report all incidents of repression and request legal support here: Report an incident ( and see here why it is important to report repression to the ELSC 
  • Stay safe by consulting our ‘know your rights’ resources for Palestinian rights advocates, including protesters, in the Netherlands, in the UK and Italy here
  • See more ‘know your rights’ resources for other countries/ contexts here 
Urgent call

UK Government Must Stop Crackdown on Freedom of Expression, Warn 46 NGOs including ELSC

ELSC is among 46 NGOs calling on the Prime Minister to stop the recent crackdown on fundamental rights to freedom of expression. The open letter has also been covered in the Guardian

8 March 2024

To the Prime Minister, 

RE: Government proposals to crack down on the right to protest and free expression 

We, the undersigned, write with great concern about recent proposals that will further restrict the rights of everyone in the UK. It is the responsibility of any government to ensure that all people can fully exercise their rights, and that fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly are only interfered with when strictly necessary and in a lawful, proportionate way. 

That is why we are greatly concerned by the ‘Defending Democracy Policing Protocol’, published a few days ago, which would further add to a chaotic patchwork of repressive legislation and policing powers that has placed undue restrictions on the right to protest in this country. The protocol outlines new restrictive proposals, some of which relate to protest locations. Many locations listed, such as the Palace of Westminster, outside constituency offices, town halls or the venue of a political event are perfectly normal locations for protest. Existing legislation already governs if violent or other criminal activity occurs, but the words used by senior politicians suggest these locations are in and of themselves no longer to be treated as acceptable locations of protest. The Protocol misrepresents the law and risks having a chilling effect on individuals’ ability to exercise their right to protest in this country. 

In addition, we have wider concerns about the manner in which your government has come to discuss protesters and others that engage in legitimate political activity on important issues of the day. Our organisations have emphasised the necessity of using considered language in recent months. Yet the deployment of certain terms, such as ’extremism’, ‘radical’, ‘hate mobs’, by your government creates division and exacerbates existing fears amongst minoritised communities. For some, such as neurodiverse people and Muslims, they will be greatly worried by announcements to redouble support for the Prevent duty, which infringes on freedom of expression, association, assembly and the right to non-discrimination. 

As an open society, we should value engagement with all, including our critics and those who see the world differently from us. That is why proposals from Ministers on the definition of extremism or Government Advisors on banning engagement with certain groups is deeply worrying. There have already been concerns that the current definition of extremism is too broad, including from the former Head of Counter-Terrorism Policing.  

There is a different path to the above, one where your government facilitates the right of everyone to have their voices heard. It is our collective responsibility to set a reasoned tone for any discussion; the language that has been used in recent weeks and months has not met this important bar.  Instead, the government has sought to demonise an overwhelmingly peaceful movement of individuals calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel, who are concerned and outraged by the catastrophic loss of life that we are all witnessing. 

We strongly urge the government to: 

  • Reverse the recent crack-down on the right to protest and stop conflating protests with extremism; 
  • Abandon the expansion of the definition of extremism and proposals to bar MPs from engaging with certain groups; 
  • Refrain from amplifying divisive language which could inflame tensions within and between communities. 


  1. Sacha Deshmukh, Chief Executive Officer, Amnesty International UK 
  2. Chris Rose, Director, Amos Trust  
  3. Article 19 
  4. Dr Sara Husseini, Director, British Palestinian Committee  
  5. CAGE  
  6. Leo Ratledge and Lianne Minasian, Co-Directors, Childrens Rights International Network  
  7. Christian Aid 
  8. Nick Gardham, Chief Executive Officer, Community Organisers  
  9. Jennifer Nadel, Co-Director, Compassion in Politics  
  10. Chris Doyle, Director, Council for Arab-British Understanding  
  11. Tim Livesey, Chief Executive, Embrace the Middle East 
  12. Daniel Gorman, Director, English PEN  
  13. Giovanni Fassina, Programme Director, European Legal Support Centre  
  14. Hugh Knowles and Miriam Turner, Co-Executive Directors, Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)  
  15. Sarah Mann, Chief Executive Officer, Friends Families and Travellers  
  16. Eva Tabassam, Director, Gender Action for Peace and Security  
  17. Nick Dearden, Director, Global Justice Now 
  18. Will McCallum and Areeba Hamid, Co-Executive Directors, Greenpeace UK  
  19. James Harrison, Director, Institute of Employment Rights  
  20. Liz Fekete, Director, Institute of Race Relations  
  21. Sarah Castell, Chief Executive Officer, Involve 
  22. Tareq Shrourou, Executive Director, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights  
  23. Akiko Hart, Director, Liberty 
  24. Aimee Shalan, Director, Makan  
  25. Raheel Mohammed, Director, Maslaha  
  26. James Skinner, Co-Director, MedAct  
  27. Raghad Altikritti, Chairperson, Muslim Association of Britain 
  28. Zara Mohammed, Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain  
  29. Azhar Qayum, Chief Executive Officer, Muslim Engagement and Development  
  30. Naomi Magnus and Ros Edwards, Directors, Na’amod  
  31. Kevin Blowe, Campaigns Coordinator, Netpol  
  32. Northern Police Monitoring Project 
  33. Mark Kieran, Chief Executive Officer, Open Britain  
  34. Jim Killock, Executive Director, Open Rights Group  
  35. Oxfam GB  
  36. Ben Jamal, Director, Palestine Solidarity Campaign 
  37. Layla Aitlhadj, Director, Prevent Watch  
  38. Paul Parker, Recording Clerk, Quakers in Britain  
  39. Michael Buraimoh, Chief Executive Officer, Race on the Agenda  
  40. Shabna Begum, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Runnymede Trust  
  41. The Democracy Network  
  42. John Cooper, Director, The Fellowship of Reconciliation  
  43. Clare Farrell, The Humanity Project  
  44. Katrina Ffrench, Founder and Managing Director, UNJUST  
  45. Tessa Khan, Founder and Executive Director, Uplift  
  46. Asad Rehman, Executive Director, War on Want 

Justice for Palestine: we will not be deterred nor silenced 

In light of the heinous actions of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people, and the extension of its oppressive structures onto Palestinians and their supporters in Europe, the ELSC expresses its unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation and justice against colonial oppression and apartheid. As a legal organisation supporting the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we stand alongside all those who are carrying the cause, taking a stand and challenging the violent complicity of European states and institutions that enables Israel’s ceaseless colonial violence and its seemingly ever-lasting impunity.  

As we stand witness to the most atrocious crimes against humanity, with our Palestinian partners and independent experts warning of the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people, we are witnessing a serious increase of anti-Palestinian racism in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). 

The large demonstrations taking place in many European cities, despite outrageous attempts to ban and repress solidarity in many places with extreme force, have shown that people are undeterred and refuse to be silenced. Now as ever, we reiterate our support to all advocates for Palestinian rights in the EU and the UK who are facing censorship, smear campaigns, sanctions, racist attacks and despicable police brutality. 

We recall that the right to resist and struggle for freedom from colonialism, apartheid and foreign occupation, and to speak up against decades-long human rights violations, is fundamental and protected by law

At the ELSC, we are currently devoting all our efforts to monitoring all forms of repression against the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, including the UK. We are receiving numerous reports and requests but due to our limited resources (human and financial), we are intervening in support of the most urgent cases and connecting those facing incidents of repression to our network of lawyers. All communication is registered and we are coordinating support.  

At this critical moment, we urge you to: 

  • Report all incidents of repression and request support here:
  • Stay safe by consulting the ‘know your rights’ resources below if you are engaging in protests, direct actions or posting online. Follow along for the ELSC’s ‘know your rights’ resources
  • Send any footage or video showing repression to, including the location and date of the incident
  • Report anti-Palestinian content online to 7amleh here in Arabic and here in English 
  • Donate to Medical Aid for Palestinians, which is responding to the current emergency in Gaza 
  • If you can support our work with a financial contribution, please donate to the ELSC
  • If you would like to volunteer with us, please complete this form
  • For translators and interpreters, please apply here to volunteer




The Netherlands:




If you are threatened or harassed online, check this guide by CrimethInc on Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing and Political Harassment

10 things to remember when reporting on Palestine by PIPD 


Summer Updates & Recent Victories for the Defence of Palestinian Rights Advocacy in Europe

Dear friend,
We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people facing mass repression in Jenin and everywhere else in the world. We have been kept very busy these past few months as Europe carried on with its concerted efforts to silence Palestine, and would now like to share with you some updates covering the period from April to July. The movement perseveres, and we have many victories to report!

Don’t forget to sign up to receive our monthly newsletter in your inbox!



In April 2023, Kassel’s Public Prosecutor dropped the charges of antisemitism concerning some artwork presented at the 15th edition of the renowned documenta art festival in Kassel, specifically targeted Palestinian artists and one artwork of an Indonesian artist displaying a pig and an Israeli Mossad agent.  

Documenta fifteen, which was curated by Jakarta-based artists’ collective Ruangrupa and largely featured artists from the Global South, faced months of major smear campaigns for hosting Palestinian collectives and exhibits of Palestine solidarity. 

The Prosecutor balanced the allegations with artistic freedom and context. To read the full declaration of the Prosecutor, contact us.


After asking Palestinian speaker Elias Anastas, a co-founder of the Palestine-based Radio Alhara, to avoid discussing ”free Palestine” at length during a livestreamed talk on the radical possibilities of radio, the Barbican Centre has now apologised for its intervention calling it an “unacceptable and a serious error of judgement”. The ELSC has advised Artists for Palestine UK, a network of pro-Palestinian artists and culture workers, who have successfully defended this crucial case against the silencing of Palestine! 


German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), which fired seven Arab journalists in February 2022 based on allegations of antisemitism, will compensate journalist Farah Maraqa for unlawful dismissal and cover the legal fees, following the Court’s decision on 28 June. More will follow on the DW cases and the legal ramifications of the judgement. Stay tuned! 


BDS Austria is still fighting the Municipality’s unjust Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation (SLAPP) targeting them for posting a picture of the famous “Visit Apartheid” poster stuck on a billboard along with the City’s logo in 2021.  

What happened in court on 14 July? After the Municipality of Vienna sent a scandalous settlement offer to the activist, the activist’s lawyer stated the reasons why they refused this proposal: the Municipality proposed withdrawing its complaint in exchange for payment of € 17,838.81, which is more than the damages requested in the trial. Moreover, the settlement proposal included a gagging clause preventing the BDS Austria activist from claiming that the City of Vienna had filed “SLAPP lawsuits” and/or “abusive lawsuits” against members of BDS! The judgement is expected to be delivered in a couple of months. The activist and their lawyer Elisabetta Folliero are ready to go up to the European Court of Human Rights to protect fundamental rights, and we will be there every step of the way to support them! We will not let this shameful affront to democracy and free speech stand!

📣 Join us in solidarity with BDS Austria – against the silencing of voices for justice; for the right to solidarity and freedom of expression!📣

SHARE on Twitter and Instagram


Affy and Aliya’s hearings against Lloyds Bank have been postponed to 2024. The two women are fighting Lloyds’ discriminatory treatment after the bank sanctioned them for speaking out in support of Palestinian rights. Although their call for justice has been delayed, we will not let it go unanswered! 

Join us and our dedicated supporters like James and Nicola in reaffirming Affy and Aliya’s unity and hope as they continue to fight the violation of their rights and institutionalised racism!

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️

Consider a monthly donation to the ELSC. Every donation, no matter how small or large, makes a difference.


In June, while the US Administration was releasing its strategy to combat antisemitism and the UN working on its own, we launched our new report exposing the harmful impacts of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism (IHRA WDA) – which conflates antisemitism with criticism of Israel – on the freedoms of expression and assembly in the EU and the UK. The report is the first case-based account of human rights violations resulting from the institutionalisation and application of the controversial IHRA definition by the European Union and the UK.

Our case studies unmask the biased arguments of the European Commission which has ignored and concealed the the repressive realities of the IHRA WDA for years.  

It is time for EU institutions to recognise that the use of the IHRA WDA is infringing fundamental freedoms, causing real harmful effects for individuals and groups exercising their right to free speech in the name of justice! 

📣 SHARE on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook and see more in our toolkit 📣 



The ELSC has joined a coalition of civil society organisation made up of trade unions, charities, NGOs, faith, climate justice, human rights, cultural, campaigning, and solidarity organisations, in opposing the UK government’s proposed law to stop public bodies from advocating for or participating in boycott.  

After a first vote in Parliament, the bill will be debated again in September. What can you do to help protecting our collective rights? 

Do you live in the UK? Write to your MP and ask your Councillors to sign this open letter.

Are you a student in the UK? Check here how the bill would affect your activities and organise to oppose it! 

Check all the materials prepared by the UK Palestine Solidarity Campaign here!


In a ground-breaking resolution, the Office of Barcelona’s Ombudsman recommended in December 2022 that the city revokes its Twinning Agreement with Tel Aviv over concerns about human rights violations committed by Israel against Palestinians. He emphasised that maintaining links with Israel constituted complicity in the commission of the crime of apartheid against Palestinians, thus setting an historical precedent among European public institutions in the denunciation of Israel’s crimes.  

Few months later, Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau suspended relations with Israel. 



As part of this year’s SAOT Palestine Solidarity Festival in Berlin, the ELSC organised a panel discussion together with Palestinian activists and journalists, which provided insight into the political context surrounding our struggles and critically assessed the ever-growing anti-Palestinian racism in Germany. 

In line with the festival’s 2023 theme of victory, the discussion opened a conversation on how to successfully push back against these increasing attacks and empower the artist, activist, scholar, journalist, and all those who advocate for freedom and justice.



The ELSC was invited to the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) podcast to talk to Lara Friedman about our new report on the suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy through the IHRA definition of antisemitism. 


Our new report on the IHRA definition was featured in an oped published in Le Soir by our partners from Association belgo-palestinienne (ABP), Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique (UPJB), Een Andere Joodse Stem (EAJS) and Palestina Solidariteit. This comes at a time in which Belgian municipalities face increasing backlash for suspending relations with Israel until it respects international law. 


Read Hebh Jamal’s piece on Mondoweiss referencing our statement against Germany’s criminalisation of Palestinian existence in light of the repeated bans of Nakba commemoration and numerous arrests of anyone and anything visibly Palestinian.  


We spoke with the New Arab on the coalition of more than 70 organisations in the UK who have come together to oppose this bill. Read the article here.  



A new UN report affirms restrictions and harassment of Palestinian civil society through intensified coordination between the Israeli government and pro-Israel groups globally and through the instrumentalisation of the harmful IHRA definition of antisemitism.

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Watch this short documentary by The New Arab on how Germany’s history of antisemitism is used to silence pro-Palestine activism. The ELSC has published a related short video, exposing how the Berlin police normalised their racist aggression against Palestinians and their allies in Germany in light of the repeated Nakba bans.  

Thank you for your continued support!

In solidarity, 

The ELSC team

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you would like to put your skills (whether legal, editing, artistic, communications, or any other skills) at the service of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at

Press Release

BREAKING-New Report Reveals Human Rights Violations Resulting from IHRA Definition of Antisemitism 

Amsterdam, 6 June 2023 

Today, the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) launches its new report “Suppressing Palestinian Rights Advocacy through the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism – Violating the Rights to Freedom of Expression and Assembly in the European Union and the UK”. The report is the first case-based account of human rights violations resulting from the institutionalisation and application of the controversial IHRA definition by the European Union and the UK. The growing concerns about the negative human rights impact of the IHRA definition, have so far been ignored by the EU. 

The ELSC report is based on 53 recorded incidents between 2017 and 2022 in Germany, Austria and the UK, in which individuals, groups and organisations were accused of antisemitism based on the IHRA definition. All of the accused were targeted for advocating for Palestinian rights, denouncing Israel’s practices and policies and/or criticising Zionism as a political ideology. When legally challenged, most of these allegations of antisemitism were dismissed as unsubstantiated. 

Analysis of the cases reveals a highly problematic pattern in which the IHRA definition is being implemented. Although it is advertised and promoted as “non-legally binding”, the definition is increasingly used by public and private bodies as if it was law. As a result, the IHRA definition chills free speech and curtails freedom of assembly, resulting in self-censorship of individuals afraid to face allegations of antisemitism.  

As confirmed by the ELSC report, allegations of antisemitism invoking the IHRA definition are overwhelmingly aimed at Palestinians, Jewish activists and organisations advocating for Palestinian rights. This suggests the definition is being implemented in a discriminatory manner. Individuals who are targeted suffer a range of unjust and harmful consequences, including loss of employment and reputational damage. 

Dr Younes, Independent Researcher and (Policy) Writer in Germany, said: 

With the uncritical adoption at the political and academic level across Europe, it has become impossible to voice any critical opinion about Israeli policies in public or in academia without the risk of losing your job, contract, funding or future employment opportunities.

A student activist in a UK university reflected: 

I found that the IHRA definition was deployed as a distraction tactic, where routinely I felt burnt out defending the right to freedom of expression and solidarity with Palestine […] I had crippling anxiety of who I could even trust, as it felt like the IHRA definition was a mode of surveillance in my day-to-day life.

The ELSC report also criticises the European Commission for consistently ignoring and dismissing the growing human rights concerns about the IHRA definition, and for failing to take measures to prevent any adverse impact of it on fundamental rights. 

Giovanni Fassina, director at the ELSC, commented: 

It is time for the European Commission to acknowledge and address that the policy it has been promoting and implementing on the basis of the IHRA definition, both at EU and member state level, is highly detrimental to fundamental rights and that it is fostering anti Palestinian racism.

The ELSC urges the European Commission, as well as the governments, parliaments and public institutions in the EU Member States and the UK, to cease and revoke the endorsement, adoption, promotion and implementation of the IHRA definition. While addressing and enforcing policies to combat antisemitism, the legal obligation of public actors to respect and protect freedom of expression and freedom of assembly must be upheld. 

Currently, the United Nations is finalising its “Action Plan on monitoring antisemitism and enhancing a system-wide response”. Recently, the ELSC joined a letter of more than a hundred civil society organisations, urging UN Secretary-General Guterres and High Representative Moratinos not to adopt and apply the IHRA definition. In November 2022, 128 leading scholars in antisemitism, Holocaust Studies and related fields, warned the UN in a public statement against adopting the IHRA definition. In October 2022, the UN Special Rapporteur on Racism released a report sharply criticising the IHRA definition. 




ELSC Newsletter: April 2023

Dear friend,

Today, as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the ongoing Nakba, we want to reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people fighting for justice, liberation and return. 

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!



22 days left until the hearings in which Lloyds employees Affy and Aliya will face the financial giant in court! The two women are fighting Lloyds’ discriminatory treatment after the bank sanctioned them for speaking out in support of Palestinian rights. 

It is only with your help that we have managed to reach this far, meeting almost 50% of our fundraising goals to cover the fees for this important legal battle! Join us in reaffirming Affy and Aliya’s hope and unity as they embark on the last three weeks before resisting this violation of their rights in court!  

Help us reach our £30K goal to support the two brave women standing up against one of the UK’s biggest banks. 

📣 SHARE on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook 📣


In November 2021, Victor, an advocate for Palestinian rights and trade union activist was suspended as a trade union representative for allegedly posting antisemitic comments online. The alleged incriminating messages were largely about criticism of the policies of the state of Israel by former Labour Party members and included a reference to Palestinian revolutionary and poet Ghassan Kanafani.

In support of its decision to suspend Victor as senior representative, the union referred to an ‘expert opinion’ authored by a person known for his pro-Israel stance. After our lawyers rebutted the controversial opinion by submitting our own expert opinion, exposing the bias and proving that the allegations against our client were unfounded, we managed to get Victor reinstated and rehabilitate his reputation inside the respective trade union. After a significant period of suspension, following the internal hearing in September 2022, Victor was immediately reinstated to his elected and appointed positions with immediate effect. Action pays off! 



We are proud to have supported prominent activist Michel Legrand (President of ECCP and treasurer of CPJPO) in his case creating a promising precedent for the freedom of speech of Palestinian rights defenders in Luxembourg.

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️

Consider a monthly donation to the ELSC. Every donation, no matter how small or large, makes a difference.



More than 100 civil society organisations, including the ELSC, signed an open letter to Secretary-General António Guterres and the High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Ángel Moratinos, initiated by Human Rights Watch

Read more about this important action on Middle East Eye 



On the 18th of April, the ELSC with the support of VoiceOver Foundation and PIPD organised a conference on “Shrinking spaces, freedom of expression and the protection of human rights in Palestine” at the University of Milan. We were glad to be joined by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian occupied territories.  

It was a key opportunity to develop critical thinking on the Palestinian narrative in Italy. Thanks to our speakers, we had the chance to explore issues related to the censorship of Palestinian voices and the increasing limitation of the space for those who support Palestinian rights and action.



We are excited to join 7amleh’s 2023 Palestine Digital Activism Forum! Our colleague Alice Garcia will facilitate a session on 24 May 2023, discussing how to push back against smear campaigns and racist speech against Palestinians and supporters of the cause. Register today!


ELSC gave an interview following censorship in Austria

Our colleague Layla Kattermann spoke to Salma Shaka about the intensifying attacks against Palestinian rights advocates in Europe, after the Museumsquartier Vienna cancelled an event with BDS Austria and the ELSC

ELSC gave two interviews on the #NakbaDay arrests in Berlin in May 2022 and the new bans in April 2023 

Our colleague Safaa Moussa spoke to Perspektive Online about the #NakbaDay arrests in Berlin last May, when the Berlin Police detained and fined dozens of individuals for walking in the street and peacefully showing solidarity with Palestine following a city-wide ban on commemorations of the 74th anniversary of the Nakba. 

Especially with regard to Palestine, there is an increasing tendency to impose restrictions, the illegality of which is then repeatedly established by the courts.

The Berlin police continues to ban Palestinian protests this year, and this criminalisation of speech and right to protest is already underway in other German cities. In light of the 75th commemoration of the Nakba, the ELSC has reaffirmed its solidarity with the nakba_75 campaign that is fighting to end Germany’s attempts to criminalise solidarity with Palestine.


30+ U.S. states have compromised the First Amendment of the Constitution to shield Israel from accountability, paving the way for an attack on climate action, gun control, reproductive rights, & more. Learn how the attack on the #RightToBoycott in the U.S. started and how it is evolving in this new visual from Visualizing Palestine with Palestine Legal and Just Vision Media, featuring 443 anti-boycott bills introduced since 2014 at the state and federal level.

Just Vision has produced the free accessible movie Boycott, which provides rich context on the rapid spread of anti-boycott bills in the United States. The film follows the personal journeys of three protagonists as they defend freedom of expression and lays bare what is at stake if they are defeated: the constitutionally protected right to boycott.  

BRILL has published Landmark Al-Haq book, “Prolonged Occupation and International Law” on Palestinian Land Day.  

Read Rasha Jundi’s article on resisting the systemic silencing of Palestinian voices in Germany. A portrait on collective anger and hopes for a future of justice and freedom:

Cacti have traditionally surrounded Palestinian lands. They remain silent witnesses of depopulated villages and to the continued colonisation of our home. They symbolise beauty, continuation and tough resistance. When one Palestinian voice is raised, it echoes and spreads like cacti. It shall never be silenced. In spite of forces like those in Germany.

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you would like to put your skills (whether legal, editing, artistic, communications, or any other skills) at the service of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at


ELSC Statement: No to the Nakba Demo Bans, End Germany’s Criminalisation of Palestinian Existence 

In another act of state repression, the Berlin police banned all events commemorating 75 years of ongoing Nakba. Following the demonstration ban from 2022, the police disrupted a Palestinian cultural event on 13 May in Neukölln, banning any political public speech, attempting to stop the distribution of books on Palestine on a discretionary basis, and preventing attendees from dancing the traditional Dabka, claiming that it was a form of “political expression”. One of the banned speeches was to be delivered by a member of the ELSC and a partner scholar, Anna Younes (PhD), with the purpose of informing people on their legal rights. Other events that were banned were scheduled for 13, 14 and 20 May 2023: these demonstrations wanted to demand justice for the Palestinian people by remembering the displacement and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the course of the founding of the state of Israel. At least 11 demonstrations on the Nakba have been banned in Berlin since April 2022. 

The justification for the bans is informed by a systematic pattern of anti-Palestinian racism criminalising solidarity with the Palestinian cause for freedom and return, as well as expressions of Palestinian identity. May 2022 already saw immense state repression against Palestinians and their supporters, when the Berlin police preventively banned five registered events commemorating 74 years of ongoing Nakba and honouring Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces while reporting on their invasion of Jenin refugee camp. When individuals peacefully took to the streets to express their solidarity, the Berlin police unleashed a campaign of harassment arresting and beating activists for wearing the Palestinian scarf known as the Kuffiyeh or for being dressed in the colours of the Palestinian flag.  

These anti-democratic measures are enacted as a form of collective punishment directed at anything visibly Palestinian, extending to any expression of collective memory and rights advocacy as seen through the recent bans of demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners in Berlin and beyond. Palestinians in exile commemorating their tragedy, and more generally Arab participants in the demonstrations are dehumanised and framed in the colonial tradition as ”highly emotionalised men” who would “glorify violence” and are “difficult to control”. Neukölln is placed under general suspicion and depicted as a harbour of violence, based on the racist criminalisation of its predominantly migrant, particularly Arab population. The allegations and language used in the prohibition orders, both in 2022 and in 2023, express blatant racism and, in particular, constitute Anti-Palestinian racism – a form of anti-Arab racism that aims to silence, exclude, erase, stereotype, or defame Palestinians and their narratives – towards the Palestinian community in Germany. 

Attacks against the Palestine solidarity movement are ever-growing as Germany upholds its unconditional support for the Israeli occupation and continues to whitewash crimes of apartheid and settler violence. The Berlin government’s actions around Nakba Day reflect Germany’s complicity in the continuing oppression of the Palestinian people, and further constitute a wider assault on the fundamental rights of free speech and assembly. This must be read as a dangerous precedent for further arbitrary curtailments of basic democratic rights. 

These bans are an attack on all of us. The ELSC stands in solidarity with all Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause. As further Palestine solidarity events are planned in the coming days in Berlin, we call on all stakeholders to join us in demanding the protection of the most fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly, and to support the campaign launched in defence of these rights for Palestinians and their supporters in Germany. 

If you, your group, organisation or otherwise have been intimidated, slandered, repressed, censored or banned from speaking out or participating in Palestine advocacy, or if you have questions about your rights, please reach out to us and complete the incident form


ELSC Newsletter: March 2023

Dear friend,

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people facing mass repression. As Europe carries on with its concerted efforts to silence Palestine, the movement perseveres, and we nonetheless have victories to report!

Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter!



Two Muslim women, Affy and Aliya are suing their employer Lloyd’s Bank, one of the UK’s biggest banks, for discrimination. In May 2021, both posted statement in support of Palestine on the bank’s internal chat for employees. Affy and Aliya were investigated and subsequently sanctioned for breaching the bank’s policies on discrimination, harassment, abusive and offensive content. In addition to unimaginable consequences for their personal and professional lives, they both lost their annual bonuses and received written warnings that could remain on their records indefinitely while Affy lost a prestigious graduate role.

The ELSC launched a crowdfunding campaign to help both employees cover the costly legal fees of their lawsuit against Lloyds.

We need at least £30 000 to support Affy and Aliya in Court!

Join our fight against all types of racism and support Affy and Aliya’s claim by sharing this campaign across all platforms! 

📣 SHARE on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin 📣


Following Shaima Dallali’s summary dismissal from her role as President of the National Union of Students (NUS) after an investigation accusing her of antisemitism based on her beliefs concerning the Palestinian struggle, she is now taking legal action!

In bowing to political pressure, the NUS has undermined its own commitment to anti-racism, including the fight against antisemitism, and has abandoned its duty of care to its elected President Shaima Dallali. She has been subjected to the most intense public scrutiny and horrifying abuse, including death threats.

The ELSC signed a joint statement with other organisations in the UK to condemn Shaima Dallali’s dismissal by the NUS.

Read more about the NUS repressing Palestine advocacy here

Dr Shahd Abusalama has been countlessly targeted with intensified anti-Palestinian smears by pro-Israel groups, outlets, and social media trolls, which culminated after her enrolment at Shieffield Hallam University (SHU).
After successfully fighting two investigations and the suspension of her teaching, SHU launched a third investigation. Dr Shahd Abusalama was cleared but decided to leave this hostile environment.
The fight now continues as SHU decided to violate Shahd’s employment rights and disclosed misleading information to the pro-Israel ‘Jewish Chronicle’, which instigated a further round of brutal smears in the media. Dr Shahd Abusalama is fighting back and pursuing legal action to hold SHU accountable!


As a Palestinian woman, I want to be able to articulate my story and political views without being harassed and subject to discrimination. But this is not just my lawsuit. With this legal fight, we will make sure that no other individual faces persecution or harassment for their legitimate beliefs from our employers. This case will challenge systemic issues, including the oppressive IHRA definition, the rights of workers to fair treatment, and legitimate protest and free expression.




On 2 November 2022, exactly three years after she discovered RIAS’ covert surveillance of her activities and after two legal victories, German Palestinian scholar Dr Anna Younes launched two new lawsuits. She requests the Administrative Court of Berlin to find the preparation and transmission of the secret dossier on her unlawful, and acknowledge that RIAS/MBR’s surveillance and false labelling of Dr Younes as an anti-Jewish racist violated her right to privacy and right to reputation. In addition, she requests compensation for the ensuing harm inflicted by RIAS/MBR for over two years.

Read more about the case and watch this video.

⚖️ Donate to support Dr Younes in her legal battle as she reclaims her rights in court ⚖️


After the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) fired seven Arab journalists in February 2022 based on allegations of antisemitism, we witnessed two victories last year as the dismissals of Maram Salem and Farah Maraqa were found unlawful.
A year later, on 24 February 2023, journalist Zahi Alawi also won his lawsuit! A Labour Court found his dismissal by DW unlawful and ordered his reinstatement. 
But the fight goes on! In a last-minute gambit, Deutsche Welle appealed the decision issued by the Berlin Labour Court in favour of Farah Maraqa. A new hearing is taking place on 10 May 2023, but Farah is confident and stands firm.



Following a city-wide ban on commemorations of the 74th anniversary of the Nakba, the Berlin Police detained and fined dozens of individuals for walking in the street and peacefully showing solidarity with Palestine, such as through wearing the Kuffiyeh or the colours of the Palestinian flag. Some of them were beaten. Read more about our urgent letter to UN Special Rapporteurs and request for accountability in relation to unjustified repression and violence from the Berlin police.

9 months later, several protesters are challenging the fines in German courts. Stay tuned as more hearings will happen in the coming weeks and support!

SIGN the call to stop Germany’s attempt to criminalise solidarity with Palestine & DONATE to help with the legal proceedings’ fees

For more information on the bans and repression, read Human Rights Watch statement by Omar Shakir.


We have published many of our legal victories in the UK, in Germany, in Austria, and in The Netherlands on our website. Pushing back is possible when we stand together!

⚖️ Will you help us win more cases? ⚖️

Consider a monthly donation to the ELSC. Every donation, no matter how small or large, makes a difference.


As part of our work at ELSC, we monitor and support European and Palestinian organisations facing attacks and incidents in the EU and the UK leading to defunding by donors, the implementation of policies restricting funding and/or de-risking by financial institutions.

These incidents happen in a context of coordinated smear campaigns led by pro-Israeli groups and the Israeli government, which form part of a larger strategy to shut down Palestine advocacy while shielding Israel from accountability.  

Do you want to know more? Check our twitter thread!


ELSC gave an interview on Antisemitism, Palestine and academic freedom

We spoke to Dr Sevgi Doğan for Security Praxis blog about the impact of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism on academic freedom and unfounded allegations of antisemitism in academia. Read it here.
Read ELSC comments given to Hebh Jamal in +972 Magazine on the chilling effects on free expression of Palestinian rights advocacy and legitimate demands for accountability as Germany takes drastic steps toward further criminalising Palestinian activism.
ELSC was hosted by Lina Hadid and Lamia Bazzari to speak on defending and empowering advocates for Palestinian rights across Europe on their Free Palestine Podcast. Tune in!


Visualizing Palestine introduces the system and actors involved in suppressing speech critical of the Israeli regime and Zionism in its recent visual #SystemofSilencing. This is the first of five visuals that will be published in the next months, highlighting attacks on freedom of expression aimed at shielding Israel from accountability. Follow along!

UK-based organisation CAGE published two expert reports signed by leading scholars, Professor John Dugard SC and Professor Avi Shlaim on the notion of “Israel’s right to exist”. As observed in several cases of suppression of Palestinian rights advocacy, this concept is often very broadly interpreted by pro-Israel actors and raised to purport allegations of antisemitism and target Palestinian rights advocates.

Thank you for your continued support!

In solidarity, 

The ELSC team

Remember to follow the ELSC on social media and amplify our work!

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at

If you would like to put your skills (whether legal, editing, artistic, communications, or any other skills) at the service of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at

Urgent call

Human Rights and other Civil Society Groups Urge United Nations to Respect Human Rights in the Fight Against Antisemitism

The United Nations should respect human rights in its efforts to combat antisemitism, more than 100 human rights and civil rights organisations, including the ELSC, said in an open letter to Secretary-General António Guterres and the High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations Miguel Ángel Moratinos initiated by Human Rights Watch.

Note: Since its release on April 3, this letter has been updated to reflect additional signatories now totaling 104 organizations. The updated list of organizations is appended.

Joint Letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Under Secretary-General Miguel Ángel Moratinos

20 April 2023

Dear UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Under Secretary-General Miguel Ángel Moratinos:

Our coalition of 104 civil society organizations is writing to you to voice our strong support for the United Nations’ commitment to combatting antisemitism in line with international human rights standards. Antisemitism is a pernicious ideology that poses real harm to Jewish communities around the world and requires meaningful action to combat it. Our organizations call on world leaders to condemn antisemitism and to take steps to protect Jewish communities, including holding perpetrators of hate crimes accountable.

As the UN develops its own action plan towards a coordinated and enhanced response to antisemitism rooted in human rights, we are aware that a number of Member State governments and organizations aligned with some of those governments, as well as the former Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief Ahmed Shaheed, have been advocating that the UN adopt and use the “working definition of antisemitism” of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). We urge the UN not to do so.

The IHRA definition was originally developed to guide research and law enforcement data validation before being used by the IHRA in its work, which includes education about the Holocaust and antisemitism. Adoption of the definition by governments and institutions is often framed as an essential step in efforts to combat antisemitism. In practice, however, the IHRA definition has often been used to wrongly label criticism of Israel as antisemitic, and thus chill and sometimes suppress, non-violent protest, activism and speech critical of Israel and/or Zionism, including in the US and Europe. Such misuse has also been criticized by the former Special Rapporteur on Racism E. Tendayi Achiume.

Ken Stern, the main drafter of the IHRA definition, recently reiterated his concerns about the institutional adoption of the definition in light of its proposed inclusion in an American Bar Association (ABA) draft resolution on antisemitism. Stern’s concern stems from the IHRA definition’s repeated use as “a blunt instrument to label anyone an antisemite.” In the end, ABA members adopted a resolution on antisemitism that did not reference the IHRA definition. Stern’s message to ABA applies equally to the UN.

Those who use the IHRA definition in this way tend to rely on a set of eleven “contemporary examples of antisemitism” attached to the definition by the IHRA in 2016. Seven of those examples refer to the state of Israel. These examples, which are presented as possible illustrations and indicators to “guide the IHRA in its work”, include:

  • “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination; e.g. by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour” and
  • “applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”

The wording of the first example above on “racist endeavour” opens the door to labeling as antisemitic criticisms that Israeli government policies and practices violate the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the findings of major Israeli, Palestinian and global human rights organizations that Israeli authorities are committing the crime against humanity of apartheid against Palestinians. This example could also be used to label as antisemitic documentation showing that Israel’s founding involved dispossessing many Palestinians; or arguments, also made by some Members of the Israeli Knesset, to transform Israel from a Jewish state into a multiethnic state that equally belongs to all of its citizens – that is, a state based on civic identity, rather than ethnic identity.

The example on “applying double standards” opens the door to labeling as antisemitic anyone who focuses on Israeli abuses as long as worse abuses are deemed to be occurring elsewhere. By that logic, a person dedicated to defending the rights of Tibetans could be accused of anti-Chinese racism, or a group dedicated to promoting democracy and minority rights in Saudi Arabia could be accused of Islamophobia. This example suggests also that it is antisemitic to evaluate Israel as anything but a democracy, also when assessing its actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, where it has for more than half a century governed millions of Palestinians who have no say on the most consequential issues affecting their lives and who are deprived of their basic civil rights.

The IHRA qualifies the examples by noting that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic” and that any finding of antisemitism must “[take] into account the overall context.” However, in practice, these disclaimers have failed to prevent the politically motivated instrumentalization of the IHRA definition in efforts to muzzle legitimate speech and activism by critics of Israel’s human rights record and advocates for Palestinian rights.

The targets of accusations of antisemitism based on the IHRA definition have included university students and professors, grassroots organizers, human rights and civil rights organizations, humanitarian groups and members of the US Congress, who either document or criticize Israeli policies and who speak in favor of Palestinian human rights. If the UN endorses the IHRA definition in any shape or form, UN officials working on issues related to Israel and Palestine may find themselves unjustly accused of antisemitism based on the IHRA definition. The same goes for numerous UN agencies, departments, committees, panels and/or conferences, whose work touches on issues related to Israel and Palestine, as well as for civil society actors and human rights defenders engaging with the UN system.

After the United Kingdom’s government adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism at the national level, at least two UK universities in 2017 banned certain activities planned for “Israel Apartheid Week.” One of them, the University of Central Lancashire, banned a panel planned by Friends of Palestine on boycotts of Israel. A university spokesperson stated, “We believe the proposed talk contravenes the [IHRA] definition” of antisemitism “formally adopted” by the government.

In February 2020, Israel advocacy groups in the US challenged Pitzer and Pomona College’s support for a film screening about Palestinian protests in Gaza against Israeli repression and a panel on “Perspectives on Colleges and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” featuring the prominent Jewish commentator Peter Beinart and Palestinian-American Yousef Munayyer, hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The Israel advocacy groups claimed that SJP’s positions, such as its support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, are “clear indicators of anti-Semitism under the examples listed by the IHRA.” In January 2020, Israel advocacy groups called for the University of Michigan to review the agenda for a “Youth for Palestine” conference focused on student activism and community organizing on Palestine, and to “compare it to the IHRA definition,” and consider canceling it over concerns that it will feed antisemitism.

Some advocates of the IHRA working definition have presented it as a non-controversial “consensus definition”. However, many leading antisemitism experts, scholars of Jewish studies and the Holocaust, as well as free speech and anti-racism experts, have challenged the definition, arguing that it restricts legitimate criticism of Israel and harms the fight against antisemitism.

Since 2021, at least two alternative definitions have been put forward: the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism by hundreds of scholars of antisemitism, Holocaust studies, Jewish studies and Middle East studies, as well as the Nexus Document by a task force affiliated with Bard College and the University of Southern California. While acknowledging that criticism of Israel can be antisemitic, these alternative definitions set out more clearly what constitutes antisemitism and provide guidance surrounding the contours of legitimate speech and action around Israel and Palestine.

As an international organization committed to the universal promotion of the rule of law and human rights, the UN should ensure that its vital efforts to combat antisemitism do not inadvertently embolden or endorse policies and laws that undermine fundamental human rights, including the right to speak and organize in support of Palestinian rights and to criticize Israeli government policies.

For these reasons, we strongly urge the UN not to endorse the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

We look forward to assisting the UN’s efforts to combat antisemitism in a way that respects, protects and promotes human rights.


Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel*

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Mankind

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Amnesty International*


Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

Human Rights Watch

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH)

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

Joined by:


7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement

A Different Jewish Voice (Netherlands)*

Academia for Equality*

Africa4Palestine (AFP)

American Friends Service Committee

American Humanist Association*

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)*

Americans for Peace Now*

Arab Canadian Lawyers Association*

Association “Pour Jérusalem”

Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AUDRIP)

Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)

BDS Netherlands

Belgian Academics & Artists for Palestine (BAA4P)

Bisan Center for Research and Development*

Breaking the Silence*

British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)*

Broederlijk Delen

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)*

Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)*

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (CJPHL)*

CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Charity & Security Network*



Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine (CJACP)

Combatants for Peace

Comhlamh Justice for Palestine

Defending Rights & Dissent*

Defense for Children International – Palestine

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)

EuroMed Rights*

European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP)*

European Jews for a Just Peace

European Legal Support Center (ELSC)

European Middle East Project (EuMEP)

Finnish-Arab Friendship Society

Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP)*

Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)*

gate48 – critical Israelis in the Netherlands*

Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ

Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church

Human Rights Defenders Fund (HRDF)*


Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV)*

Independent Jewish Voices Canada

International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)*

Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC)*

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (Finland)

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (UK)

Jahalin Solidarity*

Jewish Network for Palestine (UK)

Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany)

Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL)*

Jewish Voice for Peace – Twin Cities*

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)*

Jews against the Occupation Australia*

Jews for Palestine-Ireland

Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste*

Kairos Ireland

La Cimade (France)

Law for Palestine*

Le Comité de Vigilance pour une Paix Réelle au Proche-Orient (CVPR PO)

Medico international

Mennonite Church Canada Palestine-Israel Network*

Middle East Peace Now*

Minnesota BDS Community*

Mouvement de la paix France

Nederlands Palestina Komitee

One Justice

Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK*

Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)

Parents Against Child Detention (PACD)

Pax Christi USA

Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Project South*

Promise Institute for Human Rights*

Sadaka – The Ireland-Palestine Alliance*

The Rights Forum

Trinity College Dublin BDS*

Tzedek Collective*

Une Autre Voix Juive (France)

Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP)

United Jewish People’s Order of Canada

United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel (UNJPPI)*

University Network for Human Rights

Women Against Military Madness (WAMM)*

Women in Black (Vienna)

* Post-launch signers that joined this letter after its initial release on 3 April 2023

Picture: CC UN Photo/Rick Bajornas Flickr


Dutch NGOs call upon the international community to take action against Israel for targeting Palestinian human rights organisations 

After the Israeli army violently raided and closed seven prominent Palestinian human rights organisations last Thursday, this weekend it threatened the director of Al Haq (Shawan Jabarin) by telephone and detained the director of Defense for Children International – Palestine (Khaled Quzmar) several hours for questioning. This escalation proves once again that statements by European governments expressing serious concerns are insufficient. This, together with the killing of critical journalists and other Palestinian civilians with impunity, has reached the point where the international community must set a clear boundary. This is the limit, according to a broad representation of Dutch organisations. 

In October last year, 32 Dutch organisations condemned Israel’s decision to designate six organisations (now seven) as terrorist on the basis of Israeli anti-terror laws. On 12 July 2022, the Netherlands and eight other EU countries expressed their support for the organisations. The EU countries have so far not seen any evidence of the terrorist designation and therefore rejected the Israeli allegations, as “no substantial information has been received from Israel that would justify a review of our policy towards the six Palestinian NGOs on the basis of the Israeli decision to designate these NGOs as ‘terrorist organisations'”.

What we warned about in October is happening: in an attempt to suppress the work of human rights defenders, Israel is raiding their offices, confiscating property and documents, then sealing them with metal plates and leaving a military order declaring the organisations illegal. This is a serious violation of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of association and assembly. This ever-increasing restriction on civil society is not in keeping with a country that claims to be a democratic state based on the rule of law.

Several of the seven organisations that have been affected provide evidence of alleged war crimes by Israel to the International Criminal Court. The Netherlands, as host country of the ICC, has an additional responsibility to ensure that civil society organisations, individuals and states can continue to provide the ICC with evidence and information. 

Without significant action, the longstanding pattern of repression and undermining of Palestinian organisations will further deteriorate. This is unacceptable and it has become clear that statements alone are not enough to make Israel change its policy. The international community should immediately take the following actions in the face of the threat to the existence of Palestinian civil society organisations and human rights defenders:

  • Urge at the highest diplomatic level that Israel withdraws the charges against the seven organisations and brings the underlying anti-terror legislation into line with international law;
  • Protect Shawan Jabarin and Khaled Quzmar and other employees from interrogation, arbitrary arrest and detention, and ask Israel to cease all harassment practices and policies, including arbitrary detention, torture and other forms of ill-treatment, institutionalised hate speech and incitement;
  • Add action to it, in line with the 2013 recommendations of the AIV, and attach (diplomatic) consequences to this escalation; 
  • Openly increase financial, political and where necessary logistical support to Palestinian organisations and civil society, guided by the needs of these organisations;
  • Give priority in its policy towards Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories to protecting civil society and human rights defenders;
  • Call on the Assembly of States Parties and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to ensure the viability of organisations working to present evidence to the Court.

Signed by:

  • PAX
  • Amnesty International Nederland
  • SOMO
  • The Rights Forum
  • OXFAM Novib
  • European Legal Support Center
  • Defence for Children Nederland
  • ActionAid Netherlands
  • Both Ends
  • Human Security Collective
  • Stichting Aflatoun International
  • Right to Play Netherlands
  • Transnational Institute (TNI)
  • Stichting Kifaia
  • MENA Werkgroep FNV
  • Gate48
  • Plant een Olijfboom
  • Kairos Sabeel Nederland
  • Nederlands Palestina Komitee
  • Een Ander Joods Geluid
  • Grote Midden Oosten Platform
  • Plan International Nederland
  • International Child Development Initiatives
  • Dutch Scholars for Palestine

Photo: DCI-Palestine

Read the statement originally published on the website of PAX.


Over 150 Organizations Demand International Community Stand Against Raids and Closures of 7 Palestinian Organizations

The ELSC joined over 150 organisations to condemn the raids and closures of 7 prominent Palestinian organisations and urge the international community to take effective measures. Read below the joint statement originally published on the CIHRS website.

Amid Israel’s escalating attacks targeting their work, a group of more than 150 Palestinian, regional, and international organizations express our full solidarity with the designated seven leading Palestinian civil society organizations, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Al-Haq Law in the Service of Man (Al-Haq), Bisan Center for Research and Development, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Health Work Committees (HWC), the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC).

On the morning of 18 August 2022, the Israeli occupying forces (IOF) raided and sealed the doorways into the offices of the seven Palestinian organizations. The IOF also confiscated documents and equipment and destroyed items in the offices. On the doors of the organizations, military orders were left behind ordering the closure of the offices under Article 319 of the Emergency Regulations of 1945. This development follows the 19 October 2021, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz designation of six leading Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations under Israel’s Anti-Terrorism Law (2016), which was then extended to the West Bank on 3 November 2021 by a military order that outlawed the same organizations.

We urge the international community to unequivocally condemn Israel’s targeting of Palestinian civil society and tactics to further repress of freedom of expression. States must take all necessary action to support and protect Palestinian human rights defenders and ensure the continuation of their invaluable work.

These raids and closures represent the latest escalation in Israel’s widespread campaign aiming to silence and discredit any Palestinian individual or organization that dares to seek accountability for Israel’s grave human rights violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The “persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid” is a method used by Israel, amounting to acts of apartheid prosecutable under the Rome Statute, to maintain its domination and oppression over the Palestinian people.

The organizations remain at an additional risk of closure of bank accounts, travel bans and movement restrictions, and the arrest and detention of staff members for their work. Israel’s attacks against these organizations pose an existential threat to independent Palestinian human rights organizations and civil society who work to monitor and document violations of human rights and provide basic services to the Palestinian people.

We call upon the international community to demand that Israel immediately revoke its designations of Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations as “terrorist organizations,” reverse the military orders designating the organizations and closing their offices and repeal its Anti-Terrorism Law (2016) as it does not meet basic human rights standards.

Moreover, we call on the international community to take effective measures to end all other actions that deny Palestinians their inalienable human rights.

Lastly, we call on the members of the international community to continue their support and increase funding to the organizations and engage with financial institutions to ensure the transfer of funds to the organizations.


  1. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
  2. 11.11.11
  3. Abductees’ Mothers Association
  4. Academic Program for Studies of Arab and Muslim Communities in Diaspora
  5. ACAT-France
  6. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  7. Advokatfirmaet Roli
  8. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
  9. Al-ataa Benevolent Association
  10. Aldameer association for human rights
  11. Al-Haq
  12. Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society
  13. Andalus Institute for Tolerance and anti-Violence Studies
  14. Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)
  15. ARTICLE 19
  16. Artists for Palestine UK
  17. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  18. Asociacion Palestina Biladi
  19. Association Belgo-Palestinienne
  20. Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)
  21. Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression
  22. Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)
  23. Aswat Nissa
  24. Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children’
  25. Australian Centre for International Justice
  26. Basmeh & Zeitooneh for Relief and Development
  27. Baytna
  28. Bds Maroc
  29. BDS Netherlands
  30. BDS Vancouver Coast Salish Territories
  31. Belgian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)
  32. Bytes For All, Pakistan
  33. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  34. Center for Constitutional Rights
  35. Center for Strategic Studies to Support Women and Children
  36. Centre for Global Education
  37. Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
  38. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
  39. CNCD-11.11.11
  40. Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
  41. Comhlamh Justice for Palestine
  42. Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Luxembourg
  43. Committee for Justice
  44. Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ)
  45. Conectas Human Rights
  46. Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  47. DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
  48. Een Andere Joodse Stem / Another Jewish Voice (Belgium)
  49. Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms
  50. Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR)
  51. Egyptian Human Rights Forum
  52. Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  53. El Nadim Center For Management & Rehabilitation of victims of violence
  54. ESCR-Net, International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
  55. EuroMed Rights
  56. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine – ECCP
  57. European Legal Support Center (ELSC)
  58. European Trade Union Network for Justice in Palestine
  59. FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
  60. Financial Justice Ireland
  61. Foundation for Middle East Peace (Washington, DC)
  62. Front Line Defenders
  63. Fundación Mundubat
  64. Gaza Action Ireland
  65. Global NPO Coalition on FATF
  66. Herbst Law PLLC
  67. Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS”
  68. Human Rights for All (HR4A) Saskatchewan
  69. Human Rights in China
  70. Human Rights Watch
  71. Human Security Collective
  73. International Accountability Project
  74. International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group
  75. International Commission to support Palestinian People’s Rights
  76. International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  77. International Service for Human Rights
  78. International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
  79. Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  80. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK
  81. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  82. Just Words Limited
  83. Justice for Palestinians Calgary
  84. Justitia Center for legal protection of human rights in Algeria
  85. Kairos Ireland
  86. Kenya Human Rights Commission
  87. League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI)
  88. Local Development and Small Projects Support (LDSPS)
  89. Makan
  90. MakeShiftPublishing
  91. MENA Rights Group
  92. Muslim Peace Fellowship
  93. Mwatana for human rights
  94. Nederlands Palestina Komitee
  95. New Weapons Research Groups
  96. Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine Israel
  97. North Bronx Racial Justice
  98. Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway)
  99. Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
  100. NOVACT Institute for Nonviolent Action
  101. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  102. Palestina Solidariteit vzw Belgium
  103. Palestine Solidarity Alliance
  104. Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
  105. Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton
  106. Palestine Solidarity, St. John’s, NL
  107. Palestine Solidary Organisation at Nelson Mandela University
  108. Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  109. Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall)
  110. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
  111. Pan African Palestine Solidarity Network
  112. Paz con Dignidad
  113. Peace and Building Foundation
  114. Physicians for Human Rights Israel
  115. Platform of French NGOs for Palestine
  116. Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED)
  117. Project South
  118. Riposte Internationale
  119. Sadaka-the Ireland Palestine Alliance
  120. Sadaqa
  121. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  122. Scottish Friends of Palestine
  123. Sexual Rights Initiative
  124. SOLIDAR
  125. Solsoc
  126. South African BDS Coalition
  127. South African Jews For a Free Palestine
  128. STEILAS
  129. Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)
  130. Tamkeen for Legal Aid and Human Rights
  131. Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis and the Indivisibility of Justice
  132. The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies
  133. The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)
  134. The Association of Norwegian NGOs for Palestine
  135. The Canadian BDS Coalition
  136. The civic coalition for Palestinian rights in jerusalem
  137. The Danish House in Palestine
  138. The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
  139. The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church USA
  140. The Norwegian Initiative DEFEND INTERNATIONAL LAW
  141. The Palestine Committee of Norway
  142. The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy
  143. The Palestinian Human Rights Organization “PHRO”
  144. The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy – MIFTAH
  145. The Rights Forum
  146. The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP)
  147. Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA (Australia)
  148. United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel (UNJPPI)
  149. University Network for Human Rights
  150. University of KwaZulu-Natal Decoloniality Action Group
  151. US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
  152. Visualizing Palestine
  153. Viva Salud
  154. Vrede vzw
  155. West African Human Rights Defenders Network
  156. Women in Black Vienna
  157. Women Now for Development
  158. Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
  159. World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
  160. Yemen Future Foundation for Culture & Media Development

The ELSC Demands Accountability After Police Repression in Berlin on 15th of May 2022

Last week, the ELSC sent a letter to UN Special Rapporteurs on contemporary forms of racism, on freedom of opinion and expression, and on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, following its previous communication alerting on urgent threats to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in Berlin ahead of Nakba day.

On 13 May 2022, the Berlin police, with a stamp of approval from Berlin’s Higher Administrative Court, prohibited public gatherings to be held over the weekend in commemoration of the 74 years of the Nakba and in remembrance of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian journalist killed by the Israeli army. The police’s decision was based on unfounded allegations, using a language that amount to Anti-Palestinian racism, and constituted an arbitrary and disproportionate limitation to fundamental freedoms, as stated in our first communication.

On 15 May 2022, individuals spontaneously took to the streets of Neukölln to observe a moment of silence in honour of the slain journalist. In different locations in Berlin, they were met with brutal police repression. Police officers used a kettling technique to encircle and detain groups of people, to collect their personal details and individually photograph them.

Activist Ramsy Kilani, who was manhandled by police officers, recounts:

Beyond media attacks, anti-Palestinian racism has by now reached a new level of violent repression and crackdowns on anything visibly Palestinian in Germany. As Palestinians, we were not even allowed to commemorate our tragedy, the Nakba, in silence, without being assaulted and having our fundamental rights abolished by the police and official institutions in Berlin. These attacks on us and on me personally have retraumatized me, but they have not succeeded in taking our will to resist this injustice and to continue the struggle for Palestinian human rights”.

The police intervention represents an egregious and targeted limitation of fundamental freedoms enshrined in German basic law, European Human Rights Law and international law.

Against this backdrop, Human Rights Watch also raised concerns about the incidents, designating the pre-emptive ban as “an extreme restriction that effectively works as a collective punishment on those who wish to peacefully assemble, based on speculation over potential unlawful acts of a minority”. Manu Pineda, Member of the European Parliament, asked the EU Commission to determine that the ban on protests violates Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

The ELSC, therefore, ask the relevant UN Special Rapporteurs to: a) request an explanation from the competent authorities of the City of Berlin; b) publicly denounce the violations of the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the right of non-discrimination; c) take the necessary steps to ensure that any of the person(s) responsible for the alleged violations are hold accountable.

Read the letter

Photo: cc Montecruz Foto | 14.05.2021 – Free Palestine demo in Berlin


Urgent Communication: Imminent Threat to the Rights of Freedom of Expression and of Association and the Right of Non-discrimination in Berlin

Last week, the Berlin police prohibited public gatherings organised by civil society organisations in Berlin Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Palästina Spricht and Samidoun, planned to take place over the following weekend to commemorate the 74 years of the Nakba (the forced transfer of hundreds of Palestinians from their homeland). In the face of this imminent threat to the rights of freedom of expression and of association and the right of non-discrimination, the ELSC sent an urgent letter to the UN Special Rapporteurs on racism, on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, and on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly.

Download the letter

To the kind attention of:

Ms. E. Tendayi Achiume, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;

Ms. Irene Khan, Special Rapporteur for freedom of opinion and expression;

Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and of association..


I have the honour to address you in my capacity as Programme Director of the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), a human rights organisation that provides free legal advice and assistance to associations and individuals advocating for Palestinian rights in mainland Europe and the United Kingdom.

In this connection, I would like to bring to the attention of your Excellencies, information we have received concerning the prohibition of public gatherings organised by three organisations, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Palästina Spricht and Samidoun, on 13, 14 and 15 May 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

According to the information received:

Public gatherings were planned to take place on 13, 14 and 15 May 2022 in the City of Berlin in commemoration of the 74th anniversary of the expulsion of the Palestinians from their homeland. Three applications for interim measures to suspend the prohibitions were rejected by the Berlin Administrative Court.

The Berlin Police justifies the prohibition by making the claim that an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic atmosphere is likely to occur. It states that the majority of participants in the demonstration will be from the Arab diaspora and from Muslim-influenced groups, and that “experience has shown that this clientele currently has a clearly aggressive attitude and is not averse to violent action”. According to the Police, “gatherings that critically discuss the fate of Palestinians in Israeli-occupied territories are thus likely to mobilise people who, in specific cases, may be tempted to take actions or make statements that are not compatible with German legislation”.

In Europe, where freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of peacefully assemblies are guaranteed, this is a worrisome development. I wish to express my concern that these measures represent a blatant, arbitrary and disproportionate limitation to these freedoms as guaranteed by Articles 5 and 8 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (“Grundgesetz”), by Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and by Articles 19 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In addition, the allegations and language used in the prohibition are expressed with unjustifiable condescendence toward the German Palestinian community and amount to Anti-Palestinian racism, a form of anti-Arab racism that aims to silence, exclude, erase, stereotype, defame or dehumanize Palestinians or their narratives, in violation of the right of non-discrimination established by article 14 ECHR and article 26 ICCPR.

Therefore, I urge you to take action to: a) request an explanation from the competent authorities of the City of Berlin; b) publicly denounce the violations of the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the right of non-discrimination; c) take the necessary steps to ensure that any of the person(s) responsible for the alleged violations are held accountable.

Please accept, Excellencies, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Giovanni Fassina
Programme Director, ELSC

Picture: Palestine solidarity protest in Berlin, credit Hossam el-Hamalawy (Flickr)