Case Update

VICTORY FOR DR GHASSAN ABU SITTAH: ELSC and ICJP overturn Schengen-wide travel ban 

May 15, 2024 

Berlin, Administrative court Potsdam slams German Federal Police: Schengen-Information-System entry for Prof. Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah has no legal basis and is to be revoked immediately after an emergency appeal by ELSC lawyer Alexander Gorski with support from lawyers from the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP). This effectively ends the Schengen-area travel ban imposed on Prof. Dr. Abu Sittah by German authorities. He was previously prevented from entering Germany, France and most recently the Netherlands. 

The court’s ruling follows ELSC lawyer Alexander Gorski’s arguments in all points and recognizes the urgency of the case vis-a-vis developments in Gaza. The court rejects all accusations by German Federal Police against Dr Abu Sittah and holds that the Federal Police provided no grounds according to the legal basis provided by Art. 24 EU-Verordnung 2018/1861 and § 30 Abs. 5 BundespolizeiG. 

This victory cannot be overstated

Alexander Gorski shares: “German police delivered a surprisingly weak reasoning for the entry ban issued against Dr Ghassan Abu Sitta in front of the court. By rejecting it as lacking any substantial evidence, the court affirms our case and calls the entire investigation into question. Professor Ghassan worked tirelessly to help Palestinians in Gaza, in dreadful conditions, and yet he has faced such unfair treatment upon his return.  
This decision means that Ghassan’s freedom of expression and freedom of movement are no longer under threat, and he can speak out about what he witnessed in Gaza. This victory cannot be overstated.” 

This victory highlights the illegality of Germany’s increasingly authoritarian anti-Palestinian state repression and should encourage everyone to speak up against the ongoing genocide on Gaza. We thank Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah for his courage in speaking up against the crimes he has witnessed first handedly and against the shameful attempt by the German state to silence critics of the genocide it is funding. Abu Sittah is due to speak on the 17th May 2024 to Dutch MPs and in public events organised by civil society organisations and at the University of Amsterdam. 

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC) is the first and only independent organisation defending and empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe through legal means. We provide free legal advice and assistance to associations, human rights NGOs, groups and individuals advocating for Palestinian rights in mainland Europe and the United Kingdom. 

  1.  For press inquiries for Alexander Gorski and the ELSC, please contact Karim Bohnhoff
  2. For press inquiries for ICJP, please contact

Sieg für Dr GHASSAN ABU SITTAH: ELSC und ICJP kippen Schengen-weites Einreiseverbot  

15. Mai 2024  

Berlin, Verwaltungsgericht Potsdam rügt deutsche Bundespolizei: Die Schengen-Einreise für Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah entbehrt jeder rechtlichen Grundlage und ist sofort zu widerrufen. Das Urteil folgt auf einen Eilantrag des ELSC Anwalts Alexander Gorski mit Unterstützung von Anwälten des International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP). Damit ist das von den deutschen Behörden gegen Prof. Dr. Abu Sittah verhängte EU-Einreiseverbot nichtig. Zuvor war er an der Einreise nach Deutschland, Frankreich und zuletzt in die Niederlande gehindert worden.  

Das Gericht folgt den Argumenten des ELSC-Anwalts Alexander Gorski in allen Punkten und erkennt die Dringlichkeit des Falles angesichts der Entwicklungen in Gaza an. Das Gericht weist alle Vorwürfe der deutschen Bundespolizei gegen Prof. Dr. Abu Sittah zurück und stellt fest, dass die Bundespolizei keinerlei Begründung gemäß der Rechtsgrundlage des Art. 24 EU-Verordnung 2018/1861 und § 30 Abs. 5 BundespolizeiG vorweisen kann. 

Dieser Erfolg kann nicht hoch genug geschätzt werden

Alexander Gorski kommentiert: „Die Bundespolizei hat vor Gericht eine überraschend schwache Begründung für das gegen Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta erlassene Einreiseverbot geliefert. Indem das Gericht sie als nicht stichhaltig zurückweist, bekräftigt es unser Anliegen und stellt die gesamten polizeilichen Ermittlungen in Frage. Professor Ghassan hat Palästinenser*innen in Gaza unter schrecklichsten Bedingungen unermüdlich geholfen, und dennoch wurde er nach seiner Rückkehr so ungerecht behandelt.   

Diese Entscheidung bedeutet, dass Prof. Abu Sittah Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und Freizügigkeit nicht mehr bedroht ist. Er kann wieder frei darüber sprechen, was er in Gaza erlebt hat. Dieser Erfolgkann nicht hoch genug geschätzt werden.“  

Dieser Erfolgverdeutlicht die Rechtswidrigkeit der zunehmend autoritären anti-palästinensischen Repression durch den deutschen Staat und sollte jeden ermutigen, seine Stimme gegen den anhaltenden Völkermord in Gaza zu erheben. Wir danken Prof. Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah für seinen Mut, sich gegen die Verbrechen auszusprechen, die er mit eigenen Augen miterlebt hat. Ebenso ächten wir den beschämenden Versuch des deutschen Staates, Kritiker*innen des von ihm finanzierten Völkermords zum Schweigen zu bringen.  Abu Sittah wird am 17. Mai 2024 mitniederländischen Abgeordneten und vor zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen an der Universität Amsterdam sprechen.  

Das European Legal Support Center (ELSC) ist die erste und einzige unabhängige Organisation, die die Palästina-Solidaritätsbewegung in Europa mit rechtlichen Mitteln verteidigt und stärkt. Wir bieten Verbänden, Menschenrechts-NGOs, Gruppen und Einzelpersonen, die sich für die Rechte der Palästinenser*innen auf dem europäischen Festland und im Vereinigten Königreich einsetzen, kostenlose Rechtsberatung und -hilfe an.  

  1. Für Presseanfragen an Alexander Gorski und ELSC wenden Sie sich bitte an Karim Bohnhoff:
  2. Für Presseanfragen zu ICJP wenden Sie sich bitte an
Urgent call

Avoid Assisting in the Forcible Deportation & Transfer of  Human Rights Defender Salah Hamouri

Urgent Appeal to Commercial Airlines


Israel has recently announced it will imminently deport Palestinian human rights defender Salah Hamouri, an act that could be a serious violation of international law. We, the undersigned human rights organizations, call on commercial airlines to do everything in their capacity to refuse to assist in what could constitute a war crime by refusing to transport individuals undergoing unlawful forcible deportation and making a public statement to this effect.

The below document provides background to the case of Salah Hamouri, references the relevant legal obligations of commercial airlines, and sets out the practical steps commercial airlines need to take to ensure they are not contributing to serious violations of international law.


On 30 November 2022, the Israeli authorities informed imprisoned Palestinian-French human rights lawyer, Salah Hamouri, 37, that he will be forcibly deported to France from occupied East Jerusalem – his hometown – for “breach of allegiance” to Israel. Hamouri has been held in administrative detention since March 2022 without charge or trial on the basis of ‘secret evidence,’ and the decision to deport him follows Israel’s revocation of Hammouri’s permanent residency status in Jerusalem.1 Hamouri has said that he refuses deportation and will not willingly board a flight.

Hammouri’s deportation, which can take place any time from December 4, 2022, onwards, will be a clear escalation in Israel’s prolonged harassment and targeting of him through arbitrary arrests, travel bans, surveillance, and family separation. 

Unlawful deportations and residency revocations in occupied territory violate numerous provisions of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Hammouri’s deportation out of the occupied territory could constitute a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and potentially a war crime as per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In accordance with the Hague Regulations and the Fourth Geneva Convention, the protected population in an occupied territory, such as is the case in the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, does not have a duty of allegiance to the Occupying Power (Israel), the basis upon which Hamouri is to be deported. 2

According to a UN Experts’ statement on 2 December 2022

“Such unilateral, arbitrary measures taken by Israeli authorities in retaliation against Mr. Hammouri as a human rights defender, violate every principle and the very spirit of international law 


These measures set an extremely dangerous precedent for all Palestinians in Jerusalem. The international community must not remain silent and quietly watch this umpteenth violation”.3 Private commercial actors have a responsibility to respect human rights and international humanitarian law in their own activities. Where they fail to abide by those responsibilities in their activities and relationships, they risk contributing to grave violations and internationally recognized crimes.4UN Experts’ statement

In light of the above, we strongly urge commercial airlines to refuse and refrain from assisting the Israeli authorities in carrying out its inhumane, discriminatory, and likely unlawful forced deportation of Salah Hammouri.5 Moreover, we ask that commercial airlines running direct flights to France make a statement on their website stating their refusal to participate in any unlawful forcible deportations by Israel of the population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

At a time when Hammouri’s family and loved ones, Palestinian and international civil society, the United Nations, and states are calling on Israel to halt his forcible deportation and transfer and for Hammouri to be able to remain in his hometown, commercial airlines should review and act in accordance with the relevant set duties, namely those under international human rights and humanitarian law. 

Organizational signatories

  • Adalah Justice Project
  • Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  • Al-Haq, Law in Service of Man
  • Alice Rothchild, MD
  • Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights
  • Bisan Center for Research and Development
  • Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • Community Action Center, Al-Quds University
  • Democracy for the Arab World (DAWN)
  • Equipo Juridico Pueblos
  • European Legal Support Center (ELSC)
  • Freedom Archives
  • Human Rights Watch
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI)
  • Just Peace Advocates
  • Justice for Palestinians
  • Law for Palestine
  • Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
  • National Lawyers Guild, International Committee
  • National Lawyers Guild, Palestine Committee
  • Oakville Palestinian Rights Association (Canada)
  • Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos
  • Paz con Dignidad 
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • The Canadian BDS Coalition 
  • The Center for Constitutional Rights
  • The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy PIPD
  • The Palestinian Committee in Norway

 1 For more information concerning Hamouri’s case, see: and

2 For more analysis, see 

 3 UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, Israeli deportation order against French-Palestinian activist Salah Hamouri could constitute war crime: UN experts, 2 December 2022, 

4 DCAF, ICRC and the Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights, Fact Sheet: How does armed conflict impact responsible security management?, 

5 Over the years, commercial airlines around the world have been increasingly demonstrating commitment by refusing to accept forced deportations of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. See