
To Confront the Ongoing Nakba and Genocide: Resistance until Liberation and Return

Ongoing Nakba, Ongoing Genocide

For more than 76 years, the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime has maintained its system of domination and oppression through a strategy that is based on three pillars: forced displacement and transfer, colonization and apartheid. This regime consists of a plethora of policies, practices, and laws that result in the creation, sustainment, and augmentation of the longest standing displaced population in the world: 9.17 million Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons who continue to be denied their rights to reparations, including return, properties restitution and compensation, as enshrined in UNGA Resolution 194 of 1948. In addition, these pillars have resulted in Israel’s control of 85 percent of the land of Mandatory Palestine.

After more than seven months of Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Palestinians remain unprotected and continue to be killed, starved, tortured, besieged and forcibly displaced over and over again. Not only is Israel attacking a protected population, but is also taking measures to destroy the Palestinian population there, slowly, through the weaponization of aid to the point ofmalnutrition and famine, destruction of the healthcare infrastructure, and the denial of healthcare services.

Supported by its colonial allies, Israel has not only refused to ease its chokehold and genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, but has also intentionally denied the needed amount of aid reaching the
starved Palestinian population there, especially in the north, and deliberately obstructed the work of UNRWA and many other international agencies.

Palestinian refugees make up 81 percent of the population in Gaza. They are now also experiencing internal displacement with approximately 1.7 million Palestinians out of 2.3 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip being internally displaced. This represents a staggering 75 percent of the population, and marks one of the largest displacements since 1948. It is clear that the genocide in Gaza is not an isolated event but rather a component of the Ongoing Nakba, fulfilling Israel’s ultimate goal to control the maximum amount of Palestinian land, with the minimum number of Palestinians.

Escalated Suppression of Palestinians

Under the umbrella of the ongoing genocidal war on Gaza, Israel has escalated its suppression of Palestinians in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and in 1948 Palestine. Israel has intensified its policies of silencing Palestinian voices, land confiscation, bolstered by colonizer attacks and access restrictions, resulting in the killing of hundreds and forcibly displacing thousands of Palestinians.

Israeli forces have heavily targeted Palestinian cities and refugee camps in the West Bank through daily raids and incursions, killing residents and destroying public infrastructure and homes.

The number of arbitrary arrests has also skyrocketed with rampant reports of torture and ill-treatment, medical neglect, systematic abuse, beatings and attacks against prisoners. Additionally, the bodies of political prisoners continue to be denied dignified burial, as they are detained by the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime.

Ongoing Complicity

After 76 years of Ongoing Nakba, colonial states, with their domination of the international community, continue to provide support and impunity to the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime, while simultaneously ignoring its legal and moral responsibilities. Satisfied with only setting up public relations ploys and voicing empty concerns over the “humanitarian crisis”, western colonial powers continue to politically, financially and militarily support Israel. These states have become active agents of genocide, by weaponizing aid, supporting Israel in its “day after plans” including its ongoing campaign to defund, eliminate and replace UNRWA. While Israel still hasn’t provided evidence of its allegations, complicit states have deemed the most recent UN review of UNRWA as “insufficient” and continue to suspend the Agency’s funding.

Ongoing Resistance and Solidarity

Despite more than 76 years of displacement, oppression, and ethnic cleansing and genocide, the Palestinian people remain steadfast in their resistance against the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime in pursuit of their liberation. Palestinian resistance in all of its forms, in Mandatory Palestine and abroad, has been met with overwhelming solidarity from people of conscience across the globe, with the efforts of the global solidarity movement standing in stark contrast with clear moral and legal bankruptcy of colonial states and their leaders.

Now, more than ever, we reaffirm that the only solution to the Ongoing Nakba is a comprehensive rights-based decolonization framework, which will ensure the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights to self-determination and return. Palestinian resistance, combined with the sustained and strategic efforts of the global solidarity movement, is the only way through which the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip will end, Israel’s colonial-apartheid regime will be sanctioned and dismantled, and colonial states will be held accountable for their complicity.


  1. BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
  2. The Global Palestinian Refugee and IDP Network (GPRN) – 39 Organization
  3. Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  4. Plataforma Córdoba con Palestina
  5. Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU)
  6. Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  7. Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  8. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  9. The Palestine Committee in Norway
  10. Centre for Global Education
  11. The Palestinian Disability Coalition
  12. Trinity BDS
  13. Edmonton Small Press Association
  14. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  15. Asociación Paz con Dignidad
  16. Palestine Solidarity Alliance South Africa
  17. BDS Madrid
  18. Taafi
  19. AKAHATA – Argentina
  20. Palestine Updates/Badayl
  21. Baladi Center for Culture & Arts
  22. Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
  23. Xinye Public Interest Service Central
  24. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
  25. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network-IJAN AntiJAN Argentina
  26. Union of Students in Ireland
  27. Makan
  29. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)-Canada
  30. Sexual Rights Initiative
  31. Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearos
  32. Northern rivers friends of Palestine
  33. Australians for Palestine
  34. Free Palestine Coalition Naarm
  35. Muslim Counterpublics Lab
  36. Sare Lesbianista
  37. Palestinarekiko Erantzukizuna
  38. Association of Young Democrats
  39. Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía- APDHA
  40. Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality
  41. JUST-IS Interfaith Solidarity against Global Militarism and for Social Justice
  42. TU Dublin Students’ Union
  44. BDS Almería
  45. Mujeres de Negro de Isbilya
  46. Ontario Palestinian Rights Association
  47. Canada Palestine Association
  48. European Legal Support Center (ELSC)
  49. Lajee Center
  50. Lajee Celtic
  51. Loud Jew Collective
  52. Comhlamh Justice for Palestine
  53. Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  54. Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
  55. Jews Against the Occupation ’48 Australia
  56. Tzedek Collective
  57. International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
  58. Save Our Sacred Lands (SOSL)
  59. Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, University of Galway Students’ Union
  60. Housing and Land Rights Network – Habitat International Coalition
  62. The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in Southwest Asia and
    North Africa (WHRDMENA)
  63. Solidarity Rising
  64. Equipo de Implementación del Decenio Afrodescendiente en España
  65. Uhuru Valencia
  66. Gaza Action Ireland
  67. Movimento Solidaridade Sahara Occidental-Timor Leste
  68. Poitiers Palestine
  69. The Canadian BDS Coalition
  70. Portuguese Friendship Association with Western Sahara (AAPSO)
  71. BDS Murcia
  72. Conférération syndicale des forces productives – COSYFOP
  73. Pax Christi Victoria
  74. Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
  75. Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights
  76. Union of Solidarity teachers of Higher Education
  77. Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development
  78. Movement for Liberation from Nakba (MLN)
  79. Botsotso
  80. Palestine Land Society
  81. Iraqi Narratives Project
  82. Syndicat des Enseignants du Supérieur Solidaires (SESS)
  83. International Platform of Jurists for East Timor
  84. Workers for Palestine NL
  85. India Palestine Friendship Forum
  86. IPSN – India
  87. Seva Vardhini
  88. Indo-Palestine Solidarity Network
  89. Student Christian Movement of India
  90. Liverpool Friends of Palestine
  91. Presentation sisters
  92. IPA – India
  93. The Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness)
  94. Human development center
  95. Fraternity Association for Social and Cultural Work- Beirut Center
  96. Human Call Association
  97. Nuwat Association Social Solidarity Center
  98. AWID
  99. Tiro Association for Arts (TAA)
  100. Al-JANA Center
  101. Psychological and Social Development Association – Al Jalazon Refugee Camp
  102. Center for refugee rights – Aidoun
  103. Al-Hadaf KC
  104. Majed Abu Sharar Media Foundation (MASMF)
  105. Collective urgence Palestine
  106. Nahr Al-Bared Refugee Camp Youth
  107. Askar refugee camp’s Women Center
  108. The Popular Committee for Services in Tulkarm refugee camp
  110. National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training
  111. Al Houla Association
  112. PUSWP Bethlehem branch
  113. Kangaroo Sports Club – Lebanon
  114. Al Karmel Sport Center
  115. CPCCO – USA
  116. Al Houla Association
  117. Jaén con Palestina
  118. Cairdeas Falasteen Chonamara
  119. Azania Section of the Fourth International
  120. Ibdaa Foundation for Child Development
  121. Jouthor Association

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