Case Update

Dr Anna Younes Surveillance’s Case: the Fight Continues with Two New Lawsuits

On 2 November 2022, exactly three years after she discovered RIAS’ covert surveillance of her activities and after two legal victories, Dr Anna Younes launches two new lawsuits. She requests the Administrative Court of Berlin to find the preparation and transmission of the secret dossier on her unlawful, and she requests compensation.

On November 1 2019, RIAS/MBR shared a secret dossier it had compiled on Dr Anna Younes with the head of Die Linke/The Left, framing her as an anti-Jewish racist, sexist, and terrorist sympathizer. This led to her hasty disinvitation from a panel discussion held the next day by the political party Die Linke/The Left. Three years later, the scholar is continuing her legal battle against this surveillance and censorship.

Dr Younes has already two legal victories to her credit since the Berlin District Court ordered RIAS/MBR to provide Dr Younes access to the secret dossier and the Berlin Data Protection Authority (DPA) ruled that RIAS/MBR violated European data protection law. However, the DPA found the preparation and transmission of the dossier by RIAS/MBR lawful on the basis of their ‘legitimate interest’ in influencing political actors. In doing so, the DPA failed to motivate its decision and to take into consideration the fundamental rights, freedoms, and interests of the scholar.

Today, Dr Younes demands that the administrative court review the controversial DPA’s decision and acknowledge that RIAS/MBR’s surveillance and false labelling of Dr Younes as an anti-Jewish racist violated her right to privacy and right to reputation.

In addition, she is filing a new civil lawsuit so that judges finally find the preparation and transmission of the dossier unlawful and order RIAS/MBR to cease the collection of her personal data. Dr Younes will also request compensation for the ensuing harm inflicted by RIAS/MBR for over two years.

The two lawsuits are of paramount importance to challenge the repressive practices exercised by state-funded organisations such as RIAS Berlin and MBR. As long as German courts do not confirm their unlawfulness, those methods would become common-practice, unfettered and conducted without consideration of the individuals’s reputation and fundamental rights and freedoms. This is a crucial and collective legal battle.

Giovanni Fassina, Director of the ELSC.

Indeed, Dr Younes is not alone in facing smears, repression and censorship for exercising her freedom of expression and bringing the Palestinian narrative into the public discourse around racism. For this reason, third parties will also intervene in the administrative lawsuit to portray the extent of the harm inflicted by such surveillance practices.


Read more about the case and watch this video

Read and sign the support letter

Listen to the podcast featuring Dr Younes, Inna Michaeli and Alice Garcia (Advocacy and Communications Manager at ELSC

Donate to support Dr Younes in her legal battle as she reclaims her rights in court

Case Update Press Release

German Court Rules in Favour of Scholar Dr. Anna Younes in Digital Surveillance Case

European Legal Support Center (ELSC), Amsterdam and Berlin, May 17, 2022

On 6 May 2022, the Berlin District Court upheld Dr. Younes’ claims and ordered VDK – the German state-funded organisation that legally represents RIAS Berlin and MBR – to give Anna Younes access to data that the two civil society organisations had gathered on her and passed on to others. The information released so far reveals that RIAS and MBR have been collecting people’s personal data based on their “positions on Israel and BDS.”

In November 2019, RIAS and MBR created a secret dossier which depicted Dr. Younes as an anti-Jewish racist, terrorist sympathiser and sexist. The dossier was then sent to Katina Schubert, the head of the political party Die Linke/The Left in Berlin. This resulted in Dr. Younes’ exclusion from a public event organised by the party. This conduct infringed upon Dr. Younes’ right to privacy, freedom of expression, and academic freedom. RIAS/MBR’s actions amount to digital surveillance.

In March 2020, Dr. Younes, with the support of her lawyer and the ELSC, requested RIAS provide access to her personal data, based on data rights under EU Data Protection Law. RIAS/MBR refused. Therefore, she brought her case to the Berlin Data Protection Authority (DPA), and then to court. Additionally, she had to file two lawsuits at the beginning of April 2022, due to the non-processing of her case by the DPA.  

However, it was only after a public media campaign was launched and more than 1,000 scholars, organisations, artists, journalists and activists supported her, that the DPA finally acknowledged Dr. Younes’ right to access her data. On 2 May 2022, RIAS/MBR withdrew their original position that Dr. Younes had no right to access her data, released the secret dossier previously disseminated and finally acknowledged the merits of her claim. A few days later, the court also handed down its decision in favour of Dr. Younes.

Most importantly, RIAS/MBR admitted to collecting data on, “Dr. Younes’ positions on Israel and the BDS movement.” The latter is a classification that most likely derives from MBR/RIAS’ use of the contested “IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism”.

Dr. Anna Younes and the ELSC welcome the decision of the District Court and the reconciliatory reaction of the DPA. The ELSC expects the DPA to acknowledge that RIAS and MBR illegally passed the secret dossier on to Katina Schubert, which led to a violation of Dr. Younes’ privacy rights – amongst other things.

Following this victory, Dr. Younes and her lawyer will request damages in court as RIAS/MBR prevented her from accessing her information for approximately two years. It also remains to be clarified whether RIAS and MBR have been storing further data other than those revealed in the disseminated dossier. 

This is an important victory because organisations using the IHRA definition for the surveillance of Palestinian rights advocates will be required to provide access to the information they collect on individuals. We believe that this is not an isolated case and that there is a structural issue of profiling Palestinians and Palestinian rights advocates in Germany. This is what we intend to challenge further in court. This demeanour creates a chilling effect and limits democratic participation in public debate.” – Giovanni Fassina, Director of the ELSC.

Read more about the case and watch this video

Read and sign the support letter

Donate to support the case

Listen to the podcast featuring Dr Younes, Inna Michaeli and Alice Garcia (Advocacy and Communications Manager at ELSC)


ELSC Newsletter: April 2022

This month was marked by the launch of the campaign in support of German-Palestinian scholar Dr. Anna Younes. She is a German Palestinian academic who has been subjected to several disinformation campaigns and surveilled. In 2019, she discovered that a secret dossier circulated about her, distorting her academic work and other data to frame her as anti-Jewish racist, sexist and as a terrorist sympathizer. After two long years of proceedings with the Berlin Data Protection Authority that failed to issue a final decision on her case, Dr. Younes is now filing two lawsuits to seek justice.

This case illustrates the increasing violation of democratic principles with respect to Palestinian rights advocates across Europe and Germany in particular. It infringes on the right to privacyfreedom of expression and the participation in public life of anti-racist and decolonial advocates in Europe. Read here Middle East Eye’s report on the case.


Thanks to your support we aimed to raise more than 600 euros to sustain Dr. Younes’ legal costs. We need more help to cover the total costs of the lawsuits and support other advocates in Germany who might face surveillance as well.


Over 500 scholars, activists, artists, organisations and human rights defenders signed a letter to support Dr. Anna Younes and other scholars, activists and journalists against censorship and surveillance in Germany. Angela Davis, Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters and others signed the letter, join them!


Share the campaign on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.


Despite the harsh climate for Palestinian rights advocates in Germany, two new judgements delivered on the 21st of April and the 26th of April in Stuttgart shows us, again, that litigation to defend our fundamental rights works.

Palästinakomitee Stuttgart was targeted by several unfounded smear campaigns because of their support to the Palestinian-led BDS movement. In two different episodes, the City of Stuttgart withdrew the Committee’s access to the City’s website to advertise their activities, and the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Bank announced the termnation of their bank accounts. Both decisions where based on the German Parliament’s anti-BDS resolution (among other reasons).

The activists legally challenged those undemocratic decisions and the Courts gave them reason. The Administrative Court and the Regional Court of Stuttgart both held that the Bundestag’s anti-BDS resolution lacks any legal binding effect. The Administrative Court reaffirmed that the BDS movement does not incite hatred against the Jewish people, and that it must be protected from undue interference.


These decisions are consistent with a growing trend in German case law, which upholds the legitimacy of BDS. Read our analysis. Ahmed Abed, the lawyer who defended the Stuttgart activists, is also challenging the German Bundestag’s anti-BDS resolution with the Palestinian-Jewish-German team of activists BT3P.



In a decision delivered on 6 April 2022, the Commercial Court of Vienna endorsed the City of Vienna’s lawsuit, ruling against the BDS activists.


The Court’s decision is deeply problematic as it ignores the evidence submitted on behalf of the BDS activist, including legal opinions of renowned international and Israeli scholars. Furthermore, the Court ignored the existence of the Israeli system of apartheid towards Palestinians, a fact that is meticulously documented by organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B’tselem and the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


The BDS activist intends to appeal the decision and is ready, if necessary, to stand before the European Court of Human Rights to assert his fundamental right to freedom of expression.



The UK government is proposing an “anti-boycott bill” that, if passed, could dramatically affect individual and organisations’ ability to campaign for social and climate justice in the UK and around the world. We are proud to be among the 40+ organisations opposing this bill.


Share the campaign’s statement on Twitter and Instagram.


More than 170 organisations, including the ELSC, Human Rights Watch, Friends of the Earth, Avaaz and many others, joined the Stop Settlements Coalition calling to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative. We need 1 million signatures to push the EU to enact a ban on trade with illegal settlements in occupied territories, in line with its international law and EU trade obligations.


Push people to sign in sharing the petition on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.



Law For Palestine held a webinar on “The Anti-Semitism Label: Fighting Discrimination V. Silencing Critical Voices”. The webinar examined the IHRA definition of Anti-Semitism, which many states and institutions have endorsed as a tool to combat antisemitism. Our Director Giovanni Fassina joined Former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine Professor Richard Falk and Professor of International Law Neve Gordon in the panel.

This month, the ELSC also participated to the webinar “Enforcing Silence: the Criticism of Israel, freedom of expression and anti-Semitism label”, organised by the Community Action Center – Al-Quds University. The event presented the definitions of anti-Semitism, notably among EU countries, limitations on the academic freedom of opinion, journalists’ freedom of expression, and the persecution of critics of the ongoing Israeli policies and practices against the Palestinian people.


The ELSC will participate to a webinar organized by BRISMES on “Teaching Palestine in the Present”, on the 4th May 2022, 16:00-18:00 (UK time). Join us and register below.



The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) is looking for an experienced and driven Advocacy Expert who can strategically develop their understanding of, and relationships with, the institutions of the European Union and relevant bodies. The EU Advocacy Expert will support PNGO in amplifying the Palestinian narrative and the effectiveness of Palestinian advocacy efforts in the EU.


BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights opened its call for applications for its International Mobilization Course on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People  in Palestine from Sunday 24  July to Tuesday 2 August. A great opportunity for international advocates, researchers, activists, policy officers to gain a deeper understanding of a human rights based approach to international mobilisation for the rights of the Palestinian people.

If you would like to join the course, please fill the application form and send it, along with your CV, to before 16 May 2022.

Follow us on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn.

If you are interested in empowering the Palestine Solidarity Movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at
If you are a legal practitioner or a volunteer who wants to be part of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at



ELSC Newsletter: March 2022

Dear friend,
This month was marked by Women’s Rights Day as well as the Israeli Apartheid Week, where many students and activists organised events and protests to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and raise awareness about the Israeli apartheid. This week was not free from censorship, especially on campus, as shown by an incident in The Netherlands. We also share updates from the European Citizens’ Initiative Campaign as well as news from Germany, Austria, and a vacancy to work with us in the UK!


We are seeking a Legal Officer to oversee our cases and projects emanating from the UK. If you want to join a young and dynamic team and you’re passionate about defending Palestinian rights advocacy and UK law, apply before 17 April 2022.


The role will cover: a) overseeing casework and research on the repression of Palestinian rights advocates in the UK; b) providing legal advice to ELSC clients on their rights under UK domestic law and European human rights law; c) developing strategies and guides to defend those affected by restrictive policies; d) analysing relevant legislation and jurisprudence under UK and EU law; and e) organising and participating in workshops and advocacy events.

Share the vacancy on your social media: LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram.


Two months after the hearing in Vienna, BDS Austria is still waiting for a ruling by the Court on the lawsuit filed by the Municipality of Vienna over a social media post of the famous “Visit Apartheid” poster. The anti-SLAPP task force Protect the Protest interviewed BDS Austria about the SLAPP they are facing. The group shared a strong message:

“continue doing the work, build networks, and seek international support”


BDS Austria stands strong and keeps protesting against Israeli apartheid and against the attempts to silence them. It is time now to reinforce the pressure. Email directly the Mayor of Vienna to ask him to end this lawsuit.

EMAIL the Vienna Mayor



While the case of the Freedom of Information (FOI-WOB) request by The Rights Forum – that triggered a harsh smear campaign against the leading Dutch NGO – is still pending, the ELSC supported a new case of censorship in Leiden University.

Students for Palestine, a group of activist students in The Hague, organised a panel discussion on apartheid in Leiden University with South African and Palestinian scholars. Only a few days before the date of the event planned for the beginning of the Israeli Apartheid Week, the University refused to host the event, alleging that the chair – the well-respected scholar in anthropology and law Dina Zbeidy – was “not neutral”.

After hundreds of academics and students protested this breach of academic freedom and raised concerns of anti-Palestinian racism, the University accepted to host the event on a different campus, but again, required to replace the chair. As the students refused to give in to the pressure, Leiden University cancelled again the event, which eventually took place in a cultural venue in The Hague. This incident caught the attention of BIJ1 MP Sylvana Simons who raised a question in Parliament.

Read more here and join the 1700 students and scholars who signed the letter to Leiden University.

SIGN the support letter

DONATE to help us win more cases


Following the dismissal of 7 journalists and the publication of an extremely biased investigation by the Deutsche Welle (DW), Palestinian-Jordanian Farah Maraqa took the German state broadcaster to court and had a first hearing.  Farah Maraqa, who the ELSC is supporting, is determined to pursue her legal battle against her unsubstantiated termination.


The DW has set a very dangerous precedent for the freedom of the press in Germany. The fact that the IHRA definition was used as a frame of the investigation shows, again, the very worrying chilling effect of the definition on freedom of expression and on accurate reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Nevertheless, legal battles are worth undertaking since, in the past years, we have observed a coherent and positive case law on anti-BDS policies in Germany. In 8 decisions, German courts have consistently upheld the right of activists to use public facilities for BDS-related events, thus reaffirming the legitimacy of BDS.


This reinforces the lawsuit of the Bundestag 3 for Palestine (BT3P) aiming to repeal the German Parliament’s anti-BDS resolution and end this tactic of repression targeting Palestinian rights advocates.

DONATE to support the BT3P lawsuit


More than 170 organisations, including the ELSC, Human Rights Watch, Friends of the Earth, Avaaz and many others, joined the Stop Settlements Coalition calling to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) petition. We need 1 million signatures to push the EU to enact a ban on trade with illegal settlements in occupied territories, in line with its international law and EU trade obligations.


Read more about the ECI


In a joint letter with the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, we asked key EU institutions and Member States to uphold international law at the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council. We asked, in particular, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to condemn Israel’s apartheid and to call on Israel to revoke the unsubstantiated designation of the 6 prominent Palestinian CSOs.

At the occasion of the UN Human Rights Council, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT Michael Lynk also published its report. It concludes that Israel has been imposing an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and acknowledges the settler-colonial nature of Israel’s occupation and apartheid.


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If you are interested in empowering the Palestine Solidarity Movement in Europe, we welcome your one-time or monthly donations to the ELSC. For any inquiries, contact us at
If you are a legal practitioner or a volunteer who wants to be part of our movement in support of Palestinian rights advocates, please contact us at